Americans Killed in Mexico, Shouldn't Have Been There

I'm probably still wanted in Mechico due to an incident with a Nogales cop getting handsy with my wife. Nobody I know goes down to fish anymore....bandits want bass boats..easy to resell and they will kill you for one. It's still pretty safe around the coastal resorts. Nothing down there interests me anymore with 20 million of them up here and most of them want to live like Americans. The border towns? forget it.
Don't know for sure but I think that 'vincente fox' has similar background as these poor 'mormons' and 'mitt romney' .
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You're post is a combination of blaming the victims and pretending you know what's best for expats living in Mexico when I doubt you know anything at all about it.
Take a reading comprehension course. The OP is about people who have not gone to Mexico, and for them to stay that way.
I don't have to visit Detroit or Flint Michigan to know they are in terrible condition. I don't have to drive the streets of the South Side of Chicago at three in the morning.

I wish people would stop including Detroit in these comparisons....downtown, greektown, and corktown are all being renovated; white people and sane blacks are back in control. Thousands of delapitated houses have been bulldozed, the street lights are working again, and Ford just bought the old train station....long an eyesore....and are pumping $90M into it for offices and rental space. New baseball, hockey, and football stadiums.....So leave Detroit out of the comparisons....MoTown is BACK, baby!
We don't care if they give a damn about us, but the Democrat party has morphed into the anti-white party; the goal of making whites a minority in this country for the first time in our history. If and when accomplished, they will have the ability to turn us into a single-party government for the rest of time.
AKA a hellhole.
You're post is a combination of blaming the victims and pretending you know what's best for expats living in Mexico when I doubt you know anything at all about it.
Take a reading comprehension course. The OP is about people who have not gone to Mexico, and for them to stay that way.

I know, you obviously have never been to Mexico or see where most expats live in Mexico.
I know, you obviously have never been to Mexico or see where most expats live in Mexico.
I didn't need to. Mexico is a train wreck, that as ex-president James K Polk said in 1848, the US should have taken ALL of Mexico's territory, and put it all under US control.

He was right then, and he's right now. Wish you would have been here between 1986 and 2016, Mr President.

It was reported that the beautiful, young American women, and their babies, all gunned down and killed in Hermosillo, Mexico, were Mormons and had been living there for years. This is mind-boggling.

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

It may be true that Hermosillo is rather close to the US border, but as this incident starkly shows, all one has to do is cross that border into Mexico, and you are in just another of the world's depraved, 3rd world hellholes, with all its associated dangers.
A word to the wise. Stay out of Mexico.

This is sad and it should not have happened. That being said it was also reported they were a sect of Mormons whose been fight the cartels for years. What American or anyone for that matter in their right mind fight someone like the cartels with an end result of death? The Mexican government needs to let the U.S. bomb the fuck out of their compounds.

That''s pretty much common sense. But Laura had the former ICE director on her show last night. He said this is more political than anything.

His theory is that the Mexican government doesn't want these tragedies to stop. Trump has had great success retarding border crossings; in fact, a 60% reduction since May.

So what takes place now is that Mexican citizens have more of a case to file for asylum; fearing danger of their lives and their family. He fears that we will once again be flooded with immigrants trying to get into this country, as long as these violent events keep taking place. And of course, we will once again be overwhelmed with people trying to get across that border.
--------------------------------------------- asylum cases from all over the world should be ignored . 'mexicans' and 'otm' and others made their beds , now let them sleep in their beds that they made .
I"ve never been there, but between pictures and videos, I have no idea WTF there is to see in that country. My employer spent his vacation in Mexico several years ago, and swore he would never go back. He said people (usually kids) constantly beg you for money. They went to some outdoor bar, and he said some drunken Mexican was flirting with his wife. If that wasn't bad enough, his package was hanging out of his shorts. The establishment did nothing about it in spite of how loud he was. The only positive thing he said about it is that the hotel was very nice.
A country of uncivilized, barbaric savages, who take advantage of America every way they can, whenever there are moron US presidents available to allow them (Clinton, Bush 43, Obama)
What happens when they succeed in bringing Mexico here? Where do we live then?

Well if you believe that Mexico can be moved to the United States......I suggest a supportive care facility for you.
-------------------------------- see downtown LOS ANGELES and areas plus Van Nuy and Southern kali to see that 'mexico' is already in the USA Syriusly .
were the hell is s.kali? India?...
--------------------------------------------- sorry , its 'southern KALI' if I misspelled Harry .
Mexico is beutiful! It is one of the best tourist destinations. My wife and I will be visiting Cancun next year. Many of my family members have visited Mexico many times and love it. My wife's ex-husband was Mexican. You can travel to Mexico for a lot cheaper than other destinations. I have been to Mexico only once in my life. My brother and his wife are lawyers and strong democrats they visit Cancun every year.
Is there a doctor in the house ?

I know, you obviously have never been to Mexico or see where most expats live in Mexico.
I didn't need to. Mexico is a train wreck, that as ex-president James K Polk said in 1848, the US should have taken ALL of Mexico's territory, and put it all under US control.

He was right then, and he's right now. Wish you would have been here between 1986 and 2016, Mr President.


Of course you don't have to know that thousands of Americans are happily retired and living just fine in Mexico.
I don't have to visit Detroit or Flint Michigan to know they are in terrible condition. I don't have to drive the streets of the South Side of Chicago at three in the morning.

I wish people would stop including Detroit in these comparisons....downtown, greektown, and corktown are all being renovated; white people and sane blacks are back in control. Thousands of delapitated houses have been bulldozed, the street lights are working again, and Ford just bought the old train station....long an eyesore....and are pumping $90M into it for offices and rental space. New baseball, hockey, and football stadiums.....So leave Detroit out of the comparisons....MoTown is BACK, baby!
might be but WHO is in charge ???
Of course you don't have to know that thousands of Americans are happily retired and living just fine in Mexico.
:puhleeze:And you know because you have visited all of them, and lived in their houses each for at least a month, > :right: :slap:
I wish people would stop including Detroit in these comparisons....downtown, greektown, and corktown are all being renovated; white people and sane blacks are back in control. Thousands of delapitated houses have been bulldozed, the street lights are working again, and Ford just bought the old train station....long an eyesore....and are pumping $90M into it for offices and rental space. New baseball, hockey, and football stadiums.....So leave Detroit out of the comparisons....MoTown is BACK, baby!

Really? Maybe do a bit more research before your next post.

Rockford named America’s 11th ‘most dangerous city’
Posted: Oct 28, 2019 / 12:22 PM CDT / Updated: Oct 28, 2019 / 06:18 PM CDT

America’s Most Dangerous Cities citing a violent crime rate higher than that of neighboring Chicago.

The report also says Rockford’s unemployment rate (6.8%) is far above the state and national average of 3.9%.

Rockford ranked behind Stockton, California (10), Milwaukee, Wisconsin (9); Little Rock, Arkansas (8), Cleveland, Ohio (7), Kansas City, Missouri (6), St. Louis, Missouri (5), Baltimore, Maryland (4), Birmingham, Alabama (3), Memphis, Tennnessee (2), and Detroit, Michigan (1) as the most violent cities in the United States.
Mexico is beutiful! It is one of the best tourist destinations. My wife and I will be visiting Cancun next year. Many of my family members have visited Mexico many times and love it. My wife's ex-husband was Mexican. You can travel to Mexico for a lot cheaper than other destinations. I have been to Mexico only once in my life. My brother and his wife are lawyers and strong democrats they visit Cancun every year.
Is there a doctor in the house ?

I know, you obviously have never been to Mexico or see where most expats live in Mexico.
I didn't need to. Mexico is a train wreck, that as ex-president James K Polk said in 1848, the US should have taken ALL of Mexico's territory, and put it all under US control.

He was right then, and he's right now. Wish you would have been here between 1986 and 2016, Mr President.


Of course you don't have to know that thousands of Americans are happily retired and living just fine in Mexico.

And hundreds of thousands dying to get the hell out of there and across our border.
It was reported that the beautiful, young American women, and their babies, all gunned down and killed in Hermosillo, Mexico, were Mormons and had been living there for years. This is mind-boggling.

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

It may be true that Hermosillo is rather close to the US border, but as this incident starkly shows, all one has to do is cross that border into Mexico, and you are in just another of the world's depraved, 3rd world hellholes, with all its associated dangers.
A word to the wise. Stay out of Mexico.

This is sad and it should not have happened. That being said it was also reported they were a sect of Mormons whose been fight the cartels for years. What American or anyone for that matter in their right mind fight someone like the cartels with an end result of death? The Mexican government needs to let the U.S. bomb the fuck out of their compounds.

That''s pretty much common sense. But Laura had the former ICE director on her show last night. He said this is more political than anything.

His theory is that the Mexican government doesn't want these tragedies to stop. Trump has had great success retarding border crossings; in fact, a 60% reduction since May.

So what takes place now is that Mexican citizens have more of a case to file for asylum; fearing danger of their lives and their family. He fears that we will once again be flooded with immigrants trying to get into this country, as long as these violent events keep taking place. And of course, we will once again be overwhelmed with people trying to get across that border.
--------------------------------------------- asylum cases from all over the world should be ignored . 'mexicans' and 'otm' and others made their beds , now let them sleep in their beds that they made .

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