American contradictions

You're that old?

My family is. We go back to before there was a United States of America. Back to places like the Massachusetts Bay Colony and groups like Sons of Liberty. We pass our history and values down in this family, from generation to generation, even when they don't agree with the versions taught in public schools.

Well, everyone has family that goes back a long way. Unless you know of anyone who spontaneously came into being.

You can have whatever values you like, as long as you abide by the law. However some of your values seem to be not very good.
Here are some of the contradictions.

The US loves Capitalism. It goes around the world spreading Capitalism.

It forced Bolivia to privatize its water industry. Foreign companies bought up the water industry, took all profits out of the country and left 1/4 of La Paz without clean water. Capitalism, it's great because America gets rich from it.

Steel tariffs so the US doesn't have to try and compete with other countries. Completely against Capitalism.

What a contradiction.

Pro-lifers who support wars and executions.

What a contradiction.

Well here's one that is similar to the first one. NFL, NBA, MSL

MLS stands alone as a closed shop in the world of football. Meet the two men trying to change that

The MSL, like other American sports leagues, has no relegation or promotion.

Manchester City who are top of the Premier League in England, were, 20 years ago, in the third division. Things change, they do better, they struggle and finally they get to the top (with a lot of oil money to help them). Bradford City were once in the top division then went down to the bottom division (and you can go lower than that too).

But in the US, failure is REWARDED, and success is penalized. It's very weird and goes against the concept of capitalism. It's protectionism again. The rich don't want to have to fight fair, they want their money to come in easily. So the US sets it up for them to have an easy ride.

Just like multi-nationals get massive, MASSIVE tax breaks to make them super competitive and make smaller companies not competitive at all. It benefits the top 0.1% again.

Just like Georgia wants to take tax breaks away from companies who don't support their politics, they diss the NRA, they lose their tax breaks. What the fuck. Capitalism it is not.

The US is going away from Capitalism and more towards a Chinese style system. When Trump jokes about being like Xi, the joke has a massive bitter aftertaste because you know the US is headed that way.

We are all going to die. Remember when dubya was declared martial law at he end of his second term so he could stay in power? Remember when the Token Nigro started a war so he wouldn’t have to show his birth certificate and so he could also stay in power? Go back and read in way old posts. You will be shocked to see the exact same sentiment you posted here.
We elected Donald Trump as our Commander in Chief.
If he decides to bomb N.Korea.
We will March to Pyongyang.
Little Kim is a cry baby.

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