American men dating abroad versus compared to dating American women.

What got you through, Gunny? What motivated you and your bride to overcome the ups and downs?

Your answer might help someone on here.
I have a strong sense of Duty and my wife has a strong sense of duty as well. Our problems were mostly me I was suicidal and very depressed from 1994 to 2004 and that was hard on my wife. My doctor finally found the right meds in 2004 and things are much better.

Basically she left me but came back after 2 weeks when it became apparent I couldnt take care of the bills or myself. We have 2 kids and that played into it.
I respect America in the 1950s women were in the workforce then. Remember, the World War II women works. The factory jobs with men went off to war. And many of them stayed on after the war.

We had female congressman even before the World War II era

Most of the women working in the 1950s were single. And their jobs were usually nurses, teachers and typists.
Our ancestors would frown upon it. They would actually probably think it’s a disgrace. I don’t think it’s good for society.

What about what our grandparents and great grandparents would think about it?

Two of my close friends from high school are anti trump and sympathize with blm. One is a stay at home husband. The other is a stay at home boyfriend now the latter you could argue is even worse because there’s not even a kid around. He drinks and does drugs all day and laughs about it while his girlfriend does all the work. And the guy hates Trump.

I think that hanging around with those types of people would bring me down. We had a big time disagreements I guess politically speaking last year and I haven’t spoke to either of them in basically a year.

Our ancestors would frown upon allowing blacks in restaurants or in relationships with white women.

The choice of who stays home and who goes to work is up to the couple, as it should be.
It could be a detriment to society. If you look at the American past, we had a much lower divorce rate, children born out of wedlock was at a very low percentage. Schools were a lot safer. You did not have a massive security concerns we have today where if you want to go pick up your kid at school there’s tons of security to go through. We did not have mass school shootings in those days. And by large there almost were no stay at home dad’s in those days. Today according to a wall street journal study patriotism is it at an all time low among the American youth, that was not the case back in the 1950s when we were very patriotic. There are clearly many problems We have in America today that we did not have in the past …to deny that is playing politics and that’s not right.

And now today many children are born out of wedlock. There’s a high divorce rate, my mom even went through a divorce and then met my dad and luckily went on to have a pretty good family.

It’s not like that for everyone

The school to prison pipeline increases dramatically when it comes to children of one parent households. And we have a lot more one parent households in America today.

There are plenty of professional people saying that a child’s best upbringing is when a mom is helping them at their earliest ages being at home taking care of their baby. That doesn’t mean that the mom can’t work as well. You know there’s things like maternity leave.

But I don’t see anything wrong with appreciating our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents and the society they created here in America. one might even argue that’s kind of selfish to think that our generation is better than those that came before. I think there’s good and bad on both sides.

I have no problem saying that having women able to make their own choices is better than what was before. The fact that society limited women so much was a travesty.
There’s tons of great woman in America. Probably much of this is American men’s fault for allowing our society to turn into degeneracy. And for not being masculine for not getting out there and working and taking control of things and having a good life being a leader.

There’s tons of examples of young American men who have no interest in actually being a man, but are interested in playing video games and using drugs all day. So that’s the American men failing .

Hopefully things will turn around and I think they will.
The left is repulsed by masculinity and does everything it can to make a special carve out of hate for white males. “Toxic masculinity” is screeched out by the left and aimed primarily at white men. Remarkably, a not insignificant portion of the female population accepts that garbage.

The beta male, the image of the individualistic, self-reliant male has been vilified since the poison of the Obama administration. Who can forget Obama's “Pajama Boy”.

The left has a feminization program aimed at men.
The left is repulsed by masculinity and does everything it can to make a special carve out of hate for white males. “Toxic masculinity” is screeched out by the left and aimed primarily at white men. Remarkably, a not insignificant portion of the female population accepts that garbage.
I think there is a real shortage of man-type men. So the young women don't know any better. Like a child raised on tofu tasting a smashburger for the first time, if they did find a real man, they would be shocked at what they had been missing.
The beta male, the image of the individualistic, self-reliant male has been vilified since the poison of the Obama administration. Who can forget Obama's “Pajama Boy”.
I must have missed "Pajama Boy." I looked it up. Wiki does not have the image in a lengthy article about it. I wonder why . . .


My side hurts! Thanks for the laugh!
The left has a feminization program aimed at men.
It's working.


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The left is repulsed by masculinity and does everything it can to make a special carve out of hate for white males. “Toxic masculinity” is screeched out by the left and aimed primarily at white men. Remarkably, a not insignificant portion of the female population accepts that garbage.

The beta male, the image of the individualistic, self-reliant male has been vilified since the poison of the Obama administration. Who can forget Obama's “Pajama Boy”.

The left has a feminization program aimed at men.

The reason toxic masculinity became a thing is simple. 1 in 4 women will be the victim of domestic violence. 1 in 5 women will be raped in their lifetime.
I found a great American woman. We have been married for 52 years. She was raised with Midwestern family family values that worked great with my Southern values.

Of course she is of the same Boomer generation as me.
Just my opinion but Eastern European women are the most beautiful in the World.
The reason toxic masculinity became a thing is simple. 1 in 4 women will be the victim of domestic violence. 1 in 5 women will be raped in their lifetime.

A bit of an oversimplification. As noted, the lefts’s focus on so-called toxic masculinity has a peculiar focus on white men. If you’re suggesting white men are the primary culprits of domestic violence and rape, I’d have to see some evidence.
A bit of an oversimplification. As noted, the lefts’s focus on so-called toxic masculinity has a peculiar focus on white men. If you’re suggesting white men are the primary culprits of domestic violence and rape, I’d have to see some evidence.

No, I am not suggesting that at all. I would suppose that it is focused on white men because we make up the bulk of the male population and are the ones in charge.
Typical badly educated American comment . Standard Deflection but unpleasant .

If that is the way a self announced teacher talks to his pupils it is no wonder that your country is in the terrible mess that it is facing .
We get it. You're homosexual. Let it go.
I do believe that “toxic masculinity” is a mostly made-up nonsense term

But women in the workforce as breadwinners isn’t an attack on masculinity
The left is repulsed by masculinity and does everything it can to make a special carve out of hate for white males. “Toxic masculinity” is screeched out by the left and aimed primarily at white men. Remarkably, a not insignificant portion of the female population accepts that garbage.

The beta male, the image of the individualistic, self-reliant male has been vilified since the poison of the Obama administration. Who can forget Obama's “Pajama Boy”.

The left has a feminization program aimed at men.
This is really a great post. You know the days of John F Kennedy, people like Dwight Eisenhower, who preached to work hard be strong. It’s been replaced by what you talk about above. The feminized man. The man who uses drugs to abhors Christianity. It doesn’t really have any principles.

We see the steep moral decline in America, the rise of single people, but more worse than that the rise of people who are in marriages who have relationships telling young single people “. Hey, it’s totally fine to be single and using drugs, watching porn, not meeting men or women in real life.”

In other countries of the world while they have economic issues, perhaps they don’t have the social issues we have in America today which, by the way, we did not have the social issues in America even up until a few years ago in many cases.

Of course here the divorce rate the child born out of wedlock Rate got progressively worse since the 1970s.

Lots of beta males in America today mostly Democrats, but even including some Republicans. And I would say it’s the type of Republican with no moral values. You can see them using really rude, rough language against people who they might disagree with a few topics, and these are clearly not people with any kind of a Christian or Jewish or even just moral upright bringing.
For the naysayers. Why can’t they look at the statistics. How does one who thinks America is fine today socially speaking… react to the fact that the divorce rate is extremely high, the child born out of wedlock rate is extremely high. And the rate of young black boys who go from school to prison is astronomical when it wasn’t like that in the early to mid 20th century.

Again the school to prison pipeline for young black boys is astronomical today. And although America had Black people being slaves in this country again, Black people owned white slaves in the same time In north Africa. So there you go. For all of America’s troubles we still have a very admirable past. How does 1950s America compare to any other country in the world in the 1950s ask yourself that.

To the threads point the number of young men in America who are using drugs every day, who are single is extremely high. And that’s a problem. Anyway you look at it a social issue. Look at South America yes poverty problems but they have a much higher child birth rate compared to America. Bigger families happier people. Money doesn’t buy happiness.

And it might even require for positive change in the USA the future idea of radical change of banning pornography, tick-tock, only fans, Instagram just ban them. What is their net positive on American society? We have a number of things banned in America already.
American men tend to be uneducated with a poorly developed sense of humour . A touch of toilet and schoolboy humour but that is generally all that is there .
No wonder American women find them boring and boorish .

Overseas ladies will be equally unimpressed .
They enjoy an agile mind with non smutty and no dirty humour .
They also highly appreciate a sense of good fashion and good manners .

American men are in for more acute disappointment
I remember going out with a Russian lady on a date a wonderful lady, and she was saying to me what in the world is wrong with America. She was talking about the radical LGBT issue. About how many aspects Americans don’t dress as nicely as they do in other places of the world. Now it wasn’t like that in the 1960s USA if you look at any major league baseball stadium, the men wore suits the women wore dresses, and now you see people going to baseball games in sweatpants and stuff like that
You see the sort of unhinged drug addicted McDonald’s eating American who thinks it’s all a joke. They have no logical answer to the attacks of western Christian civilization in America. They can’t there’s no logical counter because the fax show us today that the divorce rate, the child born out of wedlock rate is astronomically higher today in America than it was in the past. And the school to prison pipeline for young black boys is astronomical today. It wasn’t like that in the past. It’s despicable behavior by BLM type Americans. Some of them are brainwashed some of them know better and for some weird diabolical political points they keep on parroting BLM propaganda.

There’s a higher number of white kids and black kids in America today who have a one parent household and those types of young boys have a much higher school to prison pipeline… compared to white or black kids growing up with a two parent household.
Our ancestors would frown upon allowing blacks in restaurants or in relationships with white women.

The choice of who stays home and who goes to work is up to the couple, as it should be.
Oh, that’s not the case with the community here in Buffalo New York my white grandfather had a black boss. Are you in American? Are you right now going to say your father and grandfather were racists?

Compare 1950s America to any country in the world of the same time which do you think is more liberal?

Anti-Americanism is dangerous. The idea that the black man has it worse in America in 2023 is dangerous and clearly part of our economic problems in America today

Do you understand today that a chunk of the black population really does not like seeing black men date white women, interestingly, enough more so than a black woman dating a white man.

Anyway How many young black and white men are single in this country. ? A ton They’re smoking weed all the time. Playing video games. Part of the problem is they are taught by the BLM politicians how “evil” American history is. And that’s part of the problem you see in the past young black men and young white men got to work, and they made things happen in this country. They were motivated in those days.
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I have no problem saying that having women able to make their own choices is better than what was before. The fact that society limited women so much was a travesty.
Ok women worked in the industries in the 1940s and many held those jobs after World War II. And most of them were married. It was expected back in those days for a young man or a young woman to get married, and have a big family and that’s what brought so many people happiness in America. Now you got drugs in society today, you have video games being played way too much. Social media for all of its good also has a dark side.

There were female heads of states in the middle ages there were American female government officials like Frances Perkins in the 1940s.

Our society today is very troubled . What do you say to the high divorce rate, the high rate of depression and drug use among young people, the high rate of children born out of wedlock , the high rate of young black boys and white boys who have single parent households and are going to the school to prison pipeline ?

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