American Fascism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. To gauge how deeply corrupt Democrats/Liberals are- and this test applies, as well, to their supporters on this board- notice how often that their particular political view aims not to debate an argument in the marketplace of ideas, .. way of free speech.....

....but how often their aim is to silence opposing voices.

How often have we seen a Democrat/Liberal resort to this abbreviation of vulgarity: "STFU"?

And a prime example of Democrat/Liberal variety of American Fascism:

2. The Milwaukee Democrat District Attorney, John Chisholm, is simply one example of Democrat version of American Fascism. His response to opposing political views is to criminalize them, to threaten that critics could be prosecuted, and the use of armed, pre-dawned raids against conservative targets via his extraordinarily expansive “John Doe” investigations.

3. Wisconsin governor Scott Walker commented on Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm:

“I said even if you’re a liberal Democrat, you should look at (the raids) and be frightened to think that if the government can do that against people of one political persuasion, they can do it against anybody, and more often than not we need protection against the government itself,” Walker told the radio station.

“As [National Review] pointed out, there were real questions about the constitutionality of much of what they did, but it was really about people trying to intimidate people…” Walker said. “They were looking for just about anything. .... it was largely a political witch hunt.”

4. [Democrat District Attorney John Chisholm's] conduct included officers swarming into homes, taunting, yelling, denying access to lawyers, barging into sleeping kids’ rooms, threatening to batter down doors, and then demanding silence from the victims.

5. .... Walker’s comment was apparently too much for Chisholm, who broke his own (official) silence about the John Doe investigations with this remarkable statement:

“As to defamatory remarks, I strongly suspect the Iowa criminal code, like Wisconsin’s, has provisions for intentionally making false statements intended to harm the reputation of others,” Chisholm said in a statement Saturday responding to Walker’s comments."

a. [It was Chisholm who] launched years-long secret investigations and then placed gag orders — on pain of criminal punishment

6. The excesses of the John Doe investigations raise concerns that Wisconsin prosecutors are trying to criminalize political speech, and in response the lead prosecutor . . . threatens to criminalize political speech."
Wisconsin s Shame Rogue DA Breaks His Silence Threatens Critics with Prosecution National Review Online

It's time Democrats donned the official uniform: brown shirts.
Yes.. free speech is on the run. Even the attack in texas over the muhammad cartoon network is bringing out the left & much of the right, condemning such an action as 'provocative' & 'inflammatory'.

But the issue here is not what is proper for polite society, but what is allowed for a free society.

Are we going to keep our freedoms, or let them be slowly mitigated to accommodate those who might be offended?
Yes.. free speech is on the run. Even the attack in texas over the muhammad cartoon network is bringing out the left & much of the right, condemning such an action as 'provocative' & 'inflammatory'.

But the issue here is not what is proper for polite society, but what is allowed for a free society.

Are we going to keep our freedoms, or let them be slowly mitigated to accommodate those who might be offended?

Welcome to the board, fanny.

You are, of course, absolutely correct.

....except the clamping down on opposing speech isn't 'slow' for Liberals and Progressives.
Amazing how quickly they've become fascists.

American fascism comes in at least two corporate flavors.

"Scott Walker investigation and controversy[edit]
"Between 2010 and 2013, Chisholm's office investigated staff and campaign supporters of Scott Walker, then the Milwaukee County executive and the Governor of Wisconsin from 2011, through the state's 'John Doe' investigatory process, which is unique to Wisconsin.[5]

"This process permits prosecutors to call witnesses in closed hearings before a judge, who can compel testimony by granting witnesses immunity.[6] The investigation resulted in four felony convictions, including those of Timothy Russell and Kelly Rindfleisch, who had both served as deputy chiefs of staff for Walker.[7]

"Rindfleisch pled guilty in 2012 to one felony count of misconduct in office for raising money on county time for Brett Davis' failed bid for lieutenant governor.

"She was sentenced to six months in jail and three years of probation. She unsuccessfully appealed the conviction; her arguments that prosecutors violated her constitutional rights with overly broad search warrants were rejected by the Wisconsin Court of Appeals.[8]

"Russell was convicted of stealing more than $21,000 from a veterans organization, Operation Freedom, which Walker had named him to lead, and sentenced to 2 years in prison."

John T. Chisholm - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The gay marriage thing is another...

I posted on this in other threads..... "fascist " indeed..

She wasn’t dressed, but she started to run toward the door, her body in full view of the police. Some yelled at her to grab some clothes, others yelled for her to open the door. “I was so afraid,” she says. “I did not know what to do.” She grabbed some clothes, opened the door, and dressed right in front of the police. The dogs were still frantic. “I begged and begged, ‘Please don’t shoot my dogs, please don’t shoot my dogs, just don’t shoot my dogs.’ I couldn’t get them to stop barking, and I couldn’t get them outside quick enough. I saw a gun and barking dogs. I was scared and knew this was a bad mix.”

She got the dogs safely out of the house, just as multiple armed agents rushed inside. Some even barged into the bathroom, where her partner was in the shower. The officer or agent in charge demanded that Cindy sit on the couch, but she wanted to get up and get a cup of coffee. “I told him this was my house and I could do what I wanted.” Wrong thing to say. “This made the agent in charge furious. He towered over me with his finger in my face and yelled like a drill sergeant that I either do it his way or he would handcuff me.”

They wouldn’t let her speak to a lawyer. She looked outside and saw a person who appeared to be a reporter. Someone had tipped him off.

For the family of “Rachel” (not her real name), the ordeal began before dawn — with the same loud, insistent knocking. Still in her pajamas, Rachel answered the door and saw uniformed police, poised to enter her home. When Rachel asked to wake her children herself, the officer insisted on walking into their rooms. The kids woke to an armed officer, standing near their beds

The entire family was herded into one room, and there they watched as the police carried off their personal possessions, including items that had nothing to do with the subject of the search warrant — even her daughter’s computer. And, yes, there were the warnings. Don’t call your lawyer. Don’t talk to anyone about this. Don’t tell your friends. The kids watched — alarmed — as the school bus drove by, with the students inside watching the spectacle of uniformed police surrounding the house, carrying out the family’s belongings. Yet they were told they couldn’t tell anyone at school

Read more at: Wisconsin s Shame I Thought It Was a Home Invasion National Review Online
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American fascism comes in at least two corporate flavors.

"Scott Walker investigation and controversy[edit]
"Between 2010 and 2013, Chisholm's office investigated staff and campaign supporters of Scott Walker, then the Milwaukee County executive and the Governor of Wisconsin from 2011, through the state's 'John Doe' investigatory process, which is unique to Wisconsin.[5]

"This process permits prosecutors to call witnesses in closed hearings before a judge, who can compel testimony by granting witnesses immunity.[6] The investigation resulted in four felony convictions, including those of Timothy Russell and Kelly Rindfleisch, who had both served as deputy chiefs of staff for Walker.[7]

"Rindfleisch pled guilty in 2012 to one felony count of misconduct in office for raising money on county time for Brett Davis' failed bid for lieutenant governor.

"She was sentenced to six months in jail and three years of probation. She unsuccessfully appealed the conviction; her arguments that prosecutors violated her constitutional rights with overly broad search warrants were rejected by the Wisconsin Court of Appeals.[8]

"Russell was convicted of stealing more than $21,000 from a veterans organization, Operation Freedom, which Walker had named him to lead, and sentenced to 2 years in prison."

John T. Chisholm - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If these are the two flavors of corporate fascism, and the comparable leftist fascism is the erosion of free speech, I'll opt for corporate fascism. Theft in increments that are tiny compared to the typical heists by corrupt government officials, coupled with people engaging in non-work activities during billable hours, seems considerably less intrusive and dangerous than the erosion of free speech.

Just throwin that out there :)

In defense of your equivocation of corporate fascism and lefty fascism, corporate fascism offers flavors far worse than this relatively trivial shit you've linked.

So, bad example, but point taken.
American fascism comes in at least two corporate flavors.

"Scott Walker investigation and controversy[edit]
"Between 2010 and 2013, Chisholm's office investigated staff and campaign supporters of Scott Walker, then the Milwaukee County executive and the Governor of Wisconsin from 2011, through the state's 'John Doe' investigatory process, which is unique to Wisconsin.[5]

"This process permits prosecutors to call witnesses in closed hearings before a judge, who can compel testimony by granting witnesses immunity.[6] The investigation resulted in four felony convictions, including those of Timothy Russell and Kelly Rindfleisch, who had both served as deputy chiefs of staff for Walker.[7]

"Rindfleisch pled guilty in 2012 to one felony count of misconduct in office for raising money on county time for Brett Davis' failed bid for lieutenant governor.

"She was sentenced to six months in jail and three years of probation. She unsuccessfully appealed the conviction; her arguments that prosecutors violated her constitutional rights with overly broad search warrants were rejected by the Wisconsin Court of Appeals.[8]

"Russell was convicted of stealing more than $21,000 from a veterans organization, Operation Freedom, which Walker had named him to lead, and sentenced to 2 years in prison."

John T. Chisholm - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

6. Of course, not every Liberal is a Fascist.

Heather Digby Parton, at the very left Salon, spoke out against the actions of Democrat District Attorney John Chisholm's persecutions.

"Having said that, there is something very disturbing about this tale. It is true that the FBI confiscated people’s home computers and that the subjects of those subpoenas were told to keep their mouths shut because of the nature of the investigation. Authorities have never denied staging early morning raids and storming the houses as if there was a dangerous terrorist inside. It’s pretty clear they did all that. It is hard to see why such tactics would be necessary.

... there was no reason for a swarm of government agents to show up at a government employee’s house at 6:45 a.m., storm though the house yelling and screaming over a subpoena in a corruption probe. It’s difficult to believe they couldn’t have calmly handed her the subpoena and asked her respectfully to show them where her computers and other materials were. It’s intimidation, pure and simple. And needless to say there’s no reason to go raiding houses like you’re taking Fallujah; in pursuit of small time drug dealers; or those who fail to show up for court appearances."
The National Review s police-state hypocrisy Ferguson protesters deserved it but Scott Walker probe crosses the line -

"....It’s intimidation, pure and simple."

" least one leftist journalist at one leftist publication can see that [Democrat] law enforcement went too far."
Wisconsin s Shame Even Salon Agrees the Raids Were Wrong National Review Online

Voters who are willing to overlook this behavior share the blame as fascist facilitators, with tacit approval and latent complicity.

New Democrat bumper-sticker: "Speak Up And Be Put Down!"
Where have we seen this in recent history?
You know where.

7. " ...the raids here were in some ways worse even than the abusive raids we so often see in the drug war and other criminal investigations.

Here, the [Democrat/Liberal] DA was often investigating “crimes” that weren’t crimes at all but rather constitutionally protected issue advocacy.

Even when the DA was ostensibly investigating actual potential criminal misconduct, his targets were chosen not so much on the basis of actual evidence but rather proximity to the hated Scott Walker.

Also, few (if any) victims of unjust police raids are slapped with secrecy orders that prevent them from not only defending themselves publicly but also from sharing the burden of the experience with friends and family." Wisconsin s Shame Even Salon Agrees the Raids Were Wrong National Review Online

It is not the methods of fascism that Democrats is only the name.

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48
The gay marriage thing is another...

I see you have proven to be a train hopping pigeon hole poster also...Since the GOP is all angel wings and halo's, it has to be, I have never seen a thread dismantling the corruption that occurs in the GOP, by a GOP member...Which can only mean one thing...Myopic ideologues..
New Democrat bumper-sticker: "Speak Up And Be Put Down!"
Where have we seen this in recent history?
You know where.

7. " ...the raids here were in some ways worse even than the abusive raids we so often see in the drug war and other criminal investigations.

Here, the [Democrat/Liberal] DA was often investigating “crimes” that weren’t crimes at all but rather constitutionally protected issue advocacy.

Even when the DA was ostensibly investigating actual potential criminal misconduct, his targets were chosen not so much on the basis of actual evidence but rather proximity to the hated Scott Walker.

Also, few (if any) victims of unjust police raids are slapped with secrecy orders that prevent them from not only defending themselves publicly but also from sharing the burden of the experience with friends and family." Wisconsin s Shame Even Salon Agrees the Raids Were Wrong National Review Online

It is not the methods of fascism that Democrats is only the name.

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48
Why yes, the religious right would have public trails and sentencing for those blasphemers if they had their whey...Might even put slogans about Gawd on our money...
1. To gauge how deeply corrupt Democrats/Liberals are- and this test applies, as well, to their supporters on this board- notice how often that their particular political view aims not to debate an argument in the marketplace of ideas, .. way of free speech.....

....but how often their aim is to silence opposing voices.

How often have we seen a Democrat/Liberal resort to this abbreviation of vulgarity: "STFU"?

And a prime example of Democrat/Liberal variety of American Fascism:

2. The Milwaukee Democrat District Attorney, John Chisholm, is simply one example of Democrat version of American Fascism. His response to opposing political views is to criminalize them, to threaten that critics could be prosecuted, and the use of armed, pre-dawned raids against conservative targets via his extraordinarily expansive “John Doe” investigations.

3. Wisconsin governor Scott Walker commented on Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm:

“I said even if you’re a liberal Democrat, you should look at (the raids) and be frightened to think that if the government can do that against people of one political persuasion, they can do it against anybody, and more often than not we need protection against the government itself,” Walker told the radio station.

“As [National Review] pointed out, there were real questions about the constitutionality of much of what they did, but it was really about people trying to intimidate people…” Walker said. “They were looking for just about anything. .... it was largely a political witch hunt.”

4. [Democrat District Attorney John Chisholm's] conduct included officers swarming into homes, taunting, yelling, denying access to lawyers, barging into sleeping kids’ rooms, threatening to batter down doors, and then demanding silence from the victims.

5. .... Walker’s comment was apparently too much for Chisholm, who broke his own (official) silence about the John Doe investigations with this remarkable statement:

“As to defamatory remarks, I strongly suspect the Iowa criminal code, like Wisconsin’s, has provisions for intentionally making false statements intended to harm the reputation of others,” Chisholm said in a statement Saturday responding to Walker’s comments."

a. [It was Chisholm who] launched years-long secret investigations and then placed gag orders — on pain of criminal punishment

6. The excesses of the John Doe investigations raise concerns that Wisconsin prosecutors are trying to criminalize political speech, and in response the lead prosecutor . . . threatens to criminalize political speech."
Wisconsin s Shame Rogue DA Breaks His Silence Threatens Critics with Prosecution National Review Online

It's time Democrats donned the official uniform: brown shirts.


It's just noise coming out of your pie-hole.

Noise, baby, noise.
The gay marriage thing is another...


The fact that you can't wrap your tiny head around the differences (apples and oranges) in you false analogy cartoon... is very telling.

And the Facebook one.... "for no reason"...??? If you can't smell the butthurt bullshit coming off that one.... Nigga' please.
New Democrat bumper-sticker: "Speak Up And Be Put Down!"
Where have we seen this in recent history?
You know where.

7. " ...the raids here were in some ways worse even than the abusive raids we so often see in the drug war and other criminal investigations.

Here, the [Democrat/Liberal] DA was often investigating “crimes” that weren’t crimes at all but rather constitutionally protected issue advocacy.

Even when the DA was ostensibly investigating actual potential criminal misconduct, his targets were chosen not so much on the basis of actual evidence but rather proximity to the hated Scott Walker.

Also, few (if any) victims of unjust police raids are slapped with secrecy orders that prevent them from not only defending themselves publicly but also from sharing the burden of the experience with friends and family." Wisconsin s Shame Even Salon Agrees the Raids Were Wrong National Review Online

It is not the methods of fascism that Democrats is only the name.

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48
Why yes, the religious right would have public trails and sentencing for those blasphemers if they had their whey...Might even put slogans about Gawd on our money...

This is the typical post of an apologist for Democrat's espousing fascism

a. You were afraid to comment on the OP....I'll call that an endorsement of Chisholm.

b. you engage in the default of every Liberal/Progressive/Democrat...and, as shown in the thread....fascist.
This bald-faced lie: 'the religious right would have public trails and sentencing for those blasphemers if they had their whey..."

You have truly become a bottom-feeder.
1. To gauge how deeply corrupt Democrats/Liberals are- and this test applies, as well, to their supporters on this board- notice how often that their particular political view aims not to debate an argument in the marketplace of ideas, .. way of free speech.....

....but how often their aim is to silence opposing voices.

How often have we seen a Democrat/Liberal resort to this abbreviation of vulgarity: "STFU"?

And a prime example of Democrat/Liberal variety of American Fascism:

2. The Milwaukee Democrat District Attorney, John Chisholm, is simply one example of Democrat version of American Fascism. His response to opposing political views is to criminalize them, to threaten that critics could be prosecuted, and the use of armed, pre-dawned raids against conservative targets via his extraordinarily expansive “John Doe” investigations.

3. Wisconsin governor Scott Walker commented on Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm:

“I said even if you’re a liberal Democrat, you should look at (the raids) and be frightened to think that if the government can do that against people of one political persuasion, they can do it against anybody, and more often than not we need protection against the government itself,” Walker told the radio station.

“As [National Review] pointed out, there were real questions about the constitutionality of much of what they did, but it was really about people trying to intimidate people…” Walker said. “They were looking for just about anything. .... it was largely a political witch hunt.”

4. [Democrat District Attorney John Chisholm's] conduct included officers swarming into homes, taunting, yelling, denying access to lawyers, barging into sleeping kids’ rooms, threatening to batter down doors, and then demanding silence from the victims.

5. .... Walker’s comment was apparently too much for Chisholm, who broke his own (official) silence about the John Doe investigations with this remarkable statement:

“As to defamatory remarks, I strongly suspect the Iowa criminal code, like Wisconsin’s, has provisions for intentionally making false statements intended to harm the reputation of others,” Chisholm said in a statement Saturday responding to Walker’s comments."

a. [It was Chisholm who] launched years-long secret investigations and then placed gag orders — on pain of criminal punishment

6. The excesses of the John Doe investigations raise concerns that Wisconsin prosecutors are trying to criminalize political speech, and in response the lead prosecutor . . . threatens to criminalize political speech."
Wisconsin s Shame Rogue DA Breaks His Silence Threatens Critics with Prosecution National Review Online

It's time Democrats donned the official uniform: brown shirts.


It's just noise coming out of your pie-hole.

Noise, baby, noise.

I couldn't have asked for a better endorsement of the truth of the OP.
1. To gauge how deeply corrupt Democrats/Liberals are- and this test applies, as well, to their supporters on this board- notice how often that their particular political view aims not to debate an argument in the marketplace of ideas, .. way of free speech.....

....but how often their aim is to silence opposing voices.

How often have we seen a Democrat/Liberal resort to this abbreviation of vulgarity: "STFU"?

And a prime example of Democrat/Liberal variety of American Fascism:

2. The Milwaukee Democrat District Attorney, John Chisholm, is simply one example of Democrat version of American Fascism. His response to opposing political views is to criminalize them, to threaten that critics could be prosecuted, and the use of armed, pre-dawned raids against conservative targets via his extraordinarily expansive “John Doe” investigations.

3. Wisconsin governor Scott Walker commented on Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm:

“I said even if you’re a liberal Democrat, you should look at (the raids) and be frightened to think that if the government can do that against people of one political persuasion, they can do it against anybody, and more often than not we need protection against the government itself,” Walker told the radio station.

“As [National Review] pointed out, there were real questions about the constitutionality of much of what they did, but it was really about people trying to intimidate people…” Walker said. “They were looking for just about anything. .... it was largely a political witch hunt.”

4. [Democrat District Attorney John Chisholm's] conduct included officers swarming into homes, taunting, yelling, denying access to lawyers, barging into sleeping kids’ rooms, threatening to batter down doors, and then demanding silence from the victims.

5. .... Walker’s comment was apparently too much for Chisholm, who broke his own (official) silence about the John Doe investigations with this remarkable statement:

“As to defamatory remarks, I strongly suspect the Iowa criminal code, like Wisconsin’s, has provisions for intentionally making false statements intended to harm the reputation of others,” Chisholm said in a statement Saturday responding to Walker’s comments."

a. [It was Chisholm who] launched years-long secret investigations and then placed gag orders — on pain of criminal punishment

6. The excesses of the John Doe investigations raise concerns that Wisconsin prosecutors are trying to criminalize political speech, and in response the lead prosecutor . . . threatens to criminalize political speech."
Wisconsin s Shame Rogue DA Breaks His Silence Threatens Critics with Prosecution National Review Online

It's time Democrats donned the official uniform: brown shirts.


It's just noise coming out of your pie-hole.

Noise, baby, noise.

I couldn't have asked for a better endorsement of the truth of the OP.

from the moron-ette that assured everyone Keystone was on the way and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

hows that working out ?

Democrat Chisholm's fascist attempts to muzzle free speech is hardly the only, or even the most prominent example......

8. " Americans learned in the IRS political targeting scandal that government enforcement power can be used to stifle political speech.

.. in Wisconsin, where a special prosecutor is targeting conservative groups that participated in the battle over Governor Scott Walker's union reforms.

... has hit dozens of conservative groups with subpoenas demanding documents related to the 2011 and 2012 campaigns to recall Governor Walker and state legislative leaders.

One subpoena also demands "all records of income received, including fundraising information and the identity of persons contributing to the corporation." In other words, tell us who your donors are.

The disclosure of conservative political donors has become a preoccupation of the political left across the country. In the heat of the fight over Governor Walker's reforms, unions urged boycotts of Walker contributors and published a list of Walker donors for boycotting.

The subpoena demand for the names of donors to nonprofit groups that aren't legally required to disclose them is especially troubling. Readers may recall that the Cincinnati office of the IRS sent the tax-exempt applications of several conservative groups to the ProPublica news website in 2012.
[ProPublica is a Democrat organization.]

... the effect is to limit political speech by intimidating these groups from participating in the 2014 campaign. Stifling allies of Mr. Walker would be an enormous in-kind contribution to Democrats. Even if no charges are filed, the subpoenas will have served as a form of speech suppression." Review Outlook Wisconsin Political Speech Raid - WSJ

Democrats....they should be required to wear their brown shirt in public.
1. To gauge how deeply corrupt Democrats/Liberals are- and this test applies, as well, to their supporters on this board- notice how often that their particular political view aims not to debate an argument in the marketplace of ideas, .. way of free speech.....

....but how often their aim is to silence opposing voices.

How often have we seen a Democrat/Liberal resort to this abbreviation of vulgarity: "STFU"?

And a prime example of Democrat/Liberal variety of American Fascism:

2. The Milwaukee Democrat District Attorney, John Chisholm, is simply one example of Democrat version of American Fascism. His response to opposing political views is to criminalize them, to threaten that critics could be prosecuted, and the use of armed, pre-dawned raids against conservative targets via his extraordinarily expansive “John Doe” investigations.

3. Wisconsin governor Scott Walker commented on Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm:

“I said even if you’re a liberal Democrat, you should look at (the raids) and be frightened to think that if the government can do that against people of one political persuasion, they can do it against anybody, and more often than not we need protection against the government itself,” Walker told the radio station.

“As [National Review] pointed out, there were real questions about the constitutionality of much of what they did, but it was really about people trying to intimidate people…” Walker said. “They were looking for just about anything. .... it was largely a political witch hunt.”

4. [Democrat District Attorney John Chisholm's] conduct included officers swarming into homes, taunting, yelling, denying access to lawyers, barging into sleeping kids’ rooms, threatening to batter down doors, and then demanding silence from the victims.

5. .... Walker’s comment was apparently too much for Chisholm, who broke his own (official) silence about the John Doe investigations with this remarkable statement:

“As to defamatory remarks, I strongly suspect the Iowa criminal code, like Wisconsin’s, has provisions for intentionally making false statements intended to harm the reputation of others,” Chisholm said in a statement Saturday responding to Walker’s comments."

a. [It was Chisholm who] launched years-long secret investigations and then placed gag orders — on pain of criminal punishment

6. The excesses of the John Doe investigations raise concerns that Wisconsin prosecutors are trying to criminalize political speech, and in response the lead prosecutor . . . threatens to criminalize political speech."
Wisconsin s Shame Rogue DA Breaks His Silence Threatens Critics with Prosecution National Review Online

It's time Democrats donned the official uniform: brown shirts.


It's just noise coming out of your pie-hole.

Noise, baby, noise.

I couldn't have asked for a better endorsement of the truth of the OP.

from the moron-ette that assured everyone Keystone was on the way and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

hows that working out ?


If you are referring to is a lie.

I never said any such thing.

But you can quote me on this:
you are a "spherical imbecile" because you are an "imbecile" no matter the angle at which you are viewed.

Bet you hear that all the time, huh?
"....It’s intimidation, pure and simple."

9. " LOS ANGELES — In a famously left-leaning Hollywood, where Democratic fund-raisers fill the social calendar, Friends of Abe stands out as a conservative group that bucks the prevailing political winds.

...perhaps 1,500 right-leaning players in the entertainment industry, Friends of Abe keeps a low profile and fiercely protects its membership list, to avoid what it presumes would result in a sort of 21st-century blacklist, albeit on the other side of the partisan spectrum.

Now the Internal Revenue Service is reviewing the group’s activities in connection with its application for tax-exempt status. Last week, federal tax authorities presented the group with a 10-point request for detailed information about its meetings with politicians like Paul D. Ryan, Thaddeus McCotter and Herman Cain, among other matters, according to people briefed on the inquiry.

Tax experts said that an organization’s membership list is information that would not typically be required. The I.R.S. already had access to the site’s basic levels, a request it considers routine for applications for 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.

Barack Obama is the first President to use the IRS against his political adversaries.

American Fascism under the name 'Democrat Party.'

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