Americans have had over 200 years to prove democracy can work, but...

It a fact you've cried about objectivity but use subjective messaging to describe slavery in order to avoid the obvious implications.
In fact, your spin on things ^ is (as reflected in your post) dishonest.

You and I can’t agree on much. We do agree that slavery is abhorrent. But while you pontificate erroneously about it being an instance of “tyranny” (which is a claim you can’t support), I note that it really isn’t an example of tyranny.

And you intentionally misuse the term so as apply it (dishonestly) to America’s Founders and the Framers. You lack any ability to make a rational argument at all.

Objectivity annoys you. :itsok:
You was on my ignore list. I called you back because I try to see in everyone a child of god. I hope somehow your are only an artificial stupidity program because if you are a typical member of the species "homo sapiens sapiens" then I do not see any chance for this species to survive.

Your posts make mere banality look attractive by comparison.
In fact, your spin on things ^ is (as reflected in your post) dishonest.
Repulsive is a subjective determination. You can disagree with that but you'd be a Bingo to.

It is objectively true that slavery denies people liberty by force and legitimizing that force into a legal framework of government is tyranny.
You and I can’t agree on much. We do agree that slavery is abhorrent.
Abhorrent is another subjective determination. You haven’t made an objective one yet. 😄
But while you pontificate erroneously about it being an instance of “tyranny” (which is a claim you can’t support), I note that it really isn’t an example of tyranny.
I support it by pointing to all the slaves owned by Americans and the institution itself supported by the force of that government. You try to deny all this with these subjective notions about how you feel about slavery. I don't care how you feel about slavery, I'm amused that you're not intelligent enough to recognize it as tyranny.
And you intentionally misuse the term so as apply it (dishonestly) to America’s Founders and the Framers. You lack any ability to make a rational argument at all.
You and a bunch of other cuck whites are just real sensitive about your hero Slavers.
Objectivity annoys you. :itsok:
You haven't demonstrated that you even know what that word means. Go ahead and try to make even one objective statement. 😄
What's is failing is due to people who refuse to accept the outcome of elections and trying to violently force their desired outcomes, and people who refuse to negotiation and compromise.
This is the problem I am trying to address, but it's not specifically the outcomes of the elections that I am concerned with. Americans are extremely divided. That is why they seem to hate negotiating and compromising. I looked for reasons for our extreme divisiveness and found one that stood out above all else: Our representatives are not representing us. Instead, they deliberately dividing us with their antics, their fake news, and their false conspiracy theories. Take your pick! Liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat, everyone here has swallowed their favorite bait, compliments of our representatives. Instead of leading us towards some kind of unity in order to have rational negotiations regarding compromises, they are leading us towards extreme hatred and divisiveness, all based on false premises.

If our representatives were doing their jobs, it wouldn't make much difference if we voted for a Republican or a Democrat; conservative or liberal, as long as they all made a great effort to set aside their own political beliefs and worked to achieve a significant, majority compromise among their constituents without polluting the process with their own, questionable, political biases.
Repulsive is a subjective determination. You can disagree with that but you'd be a Bingo to.

It is objectively true that slavery denies people liberty by force and legitimizing that force into a legal framework of government is tyranny.

Abhorrent is another subjective determination. You haven’t made an objective one yet. 😄

I support it by pointing to all the slaves owned by Americans and the institution itself supported by the force of that government. You try to deny all this with these subjective notions about how you feel about slavery. I don't care how you feel about slavery, I'm amused that you're not intelligent enough to recognize it as tyranny.

You and a bunch of other cuck whites are just real sensitive about your hero Slavers.

You haven't demonstrated that you even know what that word means. Go ahead and try to make even one objective statement. 😄
Your post is tl:dr but that first convoluted sentence sufficed to inform me that you’re just being a douche again. I suppose you have no control over the fact that you are merely a douche. Sucks to be you.
Your post is tl:dr but that first convoluted sentence sufficed to inform me that you’re just being a douche again. I suppose you have no control over the fact that you are merely a douche. Sucks to be you.
Three sentences and still not an objective sentence in the bunch. Another fail. 😄
Three sentences and still not an objective sentence in the bunch. Another fail. 😄
JerkGoat, you wouldn’t know. You’re not qualified to contemplate such things.

Hurry back with more racist commentary. You can’t have IM2 carrying the full load.
JerkGoat, you wouldn’t know. You’re not qualified to contemplate such things.

Hurry back with more racist commentary. You can’t have IM2 carrying the full load.
You're deflection, if anything, only highlights how badly you're being schooled. 😄

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