American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI

Another thing christians and muslims have in common....a muslim does something bad...all other muslims say "Oh, he wasn't really a muslim." A christian does something bad...all other christians say "Oh, he wasn't really a christian".

Two sides of the same coin.

:cuckoo:Bullshit....There are no "honor killings" in Christianity

[ame=]Many Women Were Killed LAST YEAR, in Great Britain Alone, as Muslim Honor Killings!!! - YouTube[/ame]

:eusa_silenced: Yes, I never could understand how people would come here to live, but how dare their sibblings mingle or date or marry an American/Gentile, and then we as Americans see nothing wrong with this ?

I take that as they are haters of American culture, and the American people (IMHO), so why do they come here, is it because America provides much better conditions for them to live in and prosper in, but yet they hate her all at the same time? They remain loyal to their belief systems in which wouldnot have led them here in the first place, so this makes no sense to me what so ever if they are that loyal to their own culture and ways, and yet they would come here and live here, and then hate this culture & belief system in these ways in which they do so secretly while living here ? :cuckoo:
Another thing christians and muslims have in common....a muslim does something bad...all other muslims say "Oh, he wasn't really a muslim." A christian does something bad...all other christians say "Oh, he wasn't really a christian".

Two sides of the same coin.

:cuckoo:Bullshit....There are no "honor killings" in Christianity

[ame=]Many Women Were Killed LAST YEAR, in Great Britain Alone, as Muslim Honor Killings!!! - YouTube[/ame]

:eusa_silenced: Yes, I never could understand how people would come here to live, but how dare their sibblings mingle or date or marry an American/Gentile, and then we as Americans see nothing wrong with this ?

I take that as they are haters of American culture, and the American people (IMHO), so why do they come here, is it because America provides much better conditions for them to live in and prosper in, but yet they hate her all at the same time? They remain loyal to their belief systems in which wouldnot have led them here in the first place, so this makes no sense to me what so ever if they are that loyal to their own culture and ways, and yet they would come here and live here, and then hate this culture & belief system in these ways in which they do so secretly while living here ? :cuckoo:

It's the cultic mind in my opinion. Islam and liberty do not mix.
American muslims have fought and died for this nation in several wars and are an integral part of our history.

And should be given the same respect afforded to all other ethnic and religious minority groups. :cool:

It is recorded that a Peter Salem (Saleem) on 17th June 1775 fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill. He was an african america. Acording to one story, the colonial troops were near defeat, and the British Major John Pitcarn ordered them to surrender.

Salem then stepped forward and Shot Pitcairn.

Salem was awaded and honored for bravery for fighting in the Revolutionary War, and he also fought at Lexington.

There are two versions of the origins of how Peter, who was known as Peter Buckminster after his owner. The first is that Lawson Buckminster named him after a town called salem in Massachusits The second is that Peter choose the name Salem after he won his freedom from enslavement by Lawson Buckminster. He was awarded freedom in exchange for enlisting in the army.

It is the second report that substantiates the claim that Peter was a Muslim African American

Peter entered the annals of history for his bravery by having a United States stamp depicting his bravery at the battle of Bunker Hill

Peter Saleem - The Islamic Encyclopedia, History, People, Places

That is a "possible" 1 (one). Your story is doubtful, because.... (read the following)

"Peter Salem
Little is known of Peter's early life. It is known that he was born as a slave in Framingham, Massachusetts sometime around the year 1750. Peter's original owner was Jeremiah Belknap. Jeremiah sold Peter to Lawson Buckminister who allowed Salem to enlist in the Massachusetts Minutemen (militia). In exchange for enlisting in the army, Peter received his freedom. Peter served in the Colonial Army until the end of the war. He also fought at Concord and at Saratoga.
Peter Salem has been credited with killing Major Pitcairn the leader of the British forces storming the hill. According to the story, the colonial troops were near defeat, and British Major John Pitcairn ordered them to surrender. Salem then stepped forward and shot

Pitcairn. The British were temporarily stunned, and the Americans were able to retreat. Pitcairn later died of the wound.

...." from Peter Salem

if he was born in Massachusetts, it was extremely unlikely he was raised as muslim. I guess this is islam "re-writing" history to make them more plausible. Another example of muslim deceit.
Just like when a homo molests a child of the same sex.

And all of the other homos say; oh he is a pedophile; not a homo.

So what do you call a muslim that has sex with little boys and says "boys are for love", "women are for children"? Is he a homosexual pedophile, or just an average muslim man?
Another thing christians and muslims have in common....a muslim does something bad...all other muslims say "Oh, he wasn't really a muslim." A christian does something bad...all other christians say "Oh, he wasn't really a christian".

Two sides of the same coin.

:cuckoo:Bullshit....There are no "honor killings" in Christianity

[ame=]Many Women Were Killed LAST YEAR, in Great Britain Alone, as Muslim Honor Killings!!! - YouTube[/ame]

And yet, in the U.S., which many call a christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually molested before they reach 18 and the #1 cause of death for pregnant women is homicide.
It is recorded that a Peter Salem (Saleem) on 17th June 1775 fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill. He was an african america. Acording to one story, the colonial troops were near defeat, and the British Major John Pitcarn ordered them to surrender.

Salem then stepped forward and Shot Pitcairn.

Salem was awaded and honored for bravery for fighting in the Revolutionary War, and he also fought at Lexington.

There are two versions of the origins of how Peter, who was known as Peter Buckminster after his owner. The first is that Lawson Buckminster named him after a town called salem in Massachusits The second is that Peter choose the name Salem after he won his freedom from enslavement by Lawson Buckminster. He was awarded freedom in exchange for enlisting in the army.

It is the second report that substantiates the claim that Peter was a Muslim African American

Peter entered the annals of history for his bravery by having a United States stamp depicting his bravery at the battle of Bunker Hill

Peter Saleem - The Islamic Encyclopedia, History, People, Places

That is a "possible" 1 (one). Your story is doubtful, because.... (read the following)

"Peter Salem
Little is known of Peter's early life. It is known that he was born as a slave in Framingham, Massachusetts sometime around the year 1750. Peter's original owner was Jeremiah Belknap. Jeremiah sold Peter to Lawson Buckminister who allowed Salem to enlist in the Massachusetts Minutemen (militia). In exchange for enlisting in the army, Peter received his freedom. Peter served in the Colonial Army until the end of the war. He also fought at Concord and at Saratoga.
Peter Salem has been credited with killing Major Pitcairn the leader of the British forces storming the hill. According to the story, the colonial troops were near defeat, and British Major John Pitcairn ordered them to surrender. Salem then stepped forward and shot

Pitcairn. The British were temporarily stunned, and the Americans were able to retreat. Pitcairn later died of the wound.

...." from Peter Salem

if he was born in Massachusetts, it was extremely unlikely he was raised as muslim. I guess this is islam "re-writing" history to make them more plausible. Another example of muslim deceit.
Alot of history is being attempted to be re-written now, as it does not fit with the future agenda of todays push by ((?)), where as many minorities and various groups are now boasting in blogs and on talk radio that the whiteman will soon be a minority in this nation (hearing this alot lately), and (IMHO) the most vulnerable target for all of this new notion to date to become reality, has become the public school systems of America.

I am for the protection and enforcement of laws and the rights of all Americans to be free and in search of their own destiny in America, but I am not for the feds forcing Americans to totally accept any person as based soley upon their religion and/or their race in America, because within this notion therefore it has become a great failure (IMHO). The devil had been given one of the greatest gifts ever when this was given him, where as it created a situation that assumed that all peoples of a specific religion and/or race are therefore good & trustworthy due their religion and/or race, and in this they should be given special treatments and protections as based upon such, which has become a failed notion and policy in America. Many have seen the results of this notion, and have seen the devils slip right through the holes in which the feds created with such a notion. I am for a nation of laws and not of men, therefore the law is blind and will adress all law breaking no matter who it is that is breaking the law as it should be, and is therefore protecting all who are obeying the law as it should be. The Federal Government needs quickly to understand what it is to be American again in this nation, and to start obeying the laws that are of American and for Americans, as well as the constitution it has sworn to uphold, and it needs to quit playing politics by empowering voting blocks that accuse Americans of being the enemy within their own nation just because of their skin color and religion, and they do this just for the power of their vote in hopes there of, when they who play this devisive game pit American brother against American brother, and American sister against American sister. We must begin to recognize as a nation, this game that is being played upon us finally, and it needs to stop finally.
Another thing christians and muslims have in common....a muslim does something bad...all other muslims say "Oh, he wasn't really a muslim." A christian does something bad...all other christians say "Oh, he wasn't really a christian".

Two sides of the same coin.

:cuckoo:Bullshit....There are no "honor killings" in Christianity

[ame=]Many Women Were Killed LAST YEAR, in Great Britain Alone, as Muslim Honor Killings!!! - YouTube[/ame]

And yet, in the U.S., which many call a christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually molested before they reach 18 and the #1 cause of death for pregnant women is homicide.

Ummm.....Ok...That was stupid.... So your telling me Christianity and islam treat women the same? Were those girls molested in the name of Christianity? Was Christian honor involved ?I’m not a Christian, but I do know that Christians help people they feed and cloths poor and hungry people all around the world,muslims? not so much. Occasionally maybe other muslims, but here is no comparison when it comes to muslims and Chrstians. Sorry you're whacked:cuckoo:
Another thing christians and muslims have in common....a muslim does something bad...all other muslims say "Oh, he wasn't really a muslim." A christian does something bad...all other christians say "Oh, he wasn't really a christian".

Two sides of the same coin.

:cuckoo:Bullshit....There are no "honor killings" in Christianity

[ame=]Many Women Were Killed LAST YEAR, in Great Britain Alone, as Muslim Honor Killings!!! - YouTube[/ame]

And yet, in the U.S., which many call a christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually molested before they reach 18 and the #1 cause of death for pregnant women is homicide.

So in your mind, the fact that "many" call the USA a Christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually assaulted by Christians. Your brain is fried.

And yet, in the U.S., which many call a christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually molested before they reach 18 and the #1 cause of death for pregnant women is homicide.

So in your mind, the fact that "many" call the USA a Christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually assaulted by Christians. Your brain is fried.

I did not say christians...I said in a so-called christian country. If you want to concede that these kinds of things happen in a NOT christian country, ok....I'll accept that.

But if people want to INSIST this a christian country....why don't we HOWL over those kinds of America?
And yet, in the U.S., which many call a christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually molested before they reach 18 and the #1 cause of death for pregnant women is homicide.

So in your mind, the fact that "many" call the USA a Christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually assaulted by Christians. Your brain is fried.

I did not say christians...I said in a so-called christian country. If you want to concede that these kinds of things happen in a NOT christian country, ok....I'll accept that.

But if people want to INSIST this a christian country....why don't we HOWL over those kinds of America?

Oh my God.............
So in your mind, the fact that "many" call the USA a Christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually assaulted by Christians. Your brain is fried.

I did not say christians...I said in a so-called christian country. If you want to concede that these kinds of things happen in a NOT christian country, ok....I'll accept that.

But if people want to INSIST this a christian country....why don't we HOWL over those kinds of America?

Oh my God.............

Yes? j/k
And yet, in the U.S., which many call a christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually molested before they reach 18 and the #1 cause of death for pregnant women is homicide.

Honour killings are called "family-drama" in West.

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