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American Occupation has Entered the Open Phase in Syria

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one more example that Trump is any different than war mongrels Obama and Bush who served their puppet masters bombing and murdering civlians.so much for the myth he is trying to drain the swamp which HE is obviously part of I hate to say.
Trump is just a hostage of Deep State. He truly wants to do a lot of good things but Deep State has tied his kegs and arms up.

In fact, I'm surprised how many great things he was able to pull out in spite of Deep State efforts to stop him. And Trump and Putin working together against Deep State and their beloved child ISIS is Deep State's worst nightmare.

Then how do you explain his constant ass kissing of Israel? the motherfucker just recently cut off aide to them who Israel murders women and children daily there yet he WONT cut off aide to war mongrel Israel as our last REAL president and last great president patriot John Kennedy did?

have you seen this short video?

these little facts heard in this video and the recent actions by him tend to scream that he is a wolf in sheeps clothing.He is a clever bastard unlike Bush and Obama who were transparent as hell.

I think you are kinda making Stratford's point. Zionist policy and Deep State working go hand in glove. Wolf is sheep's clothing...did you listen to his AIPAC speech? He did everything but felate a Rabbi on stage. As for Obama being transparent...lol! Maybe his lingerie.

Spot on. God it feels good to finally see some people who are getting it. As to Obambi....here he is holding hand with his...ummmm..."friend".

On Thursday night the planes of the American "coalition" bombed ground troops of Syrian government .This is not the first such strike. One of the most famous of them was by Deir-ez-Zor, when Western planes destroyed a unit of Syrian troops, after which their positions were taken by terrorists from the IG group. The American command in previous cases was cunning, but still apologized, citing an error.

This time, the American representatives decided not to resort to apologies.

In the Khusham oilfield area, government forces came into contact with pro-American forces, but continued the offensive. Moreover, according to information received from the Syrian commanders, the advance went without any serious fighting clashes.

There is evidence that an agreement was reached between the government troops, according to which the Kurds peacefully conceded to Damascus the occupied lands on the other bank of the Euphrates in exchange for the passage through the government territories of replenishments for Afrina defenders fighting against the invaded Turkish army.

Judging by further developments, the American generals did not like these arrangements actively. So actively that US emissaries have appeared in the SDF's local headquarters - obviously, with the task of investigating and punishing the Kurds for an inappropriate initiative from the American point of view.

Syrians were moving rather carefree, in a column. Therefore, when the US attacked, they suffered quite a heavy loss - for 100 people out of 500 only killed. Later, the Russian command stated that these figures were too high.

According to the Americans, they were only defending themselves- being in the depths of the territory of a foreign country without the consent of its government! How is it called in the language of international and military law? Yes, it is called "aggression".

In an official statement of the American "coalition", this issue was treated with the arrogance inherent in the cryptoneozionist Anglo-Saxons: they, as a sufficient reason for the attack, stated that the Syrian forces were eight kilometers east of the "agreed" line of division along the Euphrates.

US cryptoneozionist military commanders once again "forgot" that the Syrian government troops operated at home, and the US armed forces, as usual, invaded Syria without any declaration of war or UN mandate ...

There can be no doubt that a given incidence will sooner or later lead to a direct clash between the Syrian and American troops. And, maybe, and to a short-term conflict with the armed forces of Russia, which are in Syria at the invitation of the government.

Moreover, Russian military experts say that both the mortar shelling of the Russian airbase and the incident with the shooting down of the Russian attack aircraft SU-25 from the portable anti-aircraft complex were not without American participation. Russian intelligence services reported that the American command, in violation of the agreements at the international level had secretly delivered Russian portable antiaircraft complexes to the Syrian opposition, and, therefore, there is a danger of the use of this weapon by terrorists against civilians airplanes somewhere in Europe. Or even in America ...

The new conveyor for the delivery of zinc coffins to the US has been launched again...


Are you making this up as you go or plagiarizing source to which you are not attributing the information?
one more example that Trump is any different than war mongrels Obama and Bush who served their puppet masters bombing and murdering civlians.so much for the myth he is trying to drain the swamp which HE is obviously part of I hate to say.
Trump is just a hostage of Deep State. He truly wants to do a lot of good things but Deep State has tied his kegs and arms up.

In fact, I'm surprised how many great things he was able to pull out in spite of Deep State efforts to stop him. And Trump and Putin working together against Deep State and their beloved child ISIS is Deep State's worst nightmare.

Then how do you explain his constant ass kissing of Israel? the motherfucker just recently cut off aide to them who Israel murders women and children daily there yet he WONT cut off aide to war mongrel Israel as our last REAL president and last great president patriot John Kennedy did?

have you seen this short video?

these little facts heard in this video and the recent actions by him tend to scream that he is a wolf in sheeps clothing.He is a clever bastard unlike Bush and Obama who were transparent as hell.

I think you are kinda making Stratford's point. Zionist policy and Deep State working go hand in glove. Wolf is sheep's clothing...did you listen to his AIPAC speech? He did everything but felate a Rabbi on stage. As for Obama being transparent...lol! Maybe his lingerie.

As to Obambi....here he is holding hand with his...ummmm..."friend".

View attachment 175681

I see: Mousshelle had mustaches when she was a student and shaved them off before the wedding? :laugh:
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="Stratford57, post: 19246791, member: 49659"][QUOTE="LA RAM FAN, post: 19246782, member: 9012".

And Trump and Putin working together against Deep State and their beloved child ISIS is Deep State's worst nightmare.

AF: Many, many years ago I wrote in the Time magazine that America and Russia would NEVER be friends.
This is just a temporary coincidence of interests: you probably know that in Syria, Putin and Trump ACTUALLY are pursuing different goals. Putin is doing what Gazprom and Nefteprom are dictating him to do in order to prevent the construction of pipelines from oil and gas-rich areas with access to Europe.

Trump, on the contrary, tries to "clean" the region from the Russian influence and to build the pipeline.

The problem is that our guys from poor families AGAIN will die for "American" (read the cryptoneozionist ) interests faraway from their homeland...

This map will help you to understand the ESSENCE of US and Russian politics in the Middle East - and ISIS od "democracy" have nothing to do with them...

This map doesnt make sense. If the Russian and Iranians were cooping on a pipeline why would they need to run it through Syria. There is already infrastructure built up in Central Asia and the Caucuses. Why not just link up in Turkmenistan. Gazprom is already established there.
On February 3, the terrorists used a man-portable air defense system to down a Russian Sukhoi Su-25 fighter jet, which was conducting a survey flight over Syria’s Idlib de-escalation zone.

MOSCOW, February 8. A test is underway to identify the manufacturer of the man-portable air defense system that was used to down Russia’s Sukhoi Su-25 jet in Syria, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told reporters on Thursday.

Zakharova added that such weapons could not fall into the hands of terrorists "unless they had serious foreign support."
Diplomat vows to identify manufacturer of weapon that downed Russian jet in Syria
The $500 million in weapons Obama and McCain sent over disappeared, so who knows where the hell they ended up.
one more example that Trump is any different than war mongrels Obama and Bush who served their puppet masters bombing and murdering civlians.so much for the myth he is trying to drain the swamp which HE is obviously part of I hate to say.
Trump is just a hostage of Deep State. He truly wants to do a lot of good things but Deep State has tied his kegs and arms up.

In fact, I'm surprised how many great things he was able to pull out in spite of Deep State efforts to stop him. And Trump and Putin working together against Deep State and their beloved child ISIS is Deep State's worst nightmare.

Then how do you explain his constant ass kissing of Israel? the motherfucker just recently cut off aide to them who Israel murders women and children daily there yet he WONT cut off aide to war mongrel Israel as our last REAL president and last great president patriot John Kennedy did?

have you seen this short video?

these little facts heard in this video and the recent actions by him tend to scream that he is a wolf in sheeps clothing.He is a clever bastard unlike Bush and Obama who were transparent as hell.

He just can't change everything in a moment notice: he'll be a history very quickly otherwise.

Your country has been ran by crooks for quite a few years and they are not gone! And the system is very corrupt. For somebody like Trump (who doesn't even know for sure whom he can trust!) to fight against it is same as to walk on the swamp: slowly, one step at a time.

You're preaching to the choir dude.I get everything your saying but WHY would you CONSTANTLY kiss Israels ass as he has done if you want to stop them from having washingtons politicians in your pocket?

I would think he would just remain quiet about them if he was really wanting to change the corruption in washinton that kennedy was trying to.Dont kiss their ass talking about how great they are.:rolleyes:

I am giving him one term.If he does not get rid of the CIA,FBI,FED and cut off aide to Israel by the end of his first term in office three years from now,as far as i am concerned we might just as well have Hitlery elected.
one more example that Trump is any different than war mongrels Obama and Bush who served their puppet masters bombing and murdering civlians.so much for the myth he is trying to drain the swamp which HE is obviously part of I hate to say.
Trump is just a hostage of Deep State. He truly wants to do a lot of good things but Deep State has tied his kegs and arms up.

In fact, I'm surprised how many great things he was able to pull out in spite of Deep State efforts to stop him. And Trump and Putin working together against Deep State and their beloved child ISIS is Deep State's worst nightmare.

Then how do you explain his constant ass kissing of Israel? the motherfucker just recently cut off aide to them who Israel murders women and children daily there yet he WONT cut off aide to war mongrel Israel as our last REAL president and last great president patriot John Kennedy did?

have you seen this short video?

these little facts heard in this video and the recent actions by him tend to scream that he is a wolf in sheeps clothing.He is a clever bastard unlike Bush and Obama who were transparent as hell.

I think you are kinda making Stratford's point. Zionist policy and Deep State working go hand in glove. Wolf is sheep's clothing...did you listen to his AIPAC speech? He did everything but felate a Rabbi on stage. As for Obama being transparent...lol! Maybe his lingerie.

As to Obambi....here he is holding hand with his...ummmm..."friend".

View attachment 175681

Did Mousshelle have mustaches when she was a student and shaved them before the wedding? :laugh:

That's Michael Obama...before he became Michelle.
one more example that Trump is any different than war mongrels Obama and Bush who served their puppet masters bombing and murdering civlians.so much for the myth he is trying to drain the swamp which HE is obviously part of I hate to say.
Trump is just a hostage of Deep State. He truly wants to do a lot of good things but Deep State has tied his kegs and arms up.

In fact, I'm surprised how many great things he was able to pull out in spite of Deep State efforts to stop him. And Trump and Putin working together against Deep State and their beloved child ISIS is Deep State's worst nightmare.

Then how do you explain his constant ass kissing of Israel? the motherfucker just recently cut off aide to them who Israel murders women and children daily there yet he WONT cut off aide to war mongrel Israel as our last REAL president and last great president patriot John Kennedy did?

have you seen this short video?

these little facts heard in this video and the recent actions by him tend to scream that he is a wolf in sheeps clothing.He is a clever bastard unlike Bush and Obama who were transparent as hell.

He just can't change everything in a moment notice: he'll be a history very quickly otherwise.

Your country has been ran by crooks for quite a few years and they are not gone! And the system is very corrupt. For somebody like Trump (who doesn't even know for sure whom he can trust!) to fight against it is same as to walk on the swamp: slowly, one step at a time.

You're preaching to the choir dude.I get everything your saying but WHY would you CONSTANTLY kiss Israels ass as he has done if you want to stop them from having washingtons politicians in your pocket?

I would think he would just remain quiet about them if he was really wanting to change the corruption in washinton that kennedy was trying to.Dont kiss their ass talking about how great they are.:rolleyes:

I am giving him one term.If he does not get rid of the CIA,FBI,FED and cut off aide to Israel by the end of his first term in office three years from now,as far as i am concerned we might just as well have Hitlery elected.

Trump is your God's gift. You guys have been asking Him to bless America and He finally did and gave you the people a chance. But if not enough Americans understand it and dump Trump (or help Deep State to dump him), your last chance will be gone. Many of you may understand it afterwards, when nothing can be changed.

Remember one thing: the guys like Soros and his Deep State buddies are obviously your enemies. And they treat Trump (and Putin) like enemies. However: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The sooner you the people will realize it, the better you the people and your country (and the whole world!) will live.

So far some of you have been acting like spoiled children who want a fancy toy and their parents haven't bought it for them yet.
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Alexandra,doc and Tinj von,you have heard me talking a lot of JFK's executive order he signed that if it were still in affect today,america would never been in the trillons debt it is now since the money back then here in the states was backed by silver,something of value where now it is not backed by anything. for five months our money was backed by silver,then a few days after the assassination,Johnson reversed kennedys executive order giving control of the money back to the fed again.

Have you guys seen this informative video? this is the speech he made where he was referring to the deep state that got him killed.a very short one you need to take a look at.

and sometime when you have more free time,please take the time to watch this long video.thanks.

please click on ALL the parts after each video.thanks.

QUOTE="LA RAM FAN, post: 19246946, member: 9012"][QUOTE="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19246816, member: 67922"="LA RAM FAN, post: 19246782, member: 9012"
one more example that Trump is any different than war mongrels Obama and Bush who served their puppet masters the bankers bombing and murdering civlians.so much for the myth he is trying to drain the swamp which HE is obviously part of I hate to say.

They CAN'T be different: they are the product of the SAME cryptoneozionist system...

... America will never have a president anything like him again who was not part of the corrupt two party system we have now. every president since then has done what their puppet masters told them to do which he did not,that is WHY they have all stayed alive and he paid the price for not doing what they told him to do. He was a patriot. americas last GREAT president to serve the people.

Trump seems to be in the same group that Bush and Obama are,kissing the ass of Israel.

Well, I, as a scientist, simply do not have the right to pessimism ... In the past century, America twice was on the erge of the collapse of the established ugly system of social relations and stood firm only because in one case the Roosevelt government started preparations for the unleashing of World War II and revived the economy, creating new jobs.

Do not underestimate the role of a CASE in history. Last year in Davos, experts came to the unanimous opinion that the gap between the poor and the rich has become such that it is no longer possible to eliminate the deepest social upheavals ...

Let us hope, work, educate people - and one day everything can change dramatically, especially if the dollar falls - this more than strange means of payment that is not secured by ANYTHING, which provides the current blatant inequality that spoils or ruins the lives of both Americans and citizens of other countries and cultures .

="Doc1, post: 19246801, member: 61070"][QUOTE="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19246786, member: 67922"

There is a VERY dangerous build up around Israel too. Turkey and Iran are getting ready for it.

AF: Do not forget that there are a lot of jews living both in Iran and Turkey and they do exercise certain economic and political influence in their countries. Israel with its nuks is a pleasant or unpleasant REALITY. And that is well-realized both in Teheran and Istambul... It is just necessary to find a solution of the problem Palestinian arabs, who were expelled from their lands...
="Stratford57, post: 19246829, member: 49659"

Many of the Su-25's were scheduled for defensive upgrades in FY17. I wonder if this was one which was upgraded? It would be interesting to find out.
I don't know but you could keep checking Russian (English language) sites like rt.com or tass.com

AF: No, THAT one was not. And this info is classified in Russia. In addition, this is a constant race between the systems of attack and defense ... A message about the attack came from the pilot of the other plane, with which he flew in pairs. The pilot just did not have time to react - a height of 4 km - this is very dangerous for aircraft ...

It looks as if the Russian military intelligence also failed in this case: information that theportable anti-aircraft defense complexes appeared in the operational zone clearly did not pass...

As far as the Russian sites - I do monitor many of them, including those which operate in the war zone of Donbas.But thank you.
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="LA RAM FAN, post: 19246976, member: 9012"

Yeah in his AIPAC speech,he TOTALLY bowed down and kissed Israels ass.:mad: He cut off aide to the palestines who Israel has murdered women and children for DECADES now.yet he wont cut off aide to war mongrel Israel who has the politicians in washington in their pockets? sounds like a zionist ass kisser to me.

AF: "cryptoneozionist". NO AMERICAN POLITICIAN today WOULD DARE to question support to Israel. Do not forget - America is a "Great Israel" ...

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="Admiral Rockwell Tory, post: 19246991, member: 56040"="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19246626,


Are you making this up as you go or plagiarizing source to which you are not attributing the information?

I'm a politologist. I'm watching news, critically look through different infosources and make my own comments. Why?
="LA RAM FAN, post: 19247037, member: 9012"][QUOTE="Stratford57, post: 19246910, member: 49659"

I am giving him one term.If he does not get rid of the CIA,FBI,FED and cut off aide to Israel by the end of his first term in office three years from now,as far as i am concerned we might just as well have Hitlery elected.

AF: As you can see, Trump does everything that she would have done. There is, however, another explanation for what is happening: the three leading American experts once said that the US presidents "do not control the Pentagon" ...

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Guard your souls.

Russia, Syria and Bible Prophecy

="Tijn Von Ingersleben, post: 19246668, member: 68839"]I am extremely impressed with the professionalism and control that the Russian forces have exerted. In 2016 I was almost sure that war was a certainty in the very short term.

AF: Well, you know that a few days ago experts predicted a forthcoming armed clash between Russia and the United States (I hope, but the use of nuclear weapons will not come to pass). In the past Putin was blackmailed by the USA with his frozen financial assets abroad. Now it became clear that the money will not be returned. This means one thing: diplomats get silent.

It will start is a local short-term conflict, but it is not known how things will really go.

The economic situation in Russia is disgusting. People are dissatisfied with Putin's cryptoneozionist government. People traditionally are rallying together in a case of a natural disaster - or a war. Both Putin and alas, our president need people to "rally" around them.

I hope everyone understands that this is not about two politicians, but about those powerful cryptoneozionist clangs that are behind them ....

The war, of course, is "in the air" ... I rather tend to the fact that the military conslict will occur in Europe - against the backdrop of events in Ukraine - the beginning of the offensive of the Ukrainian military against Russian-speaking Donbas.

There is a VERY dangerous build up around Israel too. Turkey and Iran are getting ready for it.
Why would we need to cut off aide to Israel?

="LA RAM FAN, post: 19247037, member: 9012"][QUOTE="Stratford57, post: 19246910, member: 49659"

I am giving him one term.If he does not get rid of the CIA,FBI,FED and cut off aide to Israel by the end of his first term in office three years from now,as far as i am concerned we might just as well have Hitlery elected.

AF: As you can see, Trump does everything that she would have done. There is, however, another explanation for what is happening: the three leading American experts once said that the US presidents "do not control the Pentagon" ...

="Admiral Rockwell Tory, post: 19246991, member: 56040"="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19246626,


Are you making this up as you go or plagiarizing source to which you are not attributing the information?

I'm a politologist. I'm watching news, critically look through different infosources and make my own comments. Why?

In other words, you are trolling. Got it!
Thread is based on apparent copyrighted material and statements with no sourcing. Need to supply proper credit for material and only quote SMALL portions of the material for "fair use"..

Free to try again..
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