American democracy is stupid

Americans are able to do this?

Is it funny?
This clown laid out a video of Muslims, but not Russian ,,,
1. The Russians are also fighting, as I said ...
2. On this forum there is an ass ... his name is "righwinger"
Russian culture

Very funny...
This "piece of video" is simply torn from another video ...
This is "Shrovetide" ..
When the Russians escorted to Winter, they gather and fight ...
The fight is very clearly regulated:
- The first blood - stop the fight
- You can not beat a person who lies
- Can not be kicked
- You can not beat "below the belt"
- You can not use "improvised means"

You are silly man
The official notification for users of this forum ...

An anonymous asexual being with an "avatar" is added to my list of "ignored creatures" ..
We live in a world where everyone can say "everything and everything" ...
But I believe that this creature should not have access to talk with me

I have reported you to the Internet Police

You can expect to be arrested in the middle of the night and hauled off with a smelly bag over your head
It is unlikely you will ever be heard of again

Last edited:
I'm fucking your mother ...
You can write me a message in private and show me your real address ...
But you, you scumbag ...
You'll never do it ...
So, puppy, shut up and never mind me ...
I'll punish you.
I'll find in real life

My address is 1313 Mockingbird Lane in Mockingbird Heights
My phone number is 867-5309
Should we "goad the former Soviet Union to reconstitute itself and engage us in an Industrial Automation race?"
Mocked ...
I can give all my real addresses and phone numbers ...
But only in a private message and the real right American guys ...
And who are you?
You - ass anonymous from the Internet, without education, without work ...
Say "thank you" that I'm wasting my time to answer you.

So shut up and be quiet.
I'll then look at your behavior
Russian culture

Very funny...
This "piece of video" is simply torn from another video ...
This is "Shrovetide" ..
When the Russians escorted to Winter, they gather and fight ...
The fight is very clearly regulated:
- The first blood - stop the fight
- You can not beat a person who lies
- Can not be kicked
- You can not beat "below the belt"
- You can not use "improvised means"
My phone number is 867-5309

- What language should I speak?
- We will fight? You'll never come to Russia, you'll piss about ..
- I can come to America, I have an apartment in Florida, Jacksonville ..
You can show me here: [email protected]
American boy...
You "crossed the red line" ...
I'm waiting for your message to my address, so you explain your ugly behavior
Then, I'll look at you, but I assure you that your message will not remain unanswered ...
You dare threaten me.
I'll answer you
Democracy is a terrible form of government when 51% finds out they can use government to steal from the 49% what they are too sorry to earn for themselves.
In Russia they say that Americans are idiots and have education at the level of children ...

... Blah-blah-blah ... More Selivan drivel

Pfft ... That's not near as bad as what the North Koreans say.
Imagine that ... Even North Koreans are better than Russians at insulting Americans ... Damn, y'all suck ... :21:

Democracy is a terrible form of government when 51% finds out they can use government to steal from the 49% what they are too sorry to earn for themselves.

We are pretty darn close.

Democracy can be legalized thievery when there is a majority of shitheads that have found out they can use the government to give them what they are to sorry to earn for themselves, just like authoritative communism or socialism.

The answer is a very strong Constitutional government that does not allow the government to take away individual liberty or is used for a redistribution of wealth and income. Our Constitution is a step in the right direction and was fine for when it was written but is weak now because of the Progressive butt pirates that have learned how to circumvent it.
Our Constitution suppose to guarantee individual Liberties and minimal interference from the filthy ass corrupt government. However, when Liberal assholes like Obama and Crooked Hillary take an oath to uphold the Constitution they immediately try to circumvent it to impose socialism.

The best thing would be for the American people to never elect Liberals or Progressives or whatever those butt pirates are calling themselves nowadays. Then our Democracy wouldn't be a problem like it is now with all the welfare queens stealing our money.

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