American Slavery ..Why should Whites feel guilty?

I don't feel guilty but I get the feeling that I'm suppose to.

Why? can you give me a link of one Black person who said todays whites should be guilty for slavery? I hear alot of people say this but I never heard one Black person ever say this shit to me in real life.

Black friends that I've had over the years have never mentioned it although at times they do discuss their feelings in regards to their continued feelings of race being a factor in their pursuit of advancement, raises and such in the workplace.

It could be a factor, they certainly felt that it was but I'm not completely sold on that view. The politics, the who you know, the keeping people in the key productive positions, the what a business can get away with and keep you hanging in there (especially these days)..etc. has a lot more to do with it than race in my mind but how could I be sure.:dunno:

btw I'm just asking the question and reading over the thread you could probably draw your own conclusions to your questions, although it varies.

I'm not trying to harp on you but every so often we get a poster come on here and ask if whites should feel guilty for slavery, and than people get all riled up and start cussing out Blacks and telling them to get over it, when Black people are not telling whites today to feel guilty for slavery.
Guilty? No.

Add parity to the system to right a wrong? Absolutely.

Even the most mild efforts at this draws wild scorn from conservatives.

Actually, it does not draw scorn. What does draw scorn is the liberal racism towards blacks.
Guilt? Not really

It is part of who we are, part of our history. Just as the United States has accomplished great things, we also have some aspects of our history that we are not too proud about. All nations are the do some things right, you make some mistakes

The key is......Do you learn from your mistakes?

We have a long history of sanctioned racism that we are still getting over. All nations have racism to some extent, it is human nature. But are we over our racism or just moving to new targets?
I should think the whole idea is just a boogey man issue.
Over dramatization of sorts.

I believe you are creating the drama, imaginary scenarios of your own mind and passing judgements .

It's a rather straight forward question... sheesh

I kinda wanted a rational discussion on the topic... why don't you try that..:dunno:

I was just wondering, you guys seem to mention it a lot. I just didn't get it, so I thought I would ask.
I should think the whole idea is just a boogey man issue.
Over dramatization of sorts.

I believe you are creating the drama, imaginary scenarios of your own mind and passing judgements .

It's a rather straight forward question... sheesh

I kinda wanted a rational discussion on the topic... why don't you try that..:dunno:

I was just wondering, you guys seem to mention it a lot. I just didn't get it, so I thought I would ask.

I rarely bring up the race issue and I rarely join threads that do, they tend to get to the name calling and unnecessary hard feelings. Soo I do know what you mean..

I think this thread, so far, has been fairly reasonable actually.
Why should modern day white people feel any sort of guilt over past slavery in America.. just wondering..?

Why should we? You're onto something. The Federal Gubmint in it's present form has made indentured slaves of Generations yet to be born to pay off the debt they've run up.

True Story Lumpster. ;)
Why should modern day white people feel any sort of guilt over past slavery in America.. just wondering..?

Why should we? You're onto something. The Federal Gubmint in it's present form has made indentured slaves of Generations yet to be born to pay off the debt they've run up.

True Story Lumpster. ;)

I'm not usually big on conspiracy theories but you kinda wonder at times if that New World Order theory with even more people willingly bending to total government control and relinquishing their freedoms isn't all that far fetched....:dunno:
I do agree that when someone did take a slave they did affect that person's future. But the fact is, that African tribes would kidnap other people from other tribes for slaves to keep and to sell as well as the Arab slave traders would kidnap people to sell to the white slave traders. This was practiced by the Africans and Arabs long before the Whites came along and after the Whites abolished it, they kept it going and it still persists all over the world, some places in secret but on a large scale in Africa and Asia. So I don't think white people today should feel guilty. Their ancestors may be paying for it in the after life. I know God takes care of that. African Americans have so many more opportunities and rights than most Africans do in Africa. Who's to say that an African left in Africa back then would not have been a slave during their life time back there? Do you hear Black people from Arabic countries having this discussion?
There are a million reasons whites shouldn't feel guilty about slavery. But it is, in my opinion, a powerful complaint, if not a legitimate one. Blacks leverage it to the max. Their failures today aren't related to slavery, but rather, their lower IQ's. But it makes them feel good to blame everything on slavery.
I never have really understand who is telling you to feel guilty? Yeah, there might be a small movement for them to be compensated but it is not talked about much.
Do black people tell you that you should feel guilty about it quite a bit?
a little bit out of touch aren't you !!! it's all whites hear from blacks and lefty guilt ridden chicken shits !!

That's a crock of shit.
I never have really understand who is telling you to feel guilty? Yeah, there might be a small movement for them to be compensated but it is not talked about much.
Do black people tell you that you should feel guilty about it quite a bit?

No not really but It seems to be a recurring theme brought up by certain members on the USMB and media sources in the general public.

I figured it was worth an exploratory OP.

Is there a problem with that?

Can you provide some examples from USMB?
Just in case nobody mentioned it, electing Obama was a form of payback.

Just in case nobody mentioned it, the deaths of more'n 600,000 people and the destruction of millions and millions of dollars worth of property during the war between the states was a form of payback...

BULLSHIT. How were the Blacks treated in your states after the war up until the early to mid 1980's???
I never have really understand who is telling you to feel guilty? Yeah, there might be a small movement for them to be compensated but it is not talked about much.
Do black people tell you that you should feel guilty about it quite a bit?

No not really but It seems to be a recurring theme brought up by certain members on the USMB and media sources in the general public.

I figured it was worth an exploratory OP.

Is there a problem with that?

Can you provide some examples from USMB?

Eh, don't really feel like it...:D
Whites of today shouldn't feel guilty. Black folks who constantly claim whites owe them need to stop trying to morph themselves into slaves and, while we shouldn't forget the horror of slavery and other past injustices, both blacks and whites today shouldnt allow themselves to be duped into believing we have to be enemies by default. This only helps power hungry politicians, money hungry media outlets who have waning sales and are willing to divide the people for profit through sensationalism, and slick crooks, both black and white , whose livelyhoods are dependent upon the propagation of hatred.

Wake up!
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