Americans Killed in Mexico, Shouldn't Have Been There

and yeah , good looking 'gringo' type 'mormon' familia that are easy to spot .

Your point being?
------------------------------------------- they shouldn't have been there is one POSSIBLE point Markle . Course they were there for whatever reason , price was paid . Other GRINGO'S oughta be careful Markle .

I agree that anyone contemplating living or visiting Mexico should reconsider. I have visited Mexico many times in the distant past and have friends who owned vacation houses in the country. I would not consider even visiting much less living in the country. Mexico had over 33,000 murders last year (2018) Their population is about 40% of ours. We had about 16,000 murders. Put all that in perspective.

I"ve never been there, but between pictures and videos, I have no idea WTF there is to see in that country. My employer spent his vacation in Mexico several years ago, and swore he would never go back. He said people (usually kids) constantly beg you for money. They went to some outdoor bar, and he said some drunken Mexican was flirting with his wife. If that wasn't bad enough, his package was hanging out of his shorts. The establishment did nothing about it in spite of how loud he was. The only positive thing he said about it is that the hotel was very nice.
---------------------------------------------------- I went in over the border ONCE while driving a pickup that needed some bodywork . Just the shoddy roads leaving border land 'tiajuanna' gave me a bad impression of 'mexico' . Little guys all running up to the truck offering bodywork I assumed as they yelled out in 'mexican' [ :afro:]-------------- this was in about 89 and I just never went back because of my initial impression . An AMERICAN can't trust an excited Mexican speaking 'mexican' in my opinion .
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What happens when they succeed in bringing Mexico here? Where do we live then?

Ask any Californian. That's exactly what they did.
----------------------------------------- 'mexico' in the USA . ------------- Heck , look at 'cali ' think its a SANCTUARY State full of Sanctuary Cities primarily for 'mexicans' and ' otm' isn't it , eh ??
--------------------------------- and 'cali' is just ONE Sanctuary State and there has gotta be a hundred Sanctuary cities in the USA . And ME , i'd call that --- BRINGING MEXICO to the USA and its USA Government allowing it I think .
It was reported that the beautiful, young American women, and their babies, all gunned down and killed in Hermosillo, Mexico, were Mormons and had been living there for years. This is mind-boggling.

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

It may be true that Hermosillo is rather close to the US border, but as this incident starkly shows, all one has to do is cross that border into Mexico, and you are in just another of the world's depraved, 3rd world hellholes, with all its associated dangers.
A word to the wise. Stay out of Mexico.

Mexico is beutiful! It is one of the best tourist destinations. My wife and I will be visiting Cancun next year. Many of my family members have visited Mexico many times and love it. My wife's ex-husband was Mexican. You can travel to Mexico for a lot cheaper than other destinations. I have been to Mexico only once in my life. My brother and his wife are lawyers and strong democrats they visit Cancun every year.
It was reported that the beautiful, young American women, and their babies, all gunned down and killed in Hermosillo, Mexico, were Mormons and had been living there for years. This is mind-boggling.

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

It may be true that Hermosillo is rather close to the US border, but as this incident starkly shows, all one has to do is cross that border into Mexico, and you are in just another of the world's depraved, 3rd world hellholes, with all its associated dangers.
A word to the wise. Stay out of Mexico.

Mexico is beutiful! It is one of the best tourist destinations. My wife and I will be visiting Cancun next year. Many of my family members have visited Mexico many times and love it. My wife's ex-husband was Mexican. You can travel to Mexico for a lot cheaper than other destinations. I have been to Mexico only once in my life. My brother and his wife are lawyers and strong democrats they visits Cancun every year.
------------------------------------- mexico , sounds like its a good place for YOU and your 'familia' SRising .
As far as I'm concerned they were Mexicans not Americans. They've lived there by choice for generations and they originally went there in order to evade American law so they were really more American than any other native Mexican citizen. Mexican breed and Mexican born. Therefore let Mexico take care of it because it's really not our problem.

Of course, it is our problem!

It emphasizes the critical importance of securing our Southern border with a wall/fence/barrier, patrols, drones, cameras, and sensors. Mexico had 33,000 murders in 2018. Imagine if we had 75,000 murders?

We should immediately declare that the Mexican Cartels are terrorist organizations and begin the same level of attack on their organization in the United States.

The President of Mexico has said that they need to combat the Drug Cartels with HUGS NOT BULLETS. Is he a part of the Cartel? Which one?

Bullshit. Someone's pissing on your leg, they're telling you it's raining and you are opening an umbrella. Wise up and get a clue for pity sake.
What happens when they succeed in bringing Mexico here? Where do we live then?

Ask any Californian. That's exactly what they did.
----------------------------------------- 'mexico' in the USA . ------------- Heck , look at 'cali ' think its a SANCTUARY State full of Sanctuary Cities primarily for 'mexicans' and ' otm' isn't it , eh ??

I think our southern border wall should around the northeastern end of California. Problems with people being able to afford housing, homeless people all over the place, people leaving in droves, and debt that could bankrupt many countries.

While I've never been there, just from what I read all the time, they're not even part of America anymore. Government tells you what to do from the time you get out of bed until the time you return to bed in the evening. I have no idea how anybody could live that way.
What happens when they succeed in bringing Mexico here? Where do we live then?

Well if you believe that Mexico can be moved to the United States......I suggest a supportive care facility for you.
-------------------------------- see downtown LOS ANGELES and areas plus Van Nuy and Southern kali to see that 'mexico' is already in the USA Syriusly .

Oh wow- those earthquakes have been worse that I thought- I didn't realize that Mexico had slid 150 miles north recently
What happens when they succeed in bringing Mexico here? Where do we live then?

Ask any Californian. That's exactly what they did.
----------------------------------------- 'mexico' in the USA . ------------- Heck , look at 'cali ' think its a SANCTUARY State full of Sanctuary Cities primarily for 'mexicans' and ' otm' isn't it , eh ??

I think our southern border wall should around the northeastern end of California. Problems with people being able to afford housing, homeless people all over the place, people leaving in droves, and debt that could bankrupt many countries.

While I've never been there, just from what I read all the time, they're not even part of America anymore. Government tells you what to do from the time you get out of bed until the time you return to bed in the evening. I have no idea how anybody could live that way.

And you are a classic Trumpster.

You acknowledge you have no first hand knowledge of the situation and are just parroting what Fox and Breitbart and Trump tell you.
It was reported that the beautiful, young American women, and their babies, all gunned down and killed in Hermosillo, Mexico, were Mormons and had been living there for years. This is mind-boggling.

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

It may be true that Hermosillo is rather close to the US border, but as this incident starkly shows, all one has to do is cross that border into Mexico, and you are in just another of the world's depraved, 3rd world hellholes, with all its associated dangers.
A word to the wise. Stay out of Mexico.

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico.

Thats what I thought when this story broke
What happens when they succeed in bringing Mexico here? Where do we live then?

Well if you believe that Mexico can be moved to the United States......I suggest a supportive care facility for you.
-------------------------------- see downtown LOS ANGELES and areas plus Van Nuy and Southern kali to see that 'mexico' is already in the USA Syriusly .
were the hell is s.kali? India?...
and yeah , good looking 'gringo' type 'mormon' familia that are easy to spot .

Your point being?
------------------------------------------- they shouldn't have been there is one POSSIBLE point Markle . Course they were there for whatever reason , price was paid . Other GRINGO'S oughta be careful Markle .

I agree that anyone contemplating living or visiting Mexico should reconsider. I have visited Mexico many times in the distant past and have friends who owned vacation houses in the country. I would not consider even visiting much less living in the country. Mexico had over 33,000 murders last year (2018) Their population is about 40% of ours. We had about 16,000 murders. Put all that in perspective.

I"ve never been there, but between pictures and videos, I have no idea WTF there is to see in that country. My employer spent his vacation in Mexico several years ago, and swore he would never go back. He said people (usually kids) constantly beg you for money. They went to some outdoor bar, and he said some drunken Mexican was flirting with his wife. If that wasn't bad enough, his package was hanging out of his shorts. The establishment did nothing about it in spite of how loud he was. The only positive thing he said about it is that the hotel was very nice.
been to Ensenada a few times for the so called cinco de mayo celebration....the whole town had Americans all over the place partying.....lots of fun...
What happens when they succeed in bringing Mexico here? Where do we live then?

Ask any Californian. That's exactly what they did.
----------------------------------------- 'mexico' in the USA . ------------- Heck , look at 'cali ' think its a SANCTUARY State full of Sanctuary Cities primarily for 'mexicans' and ' otm' isn't it , eh ??

I think our southern border wall should around the northeastern end of California. Problems with people being able to afford housing, homeless people all over the place, people leaving in droves, and debt that could bankrupt many countries.

While I've never been there, just from what I read all the time, they're not even part of America anymore. Government tells you what to do from the time you get out of bed until the time you return to bed in the evening. I have no idea how anybody could live that way.

And you are a classic Trumpster.

You acknowledge you have no first hand knowledge of the situation and are just parroting what Fox and Breitbart and Trump tell you.

And family and friends.
What happens when they succeed in bringing Mexico here? Where do we live then?
I don't give a fuck where you live. The brown people are going to find you!!! Fear!

Be honest dblack how brown are you?

Watch... dblack will proclaim to be 100% white Brit...his ancestors came over on the Mayflower....Ironically these always seem to be the type who can’t turn America brown fast enough....Weird anomaly I tell you.
Mexico is beutiful! It is one of the best tourist destinations. My wife and I will be visiting Cancun next year. Many of my family members have visited Mexico many times and love it. My wife's ex-husband was Mexican. You can travel to Mexico for a lot cheaper than other destinations. I have been to Mexico only once in my life. My brother and his wife are lawyers and strong democrats they visit Cancun every year.

Mexico is beautiful but it is now a terrible tourist destination. Terrible.

Is traveling to Mexico because it is cheap, a valid reason for putting yourself in grave danger?

I have been to Cancun a number of times but it is too "touristy" for my taste. I was a diver and there are scores of destinations where diving and fishing is spectacular. I also loved visiting the many ancient ruins. Just breathtaking.

Until Mexico cleans up their act, there are thousands of better places to visit.

Mexico murders 2018: Is Cancun safe right now? How many people were killed?
PUBLISHED: 16:09, Fri, Apr 13, 2018 | UPDATED: 16:09, Fri, Apr 13, 2018

Is Cancun safe right now?
Cancun has long been a popular package holiday destination with Britons, who are excited for the sea, sun and excellent beaches the area has to offer.

However, shocking violence has erupted in the area over the past 36 hours, with 14 murders and five injuries due to gun shot wounds, in six separate instances across the city.

What’s more, over 100 people have been murdered in Cancun since the beginning of the year, doubling the city’s murder rate.

The gang violence, mainly driven by the thriving drug trade, has cast serious doubt over whether Cancun is a safe, family-friendly holiday destination.

The violence is not only isolated to Cancun. Earlier this year, the Mexican city of Los Cabos was named as the world’s most violent city.

Mexico murders 2018: Is Cancun safe right now? How many people were killed?

Just because someone has gone to Cancun, or anywhere else, every year in the past, has nothing to do with going again when the destination changes for the worse.
This is the information I was looking for on the Romneys in Mexico:

Mormons also formed communities in Sonora state. Over time, many found success as farmers and ranchers. They included Miles Park Romney, the great-grandfather of Sen. Mitt Romney, whose father, George Romney, was born in Mexico.
No wonder Romney is such a Mexico ass-kisser.
And you are a classic Trumpster.

You acknowledge you have no first hand knowledge of the situation and are just parroting what Fox and Breitbart and Trump tell you.

Really? That's all you have?

I don't have to visit Detroit or Flint Michigan to know they are in terrible condition. I don't have to drive the streets of the South Side of Chicago at three in the morning.

For you to infer that someone has to have "first-hand" knowledge of a situation to accurately analyze that situation if stupid or desperate. Which are you?
Our children get gunned down in our schools and repubs do nothing. People get killed in Mexico and repubs are outraged.
It was Obama and his idiot Promise Program that caused the Parkland massacre. Republicans opposed the Promise Program. Republicans have also opposed the dopey gun-free zones policy of Democrats, which have caused one massacre after another.

Come back when you know what you're talking about.

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