Americans Killed in Mexico, Shouldn't Have Been There

It was reported that the beautiful, young American women, and their babies, all gunned down and killed in Hermosillo, Mexico, were Mormons and had been living there for years. This is mind-boggling.

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

It may be true that Hermosillo is rather close to the US border, but as this incident starkly shows, all one has to do is cross that border into Mexico, and you are in just another of the world's depraved, 3rd world hellholes, with all its associated dangers.
A word to the wise. Stay out of Mexico.

Good amount of American urban cities are third world shitholes, so maybe most Amerikans should stay away from cities like Houston, Chicago and L.A.?

Anyhoo, those Mormons have been there longer than you realize and Mitt Romney family has history with Mormons in Mexico...

The Mormon's see Romney as the fulfillment of a Prophecy.
Not bright enough to figure that one out, eh?

No, just not sure what Mexicans immigrating to the U.S. has to do with Americans comfortably living in Mexico. Seems like you are trying to make a ridiculous political point but it's kind of lame.

Perhaps I could make myself clearer if USMB would provide us with crayons. But since they don't, I'll try to explain it to you.

Your point was Americans do live in Mexico trying to illustrate that it's a great place to be. My point is many more Mexicans are trying to get the hell out of that place to live here, even if it means escaping in the night or risking your life in the front of a trailer on a 110 degree day. No American would dare risk nearly killing themselves to go there, but plenty of Mexicans are willing to risk their lives to get out of there.

Ah, I see where you fucked up. I was responding to this from the OP (emphasis mine):

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

I was pointing out how the OP was mistaken that many Americas are happy and safe living in Mexico. Glad we could clear this up.

The OP is such a pussy he won't even visit Mexico. But I guess that's what you get when your news sources are out to scare you about brown people.

Hell, I wouldn't got to Mexico either; not based on what news sources say, but what my employer said about the place. He described it as the biggest mistake they ever made deciding where to spend their vacation.

Yet millions go to Mexico every year and are just fine. Hell,one of the best trips I ever took was driving to Puerto Penasco.

You guys are whimps.

To each his own I guess. I know one guy that goes there every year, but he's a Ukrainian American, and I guess any place is better than where he's from. While I really don't go on vacations, I would rely on others that have. Scroll down to the topic of Is Mexico Safe?

Is Mexico safe for tourists? What other issues should they consider?
No, just not sure what Mexicans immigrating to the U.S. has to do with Americans comfortably living in Mexico. Seems like you are trying to make a ridiculous political point but it's kind of lame.

Perhaps I could make myself clearer if USMB would provide us with crayons. But since they don't, I'll try to explain it to you.

Your point was Americans do live in Mexico trying to illustrate that it's a great place to be. My point is many more Mexicans are trying to get the hell out of that place to live here, even if it means escaping in the night or risking your life in the front of a trailer on a 110 degree day. No American would dare risk nearly killing themselves to go there, but plenty of Mexicans are willing to risk their lives to get out of there.

Ah, I see where you fucked up. I was responding to this from the OP (emphasis mine):

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

I was pointing out how the OP was mistaken that many Americas are happy and safe living in Mexico. Glad we could clear this up.

The OP is such a pussy he won't even visit Mexico. But I guess that's what you get when your news sources are out to scare you about brown people.

Hell, I wouldn't got to Mexico either; not based on what news sources say, but what my employer said about the place. He described it as the biggest mistake they ever made deciding where to spend their vacation.

Yet millions go to Mexico every year and are just fine. Hell,one of the best trips I ever took was driving to Puerto Penasco.

You guys are whimps.

To each his own I guess. I know one guy that goes there every year, but he's a Ukrainian American, and I guess any place is better than where he's from. While I really don't go on vacations, I would rely on others that have. Scroll down to the topic of Is Mexico Safe?

Is Mexico safe for tourists? What other issues should they consider?

Enjoy Disneyland...again.
Ah, I see where you fucked up. I was responding to this from the OP (emphasis mine):

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

I was pointing out how the OP was mistaken that many Americas are happy and safe living in Mexico. Glad we could clear this up.

The OP is such a pussy he won't even visit Mexico. But I guess that's what you get when your news sources are out to scare you about brown people.
They certainly are NOT safe, and YOU DON'T KNOW how happy they are.

Stop bullshitting.
It was reported that the beautiful, young American women, and their babies, all gunned down and killed in Hermosillo, Mexico, were Mormons and had been living there for years. This is mind-boggling.

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

It may be true that Hermosillo is rather close to the US border, but as this incident starkly shows, all one has to do is cross that border into Mexico, and you are in just another of the world's depraved, 3rd world hellholes, with all its associated dangers.
A word to the wise. Stay out of Mexico.
Anyone that would want to live in any shithole like that is beyond me. Just utter shitholes. All of them. Shitholes.
Perhaps I could make myself clearer if USMB would provide us with crayons. But since they don't, I'll try to explain it to you.

Your point was Americans do live in Mexico trying to illustrate that it's a great place to be. My point is many more Mexicans are trying to get the hell out of that place to live here, even if it means escaping in the night or risking your life in the front of a trailer on a 110 degree day. No American would dare risk nearly killing themselves to go there, but plenty of Mexicans are willing to risk their lives to get out of there.

Ah, I see where you fucked up. I was responding to this from the OP (emphasis mine):

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

I was pointing out how the OP was mistaken that many Americas are happy and safe living in Mexico. Glad we could clear this up.

The OP is such a pussy he won't even visit Mexico. But I guess that's what you get when your news sources are out to scare you about brown people.

Hell, I wouldn't got to Mexico either; not based on what news sources say, but what my employer said about the place. He described it as the biggest mistake they ever made deciding where to spend their vacation.

Yet millions go to Mexico every year and are just fine. Hell,one of the best trips I ever took was driving to Puerto Penasco.

You guys are whimps.

To each his own I guess. I know one guy that goes there every year, but he's a Ukrainian American, and I guess any place is better than where he's from. While I really don't go on vacations, I would rely on others that have. Scroll down to the topic of Is Mexico Safe?

Is Mexico safe for tourists? What other issues should they consider?

Enjoy Disneyland...again.

I will, because America has ten times more enjoyable places to go than Mexico. I mean.....outside of the beeches, what else is there that's exciting to see? If not for being a border country, and a cheap vacation, I'm sure many would prefer any country in Europe than Mexico.
Mexico is my most favorite country in the world, it is however devolving very quickly.
The Cartel's very recently handed the Mexican Army a humiliating defeat.
Ah, I see where you fucked up. I was responding to this from the OP (emphasis mine):

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

I was pointing out how the OP was mistaken that many Americas are happy and safe living in Mexico. Glad we could clear this up.

The OP is such a pussy he won't even visit Mexico. But I guess that's what you get when your news sources are out to scare you about brown people.
They certainly are NOT safe, and YOU DON'T KNOW how happy they are.

Stop bullshitting.

They are and you guys complain about liberals needing safe spaces?
So, were all the Americans robbed, raped, and murdered / killed by criminal illegals in THIS country (thanks to pro-illegal immigration / illegal immigration-facilitating Democrats) at fault for being in the wrong place as well?
Mexico is my most favorite country in the world, it is however devolving very quickly.
The Cartel's very recently handed the Mexican Army a humiliating defeat.
--------------------------------------------- and that was interesting to see plus 'mexico' was always the land of 'mordida' from what I hear since the 60s . Plus MUCH of the Military goes both ways between crime or their jobs , think its called 'plato or plomo' . Next up is 'HUGS rather than Bullets , Also , from my reading and just looking around at different sites a lot of Government Officials are very corrupt 'GUY .

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