American Horror Story in Real Life: Creepy Clowns Stalk California Town

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim

If you have coulrophobia, or even an aversion to clowns, you may not want to read this. Because there are a lot of clowns here and they're all doing something strange in the town of Wasco, California: They're wandering around late at night, clown-style.

Dressing up to wander the streets in clown makeup at night is, of course, not a crime in itself. But the people who are doing the dressing up must know that there are going to be some frightened townspeople, especially now that there's a creepy clown who literally stabs people to death with scissors in BROAD DAYLIGHT WHEN ANYONE CAN SEE OH MY GOD on television.

If I were living in Wasco, I would move out immediately. Nothing good comes from clowns. Nothing good will ever come from clowns. And I stand firm on this. Stop taking pictures of the clowns, citizens of Wasco! They're just lulling you into a false sense of comfort.

American Horror Story in Real Life Creepy Clowns Stalk California Town

People dress like clowns so the cannibals will not eat them....because they taste funny.

How do you know they taste funny?

Hmmmmmmmm ??


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