Americans Killed in Mexico, Shouldn't Have Been There

It was reported that the beautiful, young American women, and their babies, all gunned down and killed in Hermosillo, Mexico, were Mormons and had been living there for years. This is mind-boggling.

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

It may be true that Hermosillo is rather close to the US border, but as this incident starkly shows, all one has to do is cross that border into Mexico, and you are in just another of the world's depraved, 3rd world hellholes, with all its associated dangers.
A word to the wise. Stay out of Mexico.

This is sad and it should not have happened. That being said it was also reported they were a sect of Mormons whose been fight the cartels for years. What American or anyone for that matter in their right mind fight someone like the cartels with an end result of death? The Mexican government needs to let the U.S. bomb the fuck out of their compounds.

That''s pretty much common sense. But Laura had the former ICE director on her show last night. He said this is more political than anything.

His theory is that the Mexican government doesn't want these tragedies to stop. Trump has had great success retarding border crossings; in fact, a 60% reduction since May.

So what takes place now is that Mexican citizens have more of a case to file for asylum; fearing danger of their lives and their family. He fears that we will once again be flooded with immigrants trying to get into this country, as long as these violent events keep taking place. And of course, we will once again be overwhelmed with people trying to get across that border.
--------------------------------------------- asylum cases from all over the world should be ignored . 'mexicans' and 'otm' and others made their beds , now let them sleep in their beds that they made .
A lot of people are talking about the wall, and that's understandable, but I think what we should be looking into and talking about is operations like Fast and Furious, and most importantly the real reason they've allowed guns to go to Mexican cartels. And is it still going on? I'm no expert, and I want to look into it more, but what some are saying is that the real reason they're basically arming the narcos is to justify another assault weapons ban, and eventually take away our second amendment rights altogether. One of the main tactics of the corrupt powers-that-be is Order out of Chaos.

So IF that is true, then instead of focusing only on the wall, we should be addressing the corruption, betrayal and the underhanded agendas at work. IMO.

I know, you obviously have never been to Mexico or see where most expats live in Mexico.
I didn't need to. Mexico is a train wreck, that as ex-president James K Polk said in 1848, the US should have taken ALL of Mexico's territory, and put it all under US control.

He was right then, and he's right now. Wish you would have been here between 1986 and 2016, Mr President.


Of course you don't have to know that thousands of Americans are happily retired and living just fine in Mexico.
They, along with many other Mormons, moved to Mexico in the 1800s when Polygamy was declared illegal and disowned by the LDS church.

Where else would they be living today? Most have known nothing else but life in those enclaves. I'm not sure I understand how the dual citizenship comes about.

A fine point - they are not "Mormons." They are not accredited members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or the LDS as it now prefers to be called. Many who live in Mexico are associated with splinter groups living in isolated areas of Arizona and Utah.
------------------------------------ DUAL CITIZENS , well , many consider them to be lacking Alllegiance to one country or the other . After all , a DUALIE can vote with no concern . This week he is 'mexican' or OTHER because he wants Sanctuary Cities in the USA and then next weeks because he wants More Funding for Sanctuary cities as just 2 examples Longknife . And if I am not mistaken , mexico allowing 'dual citizenship is a rather new development in 'mexico' because they also understand the divisiveness of 'dual citizenship' in the USA Longknife .

Dual citizenship was enacted in Mexico to allow those of Mexican birth who wanted to continue to vote in Mexican elections to do so. In fact, they are encouraged to do so and Mexican consulates open their doors to them.
Of course you don't have to know that thousands of Americans are happily retired and living just fine in Mexico.
:puhleeze:And you know because you have visited all of them, and lived in their houses each for at least a month, > :right: :slap:

Nope, I don't speak in absolutes like you do. I can tell you that many Americans are perfectly happy living their lives in Mexico.
It was reported that the beautiful, young American women, and their babies, all gunned down and killed in Hermosillo, Mexico, were Mormons and had been living there for years. This is mind-boggling.

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

It may be true that Hermosillo is rather close to the US border, but as this incident starkly shows, all one has to do is cross that border into Mexico, and you are in just another of the world's depraved, 3rd world hellholes, with all its associated dangers.
A word to the wise. Stay out of Mexico.
So the open borders, pro-illegal immigration crowd is attempting to BLAME THE VICTIMS for getting killed by out-of-control Drug cartels, the same ones engaging in criminal illegal / child trafficking and drug smuggling across our borders?!

I know, you obviously have never been to Mexico or see where most expats live in Mexico.
I didn't need to. Mexico is a train wreck, that as ex-president James K Polk said in 1848, the US should have taken ALL of Mexico's territory, and put it all under US control.

He was right then, and he's right now. Wish you would have been here between 1986 and 2016, Mr President.


Of course you don't have to know that thousands of Americans are happily retired and living just fine in Mexico.

And hundreds of thousands dying to get the hell out of there and across our border.

Americans are? Because that's who I was talking about. Strange reply, dude.
What happens when they succeed in bringing Mexico here? Where do we live then?

Well if you believe that Mexico can be moved to the United States......I suggest a supportive care facility for you.
-------------------------------- see downtown LOS ANGELES and areas plus Van Nuy and Southern kali to see that 'mexico' is already in the USA Syriusly .
were the hell is s.kali? India?...
--------------------------------------------- sorry , its 'southern KALI' if I misspelled Harry .
there is no place called Kali in S.Cal.....
What happens when they succeed in bringing Mexico here? Where do we live then?

Well if you believe that Mexico can be moved to the United States......I suggest a supportive care facility for you.
-------------------------------- see downtown LOS ANGELES and areas plus Van Nuy and Southern kali to see that 'mexico' is already in the USA Syriusly .
were the hell is s.kali? India?...
--------------------------------------------- sorry , its 'southern KALI' if I misspelled Harry .
there is no place called Kali in S.Cal.....
I know, you obviously have never been to Mexico or see where most expats live in Mexico.
I didn't need to. Mexico is a train wreck, that as ex-president James K Polk said in 1848, the US should have taken ALL of Mexico's territory, and put it all under US control.

He was right then, and he's right now. Wish you would have been here between 1986 and 2016, Mr President.


Of course you don't have to know that thousands of Americans are happily retired and living just fine in Mexico.

And hundreds of thousands dying to get the hell out of there and across our border.

Americans are? Because that's who I was talking about. Strange reply, dude.

Not bright enough to figure that one out, eh?
It was reported that the beautiful, young American women, and their babies, all gunned down and killed in Hermosillo, Mexico, were Mormons and had been living there for years. This is mind-boggling.

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

It may be true that Hermosillo is rather close to the US border, but as this incident starkly shows, all one has to do is cross that border into Mexico, and you are in just another of the world's depraved, 3rd world hellholes, with all its associated dangers.
A word to the wise. Stay out of Mexico.
I'm not commenting on whether the mods have any role, but I really don't understand what this incident had to do with politics
I know, you obviously have never been to Mexico or see where most expats live in Mexico.
I didn't need to. Mexico is a train wreck, that as ex-president James K Polk said in 1848, the US should have taken ALL of Mexico's territory, and put it all under US control.

He was right then, and he's right now. Wish you would have been here between 1986 and 2016, Mr President.


Of course you don't have to know that thousands of Americans are happily retired and living just fine in Mexico.

And hundreds of thousands dying to get the hell out of there and across our border.

Americans are? Because that's who I was talking about. Strange reply, dude.

Not bright enough to figure that one out, eh?

No, just not sure what Mexicans immigrating to the U.S. has to do with Americans comfortably living in Mexico. Seems like you are trying to make a ridiculous political point but it's kind of lame.
It was reported that the beautiful, young American women, and their babies, all gunned down and killed in Hermosillo, Mexico, were Mormons and had been living there for years. This is mind-boggling.

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

It may be true that Hermosillo is rather close to the US border, but as this incident starkly shows, all one has to do is cross that border into Mexico, and you are in just another of the world's depraved, 3rd world hellholes, with all its associated dangers.
A word to the wise. Stay out of Mexico.

Good amount of American urban cities are third world shitholes, so maybe most Amerikans should stay away from cities like Houston, Chicago and L.A.?

Anyhoo, those Mormons have been there longer than you realize and Mitt Romney family has history with Mormons in Mexico...
It was reported that the beautiful, young American women, and their babies, all gunned down and killed in Hermosillo, Mexico, were Mormons and had been living there for years. This is mind-boggling.

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

It may be true that Hermosillo is rather close to the US border, but as this incident starkly shows, all one has to do is cross that border into Mexico, and you are in just another of the world's depraved, 3rd world hellholes, with all its associated dangers.
A word to the wise. Stay out of Mexico.

Good amount of American urban cities are third world shitholes, so maybe most Amerikans should stay away from cities like Houston, Chicago and L.A.?

Anyhoo, those Mormons have been there longer than you realize and Mitt Romney family has history with Mormons in Mexico...

These people remind me of those idiots who get caught in a raging river in a canoe and need to be rescued, or mountain climbers, or skiers.

If you choose to live in a place like that and something happens, you get no sympathy from me. But the children are a different story, because they couldn't make the choice of living in a hell hole like Mexico or living in Utah. Those were some beautiful kids they had there.
I didn't need to. Mexico is a train wreck, that as ex-president James K Polk said in 1848, the US should have taken ALL of Mexico's territory, and put it all under US control.

He was right then, and he's right now. Wish you would have been here between 1986 and 2016, Mr President.


Of course you don't have to know that thousands of Americans are happily retired and living just fine in Mexico.

And hundreds of thousands dying to get the hell out of there and across our border.

Americans are? Because that's who I was talking about. Strange reply, dude.

Not bright enough to figure that one out, eh?

No, just not sure what Mexicans immigrating to the U.S. has to do with Americans comfortably living in Mexico. Seems like you are trying to make a ridiculous political point but it's kind of lame.

Perhaps I could make myself clearer if USMB would provide us with crayons. But since they don't, I'll try to explain it to you.

Your point was Americans do live in Mexico trying to illustrate that it's a great place to be. My point is many more Mexicans are trying to get the hell out of that place to live here, even if it means escaping in the night or risking your life in the front of a trailer on a 110 degree day. No American would dare risk nearly killing themselves to go there, but plenty of Mexicans are willing to risk their lives to get out of there.
Of course you don't have to know that thousands of Americans are happily retired and living just fine in Mexico.

And hundreds of thousands dying to get the hell out of there and across our border.

Americans are? Because that's who I was talking about. Strange reply, dude.

Not bright enough to figure that one out, eh?

No, just not sure what Mexicans immigrating to the U.S. has to do with Americans comfortably living in Mexico. Seems like you are trying to make a ridiculous political point but it's kind of lame.

Perhaps I could make myself clearer if USMB would provide us with crayons. But since they don't, I'll try to explain it to you.

Your point was Americans do live in Mexico trying to illustrate that it's a great place to be. My point is many more Mexicans are trying to get the hell out of that place to live here, even if it means escaping in the night or risking your life in the front of a trailer on a 110 degree day. No American would dare risk nearly killing themselves to go there, but plenty of Mexicans are willing to risk their lives to get out of there.

Ah, I see where you fucked up. I was responding to this from the OP (emphasis mine):

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

I was pointing out how the OP was mistaken that many Americas are happy and safe living in Mexico. Glad we could clear this up.

The OP is such a pussy he won't even visit Mexico. But I guess that's what you get when your news sources are out to scare you about brown people.
And hundreds of thousands dying to get the hell out of there and across our border.

Americans are? Because that's who I was talking about. Strange reply, dude.

Not bright enough to figure that one out, eh?

No, just not sure what Mexicans immigrating to the U.S. has to do with Americans comfortably living in Mexico. Seems like you are trying to make a ridiculous political point but it's kind of lame.

Perhaps I could make myself clearer if USMB would provide us with crayons. But since they don't, I'll try to explain it to you.

Your point was Americans do live in Mexico trying to illustrate that it's a great place to be. My point is many more Mexicans are trying to get the hell out of that place to live here, even if it means escaping in the night or risking your life in the front of a trailer on a 110 degree day. No American would dare risk nearly killing themselves to go there, but plenty of Mexicans are willing to risk their lives to get out of there.

Ah, I see where you fucked up. I was responding to this from the OP (emphasis mine):

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

I was pointing out how the OP was mistaken that many Americas are happy and safe living in Mexico. Glad we could clear this up.

The OP is such a pussy he won't even visit Mexico. But I guess that's what you get when your news sources are out to scare you about brown people.

Hell, I wouldn't got to Mexico either; not based on what news sources say, but what my employer said about the place. He described it as the biggest mistake they ever made deciding where to spend their vacation.
Americans are? Because that's who I was talking about. Strange reply, dude.

Not bright enough to figure that one out, eh?

No, just not sure what Mexicans immigrating to the U.S. has to do with Americans comfortably living in Mexico. Seems like you are trying to make a ridiculous political point but it's kind of lame.

Perhaps I could make myself clearer if USMB would provide us with crayons. But since they don't, I'll try to explain it to you.

Your point was Americans do live in Mexico trying to illustrate that it's a great place to be. My point is many more Mexicans are trying to get the hell out of that place to live here, even if it means escaping in the night or risking your life in the front of a trailer on a 110 degree day. No American would dare risk nearly killing themselves to go there, but plenty of Mexicans are willing to risk their lives to get out of there.

Ah, I see where you fucked up. I was responding to this from the OP (emphasis mine):

It is inconceivable to me how any American could live in the uncivilized. insane asylum that is Mexico. This might serve as a lesson for any other Americans who live there, or are thinking about living there, or even visiting there.

I was pointing out how the OP was mistaken that many Americas are happy and safe living in Mexico. Glad we could clear this up.

The OP is such a pussy he won't even visit Mexico. But I guess that's what you get when your news sources are out to scare you about brown people.

Hell, I wouldn't got to Mexico either; not based on what news sources say, but what my employer said about the place. He described it as the biggest mistake they ever made deciding where to spend their vacation.

Yet millions go to Mexico every year and are just fine. Hell,one of the best trips I ever took was driving to Puerto Penasco.

You guys are whimps.
Good amount of American urban cities are third world shitholes, so maybe most Amerikans should stay away from cities like Houston, Chicago and L.A.?

Anyhoo, those Mormons have been there longer than you realize and Mitt Romney family has history with Mormons in Mexico...
1. I "realize" how long they've been there.

2. If you were a better reader, you'd know this isn't about "those Mormons". It's about the people who need to stay away from the Mexico cesspool.

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