American Jan 6 Traitor Will Serve 7 Years. Sentenced to 6 Years

Manafort was also an independent operator, and someone that didn't have just loyalties to Donald Trump, otherwise he had other dealings for making his money for an income in life, and this along his many avenues that he traveled down in his professional career in life.

Make the direct connections that ties Trump to Russia or just shut up already.
Except he was feeding the Russians election information from the Trump campaign and we know what the Russians did with that, but nice try.
LOL....he gave the Rusky's some polling data, which had people scratching their heads as why, and it wasn't a violation of any laws.

From your earth shattering article:

But Mueller’s team said it couldn’t “reliably determine” Manafort’s purpose in sharing it, nor assess what Kilimnik may have done with it — in part due to questions over Manafort’s credibility. The Senate committee also came up empty, though its report drew attention for its characterization of Kilimnik as a Russian intelligence officer.

Manafort got popped over it because he lied about doing it to the Feds, known as a process crime. He actually lied over not breaking any laws.

Beyond that Manafort wasn't with the campaign very long.
That's so the Russians could target more specifically their disinfirmation on Clinton. Why would the Russians even want this stuff other than to get their useful fool into the WH.
That's so the Russians could target more specifically their disinfirmation on Clinton. Why would the Russians even want this stuff other than to get their useful fool into the WH.
LOL....Keep trying.


"The special counsel's investigation was long, thorough and conclusive: There was no collusion. There is no constitutional crisis," Collins added. "As the report states, 'the evidence does not establish that the president was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference.' "

From your earth shattering article:

But Mueller’s team said it couldn’t “reliably determine” Manafort’s purpose in sharing it, nor assess what Kilimnik may have done with it — in part due to questions over Manafort’s credibility. The Senate committee also came up empty, though its report drew attention for its characterization of Kilimnik as a Russian intelligence officer.

But Shareprofit knows....heh heh heh,
You might like to suggest why a Russian stooge like Manafort was sharing election information with the Russian enemy. I'll wait.

Try this:

But Mueller’s team said it couldn’t “reliably determine” Manafort’s purpose in sharing it, nor assess what Kilimnik may have done with it — in part due to questions over Manafort’s credibility. The Senate committee also came up empty, though its report drew attention for its characterization of Kilimnik as a Russian intelligence officer.

Assessment of professionals.
Try this:

But Mueller’s team said it couldn’t “reliably determine” Manafort’s purpose in sharing it, nor assess what Kilimnik may have done with it — in part due to questions over Manafort’s credibility. The Senate committee also came up empty, though its report drew attention for its characterization of Kilimnik as a Russian intelligence officer.

Assessment of professionals.
Yeah insufficient level of proof to take to court. Anyway what do you think the Russians were doing with this election information?
Yeah insufficient level of proof to take to court. Anyway what do you think the Russians were doing with this election information?
Proof to take to court? It isn't violation of US law.
They targeted their disinformation to those states.
"Herein lies at least one answer to the question of why Russia would want the Trump campaign’s polling data: it potentially offered demographic targets for Russia’s bots and propaganda." Why Would Paul Manafort Share Polling Data with Russia?
It doesn't matter about any of that bull crap, because first off the target (any target), has to already be of like mind or of somewhat in agreement with a narrative whether it is a false narrative that tickles the brain or a truth in order to persuade the mind to do anything be it this or be it that......... The narrative is either geared toward igniting or awakening those who are asleep on certain issue's that relate to American politics or American culture not Russian culture or politics or it wouldn't work.

People (any people), are either against or for certain ideologies, standard's, culture's or lifestyles. All it takes is to awaken them somehow, so is that what the left thinks happened, and is that what the left are so damned mad about ???

So I ask this - What was the target being targeted with, otherwise what was the overall message that was supposed to trigger an American to vote be it one way or the other in the American election ????
We know that that former mouth piece Michael Cohen paid off Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. Stormy Daniels) with a check for One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($130,000). We know Mr. Cohen did so at the direction of and behest of the Traitor. We also know Mr. Cohen in turn received an endorsed check for the same amount from the Traitor himself. These facts are part of the court record. This money was paid to Ms. Clifford to prevent her from talking about her extra-marital affair with the Traitor.

We also know that former National Enquirer Michael Pecker paid former Playboy Model One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) for her story about an extra-marital affair with the Traitor, that story was never published. Mr. Pecker is now talking to the Manhattan D.A. about these events, yes folks the Traitor has a leaking pecker. What the Traitor's leaking pecker did is known as "Catch and Kill". Pay for a story, but never publish that story.

We also know that the Traitor never reimbursed his leaking pecker for killing the McDougal story.

We also know that the leaking pecker paid to a fine of One Hundred Eight-Seven Thousand Dollars ($187,000.00) for violating Federal Campaign laws for paying Ms. McDougal for her story that was published.

These are what are called "Facts", denying the facts or these fact fake news does change anything. The facts are the facts, no matter how much MAGA MAGGOTS hate those facts.
We know that that former mouth piece Michael Cohen paid off Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. Stormy Daniels) with a check for One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($130,000). We know Mr. Cohen did so at the direction of and behest of the Traitor. We also know Mr. Cohen in turn received an endorsed check for the same amount from the Traitor himself. These facts are part of the court record. This money was paid to Ms. Clifford to prevent her from talking about her extra-marital affair with the Traitor.

We also know that former National Enquirer Michael Pecker paid former Playboy Model One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) for her story about an extra-marital affair with the Traitor, that story was never published. Mr. Pecker is now talking to the Manhattan D.A. about these events, yes folks the Traitor has a leaking pecker. What the Traitor's leaking pecker did is known as "Catch and Kill". Pay for a story, but never publish that story.

We also know that the Traitor never reimbursed his leaking pecker for killing the McDougal story.

We also know that the leaking pecker paid to a fine of One Hundred Eight-Seven Thousand Dollars ($187,000.00) for violating Federal Campaign laws for paying Ms. McDougal for her story that was published.

These are what are called "Facts", denying the facts or these fact fake news does change anything. The facts are the facts, no matter how much MAGA MAGGOTS hate those facts.
Nothing the leftist can say or do will ever clean up their record of despicable nastyness, otherwise to be found in comparison. Just know this, the leftist won't be done making idiot's of themselves anytime soon. That's a given. The left are their own worst enemies. Fact.
It doesn't matter about any of that bull crap, because first off the target (any target), has to already be of like mind or of somewhat in agreement with a narrative whether it is a false narrative that tickles the brain or a truth in order to persuade the mind to do anything be it this or be it that......... The narrative is either geared toward igniting or awakening those who are asleep on certain issue's that relate to American politics or American culture not Russian culture or politics or it wouldn't work.

People (any people), are either against or for certain ideologies, standard's, culture's or lifestyles. All it takes is to awaken them somehow, so is that what the left thinks happened, and is that what the left are so damned mad about ???

So I ask this - What was the target being targeted with, otherwise what was the overall message that was supposed to trigger an American to vote be it one way or the other in the American election ????
There are people who are easily influenced, the ones likely to be suckered by Trump's lies, they're the ones the Russians targeted in marginal states.
Easy. Perverts. Or those who support Perverts. Dragos and Trannys.
I'm woke, I care about others and try to follow Christ like values. Interesting you anti woke types like the tough guy image, but everyone sees weak limp wrist gutless projection. Hope that helps.

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