Americans are Being Scammed:


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Americans are Being Scammed:
Democrats Pushed Mail-In Voting, Ballot Harvesting, and Foreigners Voting Back in January 2019

More than a Year before China Coronavirus
4 Sep 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Way back before the China Coronavirus pandemic — Democrats tried pushing mail-in voting.
They know they can cheat that way and they are bitter that Americans still get to choose by ballot their political leaders. Democrats know this. Their media knows this. Attorney General Bill Barr knows this.

Back in May Pelosi was already talking about mail-in voting this year due to the coronavirus.
But it went back even further than that.
Democrats were pushing mail-in voting legislation back in January 2019!
Long before they crippled our economy, killed small businesses and locked everyone into their homes, Democrats have been pushing voting by mail. Here’s the proof…
In January 2019, a full year before Americans had ever heard of COVID19, the Democrats in Washington introduced the Vote By Mail Act of 2019—a bill to “to allow all eligible voters to vote by mail in Federal elections.”

You can read it here.


Regardless of what Democrats are saying today, their “Vote By Mail” scheme has nothing to do with the China virus, and everything to do with power.
Democrats have been working on stealing elections with mail-in voting since January 2019.
The coronavirus is just an excuse to push their nefarious plans.

Actually, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left used ballot harvesting to wipe out Republicans in Orange County during the 2018 elections. Several Republicans thought they had won and flew to DC to settle in. They "lost" as Democrats rounded up as many fraudulent votes as they needed to "win."
It was a test run that worked beautifully. That's why they want to do it some more on a nationwide basis.
They almost stole Florida in 2016, and they're determined to do better this time.
The choice is clear. Mr. Trump is OK with people disagreeing with him. Democrats try to destroy your career or assassinate you if you disagree with them while Antifa and BLM will cheer if you're shot for not being woke enough.
The PMS/DSA Democrat Commie Left has declared open war on the average American citizen...
They fear nothing, even as most psychopathic narcissistic deviants don't.
Imagine, they've been so bold as to admit that once the mail in ballots are counted, Trump - we the people's choice - will have lost no matter that he won,
Cuomo has brazenly and openly threatened Trump's life by saying that Trump would need and army to come to New York.
Cuomo says Trump "better have an army" to walk down the streets of NYC
Hillary advises China Joe Biden not o concede under any circumstances.
There isn't a Democrat, nor their butt kissing media, along with all too many stacked courts and big, big, corp, that won't lie through their teeth directly and shamelessly into the faces of we the American people to get what they want!
Choosing Biden alone is proof enough of their brazen belief they've got this.
Which should you vote for? The group waving the flag, or the group burning it?
Hillary Clinton Advises Biden Not to Concede on Election Night 'Under Any Circumstances'
Are Democrats determined to commit political suicide by supporting rioters?
Why are people so scared of mail in voting as Republicans.

A) people tend to fuck it up so you lose at least 1% of votes. Maybe more with so many new voters

B) they won't be counted until later....So if on election night trump has any margin of victory at all, he'll call a win for himself

Having people who aren't eligible to vote by mail may be a winning strategy....Everyone else it's clearly not
as I recall----the POST OFFICE PEOPLE go out of their minds------during the christmas season with SO MUCH mail. I will take my weary old white ass to the Polling place no matter what------remember---some mailmen dump the mail ------and there was once a thing about people putting BOMBS in mailboxes.
Why are people so scared of mail in voting as Republicans.

A) people tend to fuck it up so you lose at least 1% of votes. Maybe more with so many new voters

B) they won't be counted until later....So if on election night trump has any margin of victory at all, he'll call a win for himself

Having people who aren't eligible to vote by mail may be a winning strategy....Everyone else it's clearly not

The reason is simply that mail in votes can be manipulated easily as shown in Wisconsin (Franken win), Washington State (Gregiore win)
In addition there is factual evidence that mail in ballots produce fraudulent results and that there are too many inconsistencies.

Why are people so scared of mail in voting as Republicans.

A) people tend to fuck it up so you lose at least 1% of votes. Maybe more with so many new voters
You need to provide a link to support your claim. Yes, errors occur and ballots do not get to their intended target. Maybe you have a forwarding address (election mail does not forward). This is why you must be proactive. Know when ballots get mailed. If you haven't received yours in 10 days, call the registrar and have them mail another or go pick one up at the registrar's office. If you're worried about your ballot getting back to the registrar's office, drop it in a drop box or at the registrar's office. Many states have adopted ballot tracking systems so you can watch your ballot move through the system.

B) they won't be counted until later....So if on election night trump has any margin of victory at all, he'll call a win for himself

Again that depends on the state. Many states have laws that allow them to begin processing the Vote by Mail ballots before Election Day. They get scanned in but the votes are not tallied until Election Night. In those states if you get your ballot back before E-Day, your vote will be in the FIRST totals release. Votes cast at a Polling Place will not be tallied until much later in the night. Trump can't declare anything until all 50 states have certified their election. They must do it by December 3rd.

Having people who aren't eligible to vote by mail may be a winning strategy....Everyone else it's clearly not
Ballots are only mailed to registered voters.
Gateway pundit...Used toilet Paper has more value.
Why are people so scared of mail in voting as Republicans.

A) people tend to fuck it up so you lose at least 1% of votes. Maybe more with so many new voters

B) they won't be counted until later....So if on election night trump has any margin of victory at all, he'll call a win for himself

Having people who aren't eligible to vote by mail may be a winning strategy....Everyone else it's clearly not

The reason is simply that mail in votes can be manipulated easily as shown in Wisconsin (Franken win), Washington State (Gregiore win)
In addition there is factual evidence that mail in ballots produce fraudulent results and that there are too many inconsistencies.


The counting is no different

That's bullshit

THere may be more fraud in mail in voting, but the votes are not "manipulated"

Still have a paper trail with mail in voting. No more susceptible than in person voting. Maybe even less depending on how digital the in person voting is

It's an overall loss for democrats. Which is why Michelle said during the convention go out to the polling place and vote. If Democrats vote at 1.5x higher rate mail in voting than republicans that will no doubt hurt them not help them.

Republicans are worse than democrats on this issue. Democrats fuck themselves and republicans cry about it? Why? lol
Americans are Being Scammed:
Democrats Pushed Mail-In Voting, Ballot Harvesting, and Foreigners Voting Back in January 2019

More than a Year before China Coronavirus
4 Sep 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Way back before the China Coronavirus pandemic — Democrats tried pushing mail-in voting.
They know they can cheat that way and they are bitter that Americans still get to choose by ballot their political leaders. Democrats know this. Their media knows this. Attorney General Bill Barr knows this.

Back in May Pelosi was already talking about mail-in voting this year due to the coronavirus.
But it went back even further than that.
Democrats were pushing mail-in voting legislation back in January 2019!
Long before they crippled our economy, killed small businesses and locked everyone into their homes, Democrats have been pushing voting by mail. Here’s the proof…
In January 2019, a full year before Americans had ever heard of COVID19, the Democrats in Washington introduced the Vote By Mail Act of 2019—a bill to “to allow all eligible voters to vote by mail in Federal elections.”

You can read it here.


Regardless of what Democrats are saying today, their “Vote By Mail” scheme has nothing to do with the China virus, and everything to do with power.
Democrats have been working on stealing elections with mail-in voting since January 2019.
The coronavirus is just an excuse to push their nefarious plans.

Actually, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left used ballot harvesting to wipe out Republicans in Orange County during the 2018 elections. Several Republicans thought they had won and flew to DC to settle in. They "lost" as Democrats rounded up as many fraudulent votes as they needed to "win."
It was a test run that worked beautifully. That's why they want to do it some more on a nationwide basis.
They almost stole Florida in 2016, and they're determined to do better this time.
The choice is clear. Mr. Trump is OK with people disagreeing with him. Democrats try to destroy your career or assassinate you if you disagree with them while Antifa and BLM will cheer if you're shot for not being woke enough.
The PMS/DSA Democrat Commie Left has declared open war on the average American citizen...
They fear nothing, even as most psychopathic narcissistic deviants don't.
Imagine, they've been so bold as to admit that once the mail in ballots are counted, Trump - we the people's choice - will have lost no matter that he won,
Cuomo has brazenly and openly threatened Trump's life by saying that Trump would need and army to come to New York.
Cuomo says Trump "better have an army" to walk down the streets of NYC
Hillary advises China Joe Biden not o concede under any circumstances.
There isn't a Democrat, nor their butt kissing media, along with all too many stacked courts and big, big, corp, that won't lie through their teeth directly and shamelessly into the faces of we the American people to get what they want!
Choosing Biden alone is proof enough of their brazen belief they've got this.
Which should you vote for? The group waving the flag, or the group burning it?
Hillary Clinton Advises Biden Not to Concede on Election Night 'Under Any Circumstances'
Are Democrats determined to commit political suicide by supporting rioters?
How many times are you gonna fall.for the gateway pundit's lies?
Why are people so scared of mail in voting as Republicans.

A) people tend to fuck it up so you lose at least 1% of votes. Maybe more with so many new voters
You need to provide a link to support your claim. Yes, errors occur and ballots do not get to their intended target. Maybe you have a forwarding address (election mail does not forward). This is why you must be proactive. Know when ballots get mailed. If you haven't received yours in 10 days, call the registrar and have them mail another or go pick one up at the registrar's office. If you're worried about your ballot getting back to the registrar's office, drop it in a drop box or at the registrar's office. Many states have adopted ballot tracking systems so you can watch your ballot move through the system.

B) they won't be counted until later....So if on election night trump has any margin of victory at all, he'll call a win for himself

Again that depends on the state. Many states have laws that allow them to begin processing the Vote by Mail ballots before Election Day. They get scanned in but the votes are not tallied until Election Night. In those states if you get your ballot back before E-Day, your vote will be in the FIRST totals release. Votes cast at a Polling Place will not be tallied until much later in the night. Trump can't declare anything until all 50 states have certified their election. They must do it by December 3rd.

Having people who aren't eligible to vote by mail may be a winning strategy....Everyone else it's clearly not
Ballots are only mailed to registered voters.

I do not need to provide a link you can google....You shouldn't need any data to know that.

Yea surprise when you just randomly send off ballots from your home a lot more mistakes are made. Most obvious being sending them in too late.

Anyone who thinks voting by mail en masse relative to teh other opposition is good for their election chances is an idiot.
Why are people so scared of mail in voting as Republicans.

A) people tend to fuck it up so you lose at least 1% of votes. Maybe more with so many new voters
You need to provide a link to support your claim. Yes, errors occur and ballots do not get to their intended target. Maybe you have a forwarding address (election mail does not forward). This is why you must be proactive. Know when ballots get mailed. If you haven't received yours in 10 days, call the registrar and have them mail another or go pick one up at the registrar's office. If you're worried about your ballot getting back to the registrar's office, drop it in a drop box or at the registrar's office. Many states have adopted ballot tracking systems so you can watch your ballot move through the system.

B) they won't be counted until later....So if on election night trump has any margin of victory at all, he'll call a win for himself

Again that depends on the state. Many states have laws that allow them to begin processing the Vote by Mail ballots before Election Day. They get scanned in but the votes are not tallied until Election Night. In those states if you get your ballot back before E-Day, your vote will be in the FIRST totals release. Votes cast at a Polling Place will not be tallied until much later in the night. Trump can't declare anything until all 50 states have certified their election. They must do it by December 3rd.

Having people who aren't eligible to vote by mail may be a winning strategy....Everyone else it's clearly not
Ballots are only mailed to registered voters.

I do not need to provide a link you can google....You shouldn't need any data to know that.

Yea surprise when you just randomly send off ballots from your home a lot more mistakes are made. Most obvious being sending them in too late.

Anyone who thinks voting by mail en masse relative to teh other opposition is good for their election chances is an idiot.

Yes, I can google and I did not find anything that says errors with the US Postal Service amounts to 1% of all US Mail. That makes me think you pulled that number directly from your ass. Trump supporters may rely on ass facts, but I need actual ones.

Voting by Mail is a safe, secure way to vote and is especially prudent during a global pandemic. My county has been a Vote by Mail county since 2017. That was a fiscally conservative decision we made since over 65% of our voters had signed up to be permanent Vote by Mail voters anyway. Since considerably more people voted by mail than in person, continuing to train and staff hundreds of polling places in addition to the cost of Vote by Mail simply didn't make fiscal sense. One of them had to go so which one? The one used by over 70% of the voters every election or the one used by 20% of the voters in a high turnout election?

We swapped our hundreds of polling places for dozens of vote centers and dozens of drop boxes. Now instead of having to ONLY go to YOUR polling place to have your vote count, you can vote from the privacy of your home or if you insist on voting in person, ANY one of those dozens of Vote Centers...that aren't just opened ONE DAY. You get anywhere from 4-29 days to vote.

That's voting in the 21st century!!!

Vote's Choice Act, baby.
Why are people so scared of mail in voting as Republicans.

A) people tend to fuck it up so you lose at least 1% of votes. Maybe more with so many new voters
You need to provide a link to support your claim. Yes, errors occur and ballots do not get to their intended target. Maybe you have a forwarding address (election mail does not forward). This is why you must be proactive. Know when ballots get mailed. If you haven't received yours in 10 days, call the registrar and have them mail another or go pick one up at the registrar's office. If you're worried about your ballot getting back to the registrar's office, drop it in a drop box or at the registrar's office. Many states have adopted ballot tracking systems so you can watch your ballot move through the system.

B) they won't be counted until later....So if on election night trump has any margin of victory at all, he'll call a win for himself

Again that depends on the state. Many states have laws that allow them to begin processing the Vote by Mail ballots before Election Day. They get scanned in but the votes are not tallied until Election Night. In those states if you get your ballot back before E-Day, your vote will be in the FIRST totals release. Votes cast at a Polling Place will not be tallied until much later in the night. Trump can't declare anything until all 50 states have certified their election. They must do it by December 3rd.

Having people who aren't eligible to vote by mail may be a winning strategy....Everyone else it's clearly not
Ballots are only mailed to registered voters.

I do not need to provide a link you can google....You shouldn't need any data to know that.

Yea surprise when you just randomly send off ballots from your home a lot more mistakes are made. Most obvious being sending them in too late.

Anyone who thinks voting by mail en masse relative to teh other opposition is good for their election chances is an idiot.

Yes, I can google and I did not find anything that says errors with the US Postal Service amounts to 1% of all US Mail. That makes me think you pulled that number directly from your ass. Trump supporters may rely on ass facts, but I need actual ones.

Voting by Mail is a safe, secure way to vote and is especially prudent during a global pandemic. My county has been a Vote by Mail county since 2017. That was a fiscally conservative decision we made since over 65% of our voters had signed up to be permanent Vote by Mail voters anyway. Since considerably more people voted by mail than in person, continuing to train and staff hundreds of polling places in addition to the cost of Vote by Mail simply didn't make fiscal sense. One of them had to go so which one? The one used by over 70% of the voters every election or the one used by 20% of the voters in a high turnout election?

We swapped our hundreds of polling places for dozens of vote centers and dozens of drop boxes. Now instead of having to ONLY go to YOUR polling place to have your vote count, you can vote from the privacy of your home or if you insist on voting in person, ANY one of those dozens of Vote Centers...that aren't just opened ONE DAY. You get anywhere from 4-29 days to vote.

That's voting in the 21st century!!!

Vote's Choice Act, baby.

It's not USPS making the mistake

You have to properly fill out and post mark your ballot by the correct deadline.

Why the fuck would you be looking up error rate for USPS? Of course you found nothing lol

Holy shit you are slow

As long as it's postmarked the correct date....The ballot counts.

Fucking child

I would slap you if you were in front of me this is so fucking stupid lol holy shit.

Mail in voting is a terrrrrible idea unless both parties are going to do it at equal rates.
Whenever someone wants to fix something that’s not broken then it’s a scam.
Why are people so scared of mail in voting as Republicans.

A) people tend to fuck it up so you lose at least 1% of votes. Maybe more with so many new voters
You need to provide a link to support your claim. Yes, errors occur and ballots do not get to their intended target. Maybe you have a forwarding address (election mail does not forward). This is why you must be proactive. Know when ballots get mailed. If you haven't received yours in 10 days, call the registrar and have them mail another or go pick one up at the registrar's office. If you're worried about your ballot getting back to the registrar's office, drop it in a drop box or at the registrar's office. Many states have adopted ballot tracking systems so you can watch your ballot move through the system.

B) they won't be counted until later....So if on election night trump has any margin of victory at all, he'll call a win for himself

Again that depends on the state. Many states have laws that allow them to begin processing the Vote by Mail ballots before Election Day. They get scanned in but the votes are not tallied until Election Night. In those states if you get your ballot back before E-Day, your vote will be in the FIRST totals release. Votes cast at a Polling Place will not be tallied until much later in the night. Trump can't declare anything until all 50 states have certified their election. They must do it by December 3rd.

Having people who aren't eligible to vote by mail may be a winning strategy....Everyone else it's clearly not
Ballots are only mailed to registered voters.

I do not need to provide a link you can google....You shouldn't need any data to know that.

Yea surprise when you just randomly send off ballots from your home a lot more mistakes are made. Most obvious being sending them in too late.

Anyone who thinks voting by mail en masse relative to teh other opposition is good for their election chances is an idiot.

Yes, I can google and I did not find anything that says errors with the US Postal Service amounts to 1% of all US Mail. That makes me think you pulled that number directly from your ass. Trump supporters may rely on ass facts, but I need actual ones.

Voting by Mail is a safe, secure way to vote and is especially prudent during a global pandemic. My county has been a Vote by Mail county since 2017. That was a fiscally conservative decision we made since over 65% of our voters had signed up to be permanent Vote by Mail voters anyway. Since considerably more people voted by mail than in person, continuing to train and staff hundreds of polling places in addition to the cost of Vote by Mail simply didn't make fiscal sense. One of them had to go so which one? The one used by over 70% of the voters every election or the one used by 20% of the voters in a high turnout election?

We swapped our hundreds of polling places for dozens of vote centers and dozens of drop boxes. Now instead of having to ONLY go to YOUR polling place to have your vote count, you can vote from the privacy of your home or if you insist on voting in person, ANY one of those dozens of Vote Centers...that aren't just opened ONE DAY. You get anywhere from 4-29 days to vote.

That's voting in the 21st century!!!

Vote's Choice Act, baby.

It's not USPS making the mistake

You have to properly fill out and post mark your ballot by the correct deadline.

Why the fuck would you be looking up error rate for USPS? Of course you found nothing lol

Holy shit you are slow

As long as it's postmarked the correct date....The ballot counts.

Fucking child

I would slap you if you were in front of me this is so fucking stupid lol holy shit.

Mail in voting is a terrrrrible idea unless both parties are going to do it at equal rates.

So the voter making an error is the problem? That must be why I said to be proactive. Read instructions. Yes, ballots must be returned or postmarked by Election Day. You get it in plenty of time. Track your ballot. If you are that tinfoil paranoid, by all means stand in line and expose yourself to COVID. Most people don't want to do that and WANT to Vote by Mail. During a global pandemic, it makes sense.

What we should be doing is making sure the states and the Post Office have the resources and personnel to handle the NATURAL increase in the number of requested VBM ballots. One state North Carolina or Virginia (can't remember which), by this time in 2016 had about 36,000 VBM requests. Care to venture a guess how many they have this year? (Hint: it's A LOT more). This is reality so we should be giving the states money to buy new mail sorters and scanning machines. We should be sending more mail sorters to the USPS instead of taking them out. Address the world the way it IS not the way you WANT it to be.

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