American kids are the dumbest in the world yet liberals support the status quo..????

ENOUGH! Our children do not leave highschool smarter then they did 20 years ago. Anyone who thinks they are is lying to themselves and the rest of us. Our schools are failing. Maybe instead of fucking ignoring the problem and saying how great teachers are we should fix the damn problem.
Home schooled kids usually win.

That's just part of it. the kicker is HOW do they get the materials to homeschool with in the first place?

Let Unkotare dumbass tell it, they just flew over here with a translation booklet and some bus tokens. what a dumbass.

International students no not homeschool. However, materials and curricula are not a state secret no matter how badly you want to believe some stupid conspiracy theory.

You dumbass old fart. You think those foreign kids go home to watch TV like YOU do?

NO, they are HOMESCHOOLED even after the regular school day is over with.
ENOUGH! Our children do not leave highschool smarter then they did 20 years ago. Anyone who thinks they are is lying to themselves and the rest of us. Our schools are failing. Maybe instead of fucking ignoring the problem and saying how great teachers are we should fix the damn problem.

And it's by design.
That's just part of it. the kicker is HOW do they get the materials to homeschool with in the first place?

Let Unkotare dumbass tell it, they just flew over here with a translation booklet and some bus tokens. what a dumbass.

International students no not homeschool. However, materials and curricula are not a state secret no matter how badly you want to believe some stupid conspiracy theory.

You dumbass old fart. You think those foreign kids go home to watch TV like YOU do?

NO, they are HOMESCHOOLED even after the regular school day is over with.

That's not what homeschooled means, you stupid little punk. How many times do I have to tell you that I have nearly 20 years of experience working with international students and immigrants in general? I know more about this than you will ever know about any topic.
Why don't you just accept the fact that you don't know what the hell you are talking about and spare yourself further humiliation?
because it is so embarrassing to admit their government programs have failed. It would be like Castro admitting his government programs had failed. To a liberal its better to watch people die than admit to failure.

A voucher system would obviously produce constant capitalistic pressure toward improvement.

Think for a second. If you want to control the masses and have them elect you every 4 years, do you want an educated public or one we have now?

We are talking about a nation that elected both "W" and Obama, not once, but twice!!!



1) liberals control education and subvert our contry by turning out very very dumb entitled liberals looking for welfare or other freebies

2) The Republican hope is a very educated, moral population that wants freedom, not welfare, as our founders did. The hope is for people who can sustain themselves and have something left over for the common good.
It's because the 5 year old just off the boat from Bangladesh isn't OWED anything. Black kids in inner city schools are owed at least an "A".

Hell no. Black kids are owed the decency of a quiet classroom and Administrators/teachers that actually give a fuck about teaching so they CAN learn better.

Actually their teacher said the kids in the South Bronx right off the boat from Bangledesh (no clothes, electricity, or English in Bangledesh) did far better than the native born welfare addicted black ghetto kids when in the same classroom.
It's because the 5 year old just off the boat from Bangladesh isn't OWED anything. Black kids in inner city schools are owed at least an "A".

Hell no. Black kids are owed the decency of a quiet classroom and Administrators/teachers that actually give a fuck about teaching so they CAN learn better.

Actually their teacher said the kids in the South Bronx right off the boat from Bangledesh[sic] (no clothes, electricity, or English in Bangledesh[sic]) did far better than the native born welfare addicted black ghetto kids when in the same classroom.

There are (of course) clothes, electricity, and English in Bangladesh.
Hell no. Black kids are owed the decency of a quiet classroom and Administrators/teachers that actually give a fuck about teaching so they CAN learn better.

Actually their teacher said the kids in the South Bronx right off the boat from Bangledesh[sic] (no clothes, electricity, or English in Bangledesh[sic]) did far better than the native born welfare addicted black ghetto kids when in the same classroom.

There are (of course) clothes, electricity, and English in Bangladesh.

but by in large not for the kids in question
Actually their teacher said the kids in the South Bronx right off the boat from Bangledesh[sic] (no clothes, electricity, or English in Bangledesh[sic]) did far better than the native born welfare addicted black ghetto kids when in the same classroom.

There are (of course) clothes, electricity, and English in Bangladesh.

but by in large not for the kids in question

The kids in question had NO clothes or electricity? Bullshit.
Funny thing is the left wants to throw more money at a broken system. We need reform is what we need.

reform means vouchers!! LIberals hate the idea of unions being responsible for results. They are more than happy to sacrifce our children. It reminds me of the union that refused to load our submarines in WW2 in when it meant our Pacific fleet was unprotected.
Funny thing is the left wants to throw more money at a broken system. We need reform is what we need.

reform means vouchers!! LIberals hate the idea of unions being responsible for results. They are more than happy to sacrifce our children. It reminds me of the union that refused to load our submarines in WW2 in when it meant our Pacific fleet was unprotected.

Imagine some longshoremen refuse to load submarines and our whole Pacific Fleet is unprotected. I also remember some US navy personell that refused to load some ships during WWII, but they weren't union so I guess it was OK.
But the worst part of that whole episode is that after the war all those longshoremen became union teachers. In fact, my fifth grade teacher was one of those longshoremen, Mrs. Wagner, a tough cookie with huge arms, but she loved music and math.
Still, it's hard to believe, the whole Pacific Fleet unprotected, disgusting.
not broken

realistic expectations are needed

Not everyone can or should go to university as Fearless Leader suggests

Where did he say that?

in an address to the Urban League

Is this the speech you mean?
We’ve made it our mission to make a higher education more affordable for every American who wants to go to school. That's why we fought to extend our college tuition tax credit for working families -- (applause) -- saving millions of families thousands of dollars.

That’s why we’ve fought to make college more affordable for an additional 200,000 African American students by increasing Pell grants. (Applause.) That’s why we’ve strengthened this nation’s commitment to our community colleges, and to our HBCUs. (Applause.)

That’s why, tomorrow, I’m establishing the first-ever White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans –- (applause) -- so that every child has greater access to a complete and competitive education from the time they're born all through the time they get a career.

And that’s why we’re pushing all colleges and universities to cut their costs -- (applause) -- because we can’t keep asking taxpayers to subsidize skyrocketing tuition. A higher education in the 21st century cannot be a luxury. It is a vital necessity that every American should be able to afford. (Applause.) I want all these young people to be getting a higher education, and I don’t want them loaded up with tens of thousands of dollars of debt just to get an education. That’s how we make America great. (Applause.)

How does he get away with ordering everyone to go to college like that?'s just one outrage after another with this President isn't it?
Funny thing is the left wants to throw more money at a broken system. We need reform is what we need.

reform means vouchers!! LIberals hate the idea of unions being responsible for results. They are more than happy to sacrifce our children. It reminds me of the union that refused to load our submarines in WW2 in when it meant our Pacific fleet was unprotected.

Imagine some longshoremen refuse to load submarines and our whole Pacific Fleet is unprotected. I also remember some US navy personell that refused to load some ships during WWII, but they weren't union so I guess it was OK.
But the worst part of that whole episode is that after the war all those longshoremen became union teachers. In fact, my fifth grade teacher was one of those longshoremen, Mrs. Wagner, a tough cookie with huge arms, but she loved music and math.
Still, it's hard to believe, the whole Pacific Fleet unprotected, disgusting.

not the whole fleet just the part of it that would have been protected by that submarine had the union been willing to load it. Unions feel very very entitled for some strange reason.
Where did he say that?

in an address to the Urban League

Is this the speech you mean?
We’ve made it our mission to make a higher education more affordable for every American who wants to go to school. That's why we fought to extend our college tuition tax credit for working families -- (applause) -- saving millions of families thousands of dollars.

That’s why we’ve fought to make college more affordable for an additional 200,000 African American students by increasing Pell grants. (Applause.) That’s why we’ve strengthened this nation’s commitment to our community colleges, and to our HBCUs. (Applause.)

That’s why, tomorrow, I’m establishing the first-ever White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans –- (applause) -- so that every child has greater access to a complete and competitive education from the time they're born all through the time they get a career.

And that’s why we’re pushing all colleges and universities to cut their costs -- (applause) -- because we can’t keep asking taxpayers to subsidize skyrocketing tuition. A higher education in the 21st century cannot be a luxury. It is a vital necessity that every American should be able to afford. (Applause.) I want all these young people to be getting a higher education, and I don’t want them loaded up with tens of thousands of dollars of debt just to get an education. That’s how we make America great. (Applause.)
Transcript: Obama's Speech at the National Urban League Convention | News | BET

How does he get away with ordering everyone to go to college like that?'s just one outrage after another with this President isn't it?

in 2009 he made the statement that any person that wanted to go to college should be able to go to college.

Educational Excellence for african Americans? really?

PS I never used the word "ordered". You made that up

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