American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI

You'll get a fairer shake from a Christian than you will from a muslim. If you don't know that, then you're far dumber than I thought.

Nope...they are both equally unfair to pagans. I will ask for pagan officials in the future. I don't want muslim whores or christian whores. You've opened my eyes to the religious persecution practices by both religions.

No you just have a lot of self-inflicted ignorance, its a shame really but most people do tend to suffer from it.

Sorry, but I am not the ignorant one. Both religions are full of arrogance and self-righteousness....tho, while the mooslims are currently more violent, the christians have this persecution complex thingee that is overwhelming.
Nope...they are both equally unfair to pagans. I will ask for pagan officials in the future. I don't want muslim whores or christian whores. You've opened my eyes to the religious persecution practices by both religions.

No you just have a lot of self-inflicted ignorance, its a shame really but most people do tend to suffer from it.

Sorry, but I am not the ignorant one. Both religions are full of arrogance and self-righteousness....tho, while the mooslims are currently more violent, the christians have this persecution complex thingee that is overwhelming.

This coming from a Feminist? :rofl:
You're a lesbian. The Christians will just tell you that you're a sinner. The muslims will hang you. You really should wake up.

And I pretty much could care less about both fail religions.

Naw, you dislike Christianity much more than Islam. Just admit it. It's a lefty thing.

Don't like them both....have been a christian...know it's "poor us, we are the majority but are so persecuted" mindset. Mooslim? Ugh.
No you just have a lot of self-inflicted ignorance, its a shame really but most people do tend to suffer from it.

Sorry, but I am not the ignorant one. Both religions are full of arrogance and self-righteousness....tho, while the mooslims are currently more violent, the christians have this persecution complex thingee that is overwhelming.

This coming from a Feminist? :rofl:

And....? You don't think men and women should be equal in the eyes of the law? And in the workforce?
Nope...they are both equally unfair to pagans. I will ask for pagan officials in the future. I don't want muslim whores or christian whores. You've opened my eyes to the religious persecution practices by both religions.

No you just have a lot of self-inflicted ignorance, its a shame really but most people do tend to suffer from it.

Sorry, but I am not the ignorant one. Both religions are full of arrogance and self-righteousness....tho, while the mooslims are currently more violent, the christians have this persecution complex thingee that is overwhelming.

The funny part is you would say that about Christians rather than the muslims. Sunni has even admitted muslims play the victim intentionally. You keep saying you view them both the same, yet your posts reveal a much bigger bias for Christianity. Like I said, it's a lefty thing.
Sorry, but I am not the ignorant one. Both religions are full of arrogance and self-righteousness....tho, while the mooslims are currently more violent, the christians have this persecution complex thingee that is overwhelming.

This coming from a Feminist? :rofl:

And....? You don't think men and women should be equal in the eyes of the law? And in the workforce?

Are men and women more equal in Christianity or in Islam?
Sorry, but I am not the ignorant one. Both religions are full of arrogance and self-righteousness....tho, while the mooslims are currently more violent, the christians have this persecution complex thingee that is overwhelming.

This coming from a Feminist? :rofl:

And....? You don't think men and women should be equal in the eyes of the law? And in the workforce?


Oh sure Feminists preach about equality and womens lack of rights and many of them like you may even believe what they are doing is indeed equality at least in their eyes but at the end of the day, it's men who have seen their rights and opportunities decline, while our responsibilities remain largely unchanged, and liabilities against us have become much more severe. So called Man-hating feminists may do the dirty work most of the time but all feminists support the effort by perpetuating the lie that feminism is about equality, and the unwillingness of the other feminists to rein in their more radical sisters rightfully suggests to most who truly are working for equality that those who identify with feminism are much more in step with the man-hating feminists than they are willing to be honest about! Indeed they memorialize these radicals, they Honor them and praise them as Heros of the womens movement. A Major problem with Feminists is that they don't understand the difference between equal opportunities and equal outcomes, they make the assumption that one should automatically lead to the other because they don't accept the existence of innate differences between men and women and the choices they make as a result. When equal outcomes don't occur feminists wrongly assume that it is due to discrimination when it often isn't. When equal outcomes are forced using quota legislation it causes men to lose their individual rights and place in society, they become angry and disinfranchised as a result, Feminists label these angry men as Misogynists and Anti-womens rights advocates and the majority of the public believes them, because Feminism is supposed to be a good thing.
This coming from a Feminist? :rofl:

And....? You don't think men and women should be equal in the eyes of the law? And in the workforce?


Oh sure Feminists preach about equality and womens lack of rights and many of them like you may even believe what they are doing is indeed equality at least in their eyes but at the end of the day, it's men who have seen their rights and opportunities decline, while our responsibilities remain largely unchanged, and liabilities against us have become much more severe. So called Man-hating feminists may do the dirty work most of the time but all feminists support the effort by perpetuating the lie that feminism is about equality, and the unwillingness of the other feminists to rein in their more radical sisters rightfully suggests to most who truly are working for equality that those who identify with feminism are much more in step with the man-hating feminists than they are willing to be honest about! Indeed they memorialize these radicals, they Honor them and praise them as Heros of the womens movement. A Major problem with Feminists is that they don't understand the difference between equal opportunities and equal outcomes, they make the assumption that one should automatically lead to the other because they don't accept the existence of innate differences between men and women and the choices they make as a result. When equal outcomes don't occur feminists wrongly assume that it is due to discrimination when it often isn't. When equal outcomes are forced using quota legislation it causes men to lose their individual rights and place in society, they become angry and disinfranchised as a result, Feminists label these angry men as Misogynists and Anti-womens rights advocates and the majority of the public believes them, because Feminism is supposed to be a good thing.

I am not muslim...nor would I ever want to be, christian whore.

No, you're a leftist. You have the Muslims as an ally because of your insane bigotry against Christians - even though the Muslims would kill you if given a chance, and the Christians would not.

But then, fucked up reasoning is expected from you...
I am not muslim...nor would I ever want to be, christian whore.

No, you're a leftist. You have the Muslims as an ally because of your insane bigotry against Christians - even though the Muslims would kill you if given a chance, and the Christians would not.

But then, fucked up reasoning is expected from you...

Here's a member of my Gyrl Krew telling me how I think and believe again. Why does she do it? Because her argument cannot stand on its own...she has to construct both sides in order :lol:

No, gyrlie....I do not consider mooslims as allies. I do not consider christians as allies. They are two sides of the same coin. A coin I do not want.

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