American nationwide burn NFL tickets, shirts in solidarity with Trump

Looks like its working.



This new EFFECTIVE PROTEST is to deface black racists morons like Cuntpernick! The leftist boycott of the NFL had no legs because the BLM morons do not have jobs and the ones that do can't afford NFL tixs while flipping burgers!

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Are the kneelers going to give up their paychecks to protest income inequality?
Empty the stadiums, and let's see who wins this little pissing contest.
How much are they paying football players in Africa? Maybe that's the answer...
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Is there any fucking possibility whatsoever that we could focus on something more important than a few people who chose not to salute the flag for political reasons? Look at what a circus this is becoming. It is ALL about race, too, beneath all the patriotism bullshit. Dang that Pres. opening this can of worms over and over.
You so full of crap you stink! The NFL losers started this crap and now they are getting their ass handed to them for disrespecting America, the flag and American service men and women. With Trump we have a person in the white house that isn't afraid to stand up to the America haters. You are more used to having apologist ass kissers in the WH!
You do realize a lot of the players asked for a NFL boycott. You hill billys are dumber than you look. Thanks for helping and burning your own money in the process. :laugh:


Richard Sherman has played in all 3 of his teams games this year. Some fucking boycott that is huh?
Is there any fucking possibility whatsoever that we could focus on something more important than a few people who chose not to salute the flag for political reasons? Look at what a circus this is becoming. It is ALL about race, too, beneath all the patriotism bullshit. Dang that Pres. opening this can of worms over and over.
I think Drumpf in his unpresidential manner upped the ante especially when he called the mothers of the players protesting "bitches"
Well, that is more an idiom than a literal curse anymore, but I love the guy who said "My mother was a Queen." Good on him.
Looks like its working.

He didn't leave voluntarily. He got his ass handed to him.

Oh and look his HERO USED THE N word such a shame isn't it.

Colin Kaepernick Fined For Using N-Word: REPORT | HuffPost

Colin Kaepernick Fined For Using N-Word: REPORT | HuffPost

Better article from 2014.
Kaepernick to appeal $11K-plus language fine

It really doesn't matter does it. It has no relevance to the present issue of T and his spoken words, calling them SOB's and should get fired. If Obama said something like that, you'd be all over him.
I wonder if these stupid people burning their tickets realize they're only hurting themselves? They PAID FOR the ticket, which means the NFL got their money. They could give a rats ass whether you attend or not.

God some people are so stupid.

Let me help. What they are saying is they won't be buying any more tickets because they don't approve of the disrespect for our flag. I won't be buying a Steelers jersey today. Or tomorrow...
Unless it is the jersey of the 1 Pittsburgh player that had the intestinal fortitude to stand with his hand on his heart.
When it comes to patriotism, our flag is more important to Americans than football players.
Looks like its working.



This new EFFECTIVE PROTEST is to deface black racists morons like Cuntpernick! The leftist boycott of the NFL had no legs because the BLM morons do not have jobs and the ones that do can't afford NFL tixs while flipping burgers!

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So...this is what USMB has lowered itself to......
Are the kneelers going to give up their paychecks to protest income inequality?
Empty the stadiums, and let's see who wins this little pissing contest.
How much are they paying football players in Africa. Maybe that's the answer...

Trump is the hypocrite.

You nasty person. White man brought the African Americans here and most of them have longer roots than say the Russians, Jews, Germans, etc. here. What did you think they would do, not procreate and just travel back to Africa when slavery was over. They are here to stay and have they have every bit of a right to be here as you do.
I wonder if these stupid people burning their tickets realize they're only hurting themselves? They PAID FOR the ticket, which means the NFL got their money. They could give a rats ass whether you attend or not.

God some people are so stupid.

Let me help. What they are saying is they won't be buying any more tickets because they don't approve of the disrespect for our flag. I won't be buying a Steelers jersey today. Or tomorrow...
Unless it is the jersey of the 1 Pittsburgh player that had the intestinal fortitude to stand with his hand on his heart.
When it comes to patriotism, our flag is more important to Americans than football players.

Don't count on it. Most of us are darn sick of war and the money that goes into the MIC.
Listen, if every single white person in this country, refuse to support the NFL and NBA, prices will decrease and maybe us little people can attend the games in support...that I would love. Keep in mind the fake hair weave business takes in billions each years and that's just from black me, we go the coins to keep them bye bitches!!
Is there any fucking possibility whatsoever that we could focus on something more important than a few people who chose not to salute the flag for political reasons? Look at what a circus this is becoming. It is ALL about race, too, beneath all the patriotism bullshit. Dang that Pres. opening this can of worms over and over.
You so full of crap you stink! The NFL losers started this crap and now they are getting their ass handed to them for disrespecting America, the flag and American service men and women. With Trump we have a person in the white house that isn't afraid to stand up to the America haters. You are more used to having apologist ass kissers in the WH!
Mike, the only person who got his ass handed to him yesterday was Trump. 6 NFL players had taken a knee prior to the Trump Pronouncement. Yesterday 150 refused to salute the flag. Now people are burning their tickets and expensive NFL Jerseys? Why didn't they do it before ? Because this is now about supporting Trump saying that NFL players are sonuvabitches. The black ones who protest, anyway.
That's not American, either. This is troubling.
Update. There is a rush on the jerseys of the Pittsburgh player. Hottest selling jersey in the NFL. Apparently you can count on Americans to make a difference!
Listen, if every single white person in this country, refuse to support the NFL and NBA, prices will decrease and maybe us little people can attend the games in support...that I would love. Keep in mind the fake hair weave business takes in billions each years and that's just from black me, we go the coins to keep them bye bitches!!

Or the little people could elevate by getting jobs.....
Americans Nationwide Burn NFL Tickets, Shirts in Solidarity With Trump

Americans across the country are burning shirts and tickets in protest against NFL players disrespecting the national anthem and the U.S. flag.

Yeah we told you fk with the people and see what happens.. Bye bye to your millions lazy asses.

This is what real American lovers do.

Until now I had a good opinion of Trump but he can go fuck himself now.He is no differerent than that mass murderer HELLERY,same as her,he does not believe in free speech.

Everytime they play the national anthem,it makes me sick and nauseating that I leave and go to the restroom at that point and that is BECAUSE the words in that song are the biggest bullshit propaganda the part where they sing the words- THE LAND OF THE FREE.

We have been brainwashed our whole lives to believe this is a free country.that is the biggest bullshit lie taught in our corrupt schools in american history.we are the land of the OPPRESSED.:rolleyes: We are one of the most oppressed countries in the world.a facist dictatership.

Our government is so corrupt the people serve the government instead of the government serving the people as they are suppose to accoring to the constitution.Until we get a freaking government that serves the people instead of us serving the fucking government,no way in hell will i ever salute the fucking flag because thats the same as saluting our corrupt government. so i applaud people like kapernick and others who dont salute this fucking corrupt government as they are not doing.:clap::clap::clap::clap::thup:

the NFL is a corrupt cartel anyways.

I wish players in major league baseball and basketball would follow the lead of kapernick and others.

these NFL owners are greedy selfish bastards who would kill their OWN MOTHERS to make millions.they fleece the tax payers fro brand new shiny stadiums over history and tradition so fuck them and fuck the NFL.yeah baby.:up:
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Is there any fucking possibility whatsoever that we could focus on something more important than a few people who chose not to salute the flag for political reasons? Look at what a circus this is becoming. It is ALL about race, too, beneath all the patriotism bullshit. Dang that Pres. opening this can of worms over and over.
You so full of crap you stink! The NFL losers started this crap and now they are getting their ass handed to them for disrespecting America, the flag and American service men and women. With Trump we have a person in the white house that isn't afraid to stand up to the America haters. You are more used to having apologist ass kissers in the WH!
You do realize a lot of the players asked for a NFL boycott. You hill billys are dumber than you look. Thanks for helping and burning your own money in the process. :laugh:

Great. Fuck the racists. Let them quit and we'll soon be putting them into prison.
They guy in the picture graduated Stanford. He would be your boss if he didnt play football.

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