American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI

Not too much in the tank here, fellas. Easily amused and really nothing worth the time and effort.

Shortbus didn't develop past a 3rd grade mentality. She actually believes herself clever. I try to play along to support her self-esteem.

Well, you know, my gyrlfriend Uncensored didn't develop past a 3rd grade mentality. She thinks she knows what everyone else helps"win" arguments. :D
Well, you know, my gyrlfriend Uncensored didn't develop past a 3rd grade mentality. She thinks she knows what everyone else helps"win" arguments. :D

Now see what you did there, Shortbus?

You took someone else' words and repeated them back. That's what the smart kids on the playground do, isn't it? You want to be smart too, don't you?
Well, you know, my gyrlfriend Uncensored didn't develop past a 3rd grade mentality. She thinks she knows what everyone else helps"win" arguments. :D

Now see what you did there, Shortbus?

You took someone else' words and repeated them back. That's what the smart kids on the playground do, isn't it? You want to be smart too, don't you?

You said the bold part? I think not. In fact you believe you said that part even tho it is proven you did not. That's how much you delude yourself.

Again, this playing the game of TELLING you what you believe is fun. Let's play some more! :eusa_clap:
Lots of Catholics, though. Apparently these nitwit "Bible Believers" also protest Catholics.

I read that, was that because some of the Arabs were Catholics?:confused:
I doubt it. Fred Phelps wannabees hate everyone that doesn't believe their way.

Did he:
saw off a bound man's head while 4 other men held him and another videoed the beheading?
disembowel people and leave them in the street to die?
pull out corpses entrails and hold them up in the air while chanting to "God"?
stone women for adultery based on one man's "word" (slander)?
murder anyone that does not believe as he does?

Just tryin' to put it in PERSPECTIVE...
the christians that were talking their dogmatic crap never read the Riot Act
They weren't the ones rioting. The muslims did. Do you think those muslim rioters would give a shit about an ordinance? They think Dearborn is the same as the West Bank and this shit is normal.

If the Muslims had corrupted a Christian nativity scene in the same manner, saying things like "Your god is a fraud" and "the mother of your savior was a whore", how do you think average Christians would respond? I live in the south, and I'm pretty sure that it would have been a similar kind of response, particularly if there were hot-blooded young men involved.

Or should we all assume that it would be peaceful and calm, and that no fisticuffs would occur?

All the atheists that have done similar acts, including disrespecting religious symbols and calling it "art", how many have been beat/stoned/murdered because it was "against their God? Wonder how many of those artist would draw a picture of Mohammed and throw cow dung all over it for a public art display? Wonder if they would have the guts to sign it?
Reality. The muslims got violent because they didn't like what was being said. They should have been arrested. Reality.

All of them?

All of the ones who were being violent, yes.

How many were violent? Can you identify them? You DO know they have to be identified in order to be arrested.

You condone violence to shut people up you don't agree with?

Ok, where did I condone violence to shut people up I don't agree with? Link where I have ever done that. Christian whores accuse people of saying things they never're not a christian whore, are you?
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So because some people claim a small group of muslims allegedly did on 911

American muslims are not allowed to have a peaceful Family Day Festival without being harassed by miscreants out to cause trouble?

It's called "free speech", you miscreant bitch. Get your slimy goat fuckers out of my country. There is going to be blood in the streets if you keep pushing us.

The muslims were pushing the Christians, in this case? Or did the "Christian" group invaded their peaceful festival with the intention of starting confrontations and conflict?

Pretty sure it was the latter.

So people have the right to treat the "occupiers" in a similar manner?
So the Christians don't have the right to free speech? Gotcha. We can plainly see on the tape they don't have the right to self defense to these people.

Are you familiar with the term "fighting words" or Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire?

Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Supreme Court Justice Frank Murphy wrote, in the majority decision that:

There are certain well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech, the prevention and punishment of which have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem. These include the lewd and obscene, the profane, the libelous, and the insulting or "fighting" words those which by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. It has been well observed that such utterances are no essential part of any exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social value as a step to truth that any benefit that may be derived from them is clearly outweighed by the social interest in order and morality.

In other words, fighting words fall outside of constitutional protections on free speech.

In my opinion, the Christian group was using fighting words to provoke a confrontation with the Muslim crowd, in hopes of filming something that could be used as propaganda to further their agenda.

What are your thoughts on the subject of fighting words, Fitz?

So conservatives should treat liberals in this manner, because liberals use "fighting words"?
It's called "free speech", you miscreant bitch. Get your slimy goat fuckers out of my country. There is going to be blood in the streets if you keep pushing us.

The muslims were pushing the Christians, in this case? Or did the "Christian" group invaded their peaceful festival with the intention of starting confrontations and conflict?

Pretty sure it was the latter.

So people have the right to treat the "occupiers" in a similar manner?

What makes you think they haven't?
All of them?

All of the ones who were being violent, yes.

How many were violent? Can you identify them? You DO know they have to be identified in order to be arrested.

You condone violence to shut people up you don't agree with?

Ok, where did I condone violence to shut people up I don't agree with? Link where I have ever done that. Christian whores accuse people of saying things they never're not a christian whore, are you?

The cop who was in charge and the Christians know who they are. Doesn't matter if you know. All that matters is justice, which you don't give a damn about. Muslim whore.
If the Muslims had corrupted a Christian nativity scene in the same manner, saying things like "Your god is a fraud" and "the mother of your savior was a whore", how do you think average Christians would respond? I live in the south, and I'm pretty sure that it would have been a similar kind of response, particularly if there were hot-blooded young men involved.

Or should we all assume that it would be peaceful and calm, and that no fisticuffs would occur?
I see nothing equivalent to going to a defilement of a nativity scene. I have never heard of Christians trying to stone or riot over seeing muslim statements on placards peaceably assembled?

If muslim fundies went to a christian fundie retreat and did the exact same things you'd see the exact same response.

Give me an example, because in places where muslims outnumber Christians, the muslims show up at religious gatherings and MURDER the Christians (but that is perfectly acceptable by the liberals as long as some insincere muslim tells them "islam" is a religion of peace).

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