American Sailors on their Knees to Iran..

“The Administration is pretending as if nothing out of the ordinary has occurred. Vice President Joe Biden described the incident as ‘standard nautical practice.’ That assertion is patently false,” McCain says in a statement released this afternoon. “What’s worse, by failing to affirm basic principles of international law, it places our Navy and Coast Guard vessels and the men and women who sail them at increased risk in the future.

McCain, who it needs to be noted was a naval aviator, argues that “sovereign immune vessels like navy ships and boats do not lose their sovereign immune status when they are in distress at sea.” He says that under international law they “are exempt from detention, boarding, or search. Their crews are not subject to detention or arrest.” Former Navy Captain McCain Slams Iran For Seizing Disabled Boats
It's hilarious to hear NaziCons talking about Iran violating the Geneva Conventions and other laws/rules governing the high seas - in context of the George W. Bush Administration. Hilarious hypocrisy...
You dont have a there is nothing to derail

Well, gee, Iran is about to get $150 billion in unfrozen assets - for the deal...

If it was a deal instead of a surrender their money would remain locked up since they have violated said deal multiple times alrdy

How have they "violated said deal multiple times"? Please be specific with "credible" sources. Remember that provocative shit by the Revolutionary Guard which is unrelated to the deal - doesn't count.
You dont have a there is nothing to derail

Well, gee, Iran is about to get $150 billion in unfrozen assets - for the deal...

If it was a deal instead of a surrender their money would remain locked up since they have violated said deal multiple times alrdy

How have they "violated said deal multiple times"? Please be specific with "credible" sources. Remember that provocative shit by the Revolutionary Guard which is unrelated to the deal - doesn't count.

Please try to keep up....been documented here by several posters,,,...considering you spend significant amount of your time here no doubt you have seen them so dont waste my time with your silly games
It's hilarious to hear NaziCons talking about Iran violating the Geneva Conventions and other laws/rules governing the high seas - in context of the George W. Bush Administration. Hilarious hypocrisy...

What part of the Geneva Convention did George Bush violate?
That's Iranian country - including Farsi Island. Rather than apologizing for drifting onto their turf - NaziCons would have preferred our sailors started a gun battle leading to a major war.
Nope. Most folks would have preferred (1) Name, (2) Rank and (3) Serial Number, like it says in the UCMJ.

A simple apology provides less information.
Name. Rank. Serial Number.
Obama was probably getting wet watching that one. the puke comes out and say diplomacy works. Now you see why the Military hates his guts
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Obama inspiring Terrorist.. That's how it looks to me..

View attachment 59783
No no no no no......everyone knows GITMO is helping ISIS recruit more terrorists.
Not a weak POTUS that apologizes to our enemies when he shouldn't.

And they wonder why Trump is leading in the polls. Everyone is tired of this BS.
Iran broke international law in this, but we're the one's apologizing.
Obama inspiring Terrorist.. That's how it looks to me..

View attachment 59783

Really? IT looks to me like they fucked up and crossed into Iranian territory, and the Iranians were kind enough to let them go.

What do you think we'd do if we found 10 Iranians stranded on the Jersey Shore?

Could you imagine the shit storm if this was an Iranian ship in the gulf drifting towards Texas?
Every thing done by this man is what HE WANTS. none of it is what WE THE PEOPLE wanted. dicktator wannabe and his cult members bow to him over it
Obama inspiring Terrorist.. That's how it looks to me..

View attachment 59783

you think every cop who pulls over ...... and arrests them is humiliating them ?

this pictures dont humiliating american? just iran video ?

Every thing done by this man is what HE WANTS. none of it is what WE THE PEOPLE wanted. dicktator wannabe and his cult members bow to him over it

Stephanie still suffering from ODS.... You have been deluding yourself from the start... Obama has been a good president, not a great one but good... He has helped reduce the deficit and decreased unemployment...

I am sure you wanted him having land wars everywhere but that because you are an deranged... The is not Obama, it is you... The information you are getting is completely far right propaganda, you are not far removed from those brown shirts of Hitler... You are easily led, as you are not able to see that most of the premise of your ideas are not based on actual facts and evidence...

Truth is Obama and Clinton tell the truth far more than the top 4 in the GOP race. Jeb is the only one close in telling the truth and that is from the fact checkers... No Media bias, just facts... Trump struggles to say a statement with truth a quarter of the time...

You are not a conservative as conservatives want to deal in facts and you my dear just has no grasp of it... You created your little bubble with a few other poster on this board of complete myth... A little alternative world of your own... Notice that the left don't criticise moderate GOP like you and your buddies do... Obama is a moderate democrat, simply that...

At the moment you are adding nothing to the debate as you are only ranting most of the time, throwing out insult after insult with no foundation.
Every thing done by this man is what HE WANTS. none of it is what WE THE PEOPLE wanted. dicktator wannabe and his cult members bow to him over it

We the people elected him twice with the two largest vote totals ANY American has gotten in history.

and frankly, the guy was pretty clear about what he was going to do when he got into office.

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