American Physical Society publishes Cold Fusion Paper


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Physical Review C - Cold fusion reaction of <sup>58</sup>Fe + <sup>208</sup>Pb analyzed by a generalized model of fusion by diffusion

A generalized version of the fusion by diffusion model is proposed, in which evolution from dinuclear to mononuclear regimes is taken into account in terms of the coupled Langevin equations in the three-dimensional collective space of neck, radial and asymmetric degrees of freedom. By simulating numerically these dynamic equations, the probability distribution of sinj, the separation between the surfaces of two approaching nuclei at the injection point in the asymmetric fission valley, is obtained. From the injection points, the system starts its climb uphill over the saddle point in the presence of thermal fluctuation, thus for very heavy systems the injection-point distance is a very critical constituent in the calculations of fusion probability. The present model is applied for the study of the mass asymmetric system 58Fe + 208Pb. The excitation function for the 208Pb(58Fe,n)265Hs reaction is calculated and compared with the experimental data. By comparing the theoretical results with and without taking the asymmetric degree of freedom into account, we have arrived at the conclusion that nucleon flow between the asymmetric reaction partners in the early stage of fusion process plays an important role in the formation of superheavy nuclei in the cold fusion reactions.

The Peak Oil Crisis: The Quantum Fusion Hypothesis | Falls Church News-Press Online

This situation however seems to be changing following a lengthy interview with a fellow out in Berkeley, California by the name of Robert Godes of Brillouin Energy. He has been working in this field for the last ten years and says that he not only has a reliable heat-producing device, but also understands the physics behind it – which he calls the Quantum Fusion Hypothesis. He says that this theory of just how low-energy nuclear reactions work has allowed the development of a device which produces heat immediately and reliably. Most interestingly, Godes says he has shared his insights with scientists at the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratories and SRI International, one of the leading US laboratories investigating the phenomenon. He says that both have verified that his theory does indeed work and that they can now produce heat from hydrogen every time they try.

Godes' hypothesis is interesting for those with even a smattering of physics in their background. First of all, he holds that the heat which is coming from infusing hydrogen into nickel or palladium is not coming from "cold fusion" in the classic sense of the term. It is not a deuterium fusing with deuterium reaction as takes place in the sun or H-bombs and which requires extremely high energies.

What seems to be happening in this new kind of fusion is that when hydrogen is "loaded" into nickel or palladium and subjected to the proper kind of an electromagnetic pulse, the hydrogen nucleus which is a positively charged proton acquires and electron which turns it into a low energy free neutron. Now a low energy free neutron is something very nice to have for it quickly combines with other protons to form deuterium, tritium and finally quadrium. The quadrium only lasts for an instant before undergoing a process called beta decay turning it into helium. This is where Einstein and E = MC2 comes in. The beta decay of quadrium results in a loss of mass which is turned into heat. If all this pans out as claimed, it could be one of the most important secrets of nature that has ever been discovered, for our energy problems are over.

Exciting times we live in!
First it gets published, then it gets peer reviewed. Give it time.

It has already had some peer review, and I dont think anyone is going to magically find flaws.

There have been about a dozen independent groups to produce repeatable COP of 4 or more using some form of nanotech fusion like the paper in the OP describes.

This stuff is real whether there are some charlatans involved or not. It is much bigger than that now.

In ten years we will have plentiful water and virtually unlimited energy.
If it is a noted publcation, peer review happens before publication.

The purpose of peer review is to keep psuedo-science out of the publication while promoting respectable science in the publication..

That is why alot of creationists have to create new journals, their science is more like stamp collecting with the refrain "Could randomness create this?" That is not science and it is definitely not pushing any scientific limits.
Wow!!! Simply !WOW!

Much to its credit, the first thing that Brillouin Energy says it is going to do with its new technology is to build a prototype boiler using its new heat source that would eventually replace the ones currently burning coal in our power stations. This is clearly a brilliant idea for swapping out old coal fired boilers for ones that run on a few cups of water would be a no-brainer for the world's electricity industry &#8211; provided of course they can be made to work reliably.

Brillouin Energy says they have a contract with SRI International to design and build a prototype of what they call a "Hot Tube" boiler. If the concept works well Brillouin would license the technology to the world's boiler makers who presumably would work overtime replacing every fossil fuel fired boiler on the face of the earth. And that is just the start.

Read more at The Peak Oil Crisis: The Quantum Fusion Hypothesis | Falls Church News-Press Online

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