Americans behind on their car payments at a 30 yr high !

This is just confirming what we all know, a record number of Americans are worse off since xiden and his policies took hold
Nope. You have been hoaxed again by your propagandists. They want you to FEEL like things suck when a Democrat is in office, even though things don't suck.

Furman: From around April 2021 through the beginning of 2023, wages were rising less than inflation, so people were falling behind. This year wages have been outpacing inflation, so people are getting ahead.

If you look at the whole thing, people are now ahead of where they were prior to COVID. So wages have increased more than prices prior to COVID.

Where it gets tricky is, is the pace of increase—sort of, what people were used to—less of an increase in real wages than they were used to, or more of an increase [than they were used to.] . . . I think probably they’re a bit below trend. Which is to say, yes, people’s wages are outpacing inflation. But they were outpacing it by even more in the couple years before COVID, so there’s a real reason to be disappointed by where we are. . . .

But unambiguously, wages have risen more than prices.

Meanwhile, in 2017 when you thought things were going great, housing costs were skyrocketing.

2017 Was a Robust Year for the U.S. Housing Market, Zillow Says

The value of the entire U.S. housing stock increased by 6.5 percent — or $2 trillion — in 2017, according to a report from Zillow. All homes in the country are now worth a cumulative $31.8 trillion.

The gain in home values was the fastest since 2013, when real estate was in the early stages of its recovery from the recession.

It wasn't any better in 2018:

Home prices are set to soar in 2018

Sales prices jumped 7 percent annually in November, according to a new report from CoreLogic.

That is the third straight month at that pace, far higher than the price gains in the first half of 2017. Low supply and high demand are fueling the spurt and neither of those is expected to ease up anytime soon.

Behold The Mighty Housing Boom of 2018

Late in July, the S&P CoreLogic Case–Shiller U.S. National Home Price NSA Index tracked a 6.4 percent annual gain in home prices for May 2018.

Home prices hit 4-year high, projected to skyrocket in 2019

I don't recall any Trumpies blaming their orange god for the giant inflation in home prices during the Trump years.

This is just confirming what we all know, a record number of Americans are worse off since xiden and his policies took hold
Tell us what is it you can't do today that you were doing before Biden became president. What kind of economy and inflation did Biden inherit?
Obama adds $8 trillion to the debt. Trump adds $8 trillion to the debt. All that money flooded our economy.

The Fed added $9 trillion to their balance sheet. All THAT money flooded our economy.

But the tards think BIDEN somehow pushed a magic button on January 20, 2021 and caused inflation.

My god. The stupidity and ignorance is just too much!
This is just confirming what we all know, a record number of Americans are worse off since xiden and his policies took hold
Struth we are waiting on you to post those policies that Biden has signed into Law that is causing Americans all this heartache and that will put them into slavery.
1) no they would all agree, there was no country here before the United States was formed....anyone with a basic understanding of history know thats.
2) sure...1) open border policies, 2) pro-terrorist policies, 3) high inflation policies. 4) xiden's war on the energy sector
Where are you at Struth? We are still waiting for you to give us those policies that Biden signed into to Law. I noticed you ran like a scolded dog when you were asked to be specific.

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