America used the chemical weapons and are trying to blame Assad.



» Hacked Emails Reveal ?Washington-Approved? Plan to Stage Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The leaked emails, obtained by a hacker in Germany, feature an exchange (click here for screenshot) between Britam Defence’s Business Development Director David Goulding and the company’s founder Philip Doughty;


We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.

We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.

Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?

Kind regards

The fact that the plan involves delivering a CW (chemical weapon) that is “similar to those Assad should have,” clearly suggests that the idea is to stage a false flag chemical weapons attack that could be blamed on Assad by Gulf states like Qatar and NATO powers.


Has this hack exposed yet another American government war crime, a bloody big one this time?
» Hacked Emails Reveal ?Washington-Approved? Plan to Stage Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The leaked emails, obtained by a hacker in Germany, feature an exchange (click here for screenshot) between Britam Defence’s Business Development Director David Goulding and the company’s founder Philip Doughty;


We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.

We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.

Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?

Kind regards

The fact that the plan involves delivering a CW (chemical weapon) that is “similar to those Assad should have,” clearly suggests that the idea is to stage a false flag chemical weapons attack that could be blamed on Assad by Gulf states like Qatar and NATO powers.


Has this hack exposed yet another American government war crime, a bloody big one this time?

Has this hack exposed yet another American government war crime, a bloody big one this time?

As though anyone here is qualified to answer that question.
» Hacked Emails Reveal ?Washington-Approved? Plan to Stage Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The leaked emails, obtained by a hacker in Germany, feature an exchange (click here for screenshot) between Britam Defence’s Business Development Director David Goulding and the company’s founder Philip Doughty;


We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.

We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.

Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?

Kind regards

The fact that the plan involves delivering a CW (chemical weapon) that is “similar to those Assad should have,” clearly suggests that the idea is to stage a false flag chemical weapons attack that could be blamed on Assad by Gulf states like Qatar and NATO powers.


Has this hack exposed yet another American government war crime, a bloody big one this time?

Maybe but this is months old and look what's just happened.
Asad's regime used the chemicals and is refusing the UN inspection team access.

That's the smoking gun.
Asad's regime used the chemicals and is refusing the UN inspection team access.

That's the smoking gun.

Israel refuses to allow UN teams to inspect their weapons.
What do you wish to do about that smoking gun?
Acting like a huckleberry does not change the situation, that Asad not letting the inspectors do their job is an admission of Syrian complicity and authorship of chemical weapon use against Syrians.

When the French and British and Turks, supported by American intelligence platforms and logistics, military units put and end to b'aathism and Baathists, then cry.
Sounds like "yellow journalism", you take such things as a credible source....why, Indofred?

If there was a plan to "stage" an attack in Syria by the USA, do you really thing they'd have planned it by E-mail, so easy to hack?

Sounds completely idiotic:doubt:
What Israel does is immaterial in relation to this situation.

Why don't you people leave Israel the **** alone?!

The first ones to suffer by Syria's hands if an attack occures, will be the Israeli children.
Asad's regime used the chemicals and is refusing the UN inspection team access.

That's the smoking gun.
You are such a nitwit Jakey boy.

Physical evidence would be a "smoking gun".

All we have here is Assad refusing to allow UN inspection teams.

Remember Saddam, his not allowing inspections in his country; and how nothing was found after the invasion? .. :cool:

Maybe but this is months old and look what's just happened.

If there was a plan to "stage" an attack in Syria by the USA, do you really thing they'd have planned it by E-mail, so easy to hack?

Sounds completely idiotic:doubt:

We have idiots running things everywhere. Look how easily Snowden blew the cover on NSA.
Acting like a huckleberry does not change the situation, that Asad not letting the inspectors do their job is an admission of Syrian complicity and authorship of chemical weapon use against Syrians.

When the French and British and Turks, supported by American intelligence platforms and logistics, military units put and end to b'aathism and Baathists, then cry.

The French are screaming for an attack.
The British are acting like lapdogs for the Americans who are itching to attack.

Why do you think the Syrians don't want inspectors in there?
Maybe but this is months old and look what's just happened.

If there was a plan to "stage" an attack in Syria by the USA, do you really thing they'd have planned it by E-mail, so easy to hack?

Sounds completely idiotic:doubt:

The fact it's stupid, isn't evidence.

True at some cases.

But if such a thing would have occured, you can be sure it would not have been done in E-mails.

Seriously, think.
Acting like a huckleberry does not change the situation, that Asad not letting the inspectors do their job is an admission of Syrian complicity and authorship of chemical weapon use against Syrians.

When the French and British and Turks, supported by American intelligence platforms and logistics, military units put and end to b'aathism and Baathists, then cry.

The French are screaming for an attack.
The British are acting like lapdogs for the Americans who are itching to attack.

Why do you think the Syrians don't want inspectors in there?

Because the Syrian military, under orders from Asad, gassed the Syrian people.

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