American kids are the dumbest in the world yet liberals support the status quo..????

If we are low in the world rankings--one again.

It is due to the fact that all have and are encouraged to take advantage of opportunity. We don't cull students that are not scholars into vocational training in the 7th grade like many of these countries.

We have special ed students taking the SAT and ACT. They don't. If we change this our ranking will improve.
For better rankings, are you willing to cull the 'undesired'?

Another thing, as far as I know, there is not ONE test that all students in all countries take. That right there would make a study or a ranking system invalid.

Yes yes its so obvious; it turns out that our kids are number 1 and South Korean kids are last.

I stated the obvious.

You think comparisons are valid when all the tests are different?

You must have been one of the people on that 7up-chum comparison ad that ran years ago.

You think our general population being compared to their best and brightest is fair?

You think..........that's a joke in itself.
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You think comparisons are valid when all the tests are different?

I think social scientists who do the tests all have Ph.Ds in research and would not get paid year in and year out if other Ph.Ds and other nations who scored badly could find fault with their methodology!!

S. Korea has a new police force to catch kids studying past 1:00AM. Do we have that here?????

In Japan they say "4 pass 5 fail". Those who are lazy and get 5 hours of sleep pass while those who get 4 hours pass.

Catching on now??

OF course if the liberal unions who are sacrificing our children and nation could do an international comparison that made them look less cancerous of course they would and the matter would be settled.
You think comparisons are valid when all the tests are different?

too stupid!! Here;s the greatest liberal of them all making excuses but not idiotic ones like yours

Diane Ravitch: It’s time to set the record straight. The only valid measure of academic performance in our schools is the federal test called the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). NAEP has been testing American students since the early 1970s.

The NAEP test scores of American students are at their highest point in history: for black students, white students, Hispanic students, and Asian students.

They are at their highest point in history in fourth grade and in eighth grade, in reading and math.

As for the international test scores, which Rhee loves to recite to knock our public schools, she is obviously unaware that our nation has never had high scores on those tests. When the first international test was given in 1964, our students ranked 11th out of 12 nations. Yet our nation went on to become the most powerful economy in the world."

The bottom was good enough for her!!! Its ok that most of the math and science majors at our universities are from Asia!!!!

Our schools are fine if you're a brainless liberal!!
S. Korea has a new police force to catch kids studying past 1:00AM.

It's not a "police force," it's a bunch of bureaucrats, and they do NOT stop kids from studying after a certain time, they are just enforcing a law about how late hagwan can remain open. You don't understand what you are trying to talk about.
You think comparisons are valid when all the tests are different?

too stupid!! Here;s the greatest liberal of them all making excuses but not idiotic ones like yours

Diane Ravitch: It’s time to set the record straight. The only valid measure of academic performance in our schools is the federal test called the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). NAEP has been testing American students since the early 1970s.

The NAEP test scores of American students are at their highest point in history: for black students, white students, Hispanic students, and Asian students.

They are at their highest point in history in fourth grade and in eighth grade, in reading and math.

As for the international test scores, which Rhee loves to recite to knock our public schools, she is obviously unaware that our nation has never had high scores on those tests. When the first international test was given in 1964, our students ranked 11th out of 12 nations. Yet our nation went on to become the most powerful economy in the world."

The bottom was good enough for her!!! Its ok that most of the math and science majors at our universities are from Asia!!!!

Our schools are fine if you're a brainless liberal!!

You're Tony Bennett right?
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A flaming liberal saying it doesn't matter how bad our schools are so long she can maintain the status quo!!

Diane Ravitch: As for the international test scores, which Rhee loves to recite to knock our public schools, she is obviously unaware that our nation has never had high scores on those tests. When the first international test was given in 1964, our students ranked 11th out of 12 nations. Yet our nation went on to become the most powerful economy in the world."
because it is so embarrassing to admit their government programs have failed. It would be like Castro admitting his government programs had failed.

Castro programs are working just fine.

As are your government programs for dumbing down your education.

You think your elites want you to be clever?! Clever or even well informed people are not easy to manipulate; you have to be morons -- easily led, unproblematic "society" of moronic consumers.
As for clever people, your elites can purchase them from other countries.
too stupid!!!!! but perfectly liberal!!!

Cubans in Florida have 14 times the income!!! What does that tell you!!

Americans (even by YOUR admission!) are the dumbiest in the world, so you simply can't call anyone "stupid".

It tells me that SOME people in Florida have 14 times the income of SOME people who live in Cuba, Ukraine, UK, New Zeland, etc. Others in Florida may have 24 times the income of SOME people who live in Cuba, Ukraine, UK, New Zeland, etc. Yet Some people in Florida have 24 times LESS the income of SOME people who live in Cuba, Ukraine, UK, New Zeland, etc.

And your post also tells me that you missed the point: You think your elites want you to be clever?! Clever or even well informed people are not easy to manipulate; you have to be morons -- easily led, unproblematic "society" of moronic consumers.
As for clever people, your elites can purchase them from other countries.
because it is so embarrassing to admit their government programs have failed. It would be like Castro admitting his government programs had failed.

Castro programs are working just fine.

Yeah, all those people who risk likely death clinging to make-shift rafts escaping are just coming here to let us know how great everything is there. :rolleyes:

Holy shit, you're stupid.
You think your elites want you to be clever?! Clever or even well informed people are not easy to manipulate; you have to be morons -- easily led, unproblematic "society" of moronic consumers.

They'd sure love you then!
Yeah, all those people

Let me remind you the title of the thread: American kids are the dumbest in the world.

You were one of them, just grew up...

but you said Castro's programs were doing fine and then ran away with your goofy liberal tail between your legs when asked to defend Castro's programs!

See why we are postive a liberal will lack character and IQ??
See why we are postive a liberal will lack character and IQ??

No, the reasons you believe this are:

1. Stereotyping large groups under one or two labels makes it easy for you to categorize things you don't know or understand so you can address your insecurities.

2. If someone doesn't totally agree with you they are automatically stupid and have no character which allows your mind to boost your low self-esteem.

3. By seeing everything in only black and white and blocking out all the shades of grey between you simplify your outlook to that of 5 year old that sees everything as either good or bad.

Your either 'you are with us or against us' mentality has been used across the centuries by men that caused many lots of grief. With your simple approach, I doubt you'll believe this so 'google it'....

The bill for your evaluation is in the mail.
See why we are postive a liberal will lack character and IQ??

1. Stereotyping large groups under one or two labels makes it easy for you to categorize things you don't know or understand so you can address your insecurities.

too stupid but perfectly libera! I don't categorize large groups under one or two labels, the voting booth does!!!!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow!!
See why we are postive a liberal will lack character and IQ??

1. Stereotyping large groups under one or two labels makes it easy for you to categorize things you don't know or understand so you can address your insecurities.

too stupid but perfectly libera! I don't categorize large groups under one or two labels, the voting booth does!!!!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow!!

Who's "we" Eddy?
See why we are postive a liberal will lack character and IQ??

1. Stereotyping large groups under one or two labels makes it easy for you to categorize things you don't know or understand so you can address your insecurities.

too stupid but perfectly libera! I don't categorize large groups under one or two labels, the voting booth does!!!!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow!!

Who's "we" Eddy?

too stupid but perfectly libera! I don't categorize large groups under one or two labels, the voting booth does !!!!
See why we are postive a liberal will lack character and IQ??

too stupid but perfectly libera! I don't categorize large groups under one or two labels, the voting booth does!!!!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow!!

Who's "we" Eddy?

too stupid but perfectly libera! I don't categorize large groups under one or two labels, the voting booth does !!!!

You're not even sane or rational enough to have a discussion.

Now prove my point by posting a stereotypical blurb..

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