American Jan 6 Traitor Will Serve 7 Years. Sentenced to 6 Years

You KNOW the Russian collusion story was manufactured by Hillary and Obama. The fact that they're not being prosecuted shows the current state of "justice" in this country
I am currently holding my copy of Mueller's report in my hand.
I have read it cover to cover.
It is obvious you have not.
You are quoting Bill Barr's statement here which "technically" is accurate (because "collusion" isn't even really a thing) but is also misleading.
Trump's ties to Russia are numerous...and very dubious.
Trump is clearly Vlad Putin's bitch and his presidency, given what Moscow has on him, was a grave danger to our nation.
Barr only preempted the report's findings with the "no evidence of collusion" statement because he was counting on the majority of MAGAt Trumptards being too dimwitted and incurious to investigate further for themselves.
And here you proof.
I am currently holding my copy of Mueller's report in my hand.
I have read it cover to cover.
It is obvious you have not.
You are quoting Bill Barr's statement here which "technically" is accurate (because "collusion" isn't even really a thing) but is also misleading.
Trump's ties to Russia are numerous...and very dubious.
Trump is clearly Vlad Putin's bitch and his presidency, given what Moscow has on him, was a grave danger to our nation.
Barr only preempted the report's findings with the "no evidence of collusion" statement because he was counting on the majority of MAGAt Trumptards being too dimwitted and incurious to investigate further for themselves.
And here you proof.
The NYTimes reported last week that Trump set Barr and Durham to go after his enemies. After months of attempting to find anyone to prosecute they did find from the Italians evidence Trump was dealing financially with the Russian enemy.
I'm woke, I care about others and try to follow Christ like values. Interesting you anti woke types like the tough guy image, but everyone sees weak limp wrist gutless projection. Hope that helps.
So you are saying ole' Jesus liked Fudge Packers?
no, only the ones who left the rally ans stormed the Capitol, like Ashley Babbit did
She went in unarmed and yes angry, but how would you feel about being the scared cop who was armed, and that sought to shoot her first, and asked questions later ?? That would bother my concious for the rest of my day's if I were that cop.
She went in unarmed and yes angry, but how would you feel about being the scared cop who was armed, and that sought to shoot her first, and asked questions later ?? That would bother my concious for the rest of my day's if I were that cop.
Someone breaking into a secure facility during a violent riot doesn't get the benefit of the doubt.
She never would have been shot if she had stayed where she belonged...on the OUTSIDE of the window she crawled through.
I wonder what she expected to find on the other side of that window?
A welcoming committee with coffee and cookies maybe?
Naw. Like all the other wingnuts in The Capitol that day she probably thought it was all just a big lark.
Insignificant people getting to be sorta "important" for a day. Making a big spectacle of themselves to prove a point.
Now 1,000 of them have been sentenced for crimes and of course Babbitt is dead.
She is NOT a martyr though.
Just somebody who didn't survive their own stupidity.
That's just the way natural selection sometimes works.
She went in unarmed and yes angry, but how would you feel about being the scared cop who was armed, and that sought to shoot her first, and asked questions later ?? That would bother my concious for the rest of my day's if I were that cop.
She was angry because she got suckered by Trump's lies about the election and then chose to attack the Capitol along with thousands of other unhinged thugs. Trump is the cause of her death and she has herself to blame.
She was angry because she got suckered by Trump's lies about the election and then chose to attack the Capitol along with thousands of other unhinged thugs. Trump is the cause of her death and she has herself to blame.
See, this issue perfectly illustrates the ridiculousness of these (so called) Second Amendment advocates (nuts) and their ridiculous belief that their guns somehow keep them "safe" from what they believe is some sort of "tyrannical gub-ment."
They sit around in their dingy living rooms in their recliners all across America and pine for the day they just have to "take up arms" against this mythical, imaginary "beast."
But what they apparently don't take into account is people (LEO's and federal troops) actually SHOOTING BACK at them in their scenario.
They can't take it!
I mean, look how they squeal and cry about just ONE of their numbers being gunned down in the chaos of that day....and she had no visible weapon.
That was just a case of "when you start shit----shit just MIGHT happen!"
Can you imagine what the scene would have been had these MAGAt cockroaches tried to storm The Capitol bearing arms?
Every single one of them would have been mowed down (just like Ashli Babbitt) by, if not by Capitol and local police, then The National Guard, and if they couldn't do it then whatever troops needed to be called in for reinforcements.
It would be a bloodbath!
And can you imagine the collective whining and gnashing of teeth and "poor, poor victimhood" we'd be hearing from all these armchair wanna-be Rambos now?
It would be like their whining about Ashli Babbitt times a thousand!
Someone breaking into a secure facility during a violent riot doesn't get the benefit of the doubt.
She never would have been shot if she had stayed where she belonged...on the OUTSIDE of the window she crawled through.
I wonder what she expected to find on the other side of that window?
A welcoming committee with coffee and cookies maybe?
Naw. Like all the other wingnuts in The Capitol that day she probably thought it was all just a big lark.
Insignificant people getting to be sorta "important" for a day. Making a big spectacle of themselves to prove a point.
Now 1,000 of them have been sentenced for crimes and of course Babbitt is dead.
She is NOT a martyr though.
Just somebody who didn't survive their own stupidity.
That's just the way natural selection sometimes works.
I'll remember your word's everytime a criminal resist arrest. Thanks.
See, this issue perfectly illustrates the ridiculousness of these (so called) Second Amendment advocates (nuts) and their ridiculous belief that their guns somehow keep them "safe" from what they believe is some sort of "tyrannical gub-ment."
They sit around in their dingy living rooms in their recliners all across America and pine for the day they just have to "take up arms" against this mythical, imaginary "beast."
But what they apparently don't take into account is people (LEO's and federal troops) actually SHOOTING BACK at them in their scenario.
They can't take it!
I mean, look how they squeal and cry about just ONE of their numbers being gunned down in the chaos of that day....and she had no visible weapon.
That was just a case of "when you start shit----shit just MIGHT happen!"
Can you imagine what the scene would have been had these MAGAt cockroaches tried to storm The Capitol bearing arms?
Every single one of them would have been mowed down (just like Ashli Babbitt) by, if not by Capitol and local police, then The National Guard, and if they couldn't do it then whatever troops needed to be called in for reinforcements.
It would be a bloodbath!

It would be like their whining about Ashli Babbitt times a thousand!

I'll remember your word's when a thug criminal resist arrest when he is detained for questioning.
I'll remember your word's when a thug criminal resist arrest when he is detained for questioning.
So you now do accept these rioters were criminals and took their chance. 5 people died because Trump told these people to take the government and they attempted to, one of your Chumps got kill in the process because she was easily lead by Trump's lies.
She went in unarmed and yes angry, but how would you feel about being the scared cop who was armed, and that sought to shoot her first, and asked questions later ?? That would bother my concious for the rest of my day's if I were that cop.
That cop is not George Zimmerman or Kyle Rittenhouse. He did the right thing, and he'll still have issues with it. He took a life -- in the line of duty. His actions were ruled A-OK

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