Americans have had over 200 years to prove democracy can work, but...

And a democracy.

Our republican form of government produces a democratic way of making and enforcing our laws. We therefore have a democratic government. But not a democracy.

I will concede that in common usage 'and sometimes even in the dictionary republic' and 'democracy' are sometimes used interchangeably. That is particularly true now when people who want total power are trying to eliminate the electoral college and sometimes the Supreme Court as we know it as well as blurring voting laws to favor ability to cheat.

When I teach history and/or Constitution however, I do not allow these terms to be used interchangeably. Americans should understand the difference and why the Founders chose our republican system of government--unique in the world at that time--over a simple democracy.
I am an American. America is a republic.

You are an "American" who deleted two of my posts because you don't fire verbally back when you are attacked verbally - you fired back by eliminating the freedom of speech. Oh yes - you are an "American" - but a "Trumpican" from the universe 'narcissistic hypocrisy'. Have a lot of fun in your self-created hell.
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You are entirely wrong. What is your nationality?

I'm a German.

You appear to be a subject of the People’s Democratic Republic of Assholes.

Not bad this description. Only the expression "People's republic" is wrong and I miss a "stupid". "Federal republic of stupid assholes" sounds better in my ears.

The United States of America is not now and has never been a “democracy,” thank God and the Framers.

The United States always had been a child of the European enlightenment and a democracy, atheist and "framer"- whatever this means in this context. Is a "framer" an artist? I ask because Hitler had tried to be an artist before he became the framer of industrialized mass-murder.
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It isn’t. It is a repulsive system, but it isn’t a form of government. That is what’s called objective reality. Get to know it. 👍
You're stupid. You cry about objectivity but you argue subjectively. Repulsive isn't an objective measurement, it's a subjective one. Stupid. That's your personal opinion. It's an objective fact that slavery is tyranny. That's not an opinion. It's a fact. Slavery was a form of government. The federal and local governments legalized slavery and protected slavery with force. They armed citizens and raised militias to put down slave revolts and many government officials at the Federal and local levels including Presidents, Govenors, Senators, Representatives and Justices were slavers themselves. To pretend slavery wasn't endorsed and enforced by the American government is to display an abject ignorance of history.
Also false. Some of the Framers were slave holders. Others were not. And those who were not didn’t collaborate with the slave holders except on crafting a republic.
In otherwords the slavers and non slavers didn't collaborate except when they did to form a government that enforced and protected slavery.
So your meaningless and dishonest hyperbole amounts to just you farting some more. Jerkoff Goat, you’re pathetic.
You're just a hilariously indoctrinated cuck white who can't seem to break the programming.
Our republican form of government produces a democratic way of making and enforcing our laws. We therefore have a democratic government. But not a democracy.
Admitting that we have a democratic form of government and then the next breath saying but we're not a democracy is aesthetically amusing. Thanks for that. 😄
I will concede that in common usage 'and sometimes even in the dictionary republic' and 'democracy' are sometimes used interchangeably. That is particularly true now when people who want total power are trying to eliminate the electoral college and sometimes the Supreme Court as we know it as well as blurring voting laws to favor ability to cheat.

The electoral college was designed to give slavers and slave states a handicap and boost their ability to compete in national elections and the federal government. To argue as if it's the thing standing in the way of tyranny, when it's original intent was to assist tyranny is also hilarious. The number of representatives and delegates Southern slave states got was calculated by the three fiths clause.
When I teach history and/or Constitution however,
Jesus fucking Christ they let you teach other human beings? 😄 God help them.
I do not allow these terms to be used interchangeably.
I don't use them interchangeably, they mean different things and describe different features of our government. As I said before they aren't mutually exclusive. We can be both. We can be a government who's ultimate rule resides with the people in other words a Republic. And.... we can be representative democracy where we exercise that rule by voting for people to represent us in government.
Americans should understand the difference and why the Founders chose our republican system of government--unique in the world at that time--over a simple democracy.
The Founders were slavers and anti democracy for non land owning white men, women of all colors and black slaves. I try not to use them as my baseline for decent and respectful governance for those obvious reasons.
I'm a German.
Ok. I don’t really care. It suffices to confirm that you are a pontificating foreign gas bag.
Not bad this description. Only the expression "People's republic" is wrong and I miss a "stupid". "Federal republic of stupid assholes" sounds better in my ears.
My label for you suits you far better.
The United States always had been a child of the European enlightenment and a democracy, atheist and "framer"- whatever this means in this context.
False. You sick at propaganda when it’s as blatantly dishonest as yours is. I do concede, happily, that our Founders and Framers were indeed well educated in European thinking on matters of political philosophy. And Greek and Roman.
Is a "framer" an artist?
Your ignorance is understandable. No. The men who crafted the US Constitution are deemed the “Framers” of the Constitution. I hope you can soak in that tidbit of factual knowledge to alleviate a tiny bit of your ignorance.
I ask because Hitler had tried to be an artist before he became the framer of industrialized mass-murder.
You ask because you’re uneducated and rather simple minded. If you are harboring some residual guilt over the Nazi Germany history your people accepted, maybe you should let it go. Lots of present day Germans weren’t even born when Hitler was performing his evil.
You're stupid. You cry about objectivity but you argue subjectively. Repulsive isn't an objective measurement, it's a subjective one. Stupid. That's your personal opinion. It's an objective fact that slavery is tyranny. That's not an opinion. It's a fact. Slavery was a form of government. The federal and local governments legalized slavery and protected slavery with force. They armed citizens and raised militias to put down slave revolts and many government officials at the Federal and local levels including Presidents, Govenors, Senators, Representatives and Justices were slavers themselves. To pretend slavery wasn't endorsed and enforced by the American government is to display an abject ignorance of history.

In otherwords the slavers and non slavers didn't collaborate except when they did to form a government that enforced and protected slavery.

You're just a hilariously indoctrinated cuck white who can't seem to break the programming.
Ah. Another ^ unenlightened spewing of words vomited from the “mind” of a pathetic sissy.

Your racism is getting the better of you, JerkGoat. :abgg2q.jpg: :itsok:
The next time you post a fact will be the first.

And your commentary is always illogical and premised on dishonesty, JerkGoat.
It a fact you've cried about objectivity but use subjective messaging to describe slavery in order to avoid the obvious implications.
No. Did you ever get a diagnosis from a veterinarian?

You was on my ignore list. I called you back because I try to see in everyone a child of god. I hope somehow your are only an artificial stupidity program because if you are a typical member of the species "homo sapiens sapiens" then I do not see any chance for this species to survive.

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