American politics: tragic or comic?

The situation is such in the US presidential race that one hardly knows which to do, laugh or weep. It certainly causes shock, fear and laughter for those viewing it from abroad.
I don't know I suspect if we got a close up look at Presidential races in other countries it wouldn't look that much different.
This is what gets you IGNORED:

1. Mindless ranting;
2. Long, disjointed posts;
3. Endless name calling; and
4. Lack of relevance to subject matter.

This is what j-woodie really wanted to say but could not:

This is what gets you WIDELY READ:

1. Wit, not exclusively, but particularly of the biting variety;
2. Exciting eloquence;
3. Pinpointing relevant players; and
4. Perspicacious observation of the relevant events and developments.​

The principal problem with US elections [...]

[I'll steal that text, Slim. In fact, I already stole it; thanks.]

From one who hides his own posts from public view? :lame2:
Its all about the uber wealthy. The average hard working person has nothing in common with any of the candidates, who have never worked hard a day in their lives. Yet the common person will lick their bootstraps. Hard to fathom.
Its all about the uber wealthy. The average hard working person has nothing in common with any of the candidates, who have never worked hard a day in their lives. Yet the common person will lick their bootstraps. Hard to fathom.

No one is licking bootstraps.

I like Trumps positions on the issues and his challenge of Political COrrectness.

No, I do not think is an average Joe who feels my pain.
Ido agree trump is not an extreme right winger. He has had some middle of the road even liberal positions on things. And he did call out walker who is taking my state backwards. I actually am liking him more as I learn of his positions.
The situation is such in the US presidential race that one hardly knows which to do, laugh or weep. It certainly causes shock, fear and laughter for those viewing it from abroad.

There are two very powerful forces controlling our political debate right now: Big money and partisan zealots. With neither group is the majority of Americans represented.

The influence of big money can only be mitigated or reduced with significant structural changes to our campaign system, and the influence of partisan zealots can only be mitigated by leaders who are brave enough to step forward and call their own "side" out for its behaviors.

I don't see either remedy in our near future, at least.
How does one compete with multi millionaires who pander to corporate interests who line their pocketbooks? Game.set.match.

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