Americans have the right to be stupid

Americans have the right to be stupid

Want to know how many stupid Americans there are? Just count up the number of Owe Bama votes in the last election.

They elected "W" for two and Obama for two.

They are insanely stupid.
Well...that's Democracy at work ... and Kerry quite rightly, highlights the fact that most people who vote in a Democracy are very capable of being incredible stupid! :)

They voted Dear Leader after all!
Well...that's Democracy at work ... and Kerry quite rightly, highlights the fact that most people who vote in a Democracy are very capable of being incredible stupid! :)

They voted Dear Leader after all!

No, it's a democracy that has been hijacked.

With a Congressional body with an approval rating of only 13%, they still keep getting elected. People love their Congressman when he takes as much federal money as they can and throw it at their state, but they hate the other guys who take their money to do the same in states they don't live in. Of course, it was never meant to be this way. The states originally held the purse strings.
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I agree with Kerry. American's have the right to be stupid. I just wish Kerry, Obama, and everyone else in our current government would stop exercising that right so much.
We elect our politicians, and then we call THEM stupid.

"Well...not MY Congressman. He's the greatest! He knows how to bring home the bacon. It's all the other ones that suck and spend too much!"

hey im all in agreement there. the people are the problem. Washington politicians are the symptoms.
Kerry has always managed to show contempt for people.

Remember the "Do your homework or you'll end up in Iraq" line

The guy is a fossil and should be relegated to a fucking museum
John Kerry went to Berlin to declare that Americans have the right to be stupid.

Americans have -a right to be stupid - YouTube

And he will defend that right to the best of his ability via the public education system.

Other notable speeches in Berlin include:

JFK: "Ich bin ein Berliner"

Reagan: "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall"

John Kerry: "Americans have the right to be stupid."

My, my, how far we've "progressed".

Yes. It is progress. Of course, it helps if you take what he said in context and not just pick out that one line. It does not take much reading on this board alone to see that "stupid" is a relative term. It typically means, "someone who does not agree with me."

What Kerry was saying was that in this country you have freedom of speech. You have to right to stand up and say what you please, even if other people think it is stupid. You can't be silenced because you disagree with another group - even if that group is in power.

Do you think that is a bad thing?

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