American men dating abroad versus compared to dating American women.

This was interesting. What do people think about Paul Lee?

He was saying that there’s not a lot of the radical left wing feminism in many parts of the eastern world compared to America.

Furthermore, in many parts of the eastern world, including in parts of Russia, it is frowned upon for there to be a phenomenon known as a “stay at home dad” or a man who doesn’t work while his woman does all the work. In some parts of the world, that type of man who is a stay at home dad or stay at home boyfriend is a disgrace to their society.


You're exoticizing.

People are people.

Some are decent and kind.

Some are assholes.

Regardless of culture.
Women are inherently limited to being housewives?
Is that what you got from that thread? One small countless communities we see police and fire commissioners as women. The seething that men are doing who have experienced everything in every way in that employment who were bypassed for this must be off the charts. Thus, my proof that when the time comes, just like other nations the authoritarians will kill with impunity if allowed to-do so. for these men stay in that employment for salaries, benefits and pensions over freedoms.
American men tend to be uneducated with a poorly developed sense of humour . A touch of toilet and schoolboy humour but that is generally all that is there .
No wonder American women find them boring and boorish .

Overseas ladies will be equally unimpressed .
They enjoy an agile mind with non smutty and no dirty humour .
They also highly appreciate a sense of good fashion and good manners .

American men are in for more acute disappointment
Is that what you got from that thread? One small countless communities we see police and fire commissioners as women. The seething that men are doing who have experienced everything in every way in that employment who were bypassed for this must be off the charts. Thus, my proof that when the time comes, just like other nations the authoritarians will kill with impunity if allowed to-do so. for these men stay in that employment for salaries, benefits and pensions over freedoms.
The vast majority of fire chiefs and police commissioners are still men, so how many men can actually be being passed over?

I do question if women can be competent firefighters, only because of their physical limitations. Otherwise, it’s a meritocracy.
the marines i knew with phillipine wives were very happy to trade in their high school sweetheart "starter wives" for a real woman. they do americanize fast, though.
the divorce rate on Filipino wives was 80 percent so bad that the Navy actively put roadblocks in the way for people to marry them in the Philippines. Me and my wife on the other hand have been married 40 years we beat the odds.
the divorce rate on Filipino wives was 80 percent so bad that the Navy actively put roadblocks in the way for people to marry them in the Philippines. Me and my wife on the other hand have been married 40 years we beat the odds.

Congrats! 40 years is impressive these days.

You're exoticizing.

People are people.

Some are decent and kind.

Some are assholes.

Regardless of culture.
I agree that to a point. I have a relative she converted to Islam. For example she covers everything up head to toe. So you have some differences like this. She has a lot of children. You don’t really see that a lot in the west where I believe the average married couple has like 1.5 kids.

And there are still some places in the world where people will only marry somebody of their own ethnicity, and I actually don’t agree with that, but it is what it is. That’s often the case in places like Pakistan, India, and part of Russia.

Furthermore, in places like India there is rarely sex before marriage. There’s also a lot of arranged marriages.
And all that would change if women just "knew their place"?
I respect America in the 1950s women were in the workforce then. Remember, the World War II women works. The factory jobs with men went off to war. And many of them stayed on after the war.

We had female congressman even before the World War II era
Just to clarify, are you calling stay-at-home Dads part of the degeneracy in this country?
Our ancestors would frown upon it. They would actually probably think it’s a disgrace. I don’t think it’s good for society.

What about what our grandparents and great grandparents would think about it?

Two of my close friends from high school are anti trump and sympathize with blm. One is a stay at home husband. The other is a stay at home boyfriend now the latter you could argue is even worse because there’s not even a kid around. He drinks and does drugs all day and laughs about it while his girlfriend does all the work. And the guy hates Trump.

I think that hanging around with those types of people would bring me down. We had a big time disagreements I guess politically speaking last year and I haven’t spoke to either of them in basically a year.
the divorce rate on Filipino wives was 80 percent so bad that the Navy actively put roadblocks in the way for people to marry them in the Philippines. Me and my wife on the other hand have been married 40 years we beat the odds.
Oh you have a Filipino wife?. That’s wonderful.

I wonder what the numbers are in Thailand, Russia, China, or Ukraine

There must be quite a few marriages between Americans and Mexicans as well.
There’s tons of great woman in America. Probably much of this is American men’s fault for allowing our society to turn into degeneracy. And for not being masculine for not getting out there and working and taking control of things and having a good life being a leader.

There’s tons of examples of young American men who have no interest in actually being a man, but are interested in playing video games and using drugs all day. So that’s the American men failing .

Hopefully things will turn around and I think they will.
We get it. You're homosexual. Let it go.
The vast majority of fire chiefs and police commissioners are still men, so how many men can actually be being passed over?

I do question if women can be competent firefighters, only because of their physical limitations. Otherwise, it’s a meritocracy.
Like I said. Its politics. And it was politics before if it was of colors. The men who work in dangerous employment have had to walk lightly in a minefield with people who are their leadership who know nothing of the employment involved and decisions are then made by the lower ranks for survival. In affect being more responsible for earning less. Do not worry. There are a growing number of Americans who will see scorched earth over this insanity. There is no point to make someone who may not be as good, look good.
What’s wrong with being a stay at home dad?

If both are okay with the arrangement and the wife makes enough to support family, who cares?

It could be a detriment to society. If you look at the American past, we had a much lower divorce rate, children born out of wedlock was at a very low percentage. Schools were a lot safer. You did not have a massive security concerns we have today where if you want to go pick up your kid at school there’s tons of security to go through. We did not have mass school shootings in those days. And by large there almost were no stay at home dad’s in those days. Today according to a wall street journal study patriotism is it at an all time low among the American youth, that was not the case back in the 1950s when we were very patriotic. There are clearly many problems We have in America today that we did not have in the past …to deny that is playing politics and that’s not right.

And now today many children are born out of wedlock. There’s a high divorce rate, my mom even went through a divorce and then met my dad and luckily went on to have a pretty good family.

It’s not like that for everyone

The school to prison pipeline increases dramatically when it comes to children of one parent households. And we have a lot more one parent households in America today.

There are plenty of professional people saying that a child’s best upbringing is when a mom is helping them at their earliest ages being at home taking care of their baby. That doesn’t mean that the mom can’t work as well. You know there’s things like maternity leave.

But I don’t see anything wrong with appreciating our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents and the society they created here in America. one might even argue that’s kind of selfish to think that our generation is better than those that came before. I think there’s good and bad on both sides.
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This was interesting. What do people think about Paul Lee?

He was saying that there’s not a lot of the radical left wing feminism in many parts of the eastern world compared to America.

Furthermore, in many parts of the eastern world, including in parts of Russia, it is frowned upon for there to be a phenomenon known as a “stay at home dad” or a man who doesn’t work while his woman does all the work. In some parts of the world, that type of man who is a stay at home dad or stay at home boyfriend is a disgrace to their society.

I can't even imagine trying to date American women anymore. Many have just become far too woke.
Paul Lee says that for some women in America, there are requirements to date them

You have to be 6 feet tall, double vaccinated and not a Trump supporter. Now he’s actually right about all of that. If you look at some of the dating apps, some women will literally say “if you support trump stay away from me.” … Look at this country we have today. And look at this horrendous situation in America with a low birth rate and a high divorce rate, patriotism at an all time low among the youth, tons of drug problems and depression among young Americans. …It’s a disaster and it needs to be confronted.
There’s tons of great woman in America. Probably much of this is American men’s fault for allowing our society to turn into degeneracy. And for not being masculine for not getting out there and working and taking control of things and having a good life being a leader.

There’s tons of examples of young American men who have no interest in actually being a man, but are interested in playing video games and using drugs all day. So that’s the American men failing .

Hopefully things will turn around and I think they will.
I think with those two posts, you've hit the nail on the head. Young male humans don't know how to be men anymore. They've been taught that masculinity is toxic, and they find it easier to be layabouts, for as long as Student Loan holds up.

Young women don't like the modern man. But they are not aware of the history of how we have come to this point, so they don't know how men used to be. They don't really know what kind of a man they would like. The women on the dating apps are responding to the fact that they know they don't like the men they meet, so they just describe a man as unlike them as possible. Then throw in 6 feet tall, because as long as they're fantasizing anyway . . .

What women want, whether they know it or not, is a man that respects them without being subservient to them, treats their parents with respect, likes kids, and most importantly, gets up in the morning and spends the day taking care of business.

It may be that the reason Asian women in Asian countries like American men is that the American men who go to Asia to work, vacation, or retire, are only those who take care of business so that they can afford that. Pay the way for a basement dwelling, THC vaping, "future video game designer," to go to the Phillipines and those women will only be interested long enough to realize that he is not like the other American men they have met.

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