American "justice" fails again. Az rancher held on 1 million dollar bail for shooting a trespassing illegal.

Many of you are assuming it was a "simple trespass". Neither you nor anyone else knows the details of what happened. And Do you know these border ranchers have groups of armed men crossing their land and sometimes coming to THEIR DOOR demanding food and water and who knows what else? And these aren't just any illegals these are the guys who have evaded border patrol a.k.a gotaways. There is a reason they don't want to be processed. Again, my biggest beef is with that goddam judge and what he's doing to the man and his wife.
The rancher did not do himself any favors by writing a book..if one can call something of 57 pages as such...about the very scenario he now alleges took place. A gang of AK-47 toting illegals invading his ranch and his 'heroic' stand against them. Horse is involved, just like in his defense..and his wife has the same name as his character in the book. I can see this as the blueprint to his fantasy, quite easily.


Reporting by Nogales International and other news organizations said George Alan Kelly appears to be the very same George Alan Kelly who authored the novel “Far Beyond the Border Fence” and self-published it for sale on Amazon in 2013. The author describes the book as a “contemporary novel which brings the Mexican Border/Drug conflict into the 21st century.”
“The owner of the VMR ranch, located in southern Arizona, on the Border, discovers that two of the ranche’s prize quarter horses are missing and that his southern fence, leading into Mexico, has been cut. What follows will require a gallant effort, not only to retrieve his beloved horses and to rescue members of his family, but also to face an international plan to destroy twin American/Mexican cities,” the book’s description continued. George Kelly’s wife in the novel has the same name as his wife in real life, reports said.

Law&Crime reached out to Kelly’s lawyer for a response about the novel, which reportedly includes tales of “illegal immigrants […] led by armed human smugglers called Coyotes” — armed with AK-47s — threatening the “VMR ranch” (Kelly’s ranch is reportedly called the Vermillion Mountain Ranch).
That's about the same level of "evidence" that has been brought against this man. Sure why not, let's enter a fiction book as part of the prosecution that would fit right in with this travesty.
I do t know if the illegal alien did anything other than maybe committing trespass.

The AZ law appears to be found here:

As I understand it, the illegal alien neither committed any of the cited crimes nor threatened to commit any of them.

If those things are true, then the defendant doesn’t appear to have the AZ laws of self defense or the so called “stand your ground” defense available to him.

Time will tell. But either way, absent at least some threat from the illegal alien, he should not himself have been shot and killed.
I do t know if the illegal alien did anything other than maybe committing trespass.

The AZ law appears to be found here:

As I understand it, the illegal alien neither committed any of the cited crimes nor threatened to commit any of them.

If those things are true, then the defendant doesn’t appear to have the AZ laws of self defense or the so called “stand your ground” defense available to him.

Time will tell. But either way, absent at least some threat from the illegal alien, he should not himself have been shot and killed.
How about the unarmed woman who was shot and killed when in the capitol building? Her killer wasn't even charged with a crime.
That's about the same level of "evidence" that has been brought against this man. Sure why not, let's enter a fiction book as part of the prosecution that would fit right in with this travesty.
Speaks to motive and state of's a slam-dunk closer...when the DA shows where fantasy became reality. I just finished reading it--and there are a lot of spots where his defense claims and the fictional narrative match. Coincidence/ Maybe---maybe not.
How about the unarmed woman who was shot and killed when in the capitol building? Her killer wasn't even charged with a crime.
While tragic and probably lacking in any true legal justification, it wasn’t a “stand your ground” type of case.
Shooting at illegals trespassing is different in your opinion?
Of course. Babbitt was advancing...into a room where the option of retreat was not open to the people being protected by the shooter.

The alleged illegal was literally running away and posed no threat to the alleged shooter.
The faggot judge wouldn't even approve a phone call to his wife who was left alone at the ranch. He set his bail at 1 million dollars and now Gofundme has taken down his fund. What the fuck, is this America?

He shot a dude in the back as he ran away, more than a 100 yards from his house. The attack doesn't seem to have been provoked.

This dude has got an uphill legal battle to climb.
He shot a dude in the back as he ran away, more than a 100 yards from his house. The attack doesn't seem to have been provoked.

This dude has got an uphill legal battle to climb.
They just reduced the charge from first to second degree murder.
They just reduced the charge from first to second degree murder.

2nd degree murder is extremely serious in Arizona, carrying 10 to 25 years.

Defending property isn't a legal justification for the use of deadly force in Arizona.

And shooting a guy in the back who is running from you is a tough sell on self defense. Especially when he's so far from your house.

On the evidence available, things look rather bleak for Mr. Kelly.
2nd degree murder is extremely serious in Arizona, carrying 10 to 25 years.

Defending property isn't a legal justification for the use of deadly force in Arizona.

And shooting a guy in the back who is running from you is a tough sell on self defense. Especially when he's so far from your house.

On the evidence available, things look rather bleak for Mr. Kelly.
I'd give the guy probation with time served.
The faggot judge wouldn't even approve a phone call to his wife who was left alone at the ranch. He set his bail at 1 million dollars and now Gofundme has taken down his fund. What the fuck, is this America?

Phone calls from a jail are usually done in person. Its not until folks get to prison that they can typically call out.

Jail tends to be much, much more restrictive than prison in terms of privileges, cantinas, phone calls, visits, even items you're allowed to posses. In jail visits, you'll be talking through glass. Prison, hugging around a table and buying snacks from a vending machine in most instances.

Its unlikely they are singling this dude out on his phone calls. Its probably policy for everyone in that jail.
Phone calls from a jail are usually done in person. Its not until folks get to prison that they can typically call out.

Jail tends to be much, much more restrictive than prison in terms of privileges, cantinas, phone calls, visits, even items you're allowed to posses. In jail visits, you'll be talking through glass. Prison, hugging around a table and buying snacks from a vending machine in most instances.

Its unlikely they are singling this dude out on his phone calls. Its probably policy for everyone in that jail.
That is a minor point that just emphasized how unfairly this judge is treating the old rancher. I don't know if he's guilty or not but he should never have been thrown in jail on a million dollar bond with no hard evidence. That paints him as a guilty man and that is wrong. That is not blind justice, that is biased justice.
And you'd be ignoring most of Arizona law to do it.

Its unlikely the prosecutors will.
The guy doesn't have any prior convictions so the judge needs to take that into consideration.
That is a minor point that just emphasized how unfairly this judge is treating the old rancher. I don't know if he's guilty or not but he should never have been thrown in jail on a million dollar bond with no hard evidence. That paints him as a guilty man and that is wrong. That is not blind justice, that is biased justice.
I thought the judge was prejudiced against this man.
That is a minor point that just emphasized how unfairly this judge is treating the old rancher. I don't know if he's guilty or not but he should never have been thrown in jail on a million dollar bond with no hard evidence. That paints him as a guilty man and that is wrong. That is not blind justice, that is biased justice.

They just adjusted his charges down to 2nd degree. I'd guess that they'll probably bring his bail down to match. 1st degree is a much more serious charge, carrying either life in prison or the death penalty in Arizona.

There's plenty of hard evidence, though, that he shot a man in the back. And plenty of witness testimony that the man was running from the rancher when he was shot. Kelly fired at a group of 8 migrants.

There is no castle doctrine in Arizona. You can't use deadly force in the defense of property. Only self defense.

And shooting a fleeing man in the back is a *hard* sell for self defense.
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