Americans Killed in Mexico, Shouldn't Have Been There

It was reported that the beautiful, young American women, and their babies, all gunned down and killed in Hermosillo, Mexico, were Mormons and had been living there for years. This is mind-boggling.

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

It may be true that Hermosillo is rather close to the US border, but as this incident starkly shows, all one has to do is cross that border into Mexico, and you are in just another of the world's depraved, 3rd world hellholes, with all its associated dangers.
A word to the wise. Stay out of Mexico.

As far as I'm concerned they were Mexicans not Americans. They've lived there by choice for generations and they originally went there in order to evade American law so they were really no more American than any other native Mexican citizen. Mexican breed and Mexican born. Therefore let Mexico take care of it because it's really not our problem.
------------------------------------------- kinda agree . But with 'mexico' falling apart and 'mexico' military surrendering to the cartels in at least one instance a couple weeks ago from a couple week ago who knows whats going to happen next DFoster ??
What happens when they succeed in bringing Mexico here? Where do we live then?

Well if you believe that Mexico can be moved to the United States......I suggest a supportive care facility for you.
-------------------------------- see downtown LOS ANGELES and areas plus Van Nuy and Southern kali to see that 'mexico' is already in the USA Syriusly .
brothers and sisters: immigration not only costs money, it costs us our lives, my friends!

95 percent of all heroin consumed in the US is from the same 4 Mexican cities in northern Mexico
As far as I'm concerned they were Mexicans not Americans. They've lived there by choice for generations and they originally went there in order to evade American law so they were really more American than any other native Mexican citizen. Mexican breed and Mexican born. Therefore let Mexico take care of it because it's really not our problem.

Of course, it is our problem!

It emphasizes the critical importance of securing our Southern border with a wall/fence/barrier, patrols, drones, cameras, and sensors. Mexico had 33,000 murders in 2018. Imagine if we had 75,000 murders?

We should immediately declare that the Mexican Cartels are terrorist organizations and begin the same level of attack on their organization in the United States.

The President of Mexico has said that they need to combat the Drug Cartels with HUGS NOT BULLETS. Is he a part of the Cartel? Which one?

Mexico is a narco state. We need a military buffer zone to cut off the flow of drugs, crime and Democrat voters into our country.
They, along with many other Mormons, moved to Mexico in the 1800s when Polygamy was declared illegal and disowned by the LDS church.

Where else would they be living today? Most have known nothing else but life in those enclaves. I'm not sure I understand how the dual citizenship comes about.

A fine point - they are not "Mormons." They are not accredited members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or the LDS as it now prefers to be called. Many who live in Mexico are associated with splinter groups living in isolated areas of Arizona and Utah.
As far as I'm concerned they were Mexicans not Americans. They've lived there by choice for generations and they originally went there in order to evade American law so they were really more American than any other native Mexican citizen. Mexican breed and Mexican born. Therefore let Mexico take care of it because it's really not our problem.

Of course, it is our problem!

It emphasizes the critical importance of securing our Southern border with a wall/fence/barrier, patrols, drones, cameras, and sensors. Mexico had 33,000 murders in 2018. Imagine if we had 75,000 murders?

We should immediately declare that the Mexican Cartels are terrorist organizations and begin the same level of attack on their organization in the United States.

The President of Mexico has said that they need to combat the Drug Cartels with HUGS NOT BULLETS. Is he a part of the Cartel? Which one?

The cartels are essential to Mexico's economy. Their Gov't is in bed with them. Lie down with dogs, get fleas.
The Mexican government gets nothing from the cartels except not to be murdered once in a while. The cartels are moving into the United States so get used to this kind of violence.
and yeah , good looking 'gringo' type 'mormon' familia that are easy to spot .

Your point being?
------------------------------------------- they shouldn't have been there is one POSSIBLE point Markle . Course they were there for whatever reason , price was paid . Other GRINGO'S oughta be careful Markle .

I didn't dig into the news yet today, but I heard a report on the radio that these people had interactions with the drug cartel. They were not a random target. The murderer (who was arrested by the Mexican government) knew the people he murdered.
It was reported that the beautiful, young American women, and their babies, all gunned down and killed in Hermosillo, Mexico, were Mormons and had been living there for years. This is mind-boggling.

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

It may be true that Hermosillo is rather close to the US border, but as this incident starkly shows, all one has to do is cross that border into Mexico, and you are in just another of the world's depraved, 3rd world hellholes, with all its associated dangers.
A word to the wise. Stay out of Mexico.

This is sad and it should not have happened. That being said it was also reported they were a sect of Mormons whose been fight the cartels for years. What American or anyone for that matter in their right mind fight someone like the cartels with an end result of death? The Mexican government needs to let the U.S. bomb the fuck out of their compounds.

That''s pretty much common sense. But Laura had the former ICE director on her show last night. He said this is more political than anything.

His theory is that the Mexican government doesn't want these tragedies to stop. Trump has had great success retarding border crossings; in fact, a 60% reduction since May.

So what takes place now is that Mexican citizens have more of a case to file for asylum; fearing danger of their lives and their family. He fears that we will once again be flooded with immigrants trying to get into this country, as long as these violent events keep taking place. And of course, we will once again be overwhelmed with people trying to get across that border.
Have you guys seen a Pelosi or a Schumer come to the microphone and talk about this?

The Democrat Party doesnt give a damn about white people. This is why we must fight them and keep them out of any office.
True. American children can be slaughtered in Mexico and they got nothing. Put an immigrant child in a cage and they fill an ocean with tears.
Our children get gunned down in our schools and repubs do nothing. People get killed in Mexico and repubs are outraged.

So what do you want Republicans to do about something that can't logically be controlled?
Have you guys seen a Pelosi or a Schumer come to the microphone and talk about this?

The Democrat Party doesnt give a damn about white people. This is why we must fight them and keep them out of any office.

We don't care if they give a damn about us, but the Democrat party has morphed into the anti-white party; the goal of making whites a minority in this country for the first time in our history. If and when accomplished, they will have the ability to turn us into a single-party government for the rest of time.
and yeah , good looking 'gringo' type 'mormon' familia that are easy to spot .

Your point being?
------------------------------------------- they shouldn't have been there is one POSSIBLE point Markle . Course they were there for whatever reason , price was paid . Other GRINGO'S oughta be careful Markle .

I agree that anyone contemplating living or visiting Mexico should reconsider. I have visited Mexico many times in the distant past and have friends who owned vacation houses in the country. I would not consider even visiting much less living in the country. Mexico had over 33,000 murders last year (2018) Their population is about 40% of ours. We had about 16,000 murders. Put all that in perspective.
They, along with many other Mormons, moved to Mexico in the 1800s when Polygamy was declared illegal and disowned by the LDS church.

Where else would they be living today? Most have known nothing else but life in those enclaves. I'm not sure I understand how the dual citizenship comes about.

A fine point - they are not "Mormons." They are not accredited members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or the LDS as it now prefers to be called. Many who live in Mexico are associated with splinter groups living in isolated areas of Arizona and Utah.
------------------------------------ DUAL CITIZENS , well , many consider them to be lacking Alllegiance to one country or the other . After all , a DUALIE can vote with no concern . This week he is 'mexican' or OTHER because he wants Sanctuary Cities in the USA and then next weeks because he wants More Funding for Sanctuary cities as just 2 examples Longknife . And if I am not mistaken , mexico allowing 'dual citizenship is a rather new development in 'mexico' because they also understand the divisiveness of 'dual citizenship' in the USA Longknife .
and yeah , good looking 'gringo' type 'mormon' familia that are easy to spot .

Your point being?
------------------------------------------- they shouldn't have been there is one POSSIBLE point Markle . Course they were there for whatever reason , price was paid . Other GRINGO'S oughta be careful Markle .

I agree that anyone contemplating living or visiting Mexico should reconsider. I have visited Mexico many times in the distant past and have friends who owned vacation houses in the country. I would not consider even visiting much less living in the country. Mexico had over 33,000 murders last year (2018) Their population is about 40% of ours. We had about 16,000 murders. Put all that in perspective.

I"ve never been there, but between pictures and videos, I have no idea WTF there is to see in that country. My employer spent his vacation in Mexico several years ago, and swore he would never go back. He said people (usually kids) constantly beg you for money. They went to some outdoor bar, and he said some drunken Mexican was flirting with his wife. If that wasn't bad enough, his package was hanging out of his shorts. The establishment did nothing about it in spite of how loud he was. The only positive thing he said about it is that the hotel was very nice.

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