American kids are the dumbest in the world yet liberals support the status quo..????

Who's "we" Eddy?

too stupid but perfectly libera! I don't categorize large groups under one or two labels, the voting booth does !!!!

You're not even sane or rational enough to have a discussion.

Now prove my point by posting a stereotypical blurb..

I don't categorize large groups under one or two labels, the voting booth does!!!! You must confute this or admit to being a low IQ liberal!
because it is so embarrassing to admit their government programs have failed. It would be like Castro admitting his government programs had failed. To a liberal its better to watch people die than admit to failure.

A voucher system would obviously produce constant capitalistic pressure toward improvement.

Is there a way to adapt the voucher system where it doesn't kill off poor neighborhoods, but has a fair system of directing resources to places where education is needed the most?
And yet, all the best colleges and universities are in Blue States. Go figure.
You mention South Korean students, but you don't mention that over 75,000 of them come to study here in the US. There are many more who would if they had the means and opportunity.

1) our universities are the best in the world; all agree, but dear, we're talking about k-12 public education which, studies show, are about the worst in the civilized world.
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Our graduate schools are still good because they are dominated by Asians who don't put up with nonsense from fellow students, the professors or the administration.
You mention South Korean students, but you don't mention that over 75,000 of them come to study here in the US. There are many more who would if they had the means and opportunity.

1) our universities are the best in the world; all agree, but dear, we're talking about k-12 public education which, studies show, are about the worst in the civilized world.

Many of the students referenced above come here for high school education or earlier. I've been through all this before. Maybe you were too busy cutting and posting slogans to have noticed.
The idea of 'public' education is inherently flawed, but American students are certainly not "the dumbest in the world."

And I note yet again that students from some countries with which Amercan education is so unfavorably compared are literally clamoring to come here to study.

many come for the private college and university system but none that I know of come for the liberal commie crap rated public education system

Most Asian and Hindu students get their English from Elementary schools in America. that's a fact.

They are "ramped up" under the guise of Enrichment Programs when they move here. It's not a secret to them. just a secret held from Americans.

They have public schools in the gated communities too, you have to have the bread to move into the area and you're in.

This is the educational gap used to keep the Foreign students separate from the American ones.

Which is why you'll never see an Asian family in the ghetto or even living hard in America.

Banks use their hidden hands to get this accomplished.
The idea of 'public' education is inherently flawed, but American students are certainly not "the dumbest in the world."

And I note yet again that students from some countries with which Amercan education is so unfavorably compared are literally clamoring to come here to study.

many come for the private college and university system but none that I know of come for the liberal commie crap rated public education system

Most Asian and Hindu students get their English from Elementary schools in America. that's a fact.

They are "ramped up" under the guise of Enrichment Programs when they move here. It's not a secret to them. just a secret held from Americans.

They have public schools in the gated communities too, you have to have the bread to move into the area and you're in.

This is the educational gap used to keep the Foreign students separate from the American ones.

Which is why you'll never see an Asian family in the ghetto or even living hard in America.

Banks use their hidden hands to get this accomplished.

Asian and Hindu gets get their education from elementary school in America???? Not that I have seen. Those who cannot afford private school send their kids to a supplemental school where the real education is. Public school just complies with the law. As soon as possible, Asian, Indian and Middle Eastern parents get their kids out of public school and into private school where they aren't pressured into taking drugs and having sex.

Americans are among the most illiterate in the world and descending more and more each year.
NRRF - Illiteracy: An Incurable Disease or Education Malpractice?

According to the National Adult Literacy Survey, 42 million adult Americans can't read; 50 million can recognize so few printed words they are limited to a 4th or 5th grade reading level; one out of every four teenagers drops out of high school, and of those who graduate, one out of every four has the equivalent or less of an eighth grade education.

According to current estimates, the number of functionally illiterate adults is increasing by approximately two and one quarter million persons each year. This number includes nearly 1 million young people who drop out of school before graduation, 400,000 legal immigrants, 100,000 refugees, and 800,000 illegal immigrants, and 20 % of all high school graduates. Eighty-four percent of the 23,000 people who took an exam for entry-level jobs at New York Telephone in 1988, failed. More than half of Fortune 500 companies have become educators of last resort, with the cost of remedial employee training in the three R's reaching more than 300 million dollars a year. One estimate places the yearly cost in welfare programs and unemployment compensation due to illiteracy at six billion dollars. An additional 237 billion dollars a year in unrealized earnings is forfeited by persons who lack basic reading skills, according to Literacy Volunteers of America.

The federal government alone has more than 79 literacy-related programs administered by 14 federal agencies. The total amount of money being spent on illiteracy by the federal government can only be guessed at, because there has never been a complete assessment prepared. A conservative estimate would place the amount at more than ten billion dollars each year, and growing steadily.

If Americans aren't the dumbest in the world, it's not for lack of trying and we'll soon get there.
If Americans aren't the dumbest in the world, it's not for lack of trying and we'll soon get there.

We do try hard; let's not forget, as in our socialist health care system, we spend 2-3 times as much on education as the rest of the world to produce the dumbest kids in the world.

Liberals must so proud of their accomplishments!!
many come for the private college and university system but none that I know of come for the liberal commie crap rated public education system

Most Asian and Hindu students get their English from Elementary schools in America. that's a fact.

They are "ramped up" under the guise of Enrichment Programs when they move here. It's not a secret to them. just a secret held from Americans.

They have public schools in the gated communities too, you have to have the bread to move into the area and you're in.

This is the educational gap used to keep the Foreign students separate from the American ones.

Which is why you'll never see an Asian family in the ghetto or even living hard in America.

Banks use their hidden hands to get this accomplished.

Asian and Hindu gets get their education from elementary school in America???? Not that I have seen. Those who cannot afford private school send their kids to a supplemental school where the real education is. Public school just complies with the law. As soon as possible, Asian, Indian and Middle Eastern parents get their kids out of public school and into private school where they aren't pressured into taking drugs and having sex.

^This is total bullshit. sorry so harsh, but it bullshit.

Asians and Hindu families come to America, in most cases, DEAD BROKE. Not truckloads of cash and credit like they ALL belong to the Yao Zhang Dynasty or something...that's a gotdamn lie. Most of them come from nothing. But The Banks in America then lend them the money they need to afford to live in a gated community IMMEDIATELY.

Supplemental schools my ass. I've seen this with my own eyes. A PUBLIC SCHOOL in a high end community with at least 90% Asian/Hindu students. the rest are white with one or two black kids. THIS IS REALITY IN AMERICA but the average American can't see it because they are too busy trying to maintain their lives and keep their kids in the rough and tumble PUBLIC SCHOOLS on their side of town.

It's a grossly un-level playing field.

And we Americans wonder why Asians/Hindus/Grecians, etc...from overseas can move here in say like 1990 and have 3 college grads in the IT/ Tech fields by 2012 and the parents can't speak a gotdamn lick of English...

How in the fuck does this happen? Simple, It's called getting "Ramped Up".

The kids in these schools get extra attention and in most cases, all the answers to the upcoming tests. so they can study without difficulty.

How else do you think an Asian/Hindu kid that's say like 5yrs. old and neither parent can speak English and that same kid ends up speaking fluent English and a star student by age 15 using our American school system and materials? EXTRA ATTENTION. above and beyond after school hours.

Ever wonder why you NEVER see teachers from these schools protesting about a gotdamn raises like the inner city teachers? It's a reason for that too...Teachers in these PUBLIC schools are being paid TOP DOLLAR to steer clear of the picket lines and keep their asses focused on teaching those foreign kids.

So fuck all the stats. I'm talking REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE here..

American kids CAN BE just as up to speed if they are just as cared for by the Teachers and the Banks.

Imagine how many Black kids that would excel if given such a free and comfortable ride?
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The idea of 'public' education is inherently flawed, but American students are certainly not "the dumbest in the world."

And I note yet again that students from some countries with which Amercan education is so unfavorably compared are literally clamoring to come here to study.

many come for the private college and university system but none that I know of come for the liberal commie crap rated public education system

Most Asian and Hindu students get their English from Elementary schools in America. that's a fact.

No, that's not a fact, you ignorant little fool.
They are "ramped up" under the guise of Enrichment Programs when they move here. It's not a secret to them. just a secret held from Americans.

They have public schools in the gated communities too, you have to have the bread to move into the area and you're in.

This is the educational gap used to keep the Foreign students separate from the American ones.

Which is why you'll never see an Asian family in the ghetto or even living hard in America.

Banks use their hidden hands to get this accomplished.

You're an ignorant fucking moron, and your asisnine little conspiracy theory has been debunked many times over now. Take your imbalanced chemicals to the Conspiracy Forum where you can play with the other patients.
Most Asian and Hindu students get their English from Elementary schools in America. that's a fact.

They are "ramped up" under the guise of Enrichment Programs when they move here. It's not a secret to them. just a secret held from Americans.

They have public schools in the gated communities too, you have to have the bread to move into the area and you're in.

This is the educational gap used to keep the Foreign students separate from the American ones.

Which is why you'll never see an Asian family in the ghetto or even living hard in America.

Banks use their hidden hands to get this accomplished.

Asian and Hindu gets get their education from elementary school in America???? Not that I have seen. Those who cannot afford private school send their kids to a supplemental school where the real education is. Public school just complies with the law. As soon as possible, Asian, Indian and Middle Eastern parents get their kids out of public school and into private school where they aren't pressured into taking drugs and having sex.

^This is total bullshit. sorry so harsh, but it bullshit.

Asians and Hindu families come to America, in most cases, DEAD BROKE. Not truckloads of cash and credit like they ALL belong to the Yao Zhang Dysnasty or something...that's a gotdamn lie. Most of them come from nothing. But The Banks in America then lend them the money they need to afford to live in a gated community IMMEDIATELY.

Supplemental schools my ass. I've seen this with my own eyes. A PUBLIC SCHOOL in a high end community with at least 90% Asian/Hindu students. the rest are white with one or two black kids. THIS IS REALITY IN AMERICA but the average American can't see it because they are too busy trying to maintain their lives and keep their kids in the rough and tumble PUBLIC SCHOOLS on their side of town.

It's a grossly un-level playing field.

And we Americans wonder why Asians/Hindus/Grecians, etc...from overseas can move here in say like 1990 and have 3 college grads in the IT/ Tech fields by 2012 and the parents can't speak a gotdamn lick of English...

How in the fuck does this happen? Simple, It's called getting "Ramped Up".

The kids in these schools get extra attention and in most cases, all the answers to the upcoming tests. so they can study without difficulty.

How else do you think an Asian/Hindu kid that's say like 5yrs. old and neither parent can speak English and that same kid ends up speaking fluent English and a star student by age 15 using our American school system and materials? EXTRA ATTENTION. above and beyond after school hours.

Ever wonder why you NEVER see teachers from these schools protesting about a gotdamn raises like the inner city teachers? It's a reason for that too...Teachers in these PUBLIC schools are being paid TOP DOLLAR to steer clear of the picket lines and keep their asses focused on teaching those foreign kids.

So fuck all the stats. I'm talking REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE here..

American kids CAN BE just as up to speed if they are just as cared for by the Teachers and the Banks.

Imagine how many Black kids that would excel if given such a free and comfortable ride?

I knew an inner city teacher who said 5 year olds just off the boat from Bangladesh who grew up essentially without clothing or electricity would perform better in school the inner city blacks.
This is because the inner city is liberal.
Asians and Hindu families come to America, in most cases, DEAD BROKE. Not truckloads of cash and credit like they ALL belong to the Yao Zhang Dysnasty or something...that's a gotdamn lie. Most of them come from nothing. But The Banks in America then lend them the money they need to afford to live in a gated community IMMEDIATELY.
So fuck all the stats. I'm talking REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE here..

That is absurdly untrue, and merely the product of your diseased little excuse for a brain. You are obviously in love with this little story you made up but it has absolutely nothing to do with reality. This has all been explained to you several times before, but your mental condition seems to be preventing you from learning from the experience.
It's because the 5 year old just off the boat from Bangladesh isn't OWED anything. Black kids in inner city schools are owed at least an "A".
many come for the private college and university system but none that I know of come for the liberal commie crap rated public education system

Most Asian and Hindu students get their English from Elementary schools in America. that's a fact.

No, that's not a fact, you ignorant little fool.

:mad: LOOK, you backwards inbred faggot, If I say it's a gotdamn fact then you best put the butter on the toast and eat it gotdammit!

This ain't no game you moron! I wouldn't speak on this shit if I hadn't seen it for the past 10 years motherfucker!

Just because you ain't paying attention to what's going on in America don't mean everybody else got their fucking head in the sand like you CLOWN!

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