American taxpayers have spent $1 Trillion on the Aghanistan war. What have we gotten for our money? Why wont we leave?

Here is my take....


2) Afghanistan has crazy levels of precious minerals to mine...with over 1,400 mineral occurrences recorded to date, including gold, copper, lithium, uranium, iron ore, cobalt, natural gas and oil. Afghanistan's resources could make it one of the richest mining regions in the world.

The USA is defintely taking advantage of this!

3) Military industrial complex. Keep building bombs and dropping them...and invoice the taxpayer!

4) Poppies. We control the heroin prices around the world...and dont allow too much heroin so the prices drop and much that BIG PHARMA cannot sell as much opiates as it does now.

These are the big 4. All with massive kicksbacks and back scratching to the deep staters involved.

Those are some of the specifics as I see it.


2 Pub Presidents....2 Dem Presidents.....and we have no committed timeline!

The US won't be accessing Afghanistan's natural resources. China has had successful mining operations for over a decade along with a railroad they built and Port Gwadar as hub to the far east Trump got quite breathless when he learned about it in 2018. LOLOL

Won’t be and we have not? Are you sure about that?
I dont see that we have gotten anything for the $1 trillion tax
Payers have spent.

Why are we still there, specifically?

What are your thoughts? I definitely have mine and will share them.
Tremendous waste of American Blood and Money. We should never have invaded in the first place.
Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11 but Bush did not have the nerve to attack the country that was responsible.

What infrastructure did they have?

Limited. We built lots of power plants and diesel generators that Afghanistan didnt even need.

Gotta keep Bechtel and Haliburton happy.

Where? Do you have the names of specific towns?

During the Bush years China built Port Gwadar which seemed obvious as hell to me. China is their neighbor and will be long after we're gone.

Gwadar Port - Wikipedia

The Gwadar Port (Urdu: گوادر بندرگاہ ‎); IPA: gʷɑːd̪əɾ bənd̪əɾgɑː) or Gwadar Port Authority (Urdu: مقتدرہ گوادر بندرگاہ ‎) is the deepest sea port in the world, situated on the Arabian Sea at Gwadar in Balochistan province of Pakistan and is under the administrative control of the Maritime Secretary of Pakistan and operational control of the China Overseas Port Holding Company. The port features prominent…
Just like eisnehower said.....mic. JFK criticized the cia and it got him dead. Unjust, multitrillion dollar wars, military spending billions etc. This is big business for them and the contractors who make all the new darpa toys. They have to test out their new gadgets through endless warfare. Sad, but it is one of the major key elements that end a nation.

Trump said he wanted end the wars....then he was a quick mark to be removed from office.

Look at how Tulsi was attacked the moment she was antiwar.

Here is my take....


2) Afghanistan has crazy levels of precious minerals to mine...with over 1,400 mineral occurrences recorded to date, including gold, copper, lithium, uranium, iron ore, cobalt, natural gas and oil. Afghanistan's resources could make it one of the richest mining regions in the world.

The USA is defintely taking advantage of this!

3) Military industrial complex. Keep building bombs and dropping them...and invoice the taxpayer!

4) Poppies. We control the heroin prices around the world...and dont allow too much heroin so the prices drop and much that BIG PHARMA cannot sell as much opiates as it does now.

These are the big 4. All with massive kicksbacks and back scratching to the deep staters involved.

Those are some of the specifics as I see it.


2 Pub Presidents....2 Dem Presidents.....and we have no committed timeline!

The US won't be accessing Afghanistan's natural resources. China has had successful mining operations for over a decade along with a railroad they built and Port Gwadar as hub to the far east Trump got quite breathless when he learned about it in 2018. LOLOL

Won’t be and we have not? Are you sure about that?

Yeah.. I'm sure .. China is their neighbor and have already had success with soft power investments.. Plus while Bush was fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan the Chinese built the world's most deep water port and a massive railroad hub to the Far East. Everything is in place for success.
Did you notice how at the end of Clinton Gingrich we were the world's lone superpower, no wars, USSR collapsed, we were headed to budget surpluses ...then Boom 9/11
I dont see that we have gotten anything for the $1 trillion tax
Payers have spent.

Why are we still there, specifically?

What are your thoughts? I definitely have mine and will share them.
Tremendous waste of American Blood and Money. We should never have invaded in the first place.
Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11 but Bush did not have the nerve to attack the country that was responsible.

The fucking Taliban said they would turn over Bin Ladin to the USA if we stopped bombing Afgahnistan and showed the Taliban the evidence the USA had on Bin Ladin.

Bush did not we continued to kill civilians.
Anyone who just believes the bullshit the Corporate media has fed them for 20 years on the Afghanistan war is a useful idiot, and I claim.....WILLING sheep.
How do you think Obama got himself a 12 million dollar home on Marth's vineyard? can syphon a lot of money off of war dollars and dollars sent to Iran....Take a gander at Joe's house and tell me his senator and VP salary got that for him....wake up America....its no wonder why Joe goes home every weekend since he fell into the white house.....he lives in a fucking mansion...

Prove it.. or just admit you're a liar.

A full 8 years of war under Obama. No one has to prove anything to note that Obama was a complete and total failure.
I dont see that we have gotten anything for the $1 trillion tax
Payers have spent.

Why are we still there, specifically?

What are your thoughts? I definitely have mine and will share them.
Tremendous waste of American Blood and Money. We should never have invaded in the first place.
Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11 but Bush did not have the nerve to attack the country that was responsible.

The fucking Taliban said they would turn over Bin Ladin to the USA if we stopped bombing Afgahnistan and showed the Taliban the evidence the USA had on Bin Ladin.

Bush did not we continued to kill civilians.

The Talban asked for PROOF about Bin Laden.. There was NO state actor involved in 9-11. It should have been treated as a police action.
Trump started to back out but the swamp wouldn’t allow it. In retrospect the root of the problem stemmed from supporting their liberation from Russian control then failed to help them make the adjustment and recover, just walked away and left a void for the Taliban to fill.
Trump started to back out but the swamp wouldn’t allow it. In retrospect the root of the problem stemmed from supporting their liberation from Russian control then failed to help them make the adjustment and recover, just walked away and left a void for the Taliban to fill.

Yep.. That's what happened.
How do you think Obama got himself a 12 million dollar home on Marth's vineyard? can syphon a lot of money off of war dollars and dollars sent to Iran....Take a gander at Joe's house and tell me his senator and VP salary got that for him....wake up America....its no wonder why Joe goes home every weekend since he fell into the white house.....he lives in a fucking mansion...

Prove it.. or just admit you're a liar.
Prove what? can see their mansions on line.....lots of uncounted dollars are flowing around Washington DC....and it comes from it doesn't take an Einstein to link 100 million dollar gas stations in Afghanistan to people syphoning off millions for themselves....from the white house down to the military itself...
Trump disrupted that cash cow and your stupid ass voted him out and the crooks back in.....dumbshit....
by the way in case you are cost about 2 million to build a gas station here...from the ground up.....
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Trump started to back out but the swamp wouldn’t allow it. In retrospect the root of the problem stemmed from supporting their liberation from Russian control then failed to help them make the adjustment and recover, just walked away and left a void for the Taliban to fill.
When did we declare war on the Taliban?....who cares what they do.... Bin Laden is dead we should be home....
How do you think Obama got himself a 12 million dollar home on Marth's vineyard? can syphon a lot of money off of war dollars and dollars sent to Iran....Take a gander at Joe's house and tell me his senator and VP salary got that for him....wake up America....its no wonder why Joe goes home every weekend since he fell into the white house.....he lives in a fucking mansion...

Prove it.. or just admit you're a liar.
Prove what? can see their mansions on line.....lots of uncounted dollars are flowing around Washington DC....and it comes from it doesn't take an Einstein to link 100 million dollar gas stations in Afghanistan to people syphoning off millions for themselves....from the white house down to the military itself...
Trump disrupted that cash cow and your stupid ass voted him out and the crooks back in.....dumbshit....

Everything in a war zone is cost plus.. Nobody bids on contracts.
How do you think Obama got himself a 12 million dollar home on Marth's vineyard? can syphon a lot of money off of war dollars and dollars sent to Iran....Take a gander at Joe's house and tell me his senator and VP salary got that for him....wake up America....its no wonder why Joe goes home every weekend since he fell into the white house.....he lives in a fucking mansion...

Prove it.. or just admit you're a liar.
Prove what? can see their mansions on line.....lots of uncounted dollars are flowing around Washington DC....and it comes from it doesn't take an Einstein to link 100 million dollar gas stations in Afghanistan to people syphoning off millions for themselves....from the white house down to the military itself...
Trump disrupted that cash cow and your stupid ass voted him out and the crooks back in.....dumbshit....

Everything in a war zone is cost plus.. Nobody bids on contracts.
You are a dream sheep aren't you?....the dems really love vacant minds like yours....
I dont see that we have gotten anything for the $1 trillion tax
Payers have spent.

Why are we still there, specifically?

What are your thoughts? I definitely have mine and will share them.
Proof, right wingers are not about actually winning wars?

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