Americans arming an furious rate under obama...

President Obama was elected by a margin of five million votes because the majority of Americans are not fruitloop 'Conservatives'.
No, he was re-elected by those who want free shit and because he is black. Conservative is a lot better than being a retarded liberal.
Yo, old rocks in the head.

got a table on the total tax percentage paid in each state? the total paid in federal, state, city, county, etc as a % of income?

why would anyone want to give more than half of his income to some level of government in order to live in a place like NY city or Los Angeles?

Maybe because of a much higher standard of living and much greater oppertunity.

yeah, right. Duh----Detroit, Cleveland, Newark, LA, Boston, Trenton, Chicago. wonderful places to live with lots of opportunities-------are you fucking crazy?

But you said LA and New York, not Detroit, Cleveland, ect. See what a dishonest person you are:razz:
Maybe because of a much higher standard of living and much greater oppertunity.

yeah, right. Duh----Detroit, Cleveland, Newark, LA, Boston, Trenton, Chicago. wonderful places to live with lots of opportunities-------are you fucking crazy?

But you said LA and New York, not Detroit, Cleveland, ect. See what a dishonest person you are:razz:

fuck off, I was just giving you more examples of screwed up liberal cities. :razz:
AMERICANS ARMING AN FURIOUS RATE UNDER OBAMA (i can not post the link but, if you go to WND News you will find the article)
FBI conducting 32 gun-purchase background checks per minute

Since February of 2009, the first full month of Obama's presidency, there have been 70,291,049 background checks for gun purchases, according to data released by the FBI.

folks...,if this 70,291,049 number is true, how in GOD's name did that fucking pile-O-shit get re-elected ??

aaaah ! now i know ! "it's not the votes that count, it's WHO counts the votes"

how did he get reelected? black pride, white guiylt, and a biased left wing media. its really quite simple.

And, he was the best candidate.
Totally legitimate. You don't care enough to vote, your vote counts for zero. Those of us that do care enough to vote get the say. That is the way it should be.

How despotic of you. So much for representative government I guess.

Fellow, you ain't got the gumption to get to the polling place, you ain't got the smarts to participate in democratic government. And you deserve to have no voice in the process.

Are you really this fucking high on your horse?
The problem is I am TOO smart to participate in this process. You're the dumb fuck that wants to tell more than 3/4 of the country they have to listen to you because you "won" and if they dont like it too bad. You're a little wqanna be dick Tater.

You have absolutely ZERO concept of individual rights obviously. I did vote, but for the last time. Because I realize that being a sycophant to these rent seekers IS the problem. I'm not casting anymore secret ballots to have a ruler.
folks...,if this 70,291,049 number is true, how in GOD's name did that fucking pile-O-shit get re-elected ??

aaaah ! now i know ! "it's not the votes that count, it's WHO counts the votes"

how did he get reelected? black pride, white guiylt, and a biased left wing media. its really quite simple.

And, he was the best candidate.

LOL, OK, now take your meds and go back to sleep, the orderly will be in soon with your breakfast and another sleeping pill.
President Obama was elected by a margin of five million votes because the majority of Americans are not fruitloop 'Conservatives'.

And technically lost the election to "no one". 94 million voters abstained. Almost double that of Obama voters.

People tend not to vote when they are happy with how things are going. Thank you for supplying that figure.
How despotic of you. So much for representative government I guess.

Fellow, you ain't got the gumption to get to the polling place, you ain't got the smarts to participate in democratic government. And you deserve to have no voice in the process.

Are you really this fucking high on your horse?
The problem is I am TOO smart to participate in this process. You're the dumb fuck that wants to tell more than 3/4 of the country they have to listen to you because you "won" and if they dont like it too bad. You're a little wqanna be dick Tater.

You have absolutely ZERO concept of individual rights obviously. I did vote, but for the last time. Because I realize that being a sycophant to these rent seekers IS the problem. I'm not casting anymore secret ballots to have a ruler.

I understand your feelings, but not voting just gives tha assholes complete control. Do not stop voting.
President Obama was elected by a margin of five million votes because the majority of Americans are not fruitloop 'Conservatives'.

And technically lost the election to "no one". 94 million voters abstained. Almost double that of Obama voters.

People tend not to vote when they are happy with how things are going. Thank you for supplying that figure.

or when they think that both candidates suck. which was the case in the last two elections.
Fellow, you ain't got the gumption to get to the polling place, you ain't got the smarts to participate in democratic government. And you deserve to have no voice in the process.

Are you really this fucking high on your horse?
The problem is I am TOO smart to participate in this process. You're the dumb fuck that wants to tell more than 3/4 of the country they have to listen to you because you "won" and if they dont like it too bad. You're a little wqanna be dick Tater.

You have absolutely ZERO concept of individual rights obviously. I did vote, but for the last time. Because I realize that being a sycophant to these rent seekers IS the problem. I'm not casting anymore secret ballots to have a ruler.

I understand your feelings, but not voting just gives tha assholes complete control. Do not stop voting.

I didnt vote. I feel great about it. Neither side of idiots got my vote, and the people I USED to vote for- the Republicans- are rotting in political hell right now. Good. Thats their consequence for turning out so fucking insane and arrogant. They depend on folks like you who will loyally vote for them no matter what, so they can be free to do stupid shit.

Voting just for the sake of voting is like being at a bar and having to pick between the 500 pound fat chick with a twinkle in her eye, or the 100 pound chick on heroine who hasnt showered in days. You go ahead.................I'll just get a cab home for the night.
Why, thank you. Yes, I vote for President Obama, and voted a straight democratic ticket due to the idiots the GOP was running.
So you voted for a party that is backed by commies and is hell bent on the destruction of the American way. Explains a lot from idiots like you.
Are you really this fucking high on your horse?
The problem is I am TOO smart to participate in this process. You're the dumb fuck that wants to tell more than 3/4 of the country they have to listen to you because you "won" and if they dont like it too bad. You're a little wqanna be dick Tater.

You have absolutely ZERO concept of individual rights obviously. I did vote, but for the last time. Because I realize that being a sycophant to these rent seekers IS the problem. I'm not casting anymore secret ballots to have a ruler.

I understand your feelings, but not voting just gives tha assholes complete control. Do not stop voting.

I didnt vote. I feel great about it. Neither side of idiots got my vote, and the people I USED to vote for- the Republicans- are rotting in political hell right now. Good. Thats their consequence for turning out so fucking insane and arrogant. They depend on folks like you who will loyally vote for them no matter what, so they can be free to do stupid shit.

Voting just for the sake of voting is like being at a bar and having to pick between the 500 pound fat chick with a twinkle in her eye, or the 100 pound chick on heroine who hasnt showered in days. You go ahead.................I'll just get a cab home for the night.

its your choice, but as I once saw written on a sidewalk "if ya don't vote, don't gripe"

there were several choices on the ballot besides the dems and pubs, why not cast a protest vote?

as for me, I voted for Perot and helped elect Clinton, I will not make that mistake again.
AMERICANS ARMING AN FURIOUS RATE UNDER OBAMA (i can not post the link but, if you go to WND News you will find the article)
FBI conducting 32 gun-purchase background checks per minute

Since February of 2009, the first full month of Obama's presidency, there have been 70,291,049 background checks for gun purchases, according to data released by the FBI.

folks...,if this 70,291,049 number is true, how in GOD's name did that fucking pile-O-shit get re-elected ??

aaaah ! now i know ! "it's not the votes that count, it's WHO counts the votes"

Buxton, ME --( Based on the recent legislation in New York, we are prohibited from selling rifles and receivers to residents of New York.
We have chosen to extend that prohibition to all governmental agencies associated with or located within New York.
As a result we have halted sales of rifles, short barreled rifles, short barreled shotguns, machine guns, and silencers to New York governmental agencies.
For “civilian” customers residing in New York: At your choice, we will:
Complete your order and ship to a dealer of your choice outside of NY.
Refund your payment in full.
Hold your items here for up to 6 months, at no charge – if you are in the process of leaving NY and taking residence in another state.
For LE/Govt customers in New York: Your orders have been cancelled.

York Arms Cancels All Its New York Police Orders
I understand your feelings, but not voting just gives tha assholes complete control. Do not stop voting.

I didnt vote. I feel great about it. Neither side of idiots got my vote, and the people I USED to vote for- the Republicans- are rotting in political hell right now. Good. Thats their consequence for turning out so fucking insane and arrogant. They depend on folks like you who will loyally vote for them no matter what, so they can be free to do stupid shit.

Voting just for the sake of voting is like being at a bar and having to pick between the 500 pound fat chick with a twinkle in her eye, or the 100 pound chick on heroine who hasnt showered in days. You go ahead.................I'll just get a cab home for the night.

its your choice, but as I once saw written on a sidewalk "if ya don't vote, don't gripe"

there were several choices on the ballot besides the dems and pubs, why not cast a protest vote?

as for me, I voted for Perot and helped elect Clinton, I will not make that mistake again.

"If ya dont vote, dont gripe" is most pushed by extreme partisans who want to rely on the guilt trip to make sure you show up and vote for them, for their party.

I refuse to simply vote against someone. I will only vote FOR someone. If it means not voting, so be it. That is my protest.

My protest to the bullshit partisanship, lobbyist money and negative campaigning is to simply refuse to "vote against" a person.

I though Obama was a bad leader, and Romney was a rich arrogant prick. Neither get my vote.

I actually did like Rick Perry, and probably would've voted FOR him. But, the GOP ran him off.
So let me get this right. There are over 70 millions gun purchase background checks done. For each gun bought, a background check must be done (through a dealer anyway). A lot of those are single buyers, who buy several weapons over a few years. So thats not 70 million PEOPLE, but 70 million GUNS bought. the point this: That Obama is so anti-gun, and trying so hard to take our guns, that during his presidency we've sold probably about 100 million new guns in America?

WOW, yep feller, dey sho are comin' fer yur guns. So hard in fact that about 100 million have been sold in 4 years (counting private sales).

Are you really that ignorant or are you just a partisan hack?
Yo, old rocks in the head.

got a table on the total tax percentage paid in each state? the total paid in federal, state, city, county, etc as a % of income?

why would anyone want to give more than half of his income to some level of government in order to live in a place like NY city or Los Angeles?

It doesn't really matter, Old Rocks-in-the-head won't listen to logic, hell he's not even smart enough to know what this thread is about.

I asked him who wants to cut back or end entitlements, GOP or DNC and he had no answer. Just regurgitating the same old meaningless drivel that only fellow brain-dead liberals believe.

His only use is to remind us the ignorance of liberals.
What a bunch of real liars you peope are. It is the red states that are on the tit of the government. If more of you "Conservatives" would get off the couch, shovel the beer cans out of the hallway, and go to work, we in the liberal blue states would not have to support your lazy asses.

Blue state, red face: Guess who benefits more from your taxes?

It's the individual,not the state. And what do you want to bet that the vast majority of people who are on the gov dole are lefties?
You know it's true.

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