American Black Moms Are Dying at Staggering Rate. Kamala Harris Says It's Time to Address the Crisis

Kamala Harris on Black Maternal Mortality

The health status and the well-being of Black mothers should concern everyone.

Stupid bitch look to planned parenthood you stupid c*** not mention a lying ****

maybe that stupid bitch should look to facts not lies
upload_2019-5-22_9-32-56.png | L.E.A.R.N. Northeast
Kamala Harris on Black Maternal Mortality

The health status and the well-being of Black mothers should concern everyone.
If 36% of the black women who get abortions would stop going to planned parenthood to get their services then the mortality rate wouldn't be so high. Margaret Sanger(who Hillary adores) wouldn't believe how effective her organization is at removing the "weeds" of society...Margaret Sangers words not mine...

Doctor Kermit Gosnell found guilty of murdering infants in late-term abortions
Kamala Harris on Black Maternal Mortality

The health status and the well-being of Black mothers should concern everyone.
If 36% of the black women who get abortions would stop going to planned parenthood to get their services then the mortality rate wouldn't be so high. Margaret Sanger(who Hillary adores) wouldn't believe how effective her organization is at removing the "weeds" of society...Margaret Sangers words not mine...

Doctor Kermit Gosnell found guilty of murdering infants in late-term abortions

Yup. Margaret Sangers invented Planned Parenthood to do away with "lesser" people.

African Americans were her targets.
Kamala Harris on Black Maternal Mortality

The health status and the well-being of Black mothers should concern everyone.
Actually it is the never ending issue that is bordering on cutting the cord. In the 1980's there were people who wanted to round up people with HIV. Compassion ended that movement. But it would have saved us a lot of pain and suffering in the American culture. Today, the people saved have now threatened to exterminate a race and religion of people with no remorse from many. Ironically, an economic downturn in a big way would also kill people infected as there would be no medication to keep them alive. Hence, Obama's pain pills.
To paraphrase a prominent democrat politician "never let a tragedy go to waste if you can turn it into a political posturing event".
Last I checked the illegitimacy rate was 79%. This will continue until that # changes. Doy

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