American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI

Interesting irony. You advocate we all surrender and bow and go along to get along in peace. Let's just all just shut up and live in fear. That's what you advocate.

The US started every war it wasn't late for.
Would stopping aggression be such a bad thing?
Interesting irony. You advocate we all surrender and bow and go along to get along in peace. Let's just all just shut up and live in fear. That's what you advocate.

The US started every war it wasn't late for.
Would stopping aggression be such a bad thing?

That's an idiotic ignorant statement. You're going to have to get specific.
So now free speech is responsible for retalitory violence. You're as sick as they are.

Interesting irony. You advocate a level of genocide no monster could even dream up, but call others sick.

Interesting irony. You advocate we all surrender and bow and go along to get along in peace. Let's just all just shut up and live in fear. That's what you advocate.

I don't live in fear, I'm not a coward. I pity people who live in fear solely because they're on a planet with people of varying religious viewpoints.

You're out and out stating right up front you want a level of genocide the world has never seen, you have to piece together a fairy tale in your mind of me "advocating surrender and bowing to get along."

But it doesn't raise an eyebrow or anything, what you're saying is what I expect from a lying coward.
Interesting irony. You advocate we all surrender and bow and go along to get along in peace. Let's just all just shut up and live in fear. That's what you advocate.

The US started every war it wasn't late for.
Would stopping aggression be such a bad thing?

That's an idiotic ignorant statement. You're going to have to get specific.

Not so idiotic when you look at a bit of history.
Do they teach anything in US schools are do they hide the truth of your terrible history from you?

History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890

Everything from mass murder of native American Indians by US troops to murder of strikers by the same.
America moans about the Beirut embassy bombing but neglects to mention it joined in an armed conflict in that country first. The US painted a target on its own back by entering combat.
Iraq is another classic example. The US invaded based on lies about WMDs but moans when its servicemen die.
What the hell do you expect when you start a war?

As for late.
WW1 was 1914 - 1918
WW2 was 1939 - 1945.

I understand the US was a little tardy for both.
Must be the trains were running late, maybe because the US army killed 34 of its workers in the 1894 rail strike.

Perhaps you could explain why Hawaii is a US state.
Would it be the armed invasion and occupation of the place by the US?

You lot even started the whole thing with the old Soviet union when you invaded Russia to fight the Bolsheviks.

1967 - You even used troops to kill your own people on US soil because they were too black.
Kill the blacks because they want equal rights. Is that a good thing to do?

You even attacked Indonesia in case it became a communist country.
Not a lot to do with the US what a sovereign county's politics are but you attacked and murdered anyway.
Ironically, one of the worst mass murders was Christians going to church.

Does Detroit still mention they made Saddam an honorary citizen in 1980 because of his strong ties to the US? The US armed Saddam and helped direct Iraqi forces in the Iran Iraq war. The US even shot down a couple of Iranian aircraft - including a civilian airliner.
Not odd that the Iranian aircraft were US made. You supplied them.

1973 - The democracy loving US CIA supported the ousting of the elected government in Chile.

Look down that shameful list and tell me the US was right in those actions.

Is that enough or are you blind?
There are many ways. Killing them until they've had enough worked on the Nazis and the Japs.

If you start killing Muslims, how are you any better, or different, than they are?

Don't we denounce Islam precisely because it commands the murder of those who don't follow it? If we murder those who do follow, then we become them.

Islam cannot survive honest examination. Defeating Islam requires only that we be honest about what Islam is, was, and seeks.

How many Americans became Nazis because they killed Nazis?
Interesting irony. You advocate a level of genocide no monster could even dream up, but call others sick.

Interesting irony. You advocate we all surrender and bow and go along to get along in peace. Let's just all just shut up and live in fear. That's what you advocate.

I don't live in fear, I'm not a coward. I pity people who live in fear solely because they're on a planet with people of varying religious viewpoints.

You're out and out stating right up front you want a level of genocide the world has never seen, you have to piece together a fairy tale in your mind of me "advocating surrender and bowing to get along."

But it doesn't raise an eyebrow or anything, what you're saying is what I expect from a lying coward.

Poor thing.
The US started every war it wasn't late for.
Would stopping aggression be such a bad thing?

That's an idiotic ignorant statement. You're going to have to get specific.

Not so idiotic when you look at a bit of history.
Do they teach anything in US schools are do they hide the truth of your terrible history from you?

History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890

Everything from mass murder of native American Indians by US troops to murder of strikers by the same.
America moans about the Beirut embassy bombing but neglects to mention it joined in an armed conflict in that country first. The US painted a target on its own back by entering combat.
Iraq is another classic example. The US invaded based on lies about WMDs but moans when its servicemen die.
What the hell do you expect when you start a war?

As for late.
WW1 was 1914 - 1918
WW2 was 1939 - 1945.

I understand the US was a little tardy for both.
Must be the trains were running late, maybe because the US army killed 34 of its workers in the 1894 rail strike.

Perhaps you could explain why Hawaii is a US state.
Would it be the armed invasion and occupation of the place by the US?

You lot even started the whole thing with the old Soviet union when you invaded Russia to fight the Bolsheviks.

1967 - You even used troops to kill your own people on US soil because they were too black.
Kill the blacks because they want equal rights. Is that a good thing to do?

You even attacked Indonesia in case it became a communist country.
Not a lot to do with the US what a sovereign county's politics are but you attacked and murdered anyway.
Ironically, one of the worst mass murders was Christians going to church.

Does Detroit still mention they made Saddam an honorary citizen in 1980 because of his strong ties to the US? The US armed Saddam and helped direct Iraqi forces in the Iran Iraq war. The US even shot down a couple of Iranian aircraft - including a civilian airliner.
Not odd that the Iranian aircraft were US made. You supplied them.

1973 - The democracy loving US CIA supported the ousting of the elected government in Chile.

Look down that shameful list and tell me the US was right in those actions.

Is that enough or are you blind?

God bless America and kiss my ass.
God bless America and kiss my ass.

That suggests you support the US military actions I links to and mentioned.

Now - Given that.
Why was the attack on the twin towers so bad?
Surely the attackers were simply following America's lead.
That suggests you support the US military actions I links to and mentioned.

You're Indonesian? Can you explain the millions of Christians murdered by Muslims in East Timor as you waged genocide against non-Muslims?

Now - Given that.
Why was the attack on the twin towers so bad?
Surely the attackers were simply following America's lead.


So you can show America using civilian aircraft full of civilians to attack civilian targets?

No? Oh, you're just lying?

Hmm, you must be a Muslim.

"There is no shame in deceiving the Kafir." The Hadith al Bukhari.

Liars for Allah.
God bless America and kiss my ass.

That suggests you support the US military actions I links to and mentioned.

Now - Given that.
Why was the attack on the twin towers so bad?
Surely the attackers were simply following America's lead.

I support the US Military every day, all day. God bless America.

What's your point?

I don't have any argument at all with the US military. They're doing what they're ordered to do by the US government. and governments before it (Unless they break the accepted rules of war).
I'm sorry to see US and other troops being brought home in body bags but you have to expect troops will be killed when your government starts a war.

And the US government has started a lot.

The point is simple.
The extremists in Islam ignore the code laid out in Al Qur'an, twist it to allow murder and shout, "Glory to God" while they do so.

The extremists in the US do exactly the same but say, "God" in the accepted English way.

No difference.

God, Country, Corps?
That suggests you support the US military actions I links to and mentioned.

You're Indonesian? Can you explain the millions of Christians murdered by Muslims in East Timor as you waged genocide against non-Muslims?

Now - Given that.
Why was the attack on the twin towers so bad?
Surely the attackers were simply following America's lead.


So you can show America using civilian aircraft full of civilians to attack civilian targets?

No? Oh, you're just lying?

Hmm, you must be a Muslim.

"There is no shame in deceiving the Kafir." The Hadith al Bukhari.

Liars for Allah.

I am a Muslim as I stated in my first thread.
I knew some fool would use me "Hiding my religion" so I posted it just to be open, fair and honest.

I said I was in Indonesia. not Indonesian. Again, if you bothered to research instead of assume, you'd see that's clearly stated as well.
Indonesians governments have done a good few things I would find impossible to support and easy to condemn.

Now to US use of civilian aircraft to murder civilians.
Of course not ....or maybe, yes.

Try a google on "Allen Lawrence Pope".
A CIA paid. EX military pilot using US supplied aircraft (under false flag) to bomb targets in Indonesia.
He was captured and put on TV, forcing the illegal US intervention to stop.
These US aircraft, all EX military, were used in a large number of attacks, including the massacre of civilians on their way to church.
It's not hard to find and the US government no longer denies it.

I'm not "deceiving the Kafir", it's in your own history books if you care to read them.

This hatred of Muslims is something brought on artificially by the Bush government.
You may recall, you were told to hate communists before that.

Forget all the crap you read and the stuff the government spews out, read on on history and see what's really going on.
There's so much more to all political stories than the versions you read about in the papers.

I'm sure yo're a bright chap. Use the brain gifted to you by the Almighty and think rather than be told what to think.
There are many ways. Killing them until they've had enough worked on the Nazis and the Japs.

If you start killing Muslims, how are you any better, or different, than they are?

Don't we denounce Islam precisely because it commands the murder of those who don't follow it? If we murder those who do follow, then we become them.

Islam cannot survive honest examination. Defeating Islam requires only that we be honest about what Islam is, was, and seeks.

How many Americans became Nazis because they killed Nazis?

You mean in a DECLARED WAR...and as soon as the war was over, we stopped killing them...IN FACT, there are still Naziis today, in the U.S. and we don't kill them.
That's an idiotic ignorant statement. You're going to have to get specific.

Not so idiotic when you look at a bit of history.
Do they teach anything in US schools are do they hide the truth of your terrible history from you?

History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890
I thought I recalled reading an earlier claim that the US had startred more wars since WW2 than all other nations combined?

It seems that claim was a bust so now you're reduced to "interventions".
There are many ways. Killing them until they've had enough worked on the Nazis and the Japs.

If you start killing Muslims, how are you any better, or different, than they are?

Don't we denounce Islam precisely because it commands the murder of those who don't follow it? If we murder those who do follow, then we become them.

Islam cannot survive honest examination. Defeating Islam requires only that we be honest about what Islam is, was, and seeks.

Can't be honest in America, because it is to politically correct to do so as a true American anymore, and so the episodes that took place during 9.11, Ft. Hood, time square, the underwear bomber and on and on it all goes, will continue to thrive in secrecy in America, (or) it will be morphed into something less identifying possibly, and this after each fatal incident hath already taken place against her (as the enemy learns more and more about it all), thus attempting to disrupt her in everyway that is thought of possible (or) even worse possibly known how to already, and this by an enemy who is possibly still living within and/or about us if not careful, where as it can still exist in and amongst us as was already proven in the worst ways imaginable not so long ago now.

Even with the help of naieve Americans these days, who are living here as these new homegrown anti-Americans, whom are shockingly born and raised here oddly enough, well they are simply unaware of the real dangers involved with the more radical violent seeking enemy, that is also living within the nation as well along side of them, who can easily use them as puppets in order to get closer and closer to those for whom they want to get close to, in so that the unaware Americans will be off their gaurd soon and yet again when another possible incident or strike does come or could occur (hopefully not).

The problem with America, is that no one knows who Americans truly are anymore (slowly slipping away), where as Americans are being looked upon as jerks, racist and you name it by those who oppose what America is or what it once was ever, and also by what it did stand for under the Red-White & Blue banner it has flown now for the past 200 and some odd years. Now with this confusion and seperation being caused now from within, America is either still a powder keg found sleeping and/or lying in wait for it's newest American victims (or) she is slowiy climbing back up out of the dust, brushing herself off, and being unashamed to be unified as Americans once again, and this upon re-staking the claims to what had been built by the American peoples own free hands, hard earned sweat, fought for blood and long lived tears in aquiring justice, freedom and liberty for all whom doth still seek these things.

No bloodshed is ever needed when honesty wins the day, and this even when the enemy is honest with him or herself just as well. War is always avoided when these ingriediants are present in America and present in American power, but common sense must always prevail, and so should truth when it is wrapped up in it.

I want America to be diverse and full of interesting people of all colors, backgrounds and cultures always (makes it very interesting for us all to live here and enjoy), just as it has been, but I want it all to be in compatibility with America (agreed to), so the main thing is for those who are here as Americans or want to become Americans, they need to except themselves as Americans in all that being American is (God and country), and not live here to just use America, Hate America, and worse kill Americans, while simply smiling in Americans faces all at the same time.

We should always uphold civil rights in America for all Americans, and we should not tolerate any forms of bullyism, racism or any other forms of hate when it rears it's ugly head, and this by any race who is being a bully or a racist against another race, in which is therefore found of any color in America. We should never turn a blind eye to any forms of abuse that leads to attacking, hurting or destroying American lives, livelyhoods and/or this nation via the hands of those who do hate this nation and it's people so badly, but yet live here and prosper here all at the same time.

Anyone found murderous and conspiring against the nation and it's people, should be detected hopefully before a major crime does occur by them (or) even if a major conspiricy to commit a major crime is attempted to be put in action by them, it should be thwarted as well. This takes a smart amount of profiling based on evidence found in patterns and criminal records or other such good detective and/or police work, in which should be looked at first and foremost in order to also preserve the utmost privacy of this nations people and their privacy as innocent citizens/civilians when doing so.

The key is that NO bullyism, physical hatred or racism is to occur by any Americans upon another in America, but rather it is to notify proper law enforcement if a crime or a conspiricy of a crime is about to unfold, and expect law enforcement to do it's JOB again. We must stand diligent as a nation of laws, and not of men... It is the only way forward!
Not so idiotic when you look at a bit of history.
Do they teach anything in US schools are do they hide the truth of your terrible history from you?

History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890
I thought I recalled reading an earlier claim that the US had startred more wars since WW2 than all other nations combined?

It seems that claim was a bust so now you're reduced to "interventions".

Those killed in "interventions" will be so glad it wasn't a full war, more a minor invasion just to force US political power into their country. :)

Get real.
God bless America and kiss my ass.

I've just been to my kid's school to sort out the new term and what she'll need. After that my wife and I went shopping in a local supermarket.
My brain multi tasks quite well so I spend the time considering the best response to your post.

I've just posted a list of mass murders committed by US armed forces, including killing American civilians; you responded with the quote above.

How exactly is that any different from a murderous attack on civilians by Muslim terrorists who shout, "Glory to God" as they murder?

Your foolishness is incredulous.

Edit - as for "kiss my ass"; your place or mine, ducky?
I thought I recalled reading an earlier claim that the US had startred more wars since WW2 than all other nations combined?

It seems that claim was a bust so now you're reduced to "interventions".

Those killed in "interventions" will be so glad it wasn't a full war, more a minor invasion just to force US political power into their country. :)

Get real.

Your comments are pretty stereotypical for the “I blame America”, cabal.

I don’t happen to believe that every intervention is necessarily cause to believe that the U.S. is the evil Great Satan that you hope to portray.

We certainly intervened when South Korea was on the verge of being overrun. Why don’t you ask the South Koreans if they would prefer to give up their personal and constitutional freedoms and instead face depravation and starvation under the Kim Jong family?

Our intervention in 1942 kept Europe from becoming a postal zip code for the Reichstag.

Vietnam was eventually overrun by communists from the North but our intervention was intended to prevent that. On the global scale, communism has all but collapsed since the 1970’s.

There are other examples but in the islamist mind, the Great Satan is hated because we represent the greatest threat to islamism and islamist jihad.

By the way, have you read that islam is said by its inventor to be the only religion for all men for all time? It seems that the islamist intervention in the Middle East is adhereing to those principles with so much of the population of competing religions being oppressed to the point of non-existence.

I understand where you hatreds derive, btw.

YUSUFALI: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
PICKTHAL: Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.
SHAKIR: Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.

YUSUFALI: For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him: They will not believe.
PICKTHAL: Lo! the worst of beasts in Allah's sight are the ungrateful who will not believe.
SHAKIR: Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve, then they would not believe.


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