Americans line up for jobs Americans "won't do"


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Why should illegal aliens be above the American laws? Obama promised to uphold the laws of American when he took his oath of office. Was it just another lie???

"In March, Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s deputies raided four Phoenix-area Pei Wei restaurants, in search of more 100 illegal workers, many of whom were allegedly using stolen Social Security numbers."

The raid turned up dozens of illegal aliens, and as a result, Pei Wei bought a full page ad in the local paper—seeking new, legal hires."

Americans line up for jobs Americans "won't do"


Sheriff Joe Arpaio arrests dozens of illegal workers and answers his critics

"Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his deputies raided the Alpine Valley Bread bakery outlet in Mesa and arrested 24 suspected illegal aliens who used stolen Social Security numbers and fake driver’s licenses to obtain their jobs.

According to Sheriff Arpaio, his department was investigating additional employees for similar violations.

Arpaio told reporters gathered in front of the bakery: “People accuse me of arresting just dishwashers. These people are committing crimes to get their jobs. Stealing someone’s identity is a felony.”" Americans CANNOT legally do at subminimum wage pay.

But thats how the bidnessmen want it; a permanent underclass of illegal indentured black market labor.
If you watch the video you'll see a woman with a PhD applying for an $8.00 an hour job. There were tons of people lined up to get the jobs that the illegal aliens had. The illegal aliens across this nation are taking jobs that teenagers want and blacks want and poor and elderly people want, and the unemployed want. Basically anyone without a job want to work the jobs that illegal aliens have. The illegal aliens are taking American jobs and undercutting American wages. All due to government greed!

Americans line up for jobs Americans "won't do"


$200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

$25 billion in remittances back into Mexico as a result of exporting poverty and low skill labor into the United States, 25 to $45 billion a year taken into Mexico as a result of the illicit drug trade into the United States.

If you watch the video you'll see a woman with a PhD applying for an $8.00 an hour job. There were tons of people lined up to get the jobs that the illegal aliens had. The illegal aliens across this nation are taking jobs that teenagers want and blacks want and poor and elderly people want, and the unemployed want. Basically anyone without a job want to work the jobs that illegal aliens have. The illegal aliens are taking American jobs and undercutting American wages. All due to government greed!

Americans line up for jobs Americans "won't do"


$200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

$25 billion in remittances back into Mexico as a result of exporting poverty and low skill labor into the United States, 25 to $45 billion a year taken into Mexico as a result of the illicit drug trade into the United States.

Yeah, but the crime loving, illegal alien supportors will still lie and say Americans won't do the jobs.
No chimps allowed.

The pro-illegal alien supporters have to lie because they don't have a legal leg to stand on. Lying is all they have the best they can do is hope they can pull the wool over enough people’s eyes to get amnesty. Not on my watch!
Obam is not responsible for illegals being hired, it is the companies that are guilty
Nobama is the illegal aliens worst nightmare they just don't know it yet. By the time he's done with them they'll all be in FEMA's REX84 Concentration Camps waiting to be deported. :clap2:

So far Nobama has made all the promises in the world to the illegal aliens and done the opposite. They're just to stupid to realize it. Shhhhh.... :lol:
Nobama is the illegal aliens worst nightmare they just don't know it yet. By the time he's done with them they'll all be in FEMA's REX84 Concentration Camps waiting to be deported. :clap2:

So far Nobama has made all the promises in the world to the illegal aliens and done the opposite. They're just to stupid to realize it. Shhhhh.... :lol:

And just how does that not also apply to almost every Democrat out there that voted for him?

I think most moderates/independents have arrived at this realization, thank God.
Where has anyone ever said Americans wont work in a resturant?????

Were they lining up to pick fruit?????

No they rotted in the fields even in this economy
Where has anyone ever said Americans wont work in a resturant?????

Were they lining up to pick fruit?????

No they rotted in the fields even in this economy

That is because the farmers do not pay enough to get US citizens out there to do it.

We dont make our cash and send it home to a family in a tird world country. We have to spend it here and that requires a reasonable wage.

In time, if wages come up, plenty of Americans will do the job just like they did before the illegals crashed the wage scale for that industry.
If we ended welfare we'd have plenty of people to pick fruit. We had plenty of people harvesting before welfare. Put prisoners on chain gangs, they can pick a few strawberries. The farmers can pay the prison system for the labor.

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