American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI

And yet, in the U.S., which many call a christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually molested before they reach 18 and the #1 cause of death for pregnant women is homicide.

Honour killings are called "family-drama" in West.

Domestic Violence. If we didn't have such issues here....why is the family always the first suspected when someone is murdered?
And yet, in the U.S., which many call a christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually molested before they reach 18 and the #1 cause of death for pregnant women is homicide.

Honour killings are called "family-drama" in West.

Domestic Violence. If we didn't have such issues here....why is the family always the first suspected when someone is murdered?

These things happen in the US but not many people are killing in the name of Jesus I think is the point.
Honour killings are called "family-drama" in West.

Domestic Violence. If we didn't have such issues here....why is the family always the first suspected when someone is murdered?

These things happen in the US but not many people are killing in the name of Jesus I think is the point.

At least that we know about.....but it IS interesting that often it is the "other religion" that is blamed when people do bad things.....but not christianity when people of a so-called christian country do bad things.

But hey.....I'm willing to concede that this is not a christian country.
And yet, in the U.S., which many call a christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually molested before they reach 18 and the #1 cause of death for pregnant women is homicide.

So in your mind, the fact that "many" call the USA a Christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually assaulted by Christians. Your brain is fried.

I did not say christians...I said in a so-called christian country. If you want to concede that these kinds of things happen in a NOT christian country, ok....I'll accept that.

But if people want to INSIST this a christian country....why don't we HOWL over those kinds of America?
Yes, and you know what is driving the statistics, it is perps molesting the christians, who are therefore posers and/or non-christians that act as christians, in order to get close to the flock or even close to their own in which they also go after (havn't you ever read little red riding hood & the big bad wolf), and didn't it teach you anything about the art of deception and confusion found in that story, in which the wolf attempted several times to try his deception on her ?????? There are many who are vulnerable in this natiion, and the wolf is running wild or rampant now, trying to gain all the souls he can, and this before the end comes in which is now his end game. He loves people like you who try and bend or confuse, in order to give him cover, but why is it that you choose to do this in your life, instead of doing what is right or righteous as it should be ??
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So in your mind, the fact that "many" call the USA a Christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually assaulted by Christians. Your brain is fried.

I did not say christians...I said in a so-called christian country. If you want to concede that these kinds of things happen in a NOT christian country, ok....I'll accept that.

But if people want to INSIST this a christian country....why don't we HOWL over those kinds of America?
Yes, and you know what is driving the statistics, it is perps molesting the christians, who are therefore posers and/or non-christians that act as christians, in order to get close to the flock or even close to their own in which they also go after (havn't you ever read little red riding hood & the big bad wolf), and didn't it teach you anything about the art of deception and confusion found in that story, in which the wolf attempted several times to try his deception on her ?????? There are many who are vulnerable in this natiion, and the wolf is running wild or rampant now, trying to gain all the souls he can, and this before the end comes in which is now his end game. He loves people like you who try and bend or confuse, in order to give him cover, but why is it that you choose to do this in your life, instead of doing what is right or righteous as it should be ??

No True Scotsman, eh?
And yet, in the U.S., which many call a christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually molested before they reach 18 and the #1 cause of death for pregnant women is homicide.

So in your mind, the fact that "many" call the USA a Christian country, 1 in 4 girls are sexually assaulted by Christians. Your brain is fried.

I did not say christians...I said in a so-called christian country. If you want to concede that these kinds of things happen in a NOT christian country, ok....I'll accept that.

But if people want to INSIST this a christian country....why don't we HOWL over those kinds of America?

Because in "this" country, we typically, set our minds that this is not acceptable and go about trying to change it. We don't protest in the street burning symbols of rapists and screaming for the "gov't" to do something. We start in our own families, spread to the community, take it to the city, it gets to the state level (if that), and things do change. Are they perfect, no. It is hard to do away with victimizing women and children when so many support pornography that de-humanizes people into penis receptacles (Dr Laura).

It is even harder to clean up society when Christianity is bashed as a whole, and the perverts that use it as a cover are held up as typical Chistians by those that want no Christianity (or no religion at all). The USSR, communist China, and Cambodia have give us a really good vision (for those that would see ) of what a state with "no" religion looks like.

Then you have those that want to lump Hindu, Islam, Buddhism, and every other religion in with Christianity without a second thought. They do not mention the habitual practices of hurting/molesting children, human sacrifice, the subjugation, the slavery that occurs in these other faiths. Christians are not perfect. Their Leader, Yeshua, IS! There is no other religion that can say that. There is no other religion that does as much for the "poor", the "women", the "children" as Christians.

Those that say they are all the same have demonstrated that they:
do not know what they are talking about (because you can do internet searches on charities and see the difference)
do not want to see the truth
are not interested in the truth
are working for the other side.

Pick one, have a blessed day!
Christians are not perfect Their Leader, Yeshua, IS! There is no other religion that can say that. There is no other religion that does as much for the "poor", the "women", the "children" as Christians.
Muhammad was also perfect; just like Jesus.

And Islam/muslims does far more for the poor, women and children, than Christianity. :cool:
Christians are not perfect Their Leader, Yeshua, IS! There is no other religion that can say that. There is no other religion that does as much for the "poor", the "women", the "children" as Christians.
Muhammad was also perfect; just like Jesus.

And Islam/muslims does far more for the poor, women and children, than Christianity. :cool:

Id like to see some evidence to support those claims.
We talk of honor killings, etc. What would the christians here do if their son or daughter came to them and said they had converted to islam?

I would be very unhappy, but if they were an adult...I too would do nothing....just like I would do nothing if they came to me and announced they are converted to southern baptist...or catholic...or mormon.
it's their life. My family is very Jesus, but I don't chant the mantra.
Christians are not perfect Their Leader, Yeshua, IS! There is no other religion that can say that. There is no other religion that does as much for the "poor", the "women", the "children" as Christians.
Muhammad was also perfect; just like Jesus.

And Islam/muslims does far more for the poor, women and children, than Christianity. :cool:

Quit worshipping your phony prophet. He was a man, therefore he had sins. That is not "perfection". Go bow before your phallic rock and kiss his dusty corpse, he is not risen, and when he is, it will be to kneel before Yeshua for judgement. Your "allah" will be drug to the pit cursing and screaming, but in the pit, he will go.
Christians are not perfect Their Leader, Yeshua, IS! There is no other religion that can say that. There is no other religion that does as much for the "poor", the "women", the "children" as Christians.
Muhammad was also perfect; just like Jesus.

And Islam/muslims does far more for the poor, women and children, than Christianity. :cool:

Quit worshipping your phony prophet. He was a man, therefore he had sins. That is not "perfection". Go bow before your phallic rock and kiss his dusty corpse, he is not risen, and when he is, it will be to kneel before Yeshua for judgement. Your "allah" will be drug to the pit cursing and screaming, but in the pit, he will go.

What pit? Peach pit?
We talk of honor killings, etc. What would the christians here do if their son or daughter came to them and said they had converted to islam?

Not the brightest bulb in the bunch?

Christians would pray for their children. They would pray that they found their way back to the Lord, and for the Lord to protect them from harm from their new "associations". But you are into bashing Christians, please, show us where Christian parents are killing their children for converting to another religion. There was a time, when, if you switched to another "Christian" religion, those that belonged to your original faith would "shun" you. It was very effective when people "knew" how much they relied on other people, not so much, today.

Let's compare: shun versus murder, shun versus murder, hmmm, I can see how you might think they are similar, you are simple.
Muhammad was also perfect; just like Jesus.

And Islam/muslims does far more for the poor, women and children, than Christianity. :cool:

Quit worshipping your phony prophet. He was a man, therefore he had sins. That is not "perfection". Go bow before your phallic rock and kiss his dusty corpse, he is not risen, and when he is, it will be to kneel before Yeshua for judgement. Your "allah" will be drug to the pit cursing and screaming, but in the pit, he will go.

What pit? Peach pit?

Stop it! You are overwhelming me with your knowledge and cleverness.

(That is sarcasm, for you, because I don't think you could recognize it without help)
We talk of honor killings, etc. What would the christians here do if their son or daughter came to them and said they had converted to islam?
It's happened, and there are documentories on this in which I have watched myself.

They the christians did nothing to them, but let them go as it is a free country here for people to choose their paths in life, where people are not enslaved by their beliefs as it is in other countries, but their are many whom want to bring their enslavement beliefs or religions that enslave one and/or many right here to this nation (sharia law), for one example is now a case study, but we are not going or falling for it thank God...
Christians are not perfect Their Leader, Yeshua, IS! There is no other religion that can say that. There is no other religion that does as much for the "poor", the "women", the "children" as Christians.
Muhammad was also perfect; just like Jesus.

And Islam/muslims does far more for the poor, women and children, than Christianity. :cool:

Mohammed could not be perfect. Anyone who says to take off the head of the unbeliever is not perfect. Jesus said to love your enemies.

Islam and muslims have done a lot for children. They've taught them how to strap on suicide bombs.

[ame=]Cartoon by Hamas - YouTube[/ame]

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