American Jim Crow & Racism Explained

Thanks, but I'm not catering to your delusional racial obsessions.

I'll translate for Frank:

"NOOO! History? NOOO! :lalala: "

And I love the way Frank puts his post up TWO MINUTES after the OP ...... with a video that takes seventeen minutes to watch.


I said I wasn't catering to his absurd racist notions, why they fuck would I watch a stupid video?


I'm gonna go waaaaaaaaaaaaay out on a limb here and hazard a guess: "to know what the fuck you're talking about when you post".

Yes or No: We just had a black guy as President of the USA

Where is that in the video? Gimme a time stamp.
Thanks, but I'm not catering to your delusional racial obsessions.

I'll translate for Frank:

"NOOO! History? NOOO! :lalala: "

And I love the way Frank puts his post up TWO MINUTES after the OP ...... with a video that takes seventeen minutes to watch.


I said I wasn't catering to his absurd racist notions, why they fuck would I watch a stupid video?


I'm gonna go waaaaaaaaaaaaay out on a limb here and hazard a guess: "to know what the fuck you're talking about when you post".

Yes or No: We just had a black guy as President of the USA
Option 3. WTF does that have to do with the point?

Yes or No: We just had a black guy as President of the USA
Thanks, but I'm not catering to your delusional racial obsessions.

I'll translate for Frank:

"NOOO! History? NOOO! :lalala: "

And I love the way Frank puts his post up TWO MINUTES after the OP ...... with a video that takes seventeen minutes to watch.


I said I wasn't catering to his absurd racist notions, why they fuck would I watch a stupid video?


I'm gonna go waaaaaaaaaaaaay out on a limb here and hazard a guess: "to know what the fuck you're talking about when you post".

Yes or No: We just had a black guy as President of the USA

Where is that in the video? Gimme a time stamp.
Come on. Youre not going to fall for his deflection? He cant speak on the information in the video because it changes his world view to listen to it.
And by a white guy to boot...

Before you post, especially to our white self-proclaimed conservatives on here, please have watched the video in it's entirety. And if there are any objections to his historical reference, please specify which one/s exactly.


To be honest I did try to watch the whole video; I skimmed it. One, the narrator is annoying as hell in his "allow me to translate American history for "uneducated" people tone." Two, this is history that apparently thousands of viewers commented they'd never before heard of or learned. Three, the video--judging by the comment section beneath it--has encouraged many viewers to express hatred for America. Four, your OP is a trap crafted to catch and expose USMB racists with lighter skin tones; the video is the bait. Five, the OP, the video and the spirit of the thread are intellectually dishonest and disingenuous.

So one day, OP, you were surfing along minding your own business and just happened to discover a video on-the-line that just happened to contain epiphanic information thousands of its viewers had never learned either in K-12 public school or at university? Does this not smell like propaganda to you? And further, one must question the intent of the video's author. Did he compose and upload the video for educational purposes? Did he upload it for the purpose of uniting or dividing American citizens? Or, did he compose and upload the video for personal gain in the form of views, self-aggrandizement and subscriber dollars?

Your schtick is using media such as this video as self-convincing proof of an inferno of white racism which you want and apparently need to believe is burning down America. The act of people possessed of skin tones you have no way of identifying over the internet entering the thread and post angry or disagreeable comments only serves to further perpetuate your inner-narrative of living life as an oppressed martyr.

The problem here is a lack of understanding of Live and Let Live. Live and let live is not good enough for you. Live and prosper by your own effort and personal responsibility is a concept you are voluntarily deaf to, at least here online. Tell me, where in today's America do you see your people oppressed by our government, other than through the political ideology of Democratic Party Identity Politics? At the hands of law enforcement? What about Black law enforcement officers who apply our laws violently to Black civilians? Are they too Egyptian warrior-traitors keeping their people in chains?

You've allowed propaganda like this video to define you, instill hatred within you, and set you on an endless quest for vengeance against generations of fellow Americans who had nothing to with the great oppression out of history you refuse to let go of. Do you really fear a return to Jim Crow Laws? Are you really afraid of history repeating itself here in our America of today? Tell me, are you American first, or Black first?

Young, angry, full of hate and violent is in no way a beneficial goal toward which to inspire new generations. Do you really believe someone like yourself will raise an army from all of this hatred and lead it to some kind of successful vengeance against the so-called white man's government? If you are so courageous, why do you demand special protected status behind political race warfare traps and power words no one else can utter without persecution?

You want people to fear you, and then after they do, you want to accuse their fear as racism. You want people to hate you same as you hate them, and after they do, their hate (but never your hate) is racist. You want people to coexist in peace, and after they do, in your endless self-martyrizing unhappiness, you want to bring back around your reason for hating them, and not living in peace, originally. The passage of time is the growth of scar tissue; a process of healing historical wounds you refuse to allow to heal the rift and the wound between your people and other people. Why is that?
White Protestants:


Klansmen march down Broadway in Long Branch, N.J. to celebrate its newly-established headquarters in the city.

George Rinhart/Corbis— Getty Images

By Olivia B. Waxman

Updated: October 24, 2017 11:10 AM ET

In the months since violence at a white-nationalist gathering in Charlottesville, Va., the national conversation has often focused on the history of white supremacy in the United States, and how much broader that history is in its impacts and geography than is often assumed. That aspect is highlighted in a new book about the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s, The Second Coming of the KKK by two-time Bancroft Prize winner Linda Gordon, which puts modern anti-immigration and antisemitic rhetoric in context. In fact, though the KKK is best known for its racist attacks, other forms of hate have long been part of its history.

It was in the 1920s that the Klan was revived, its popularity spread through the infamous 1915 film Birth of a Nation, and soon became a truly massive social movement in the North, with some five million members. The Klan as it exists today is a more direct offshoot of the iteration that emerged during that time period in North, often in locations with very small African-American populations. What those places did have was a surge of immigrants coming to the U.S. in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Soon, the racist rhetoric of the original KKK was joined by anti-immigrant rhetoric directed at Catholics (accused of worshiping a Pope who sought to impose authoritarian rule), non-white immigrants like the Chinese and Japanese, and European immigrants not considered white enough, i.e. Italians and Eastern European Jews.

How the KKK's Influence Spread in Northern States


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And by a white guy to boot...

Before you post, especially to our white self-proclaimed conservatives on here, please have watched the video in it's entirety. And if there are any objections to his historical reference, please specify which one/s exactly.


To be honest I did try to watch the whole video; I skimmed it. One, the narrator is annoying as hell in his "allow me to translate American history for "uneducated" people tone." Two, this is history that apparently thousands of viewers commented they'd never before heard of or learned. Three, the video--judging by the comment section beneath it--has encouraged many viewers to express hatred for America. Four, your OP is a trap crafted to catch and expose USMB racists with lighter skin tones; the video is the bait. Five, the OP, the video and the spirit of the thread are intellectually dishonest and disingenuous.

So one day, OP, you were surfing along minding your own business and just happened to discover a video on-the-line that just happened to contain epiphanic information thousands of its viewers had never learned either in K-12 public school or at university? Does this not smell like propaganda to you? And further, one must question the intent of the video's author. Did he compose and upload the video for educational purposes? Did he upload it for the purpose of uniting or dividing American citizens? Or, did he compose and upload the video for personal gain in the form of views, self-aggrandizement and subscriber dollars?

Your schtick is using media such as this video as self-convincing proof of an inferno of white racism which you want and apparently need to believe is burning down America. The act of people possessed of skin tones you have no way of identifying over the internet entering the thread and post angry or disagreeable comments only serves to further perpetuate your inner-narrative of living life as an oppressed martyr.

The problem here is a lack of understanding of Live and Let Live. Live and let live is not good enough for you. Live and prosper by your own effort and personal responsibility is a concept you are voluntarily deaf to, at least here online. Tell me, where in today's America do you see your people oppressed by our government, other than through the political ideology of Democratic Party Identity Politics? At the hands of law enforcement? What about Black law enforcement officers who apply our laws violently to Black civilians? Are they too Egyptian warrior-traitors keeping their people in chains?

You've allowed propaganda like this video to define you, instill hatred within you, and set you on an endless quest for vengeance against generations of fellow Americans who had nothing to with the great oppression out of history you refuse to let go of. Do you really fear a return to Jim Crow Laws? Are you really afraid of history repeating itself here in our America of today? Tell me, are you American first, or Black first?

Young, angry, full of hate and violent is in no way a beneficial goal toward which to inspire new generations. Do you really believe someone like yourself will raise an army from all of this hatred and lead it to some kind of successful vengeance against the so-called white man's government? If you are so courageous, why do you demand special protected status behind political race warfare traps and power words no one else can utter without persecution?

You want people to fear you, and then after they do, you want to accuse their fear as racism. You want people to hate you same as you hate them, and after they do, their hate (but never your hate) is racist. You want people to coexist in peace, and after they do, in your endless self-martyrizing unhappiness, you want to bring back around your reason for hating them, and not living in peace, originally. The passage of time is the growth of scar tissue; a process of healing historical wounds you refuse to allow to heal the rift and the wound between your people and other people. Why is that?

Live and let live huh? Why do whites want us to live and let live when whites cant do the same?
To be honest I did try to watch the whole video; I skimmed it. One, the narrator is annoying as hell in his "allow me to translate American history for "uneducated" people tone." Two, this is history that apparently thousands of viewers commented they'd never before heard of or learned. Three, the video--judging by the comment section beneath it--has encouraged many viewers to express hatred for America. Four, your OP is a trap crafted to catch and expose USMB racists with lighter skin tones; the video is the bait. Five, the OP, the video and the spirit of the thread are intellectually dishonest and disingenuous.

So one day, OP, you were surfing along minding your own business and just happened to discover a video on-the-line that just happened to contain epiphanic information thousands of its viewers had never learned either in K-12 public school or at university? Does this not smell like propaganda to you? And further, one must question the intent of the video's author. Did he compose and upload the video for educational purposes? Did he upload it for the purpose of uniting or dividing American citizens? Or, did he compose and upload the video for personal gain in the form of views, self-aggrandizement and subscriber dollars?

Your schtick is using media such as this video as self-convincing proof of an inferno of white racism which you want and apparently need to believe is burning down America. The act of people possessed of skin tones you have no way of identifying over the internet entering the thread and post angry or disagreeable comments only serves to further perpetuate your inner-narrative of living life as an oppressed martyr.

The problem here is a lack of understanding of Live and Let Live. Live and let live is not good enough for you. Live and prosper by your own effort and personal responsibility is a concept you are voluntarily deaf to, at least here online. Tell me, where in today's America do you see your people oppressed by our government, other than through the political ideology of Democratic Party Identity Politics? At the hands of law enforcement? What about Black law enforcement officers who apply our laws violently to Black civilians? Are they too Egyptian warrior-traitors keeping their people in chains?

You've allowed propaganda like this video to define you, instill hatred within you, and set you on an endless quest for vengeance against generations of fellow Americans who had nothing to with the great oppression out of history you refuse to let go of. Do you really fear a return to Jim Crow Laws? Are you really afraid of history repeating itself here in our America of today? Tell me, are you American first, or Black first?

Young, angry, full of hate and violent is in no way a beneficial goal toward which to inspire new generations. Do you really believe someone like yourself will raise an army from all of this hatred and lead it to some kind of successful vengeance against the so-called white man's government? If you are so courageous, why do you demand special protected status behind political race warfare traps and power words no one else can utter without persecution?

You want people to fear you, and then after they do, you want to accuse their fear as racism. You want people to hate you same as you hate them, and after they do, their hate (but never your hate) is racist. You want people to coexist in peace, and after they do, in your endless self-martyrizing unhappiness, you want to bring back around your reason for hating them, and not living in peace, originally. The passage of time is the growth of scar tissue; a process of healing historical wounds you refuse to allow to heal the rift and the wound between your people and other people. Why is that?
There's a lot to be addressed in your response, including the fact that you didn't watch the video in it's entirety, however, just these two observations are necessary.

1. You start off by saying "Live and Let Live", essentially agreeing to everything that was said in the video

but then you turn right around and jump, head-first, into

2. Calling it propaganda

You contradict yourself in your own response.

Makes no sense.

Note: This is me putting it in the nicest way possible.
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Yes or No: We just had a black guy as President of the USA
Yes or No: Did CrusaderFrank want said President of the USA?
Yes or No: Did CrusaderFrank want to see said President of the successful ?
Yes or No: Did CrusaderFrank participate in the backlash to said President of the USA by way of so-called "Tea Party" et. al?
Yes or No: Was CrusaderFrank happy to have a black guy as President of the USA?
So whites haven't changed since Jim Crow, or did they just get better at hiding their evil intentions for minorities?
The only thing that's changed is the physical location of the plantation....but rest assured the dems don't want blacks to leave it....
So whites haven't changed since Jim Crow, or did they just get better at hiding their evil intentions for minorities?
The only thing that's changed is the physical location of the plantation....but rest assured the dems don't want blacks to leave it....
Why is it that the Dems are the only party to put a Black person in office as the POTUS?
Why is it that the Dems are the only party to put a Black person in office as the POTUS?
It gave them what they craved...the white house what a stupid question....
So how is giving Blacks the white house keeping them on the plantation? I mean why would you give Black people that much power if you wanted them to stay on the plantation? Thats like teaching Blacks to read during slavery right?
So how is giving Blacks the white house keeping them on the plantation?
Because you voted for more of the same....they give you just not quite enough and you give them your vote....a perfect storm....they get rich and you stay poor and jobless....
So how is giving Blacks the white house keeping them on the plantation?
Because you voted for more of the same....they give you just not quite enough and you give them your vote....a perfect storm....they get rich and you stay poor and jobless....
So then are you saying right wing conservatives are on the plantation? You vote for more of the same and you stay poor and jobless while the people you vote for get richer.
So then are you saying right wing conservatives are on the plantation? You vote for more the same and you stay poor and jobless while the people you vote for get richer.
That's okay...stay sweat off my folks of color are taking advantage of the Trump economy...but you can stay on the democrat plantation where you belong.....
So then are you saying right wing conservatives are on the plantation? You vote for more the same and you stay poor and jobless while the people you vote for get richer.
That's okay...stay sweat off my folks of color are taking advantage of the Trump economy...but you can stay on the democrat plantation where you belong.....
Smart people of color like me were taking advantage of Obamas economy long before that orange tinted buffoon got into office. Now can you explain why so many conservatives are poorly educated and have a lower standard of living?
I'm surprised Obama didn't get assassinated like JFK and RFK did. One and only Catholic Potus.
Smart people of color like me were taking advantage of Obamas economy long before that orange tinted buffoon got into office. Now can you explain why so many conservatives are poorly educated and have a lower standard of living?
There is no explanation for your wild fantasies.....
Smart people of color like me were taking advantage of Obamas economy long before that orange tinted buffoon got into office. Now can you explain why so many conservatives are poorly educated and have a lower standard of living?
There is no explanation for your wild fantasies.....
Its no fantasy that conservative states are the poorest and least educated in the nation.

Blue States Barack Obama Won In 2012 Are More Educated Than Red States
To be honest I did try to watch the whole video; I skimmed it. One, the narrator is annoying as hell in his "allow me to translate American history for "uneducated" people tone." Two, this is history that apparently thousands of viewers commented they'd never before heard of or learned. Three, the video--judging by the comment section beneath it--has encouraged many viewers to express hatred for America. Four, your OP is a trap crafted to catch and expose USMB racists with lighter skin tones; the video is the bait. Five, the OP, the video and the spirit of the thread are intellectually dishonest and disingenuous.

So one day, OP, you were surfing along minding your own business and just happened to discover a video on-the-line that just happened to contain epiphanic information thousands of its viewers had never learned either in K-12 public school or at university? Does this not smell like propaganda to you? And further, one must question the intent of the video's author. Did he compose and upload the video for educational purposes? Did he upload it for the purpose of uniting or dividing American citizens? Or, did he compose and upload the video for personal gain in the form of views, self-aggrandizement and subscriber dollars?

Your schtick is using media such as this video as self-convincing proof of an inferno of white racism which you want and apparently need to believe is burning down America. The act of people possessed of skin tones you have no way of identifying over the internet entering the thread and post angry or disagreeable comments only serves to further perpetuate your inner-narrative of living life as an oppressed martyr.

The problem here is a lack of understanding of Live and Let Live. Live and let live is not good enough for you. Live and prosper by your own effort and personal responsibility is a concept you are voluntarily deaf to, at least here online. Tell me, where in today's America do you see your people oppressed by our government, other than through the political ideology of Democratic Party Identity Politics? At the hands of law enforcement? What about Black law enforcement officers who apply our laws violently to Black civilians? Are they too Egyptian warrior-traitors keeping their people in chains?

You've allowed propaganda like this video to define you, instill hatred within you, and set you on an endless quest for vengeance against generations of fellow Americans who had nothing to with the great oppression out of history you refuse to let go of. Do you really fear a return to Jim Crow Laws? Are you really afraid of history repeating itself here in our America of today? Tell me, are you American first, or Black first?

Young, angry, full of hate and violent is in no way a beneficial goal toward which to inspire new generations. Do you really believe someone like yourself will raise an army from all of this hatred and lead it to some kind of successful vengeance against the so-called white man's government? If you are so courageous, why do you demand special protected status behind political race warfare traps and power words no one else can utter without persecution?

You want people to fear you, and then after they do, you want to accuse their fear as racism. You want people to hate you same as you hate them, and after they do, their hate (but never your hate) is racist. You want people to coexist in peace, and after they do, in your endless self-martyrizing unhappiness, you want to bring back around your reason for hating them, and not living in peace, originally. The passage of time is the growth of scar tissue; a process of healing historical wounds you refuse to allow to heal the rift and the wound between your people and other people. Why is that?
There's a lot to be addressed in your response, including the fact that you didn't watch the video in it's entirety, however, just these two observations are necessary.

1. You start off by saying "Live and Let Live", essentially agreeing to everything that was said in the video

but then you turn right around and jump, head-first, into

2. Calling it propaganda

You contradict yourself in your own response.

Makes no sense.

Note: This is me putting it in the nicest way possible.

Look, each of us views our individual selves as having a specific dominant identity, follow? Now this dominant identity could be predicated upon many different traits or associations. Such associations being skin color, ethnicity, religion, biological sex, membership in a social or political or military organization, and so forth. The next logical question then is: do we allow others to define our identity or do we define it ourselves, or is it defined at birth? The logical question after that is: do we allow ourselves to use our dominant identity to oppress or otherwise harm people who belong to different dominant identities, or, do we allow someone else to use our identities to make coexistence with other dominant identity groups nearly impossible?

My opinion has not changed after watching your video in its entirety. The video does not teach, rather, it feeds a specific hunger in young minds for hatred, and offers justification for anti-patriotic reaction. And this kind of self-serving snake-oil salesman ideology ticks me off personally, because at the end of a long day at work, there's no reason in hell why when I am smoking a Camel (ha, ha) on my back patio, any one of my many black neighbors and I should automatically assume the worst about each other on sight over our different skin tones. That kind of indoctrinated automaton reaction is bullshit class warfare repackaged as race warfare.

This video justifies the use of our individual dominant identities as ultimate "fall back" positions from which to justify the loathing of other, different peoples, our nation and any effort to bridge social and cultural gaps and divides. The author does not want to unite Americans. He does not want to educate Americans. He does seek to further divide us and perpetuate a narrative of hatred on both sides, for the other side.

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