American "justice" fails again. Az rancher held on 1 million dollar bail for shooting a trespassing illegal.

The guy doesn't have any prior convictions so the judge needs to take that into consideration.

The lack of previous convictions would probably be more relevant in sentencing if convicted, perhaps skewing the years in prison closer to 10 than 25. The problem is that he opened fire on a group of migrants with an AK-47 while they were fleeing.

There is more than just the 2nd degree murder charge. He's also charged with 2 counts of assault with a deadly weapon for firing his gun at 2 of them as well.

That will probably push any sentence back up.
If I were to guess....I'd say that Kelly will probably go with a defense centered around his claims that cartel members with their own AK-47s threatened him earlier in the day. And that he mistook the group for the cartel members later.

But the 7 surviving migrants contradict Kelly's account. And Kelly's story has changed significantly and repeatedly according to prosecutors.

So.....based on what's been presented, I think Kelly may die in prison.
The faggot judge wouldn't even approve a phone call to his wife who was left alone at the ranch. He set his bail at 1 million dollars and now Gofundme has taken down his fund. What the fuck, is this America?

We're not a free fire zone.
That's about the same level of "evidence" that has been brought against this man. Sure why not, let's enter a fiction book as part of the prosecution that would fit right in with this travesty.

If the Fiction, was written before the event, and matches the event. Either we are watching one of those shitty Friday the 13th TV Series shows where a typewriter makes the murder mystery come true, or we have a man who has a disturbing fantasy life he decided to make real.

The problem I have is that his story doesn’t make sense. It just doesn’t.
If the Fiction, was written before the event, and matches the event. Either we are watching one of those shitty Friday the 13th TV Series shows where a typewriter makes the murder mystery come true, or we have a man who has a disturbing fantasy life he decided to make real.

The problem I have is that his story doesn’t make sense. It just doesn’t.
They downgraded the charges to 2nd degree only because of the well deserved criticism the courts are receiving. I never said he is innocent of shooting or killing the man. I don't know that and neither do you. All I have said is you wait for the ballistics report and forensic evidence to come out in THE TRIAL before you pass judgement on this man. That is what "innocent until proven guilty means". But of course knee jerk Liberals jump on the side of illegal trespassers because George Kelly is an old White man.
They downgraded the charges to 2nd degree only because of the well deserved criticism the courts are receiving. I never said he is innocent of shooting or killing the man. I don't know that and neither do you. All I have said is you wait for the ballistics report and forensic evidence to come out in THE TRIAL before you pass judgement on this man. That is what "innocent until proven guilty means". But of course knee jerk Liberals jump on the side of illegal trespassers because George Kelly is an old White man.

That’s funny. I seem to remember you giving the cops high fives for killing Tyre Nichols. Or any other minority. Talking about how we have to understand how the cops have a dangerous job.

Of course, you can’t make up your mind on this issue either. I’m not surprised. You see, you moan and complain about how dangerous the Border areas are, and how we have no idea what threats the people on the Border endure. Then of course, you say we need to wait for the information to come out.

What we know so far shows that the killing was not justified. In fact, nothing that good old George did was justified.

You can’t shoot over someone’s head as a warning shot. That is a Felony. It is called Aggravated Assault. Your prancing and dancing hasn’t changed that fact that by George’s own statement of what happened, he committed felonies that day. And who knows how many other days.

Second, his justification. Now, either the Border is a no mans land of lawlessness with armed thugs running amok, or it is not. Because if it is, and these supposed armed intruders on his property that this man said he shot at, are part of the violent Mexican Cartels, or they didn’t exist. Because those Violent Mexican Cartels would have fired at him and torn him up. And don’t claim that he scared them firing a few rounds over their heads.

They regularly engage in firefights with Police Convoys.

So telling me that a few rounds fired over their heads by a lone rancher scared them off, doesn’t make sense.

And these are not isolated incidents.

The State Department says don’t go to half a dozen Mexican States. They are too dangerous, just don’t go there. But hey, it turns out that these hard core Cartel Soldiers are just pussies. If the cops would go out one at a time on horseback and fire a few rounds over their heads, they would turn and run even if they were armed.

I’m saying the story doesn’t make sense. I’m saying the story told by the Rancher, good old George, is not true. It doesn’t make sense.

Because those cartel members, if he fired over their heads, would have killed him deader than hell and beheaded his wife dumping her head right in front of the Police Station. That’s what they’ve done just across the border there.

So the claim that he fired over their heads because he saw them armed with AK-47s is unlikely, to say the least.

Next his claim that these armed men killed one of the Illegals to set him up? Why? They don’t work that way. They slaughter wholesale, they don’t come up with a complicated shitty fiction script about setting the Protagonist up for a crime he didn’t commit.

These guys are so bad they could slaughter you at your dinner table and sit down and finish your meal, blood on it or not. Their power comes from their willingness to use overwhelming and brutal violence.

The Cops in Mexico travel in Convoys like our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq had to. Doesn’t that tell you anything about the folks we are talking about? They run around in armored vehicles like our MRAP’s. And still the Cartels attack the cops.

So good old George’s story doesn’t make sense. And he should have been arrested on the spot after he admitted to several Felonies. Again, firing rounds in the general direction of other people, is frowned upon in every single state of the Union.

But you run around like your asshole is on fire screaming that they’re convicting this man before the trial, and outrageous holding him without bail. How many times have you moaned and pissed about how awful it is that Cities and States are enacting Bail Reform? Letting those dirty dangerous criminals out of jail for nothing? They haven’t been convicted either have they?

No, I don’t know for certain what happened. But I know that what George said happened, almost certainly did not happen. And if he told the truth about popping rounds off over the heads of people, to scare them, then he committed a felony with each pull of the trigger. Another count of that felony. So good old George, by his own statement, is going to prison for the rest of his life at his age.
They downgraded the charges to 2nd degree only because of the well deserved criticism the courts are receiving. I never said he is innocent of shooting or killing the man. I don't know that and neither do you. All I have said is you wait for the ballistics report and forensic evidence to come out in THE TRIAL before you pass judgement on this man. That is what "innocent until proven guilty means". But of course knee jerk Liberals jump on the side of illegal trespassers because George Kelly is an old White man.

Of course he's 'innocent until proven guilty'. But we can discuss the likelyhood of his conviction based on what evidence we have. And the evidence we have doesn't look good for the defendant.

An exit wound isn't terribly difficult to identify. There were witnesses to the shooting. The casings fall on the ground where the shots were fired, the body where the man was shot.

And Arizona has no castle doctrine. You can only use deadly force for to protect your life, NOT to protect property.

The man was shot in the back a hundred yards from the defendant's home. That's going to be a hard sell for self defense.
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An exit wound isn't terribly difficult to identify. There were witnesses to the shooting. The casings fall on the ground where the shots were fired, the body where the man was shot.
The "witnesses" are illegal aliens and possibly members of a drug cartel. Maybe this guy pissed them off and they saw an opportunity to bump him off and set up the rancher for a murder charge. He should never have been booked on a murder one charge with a million dollar bail. That is presumption of guilt. It should have been manslaughter with no jail time until the ballistics report comes out. That is the only evidence that matters.
The "witnesses" are illegal aliens and possibly members of a drug cartel. Maybe this guy pissed them off and they saw an opportunity to bump him off and set up the rancher for a murder charge. He should never have been booked on a murder one charge with a million dollar bail. That is presumption of guilt. It should have been manslaughter with no jail time until the ballistics report comes out. That is the only evidence that matters.

You keep ignoring the crimes that George proudly told the cops he committed. Why is that?
The "witnesses" are illegal aliens and possibly members of a drug cartel. Maybe this guy pissed them off and they saw an opportunity to bump him off and set up the rancher for a murder charge. He should never have been booked on a murder one charge with a million dollar bail. That is presumption of guilt. It should have been manslaughter with no jail time until the ballistics report comes out. That is the only evidence that matters.
The witnesses are Mexican nationals residing in Mexico. The cartel allegation is completely without foundation.

Manslaughter/ Maybe as a plea..just as long as he does 10 years or more~
The "witnesses" are illegal aliens and possibly members of a drug cartel.

The first part is accurate. The second part is pure speculation, backed by nothing.

Why couldn't they be witnesses if they were illegal aliens? I don't understand why they couldn't testify to what they've seen. They've still got eyes, don't they?

Maybe this guy pissed them off and they saw an opportunity to bump him off and set up the rancher for a murder charge. He should never have been booked on a murder one charge with a million dollar bail. That is presumption of guilt. It should have been manslaughter with no jail time until the ballistics report comes out. That is the only evidence that matters.

He shot an unarmed man to death with an AK-47....who was a hundred yards from his home. The exit wound was in the man's chest, indicating he was was shot in the back. There were 7 witness to the attack confirm that's how it happened.

That's not an inconsiderable amount of evidence against Mr. Kelly. And more than adequate for arrest.

Second degree murder was absolutely the appropriate charge. There is no castle doctrine. You can't kill people for trespassing or in defense of property. You can only kill in self defense.

And shooting a fleeing man in the back is going to be a hard sell for self defense.
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