American's are happy with Joe

It seems America has had enough, playmates, pornstars, legal indictments, convicted criminals, love letters to North Korea, family members, and TV personalities swirling around 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Naw, they just have fatigue from FIVE YEARS of continuous non-stop 24/7 negative leftwing media noise. And that came on top of 16 years of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Barry Obumma.

Trump was a breath of fresh air.

No one LIKES Joe, and just as soon as Joe is faced with HIS first crisis dropped on HIS lap, like 9/11, Obummacare, Benghazi, Covid, the economic crisis he's now creating or whatever the next crisis is and everyone sees him flub it, his "charm" will wear off real fast.
In fairness, it's not as if Joe is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

We've just learned that a leader's temperament is more important than we knew. At least act like an adult now and then. That's a good start. It really does matter. That's how low our fucking standards are after the former guy.

The greatest example of "addition by subtraction" in American history, and it's helping Joe.
I agree.

I'm OK with Biden and if I were polled I would answer positively to his administration so far. With that said, he most likely fairs pretty well when being compared to his predecessor and I'm sure that impacts his polling averages.

The best he could hope for is that the wingnuts still contest the election because that just reminds people where we were 6 months ago.
that's just lies because you are mad that Biden's economy is better than Trump's

Growth is much much higher, Corporate growth is higher, and the fundamentals are sound for continued greatness.

You can either accept this or not, I really don't care. Just make sure you have prepared yourself for how great it will be under Biden.
Ever hear the expression that it had nowhere to go but up after the economy was destroyed by the blue state and RINO governors?

Corporate growth is higher? That's why my 403B account took a major hit when the stock market lost almost 3% in one day.

Biden has about 18 more months before he loses the House and Senate. A Democrat Senator, in a state with a Republican governor, who kicks the bucket shifts the balance of power to the Republicans, killing Biden's even remote attempts to get any legislation passed.
* “Kim Jong Un has been, really, somebody that I’ve gotten to know very well and respect, and hopefully – and I really believe that, over a period of time, a lot of tremendous things will happen.” (April 11, 2019)

*[Kim] wrote me beautiful letters and they’re great letters. We fell in love.” (September 29, 2018)

* “President Erdogan. He’s tough, but I get along with him. And maybe that’s a bad thing, but I think it’s a really good thing.” (June 29, 2019)

* “And I like President Xi a lot. I consider him a friend, and – but I like him a lot. I’ve gotten to know him very well. He’s a strong gentleman, right? Anybody that – he’s a strong guy, tough guy.” (June 30, 2019)

* “President Xi, who is a strong man, I call him King, he said, ‘But I am not King, I am president.’ I said, ‘No, you’re president for life and therefore, you’re King.’ He said, ‘Huh. Huh.’ He liked that.” (April 2, 2019)

* (Putin) “The man has very strong control over a country,” he said. “Now, it’s a very different system and I don’t happen to like the system, but certainly in that system, he’s been a leader. Far more than our president has been a leader.” (September 7, 2016)

It isn’t Biden who is cozy with dictators.

How many of those hotels were actually built?
You're so fucking ignorant and blind, that was you whilst the Capitol was being attacked. That was you whilst your hero and demigod was lying over 30,000 times. That was you when your Lord and Savior was sacking one incompetent appointee to his various cabinets after another, and all those around him have later said that he was out of control and completely oblivious to reality.

We know you'll never get it, because you're a special kind of stupid. We call it Trump stupid.
Which cabinet member was "sacked"?
Biden has the best first 6 months in US history, how can you not be happy?

The Biden BOOM has just begun. The economy is very strong, and growth will be rampant this year and next.
Biden's emphasis on tech and infrastructure will power America forward and is much much better than Trump's emphasis on low skill low wage manufacturing.

We are about to enter another Bill CLinton Golden Age of Prosperity
Tried to buy a STEAK lately?
"We've just learned that a leader's temperament is more important than we knew. At least act like an adult now and then. That's a good start. It really does matter."
A hat-tip to Mac'58. The above pulled quote has truth in it.
Every effective leader I've known...either by being led by them, or me as just an observer.....has demonstrated that. Temperament matters in leadership. How a leader behaves and communicates is oft-times more important than what he says.

I suspect that every lurker on this chatroom knows that intuitively.

Joe Biden may come across as 'boring' as some have described, however, for these 6 months he has profited by an almost purely binary comparison. Meaning, it is Joe......or it is the former guy. And Joe comes out ahead on that simple measurement.

If you've read any of the recent reports about the spate of books recently published on the Trump will recall what William Barr was reported to have directly told Don Trump. (in "I Alone Can Fix It").

To wit: “You’re going to lose because there’s going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they’re just going to say, ‘We’re tired of this sh*t.’ “

Creating acrimony, pettiness, chaos......ain't leadership. It may be reality-TV style entertainment for some, but big-boy governance requires a lot ...a lot.....more than just 'punching down'.

Temperament and demeanor matter.

A hat-tip to Mac'58.
Polls can get any answer you want depending on who is being asked and what specifically they are asked.

We've all seen this movie before. The midterms will be a good measuring stick of how "popular" the lying
racist Joe Biden is.

I never knew that being in a perpetual senile haze was an asset before.
Why? You know what it means. Are you personally offended when someone uses the term? Most deplorables don't like to be reminded they are rage-filled fringe lunatics.

Personally, I love being called Deplorable by the far-left. I wear it as a badge of pride. A former Presidential Candidate was so ignorant that she called HALF THE AMERICAN VOTERS, DEPLORABLE.

"DEPLORABLES don't like to be reminded they are rage-filled lunatics". REALLY?






Who is rage-filled?
President Joe Biden -


It seems MAINSTREAM MEDIA STILL CAN'T LET GO OF THE TDS, YET America has had enough of LEFTISTS MARKETING FABRICATIONS INVOLVING legal indictments, MAKING "criminals", THEIR love letters to North Korea, family members, and USED CAR SALESMAN personalities MAKING A MOCKERY of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NOW THE MEDIA IS SELLING THE REPLACEMENT AS experienced professionals who know how to do their jobs, SUPPORTED BY THEIR OWN POLLS, AS IF WE"RE STUPID.

President Joe Biden's approval has remained 10 - 15 points above that of former President Trump UNDER MAINSTREAM MEDIA's GUIDANCE & SUPPORTED BY THE POLLS THEY SPONSOR for the entire 6 months he's been in office. Hate him all you want AMERICANS, BECAUSE THE ESTABLISHMENT HAS HIS BACK. :bye1:

I fixed it for you, see bolded in your quote. You're welcome.
When Biden was sworn in his approval rating was 60 percent maybe a little higher now it's 52 percent his approval rating on immigration is 41 percent and that is with the media basically ignoring the mess at the Southern border economy 52 percent down a good bit from when he was sworn in foreign policy approval rating 50 percent direction of the country only 40 percent say right direction. it seems not as many Americans as one might want to believe are happy with Biden.
President Joe Biden -

He's old, He's boring, and he's popular!

It seems America has had enough, playmates, pornstars, legal indictments, convicted criminals, love letters to North Korea, family members, and TV personalities swirling around 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. They've all been replaced by experienced professionals who know how to do their jobs.

President Joe Biden's approval has remained 10 - 15 points above that of former President Trump for the entire 6 months he's been in office. Hate him all you want Republicans, but America likes him. :bye1:

He's old, boring and can't effectively communicate even simple sentences. The real question is who the puppet master is.

I agree.

I'm OK with Biden and if I were polled I would answer positively to his administration so far. With that said, he most likely fairs pretty well when being compared to his predecessor and I'm sure that impacts his polling averages.

The best he could hope for is that the wingnuts still contest the election because that just reminds people where we were 6 months ago. folks are just plain weird...It's bizarre that you can have these discussions and pretend Trumps accomplishments didn't/don't matter.....FUCKING WEIRDOS!


Finished 3.68 before COVID. Lowest for data collected 1975-forward, and consistently decreased on his term. Matter of fact the three lowest unemployment rates since at least 1975 occurred on Trump's watch.

Poverty Rate: 9.3 before COVID.…… Lowest for data collected 1975-forward. Consistently decreased on his term, which is the only example of said decreases for data collected 1975-forward.

Crime Rate: 2.49: …… All three years on Trump’s watch are the lowest crime rates for data collected 1975-forward.

GDP: …… Most consistent increases since Bush Jr.

Misery Index: 6.6 average. Most positive performance for data collected 1975-forward.

Inflation Rate: Consistently performed under 2%, which is the lowest consistent performance for data collected 1975-forward.
He's old, boring and can't effectively communicate even simple sentences.
Boring? oh no! And trump couldn't complete thoughts, much less sentences. Biden is just fine for right now. Boring and focused on the job is what we need. Trump didn't even want to do the job. Biden is resetting the bar for , basically, the minimum we should expect. Trump made everyone realize how bad a President can be and how much harm he can do. Trumpism won't win the presidency again.

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