American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI

I wonder if the Christians members of the Westboro Baptist Church were peacefully protesting at an American soldiers funeral.

And the family members and relatives of the dead soldier started throwing rocks and bottles at the Christians from the Westboro Church.

Would Buford and Uncensored defend the Church members and their protest?

And call for the arrest of the dead American soldier's family and relatives for inciting violence and breaking the law??
So what's the matter boys?

Afraid to answer or comment on this?? :cool:
Waiting.......... :cool:
Still waiting..............
Notice that the Adult American Arabs did Not take the bait just the Kids

Notice, none of the "adult American Arabs" were disciplining their children for that behavior. The apple does fall far from the tree.
All kidding aside here.

If you go provoking a crowd, any crowd, there is a chance you may get attacked by them.

Yes, you have free speech, but you also have common sense too. Use common sense in public and you will not complain about getting attacked.

Yes--the muslims that attacked the Christian group is wrong. But those Christians are just stupid. I don't feel sorry for them. In fact, I kind of laugh at them for whining about their rights after pulling such a stupid stunt!

Why are they filming? Are they making a christian version of "Jackass"?

This is the kind of thinking that condones this and allows it to become entrenched. We are a nation of laws and the Christians were breaking no laws.

If I was at a carnival and I saw a group of Christians or any religion doing their thing I'd just look and move on. Many posters are missing the point and missing it deliberately rather than face the cold hard facts.

So, if you walk into the ghetto and start yelling about *******, it's your claim that people will just ignore you and move on? I think that claim is bullshit, but I would suggest that you probably can prove me wrong today. Why don't you go stand in front of a local high school or recreation center, and start screaming insults designed to be as offensive as possible to the group that makes up the majority of the students/users at that facility. Make sure you take along a camera to record your findings. And, then, post them here to make your case.

As stated above, repeatedly, attempting to verbally provoke or incite people to attack you falls into the category of fighting words. It's not constitutionally protected free speech.

This was not their community (where they live). It was an event across several city blocks. Not a good comparison. Are you suggesting that this is how "demonstrators" be treated, by anyone that does not disagree with them?
Liberals and muslims are on the same anti Christian side. Once the anti Christians win and muslims start hanging homosexuals they won't be on the same side anymore.
Notice that the Adult American Arabs did Not take the bait just the Kids

Notice, none of the "adult American Arabs" were disciplining their children for that behavior. The apple does fall far from the tree.

The children were doing exactly what they have been taught to do.

[ame=]ISLAM: Brainwashing Palestinian Children - YouTube[/ame]
Liberals and muslims are on the same anti Christian side. Once the anti Christians win and muslims start hanging homosexuals they won't be on the same side anymore.

Then the libs will blame the Christians for not protecting them.

The gays would be in grave danger... whats that say for the religion of peace, and our two faced leader?

Sorry HG, this is just a pet peeve of mine.

I cant beleive liberals are so vapid of clear thought that they cant see this :confused:

They don't want to hear it and I don't bother bringing it up anymore, anytime someone mentions how homosexuals are killed and imprisoned in Muslim countries all we hear in response is well Christians bomb abortion clinics.:cuckoo:

Americans are expected to act like Americans, no matter what their beliefs are....most of the comments you read on these forums from liberals are Americans standing up for the rights of other Americans.

Who is standing up for the "rights" of Christian Americans?
They don't want to hear it and I don't bother bringing it up anymore, anytime someone mentions how homosexuals are killed and imprisoned in Muslim countries all we hear in response is well Christians bomb abortion clinics.:cuckoo:

Americans are expected to act like Americans, no matter what their beliefs are....most of the comments you read on these forums from liberals are Americans standing up for the rights of other Americans.

Who is standing up for the "rights" of Christian Americans?

You forgot to add..."poor persecuted, outnumbered and woe-begotten christian Americans".
Maybe you missed my question, I'll provide it again.

I see, so you think the christians in this video were trying to win over the muslims with Jesus's message of love and forgiveness?

Perhaps they wanted to demonstrate how easily Muslims are enraged. If you wanted to provoke a violent response in some other community maybe you could, but would it be this easy?

If muslims did this at a christian festival would I expect the dumbest members of the festival congregation to do what the dumbest muslims at this festival did? Yes.

Remember the days right after 9/11? Retard christian fundies all over this country were doing this exact stuff to muslims and their places of worship.

I hate to be the one who informs you, but your religion doesn't automatically make you superior to other members of different religions.

Please, continue. Many lurkers are getting a first-hand look at Sharia Law. You're making this too easy.
This incident has zero to do with Sharia Law.

Just average people defending themselves against rabid harassment by fundy christians out to cause trouble.

The "festival" was blocks long, why didn't the muslims just ignore them and keep away from them? It is kind of disheartening to hold a protest/demonstration when everyone is ignoring you.
Please, continue. Many lurkers are getting a first-hand look at Sharia Law. You're making this too easy.
This incident has zero to do with Sharia Law.

Just average people defending themselves against rabid harassment by fundy christians out to cause trouble.

The "festival" was blocks long, why didn't the muslims just ignore them and keep away from them? It is kind of disheartening to hold a protest/demonstration when everyone is ignoring you.

Ah...if everyone just IGNORED those taunting them, eh? How often does that happen? Are we all held to that standard?

Americans are expected to act like Americans, no matter what their beliefs are....most of the comments you read on these forums from liberals are Americans standing up for the rights of other Americans.

Who is standing up for the "rights" of Christian Americans?

You forgot to add..."poor persecuted, outnumbered and woe-begotten christian Americans".

Your bias that you claim to not have is showing again.
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This incident has zero to do with Sharia Law.

Just average people defending themselves against rabid harassment by fundy christians out to cause trouble.

The "festival" was blocks long, why didn't the muslims just ignore them and keep away from them? It is kind of disheartening to hold a protest/demonstration when everyone is ignoring you.

Ah...if everyone just IGNORED those taunting them, eh? How often does that happen? Are we all held to that standard?

Why do you continually excuse muslim violence? If you're going to excuse the muslim violence because you believe they were "taunted", then what about the Christians who were targets of violence? They surely are allowed to get violent in return, yet restrained themselves.

Muslim whore.
I wonder if the Christians members of the Westboro Baptist Church were peacefully protesting at an American soldiers funeral.

And the family members and relatives of the dead soldier started throwing rocks and bottles at the Christians from the Westboro Church.

Would Buford and Uncensored defend the Church members and their protest?

And call for the arrest of the dead American soldier's family and relatives for inciting violence and breaking the law??

The Westboro Baptist Church is made up of lawyers that are looking to sue families that react to rudeness. It is not a Christian organization.
Who is standing up for the "rights" of Christian Americans?

You forgot to add..."poor persecuted, outnumbered and woe-begotten christian Americans".

Your bias that you claim to not have is showing again.

Would you like me to call muslims names too? Gladly..."backwards, quarrelsome, stubborn, overly strict to the point of anal muslims"

How's that?

christians and muslims...two sides of the same coin...a pox on both.

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