American kids are the dumbest in the world yet liberals support the status quo..????

It's because the 5 year old just off the boat from Bangladesh isn't OWED anything. Black kids in inner city schools are owed at least an "A".

Hell no. Black kids are owed the decency of a quiet classroom and Administrators/teachers that actually give a fuck about teaching so they CAN learn better. Like they do in the Gated community schools which are also PUBLIC.

Maybe if the Gated Community school teachers got exposed more for how they actually operate(Ramp Up Foreign kids) it can be changed.

but not until then.
How else do you think an Asian/Hindu kid that's say like 5yrs. old and neither parent can speak English and that same kid ends up speaking fluent English and a star student by age 15 using our American school system and materials? ?

It's called 'Hard Work' and 'Committment to Education.' These may be difficult concepts for you to grasp.

And 'Asian' refers to any of a huge and diverse number of peoples from a very large region of the planet. 'Hindu' is a religion. You are so fucking stupid it's painful to observe.
It's because the 5 year old just off the boat from Bangladesh isn't OWED anything. Black kids in inner city schools are owed at least an "A".

Hell no. Black kids are owed the decency of a quiet classroom and Administrators/teachers that actually give a fuck about teaching so they CAN learn better. Like they do in the Gated community schools which are also PUBLIC.

Maybe if the Gated Community school teachers got exposed more for how they actually operate(Ramp Up Foreign kids) it can be changed.

but not until then.

Once again: Your idiotic little 'theory' is COMPLETELY WRONG.
While we're at it, 4littleponies there is also conflating Asian-Americans born here and international students who are sent here to study by their parents. Given the stupidity he's displayed so far, I don't expect him to be able to understand the difference.
Most Asian and Hindu students get their English from Elementary schools in America. that's a fact.

No, that's not a fact, you ignorant little fool.

:mad: LOOK, you backwards inbred faggot, If I say it's a gotdamn fact then you best put the butter on the toast and eat it gotdammit!

This ain't no game you moron! I wouldn't speak on this shit if I hadn't seen it for the past 10 years motherfucker!

Just because you ain't paying attention to what's going on in America don't mean everybody else got their fucking head in the sand like you CLOWN!

Kid, you are so full of shit it's coming out your ears. I have worked in education and with immigrants of all sorts for nearly 20 years. I, unlike you, know exactly what I'm talking about. YOU are just another dime-a-dozen ignorant shit trying to fit what you imagine into your own prejudices. You're a moron and you HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.
How else do you think an Asian/Hindu kid that's say like 5yrs. old and neither parent can speak English and that same kid ends up speaking fluent English and a star student by age 15 using our American school system and materials? ?

It's called 'Hard Work' and 'Committment to Education.' These may be difficult concepts for you to grasp.

And 'Asian' refers to any of a huge and diverse number of peoples from a very large region of the planet. 'Hindu' is a religion. You are so fucking stupid it's painful to observe.

NO DUMBASS! I knew YOU would say that coming from the ignorant side of life.

Asians are no more hard working and study intensive than ANY fuckin kid from any other race. Idiots like you are under the ridiculous impression that Asian kids are born prodigy's..THEY'RE NOT YOU DUMB ASSHOLE!

Given the proper QUIET, SAFE Environment you can turn a slow retard into a Genius.

So your logic is severely flawed to think just hard work and commitment is all a child needs to succeed in the classroom. You need way more things in place than that.

You put a Asian family in the middle of the ghetto TODAY, and I guarantee you that child will struggle in school. So the Environment a child is in plays a HUGE part in their overall educational growth and ultimate success in the world when they graduate. IF they graduate at all.

Since you're of the self-defeating mentality you can't see the forest for the trees on this issue. and you never will with that lump of ignorance between your ears catching dust.
Look at the bright side: Fox News will have plenty of viewers in the years ahead. Keep breeding imbeciles!
No, that's not a fact, you ignorant little fool.

:mad: LOOK, you backwards inbred faggot, If I say it's a gotdamn fact then you best put the butter on the toast and eat it gotdammit!

This ain't no game you moron! I wouldn't speak on this shit if I hadn't seen it for the past 10 years motherfucker!

Just because you ain't paying attention to what's going on in America don't mean everybody else got their fucking head in the sand like you CLOWN!

Kid, you are so full of shit it's coming out your ears. I have worked in education and with immigrants of all sorts for nearly 20 years. I, unlike you, know exactly what I'm talking about. YOU are just another dime-a-dozen ignorant shit trying to fit what you imagine into your own prejudices. You're a moron and you HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

You may have worked in education but you haven't worked with a school fulla Asians and Hindus dominating the population of the student body or you'd know what the fuck I'm talking about.

My guess is You may have worked with a 98% Black kids and couple whites mixed in for good measure, but from that demographic, you will NEVER see what I'm talking about.

Do yourself a favor and take a day off and ride out to a high end community in your city and stop by the school there. Chances are you will see a whole other spectrum of how a PUBLIC SCHOOL in a high end community operates compared to the inner city PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

It's Night and Day/ Apples and Oranges.
because it is so embarrassing to admit their government programs have failed. It would be like Castro admitting his government programs had failed. To a liberal its better to watch people die than admit to failure.

A voucher system would obviously produce constant capitalistic pressure toward improvement.

American kids are the dumbest in the world yet liberals support the status quo..????

You are a moron. Where do you think "dumb blondes" come from? You wanna get rid of dumb blondes?
Asians are no more hard working and study intensive than ANY fuckin kid from any other race. Idiots like you are under the ridiculous impression that Asian kids are born prodigy's..THEY'RE NOT YOU DUMB ASSHOLE!.

Yet another of your problems we have now identified is that you are too stupid to understand the difference between 'race' and culture. What we are talking about here is not a matter of 'race,' you fucking idiot. It is a matter of culture. Some cultures absolutely do emphasize the importance of education more than others, and some families from within such cultures do place higher expectations on their children. This is not a matter of blood, but of culture, you moron. I tried to explain the myth of the model minority earlier, but of course you were too stupid to follow along.
Given the proper QUIET, SAFE Environment you can turn a slow retard into a Genius.

I can understand why YOU would want to believe that, but it is not true. How quiet it is in school is not really the point. How much support and what kind of expectations are found at home is the point. And yes, some individuals like YOU are just plain stupid and no amount or kind of education is going to change that.
You put a Asian family in the middle of the ghetto TODAY, and I guarantee you that child will struggle in school.

That will depend on the child, and the family, and their neighbors and a lot of other things. And YES, there are Asian families - lots of them - living in impoverished inner-city neighborhoods.
Given the proper QUIET, SAFE Environment you can turn a slow retard into a Genius.

I can understand why YOU would want to believe that, but it is not true. How quiet it is in school is not really the point. How much support and what kind of expectations are found at home is the point. And yes, some individuals like YOU are just plain stupid and no amount or kind of education is going to change that.

Are you a fuckin' parrot? I said that ^ already.
You put a Asian family in the middle of the ghetto TODAY, and I guarantee you that child will struggle in school.

That will depend on the child, and the family, and their neighbors and a lot of other things. And YES, there are Asian families - lots of them - living in impoverished inner-city neighborhoods.

No, ditz, the ENVIRONMENT.

If that Asian kid is being say for example bullied by the Black kids. HE WILL NOT FOCUS ON HIS STUDIES LIKE HE SHOULD. he will most likely look for ways to defend himself day in and day out until the bullying stops.

Name one Asian that grew up in the ghettos of America and is a success today?

I'll give you a week to come with an answer.
You may have worked in education but you haven't worked with a school fulla Asians and Hindus dominating the population of the student body or you'd know what the fuck I'm talking about.

My guess is You may have worked with a 98% Black kids and couple whites mixed in for good measure, but from that demographic, you will NEVER see what I'm talking about.

Do yourself a favor and take a day off and ride out to a high end community in your city and stop by the school there. Chances are you will see a whole other spectrum of how a PUBLIC SCHOOL in a high end community operates compared to the inner city PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

It's Night and Day/ Apples and Oranges.

It is really hard to believe how fucking stupid you are. You can't possibly know what kind of settings I have taught in. The fact is that I have worked in more kinds of educational setting than your little pea brain could imagine. You don't have a leg to stand on. I have worked with many tens of thousands of 'Asian' students in just about every setting possible. I know what I'm talking about, and you are totally, completely, 100% wrong. Take your little imagination and your little prejudices and shove them up your ass, you ignorant fucking douchebag. YOU ARE WRONG.
You put a Asian family in the middle of the ghetto TODAY, and I guarantee you that child will struggle in school.

That will depend on the child, and the family, and their neighbors and a lot of other things. And YES, there are Asian families - lots of them - living in impoverished inner-city neighborhoods.

No, ditz, the ENVIRONMENT.

If that Asian kid is being say for example bullied by the Black kids. HE WILL NOT FOCUS ON HIS STUDIES LIKE HE SHOULD. he will most likely look for ways to defend himself day in and day out until the bullying stops.

Name one Asian that grew up in the ghettos of America and is a success today?

I'll give you a week to come with an answer.

You would need a week to tie your own shoes, idiot. There are hundreds of thousands of Americans - white, black, asian, latino, etc. who grew up in poor neighborhoods and became successful. It's called AMERICA, you moron. Does it make it easy when you grow up in a poor neighborhood? No, that's why people move out of those neighborhoods as soon as and whenever they can. All of which is beside the point since it was never my argument that it is easy to grow up in a poor neighborhood. This is just another example of you substituting your imagination for actually knowing anything about what you are trying to talk about.

When you are done playing with your straw man maybe you can respond to something I actually said.

I am guessing by hindu you mean Indian. India used to be a British territory. A huge number of Indians learn english, punjab, and their regional dialect at their schools in India. Japanese students learn english in Japanese schools. Middle-class Spaniards can speak two - or more foreign languages fluently, english is one of them.

You are insane, btw.
If you have watched the current videos that were made in the past few years of interviews with American college students that voted for Obama there is no doubt that many American students are at the least poorly educated and ignorant, they are sometimes also plainly stupid.
If you have watched the current videos that were made in the past few years of interviews with American college students that voted for Obama there is no doubt that many American students are at the least poorly educated and ignorant, they are sometimes also plainly stupid.

And those Charlie Daniels look-a-likes that populate trailer parks with Romney signs by their pickups are more intelligent and informed?

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