Americans don't want weapons going to Israel. 52% are against

This is also a reflection of polls that show Americans don't want money and weapons going to Ukraine.

It's pretty clear that Americans don't want their money being used in foreign nations to kill people.

Don't worry... People who think more than 3 months in advance are in charge and they know letting Putin off the hook is criminally stupid...

Adults are in charge and we know when your enemy makes a mistake you don't let him go...

Ukraine is the best military value in US modern history (if not ever)... US has sopent the equivalent of two month of Iraq war and they have Putin a war criminal and Russia enemy of the US on their knees... Russia have cyber attacked US and allies... Time for the fucker to pay and not one US soldier is being ordered to get shot at...

The problem the MAGAs have, is that they will support Russia over there own President... They have been so brainwashed they will let US Soldiers get killed in the future rather than see a US win a victory what will be taught in Westpoint for decades to come.

WHY? because it would be a victory under Biden and that kills them... They have been taught to hate Biden, hating Biden and Democrats has warped their minds.. They can't bring themselves to the point that Biden might have done well, that would be to admit they are wrong, a Democrat could do something right. If Biden did one thing right then that could mean Democrats do things right...
If a Democrat did that, it would mean they are wrong and the people feeding them information have been fooling them... They would be effectively be fools... Who would list to a fool? They would feel worthless...

So what they will do is say Democrats are evil and push a conspiracy theory or two... This gives them self worth.
They are an outpost for our interests in the region.
No, they are not.

We have no interest in that area now that the Cold War is over except for oil. We wouldn't even have that interest if Biden hadn't stole the election because under Trump we were energy independent.

The relationship that we have with Israel is we give them stuff and they like it. It is not much deeper than that.
Don't worry... People who think more than 3 months in advance are in charge and they know letting Putin off the hook is criminally stupid...

Adults are in charge and we know when your enemy makes a mistake you don't let him go...

Ukraine is the best military value in US modern history (if not ever)... US has sopent the equivalent of two month of Iraq war and they have Putin a war criminal and Russia enemy of the US on their knees... Russia have cyber attacked US and allies... Time for the fucker to pay and not one US soldier is being ordered to get shot at...

The problem the MAGAs have, is that they will support Russia over there own President... They have been so brainwashed they will let US Soldiers get killed in the future rather than see a US win a victory what will be taught in Westpoint for decades to come.

WHY? because it would be a victory under Biden and that kills them... They have been taught to hate Biden, hating Biden and Democrats has warped their minds.. They can't bring themselves to the point that Biden might have done well, that would be to admit they are wrong, a Democrat could do something right. If Biden did one thing right then that could mean Democrats do things right...
If a Democrat did that, it would mean they are wrong and the people feeding them information have been fooling them... They would be effectively be fools... Who would list to a fool? They would feel worthless...

So what they will do is say Democrats are evil and push a conspiracy theory or two... This gives them self worth.

Completely fucking idiotic
No, they are not.

We have no interest in that area now that the Cold War is over except for oil. We wouldn't even have that interest if Biden hadn't stole the election because under Trump we were energy independent.

The relationship that we have with Israel is we give them stuff and they like it. It is not much deeper than that.

Very short sighted
More than 80 percent of Americans are siding with Israel amid an ongoing war against Hamas in a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll shared with The Hill.

The survey found that 84 percent of respondents sided more with Israel in the Israel-Hamas war, compared to 16 percent who sided with Hamas.

Israel is a rich country. Make them pay for their own security. We shouldn't subsidize any of their defense or give them any money.
How many countries on the planet have supported Israel without any preconditions?
More than 80 percent of Americans are siding with Israel amid an ongoing war against Hamas in a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll shared with The Hill.

The survey found that 84 percent of respondents sided more with Israel in the Israel-Hamas war, compared to 16 percent who sided with Hamas.

16% is roughly the hard core Democrat base.
Unfortunately, the Zionists, both Jewish and Evangelicals, are holding American foreign policy hostage. America is under the destructive spell of Judeo-Christian Zionism.
How many countries on the planet have supported Israel without any preconditions?
Don't know and don't care. We are $33 trillion in debt and Israel is rich.

Let them fight their own wars.
16% is roughly the hard core Democrat base.


Or the MAGANUT base.
Unfortunately, the Zionists, both Jewish and Evangelicals, are holding American foreign policy hostage. America is under the destructive spell of Judeo-Christian Zionism.
Not Marxist / Islamist Pro Minority Zeitgeist smoke & Mirrors
In what way? Explain, and elaborate. How is what I said about Judeo-Christian Zionism being in control of our foreign policy a "Not Marxist / Islamist Pro Minority Zeitgeist smoke & Mirrors"? Are you able to back up your smack-talk? I can back up mine. I'm ready to debate you. Let's go, don't run away.
In what way? Explain, and elaborate. How is what I said about Judeo-Christian Zionism being in control of our foreign policy a "Not Marxist / Islamist Pro Minority Zeitgeist smoke & Mirrors"? Are you able to back up your smack-talk? I can back up mine. I'm ready to debate you. Let's go, don't run away.
Pro Israel GOP is not in Charge in DC .
Pro Israel GOP is not in Charge in DC .
Pro-Israel is in control, and that's bipartisan, across the board, from right to left. Zionists who are serving Israel at the expense of the USA are in the GOP and in the Democratic Party. They're everywhere.

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