Americans need to see the Corporate Fingerprints Behind our Division

There hasn't been an economy without a commercial sector on this planet since the days of Feudalism. Are you suggesting we start castle building?
Are garage sales and yard sales part of the economy in you view? They are in my mind, but they are minor, though growing with help from Ebay and Amazon.

Underground commodity economies in precious metals, coins, collectors items, antiques, guns and even Tide detergent are bartered all the time. I cant even find an estimate on all that barter economy. But then how do you make an estimated value of something that involves no cash? I'm sure the IRS can toss something up for that, lol.

But 'dumb barter' is huge, otherwise people could survive the impacts of gross hyperinflation or hypo-inflation as banks-governments mismanage their fiat currency systems.

I also think it will help ease the transition to the coming Technological Utopia, lol, that is going to arrive one day.

The only question is really how many bumps and potholes we hit along the way.
That is true, but that doesnt really help Uncle Joe and Aunty May who are not experts and have no idea what a tranche is.

Anyone who invests into something they don't understand is a fool.

So you dont really care for mutual funds?

Anyway, Uncle Joe and Aunty May still paid for the QE through inflation affects and risk the loss of their wealth if the USD collapses due to hyperinflation.
Are garage sales and yard sales part of the economy in you view?

Don't apply for two reasons ... they don't form part of the tax base and a yard sale is just good business in reverse ... buy high and sell low.
That is true, but that doesnt really help Uncle Joe and Aunty May who are not experts and have no idea what a tranche is.

Anyone who invests into something they don't understand is a fool.

So you dont really care for mutual funds?

Anyway, Uncle Joe and Aunty May still paid for the QE through inflation affects and risk the loss of their wealth if the USD collapses due to hyperinflation.

Actually, mutual funds are great for small investors. Mutual funds give small investors access to capital and information they wouldn't normally have. It removes odd-lot penalties and places small investors on a even footing with institutional investors.

But, anyone who dumps money into one without looking. Or, even worse, bases their investment decision on a glossy prospectus without doing homework is a fool.

There are thousands of funds out there (not just in America but globally). Decide dispassionately how much risk you can afford. Decide what sectors you care to invest (based on your own homework), analyze the trends of the overall market and not just the fund you fancy and you've got a good chance at doing well.

However, above all ... diversify.
Are garage sales and yard sales part of the economy in you view?

Don't apply for two reasons ... they don't form part of the tax base and a yard sale is just good business in reverse ... buy high and sell low.

Well, potentially they are part of the tax base. The IRS has rules for reporting income from garage sales, I kid you not, and also for cashless barter.

Its just that nobody bothers, thank God.

And garage sales arent a business, so comparisons to business kind of are invalid. The closest thing is asset depreciation and the clearance of excess inventory via slashed prices in sales and similar marketing tricks.

I have really enjoyed this discussion, 'FncCEO, but I gotta go to bed and get some more sleep. Sometimes my mind wont relax and stop shouting at me, lol, but it is quiet now in no small part due to our discussion.

You are not boring, just interesting in a calming sort of way. :D
There are thousands of funds out there (not just in America but globally). Decide dispassionately how much risk you can afford. Decide what sectors you care to invest (based on your own homework), analyze the trends of the overall market and not just the fund you fancy and you've got a good chance at doing well.

However, above all ... diversify.
Yeah, when my wife and I retire, God willing, we plan to grow our incomes with a diverse investment of annuities, but OMG, that is a nest of vipers! lol, but I think we can navigate it well enough for our purposes.
No misunderstanding. I think profit is good and is the sole purpose of a corporation as it should be.

So the reputation and perceived character of a corporation means nothing to it?

Only if they violate the law or do something untoward. But ragging on them for making profit a goal is ridiculous. Especially to shareholders.
There are no good Democrats.
That isn’t true. However, there is only division & animosity arising from the far left’s hold on the DNC. The alarming & bizarre social engineering that’s escalating without check in the far left is the most polarizing issue I can think of. There is no bridge that anyone wants to build to just frankly rampant insanity.

And this is a problem that isn’t going to be resolved by denial.
Interesting read fellas.

Lots of thought on the symbiant relationship betwixt corporatism and governance

But who gains the upper hand may be relevant

If one agrees that American prosperity depends on foreign resources , then one advocates American imperialism's presence anywhere on this rock to keep it ticking.

Perhaps trotting out the oil wars and our allegiance to savages might be worth a go......?


Interesting read fellas.

Lots of thought on the symbiant relationship betwixt corporatism and governance

But who gains the upper hand may be relevant

If one agrees that American prosperity depends on foreign resources , then one advocates American imperialism's presence anywhere on this rock to keep it ticking.

Perhaps trotting out the oil wars and our allegiance to savages might be worth a go......?


Good post, but There have not been many savages for about a century now.

Symbiant and who relevant agrees advocates savages - lol
Corporate America is the sole beneficiary when we divide ourselves and dehumize each other.
Having our leadership composed of either radical ideologues or corporate cronies simply seals our fate.
The real enemy are the multinational corporations that cant wait to auction off our country one piece at a time.
Name the specific corporations and what specific actions they are taking to do all this bad stuff.

Lol, that reminds me of the old joke about four professors wanting to buy three ancient relics, swords owned and worn by Julius Caesar.. Since there were only three swords, someone was going to have to settle for a share of the money from the sale of the rest of the artifacts, but each of them desperately wanted one of the three swords, the money did not matter so much to these archeologists.

So they settled on a method to decide who got them. The Youngest of the group of archeologists would ask each of them a question, and the first one to get the answer wrong would forfeit his claim to the swords.

So the first one was asked what was the date the Titanic sank, and the reply was swift, 'April 14th 1912.' The young questioner thought that would be a little harder than it turned out so he asked the second claimant, 'How many died in that disaster?' 'Give or take a few dozen due to the variations of expert opinions, at least 1500 people died that day.'

Clearly frustrated at his sinking chance to get one of the precious swords, the questioner made his last question a biut harder, 'OK, so name them all!'.

So no, I am not going to name them all, lol, but I can give you a few examples of the abuse of corporate power.

RCA swindled Philo Farnsworth of his patent rights and profits for inventing the electronic television. They knew his patent was valid and eventually they would lose, but they calculated that the profits they made from selling TVs without paying patent royalties far outwieghed the legal costs of tying it all up in court indefinitely. RCA was able to get away with this grand scale thievery by its crony network in the US Congress. and army of lawyers and lobbyists.

Robert Kearns who invented the intermitent windshield wiper was similarly treated to blatant theft of his invention by Ford and Chrysler. He saw very little of his profits he should have made for his invention, but the corporate legal mercenaries hired by the automobile industry tied the case up in court for decades, just like Farnsworth.

We could also talk about BPs Deepwater disaster that has cost the economy of the Gulf of Mexico hundreds of billions of USD in lost revenues, the loss of one third of the fishing areas down there due to environmental damage, and the BP management that is responsible has never seen the inside of a jail cell despite all that damage to the US Gulf coast. Despite the FACT that the disaster was entirely due to BP refusing to follow legal safety restrictions in their operation not even one went to prison.

We could talk about Union Carbide who caused the biggest industrial catastrophe known to human history in Bhopal, India, in which 500k people were exposed to toxic chemicals, over 25k murderers resulting from that and over 200k children and 3k pregnant women were made into cripples for the rest of their lives. None of the negligent management spent any more time in jail than however long it took to process their bail, if even that much. The Corporate Crony network in the USA got SCOTUS to reject extradition of significant actors in this disaster, too.

We could talk about the tens of thousands of deaths caused by criminal activity in the US by illegal aliens who make up more than 25% of our prison population. We could talk about the 50k+ deaths due to heroin that crosses that open border, or the narcotics trade, or the human trafficking or the sexual merchandising of children that goes on there, the loss of American jobs and property, all so Walmart and its band of Beltway Pirates can exploit cheap black market labor. They have managed to tie up the construction of adequate security measures passed in 1986, 2006 and the efforts to secure the border today. They have even been able to convince half the US population that there really isnt a crisis at all with our border, despite the magnitude of this open border being ten times that of any typical hurricane or flood. They can do this because they literally have about 45,000 lobbyists that work their 'magic' on Congress EVERY DAMNED DAY. This is far more than the number of average citizens that speak to or visit Congresscritters each day, far more. The lobbyists have professional line place holders stand in line for them at the office of our Congressmen, and the public rarely can see their own congressmen unless they manage to set up an appointment first. Good luck with that, lol.

I could go on and on and on on this topic, but yes, corporations kill people, steal their fortunes and worst of all rob from our children before they even have a chance to vote.

Now you sound like a libertarian, so I doubt I have made a dent in that ideologically bound mind you likely have, but thats OK. Your species is in collapse.

It always amazes me how people who hare corporations want to pass laws against both corporations and people. Which means violent force.

Lol, really? When was the last time you had that force applied to you personally? RCA, Union Carbide, BP and Ford dont seem to be bothered by it.

On the other hand corporations only want me to buy their goods and services and they cannot do a damn thing to me if I refuse to do so.

If you truly think that is accurate, then you are sorely misinformed.

They have shifted about half their tax burden they had in 1950, as a percentage of federal intake, onto private citizens. You have to wear a seat belt in your car courtesy of the auto manufacturers who wanted to delay implementing legal requirements to install air bags. And the entire Far left organizations from la Mecha to Black Lives matter to the ACLU are financed by the Ford Foundation as a way of dividing the working class against itself while they loot the whole globe and constrict your legal and civil rights to speak your mind. They have created the most ubiquitous social networking forums and now are endeavoring to purge it of dissenting voices, all people who have done no violence to anyone, while they still keep Antifa on everything everywhere, lol.

But if you keep playing cheerleader for them, I'm certain that your slot for the Hangmans Noose will be bumped down several months, roflmao.
No one is a cheerleader for them.

Attacking your idiotic assertions is not defending them. They need no defending

You cannot answer my question or even provide relevant examples.

You have empty baseless claims without a shred of evidence.

They do nothing to harm anyone and I am free to disdain and ignore them all day long and they are impotent and incapable of doing anything about it

Your thread and post is a massive epic and rather uneducated fail.
Corporate America is the sole beneficiary when we divide ourselves and dehumize each other.
Having our leadership composed of either radical ideologues or corporate cronies simply seals our fate.
The real enemy are the multinational corporations that cant wait to auction off our country one piece at a time.
Name the specific corporations and what specific actions they are taking to do all this bad stuff.

Lol, that reminds me of the old joke about four professors wanting to buy three ancient relics, swords owned and worn by Julius Caesar.. Since there were only three swords, someone was going to have to settle for a share of the money from the sale of the rest of the artifacts, but each of them desperately wanted one of the three swords, the money did not matter so much to these archeologists.

So they settled on a method to decide who got them. The Youngest of the group of archeologists would ask each of them a question, and the first one to get the answer wrong would forfeit his claim to the swords.

So the first one was asked what was the date the Titanic sank, and the reply was swift, 'April 14th 1912.' The young questioner thought that would be a little harder than it turned out so he asked the second claimant, 'How many died in that disaster?' 'Give or take a few dozen due to the variations of expert opinions, at least 1500 people died that day.'

Clearly frustrated at his sinking chance to get one of the precious swords, the questioner made his last question a biut harder, 'OK, so name them all!'.

So no, I am not going to name them all, lol, but I can give you a few examples of the abuse of corporate power.

RCA swindled Philo Farnsworth of his patent rights and profits for inventing the electronic television. They knew his patent was valid and eventually they would lose, but they calculated that the profits they made from selling TVs without paying patent royalties far outwieghed the legal costs of tying it all up in court indefinitely. RCA was able to get away with this grand scale thievery by its crony network in the US Congress. and army of lawyers and lobbyists.

Robert Kearns who invented the intermitent windshield wiper was similarly treated to blatant theft of his invention by Ford and Chrysler. He saw very little of his profits he should have made for his invention, but the corporate legal mercenaries hired by the automobile industry tied the case up in court for decades, just like Farnsworth.

We could also talk about BPs Deepwater disaster that has cost the economy of the Gulf of Mexico hundreds of billions of USD in lost revenues, the loss of one third of the fishing areas down there due to environmental damage, and the BP management that is responsible has never seen the inside of a jail cell despite all that damage to the US Gulf coast. Despite the FACT that the disaster was entirely due to BP refusing to follow legal safety restrictions in their operation not even one went to prison.

We could talk about Union Carbide who caused the biggest industrial catastrophe known to human history in Bhopal, India, in which 500k people were exposed to toxic chemicals, over 25k murderers resulting from that and over 200k children and 3k pregnant women were made into cripples for the rest of their lives. None of the negligent management spent any more time in jail than however long it took to process their bail, if even that much. The Corporate Crony network in the USA got SCOTUS to reject extradition of significant actors in this disaster, too.

We could talk about the tens of thousands of deaths caused by criminal activity in the US by illegal aliens who make up more than 25% of our prison population. We could talk about the 50k+ deaths due to heroin that crosses that open border, or the narcotics trade, or the human trafficking or the sexual merchandising of children that goes on there, the loss of American jobs and property, all so Walmart and its band of Beltway Pirates can exploit cheap black market labor. They have managed to tie up the construction of adequate security measures passed in 1986, 2006 and the efforts to secure the border today. They have even been able to convince half the US population that there really isnt a crisis at all with our border, despite the magnitude of this open border being ten times that of any typical hurricane or flood. They can do this because they literally have about 45,000 lobbyists that work their 'magic' on Congress EVERY DAMNED DAY. This is far more than the number of average citizens that speak to or visit Congresscritters each day, far more. The lobbyists have professional line place holders stand in line for them at the office of our Congressmen, and the public rarely can see their own congressmen unless they manage to set up an appointment first. Good luck with that, lol.

I could go on and on and on on this topic, but yes, corporations kill people, steal their fortunes and worst of all rob from our children before they even have a chance to vote.

Now you sound like a libertarian, so I doubt I have made a dent in that ideologically bound mind you likely have, but thats OK. Your species is in collapse.

It always amazes me how people who hare corporations want to pass laws against both corporations and people. Which means violent force.

Lol, really? When was the last time you had that force applied to you personally? RCA, Union Carbide, BP and Ford dont seem to be bothered by it.

On the other hand corporations only want me to buy their goods and services and they cannot do a damn thing to me if I refuse to do so.

If you truly think that is accurate, then you are sorely misinformed.

They have shifted about half their tax burden they had in 1950, as a percentage of federal intake, onto private citizens. You have to wear a seat belt in your car courtesy of the auto manufacturers who wanted to delay implementing legal requirements to install air bags. And the entire Far left organizations from la Mecha to Black Lives matter to the ACLU are financed by the Ford Foundation as a way of dividing the working class against itself while they loot the whole globe and constrict your legal and civil rights to speak your mind. They have created the most ubiquitous social networking forums and now are endeavoring to purge it of dissenting voices, all people who have done no violence to anyone, while they still keep Antifa on everything everywhere, lol.

But if you keep playing cheerleader for them, I'm certain that your slot for the Hangmans Noose will be bumped down several months, roflmao.
No one is a cheerleader for them.

Attacking your idiotic assertions is not defending them. They need no defending

You cannot answer my question or even provide relevant examples.

You have empty baseless claims without a shred of evidence.

They do nothing to harm anyone and I am free to disdain and ignore them all day long and they are impotent and incapable of doing anything about it

Your thread and post is a massive epic and rather uneducated fail.
So h ave you named all the people on the Titanic yet?

roflmao, I have given many examples of what I am talking about and your warrantless denial of these FACTS achieve nothing other than put you down as a corporate stooge.
Is this a PC vs MAC argument?


Corporate America is the sole beneficiary when we divide ourselves and dehumize each other.
Having our leadership composed of either radical ideologues or corporate cronies simply seals our fate.
The real enemy are the multinational corporations that cant wait to auction off our country one piece at a time.
Name the specific corporations and what specific actions they are taking to do all this bad stuff.

Lol, that reminds me of the old joke about four professors wanting to buy three ancient relics, swords owned and worn by Julius Caesar.. Since there were only three swords, someone was going to have to settle for a share of the money from the sale of the rest of the artifacts, but each of them desperately wanted one of the three swords, the money did not matter so much to these archeologists.

So they settled on a method to decide who got them. The Youngest of the group of archeologists would ask each of them a question, and the first one to get the answer wrong would forfeit his claim to the swords.

So the first one was asked what was the date the Titanic sank, and the reply was swift, 'April 14th 1912.' The young questioner thought that would be a little harder than it turned out so he asked the second claimant, 'How many died in that disaster?' 'Give or take a few dozen due to the variations of expert opinions, at least 1500 people died that day.'

Clearly frustrated at his sinking chance to get one of the precious swords, the questioner made his last question a biut harder, 'OK, so name them all!'.

So no, I am not going to name them all, lol, but I can give you a few examples of the abuse of corporate power.

RCA swindled Philo Farnsworth of his patent rights and profits for inventing the electronic television. They knew his patent was valid and eventually they would lose, but they calculated that the profits they made from selling TVs without paying patent royalties far outwieghed the legal costs of tying it all up in court indefinitely. RCA was able to get away with this grand scale thievery by its crony network in the US Congress. and army of lawyers and lobbyists.

Robert Kearns who invented the intermitent windshield wiper was similarly treated to blatant theft of his invention by Ford and Chrysler. He saw very little of his profits he should have made for his invention, but the corporate legal mercenaries hired by the automobile industry tied the case up in court for decades, just like Farnsworth.

We could also talk about BPs Deepwater disaster that has cost the economy of the Gulf of Mexico hundreds of billions of USD in lost revenues, the loss of one third of the fishing areas down there due to environmental damage, and the BP management that is responsible has never seen the inside of a jail cell despite all that damage to the US Gulf coast. Despite the FACT that the disaster was entirely due to BP refusing to follow legal safety restrictions in their operation not even one went to prison.

We could talk about Union Carbide who caused the biggest industrial catastrophe known to human history in Bhopal, India, in which 500k people were exposed to toxic chemicals, over 25k murderers resulting from that and over 200k children and 3k pregnant women were made into cripples for the rest of their lives. None of the negligent management spent any more time in jail than however long it took to process their bail, if even that much. The Corporate Crony network in the USA got SCOTUS to reject extradition of significant actors in this disaster, too.

We could talk about the tens of thousands of deaths caused by criminal activity in the US by illegal aliens who make up more than 25% of our prison population. We could talk about the 50k+ deaths due to heroin that crosses that open border, or the narcotics trade, or the human trafficking or the sexual merchandising of children that goes on there, the loss of American jobs and property, all so Walmart and its band of Beltway Pirates can exploit cheap black market labor. They have managed to tie up the construction of adequate security measures passed in 1986, 2006 and the efforts to secure the border today. They have even been able to convince half the US population that there really isnt a crisis at all with our border, despite the magnitude of this open border being ten times that of any typical hurricane or flood. They can do this because they literally have about 45,000 lobbyists that work their 'magic' on Congress EVERY DAMNED DAY. This is far more than the number of average citizens that speak to or visit Congresscritters each day, far more. The lobbyists have professional line place holders stand in line for them at the office of our Congressmen, and the public rarely can see their own congressmen unless they manage to set up an appointment first. Good luck with that, lol.

I could go on and on and on on this topic, but yes, corporations kill people, steal their fortunes and worst of all rob from our children before they even have a chance to vote.

Now you sound like a libertarian, so I doubt I have made a dent in that ideologically bound mind you likely have, but thats OK. Your species is in collapse.

It always amazes me how people who hare corporations want to pass laws against both corporations and people. Which means violent force.

Lol, really? When was the last time you had that force applied to you personally? RCA, Union Carbide, BP and Ford dont seem to be bothered by it.

On the other hand corporations only want me to buy their goods and services and they cannot do a damn thing to me if I refuse to do so.

If you truly think that is accurate, then you are sorely misinformed.

They have shifted about half their tax burden they had in 1950, as a percentage of federal intake, onto private citizens. You have to wear a seat belt in your car courtesy of the auto manufacturers who wanted to delay implementing legal requirements to install air bags. And the entire Far left organizations from la Mecha to Black Lives matter to the ACLU are financed by the Ford Foundation as a way of dividing the working class against itself while they loot the whole globe and constrict your legal and civil rights to speak your mind. They have created the most ubiquitous social networking forums and now are endeavoring to purge it of dissenting voices, all people who have done no violence to anyone, while they still keep Antifa on everything everywhere, lol.

But if you keep playing cheerleader for them, I'm certain that your slot for the Hangmans Noose will be bumped down several months, roflmao.
No one is a cheerleader for them.

Attacking your idiotic assertions is not defending them. They need no defending

You cannot answer my question or even provide relevant examples.

You have empty baseless claims without a shred of evidence.

They do nothing to harm anyone and I am free to disdain and ignore them all day long and they are impotent and incapable of doing anything about it

Your thread and post is a massive epic and rather uneducated fail.
So h ave you named all the people on the Titanic yet?

roflmao, I have given many examples of what I am talking about and your warrantless denial of these FACTS achieve nothing other than put you down as a corporate stooge.
No you have not given any examples period you gave anecdotes which do not support your assertion.

You failed massively
Corporate America is the sole beneficiary when we divide ourselves and dehumize each other.
Having our leadership composed of either radical ideologues or corporate cronies simply seals our fate.
The real enemy are the multinational corporations that cant wait to auction off our country one piece at a time.
Name the specific corporations and what specific actions they are taking to do all this bad stuff.

Lol, that reminds me of the old joke about four professors wanting to buy three ancient relics, swords owned and worn by Julius Caesar.. Since there were only three swords, someone was going to have to settle for a share of the money from the sale of the rest of the artifacts, but each of them desperately wanted one of the three swords, the money did not matter so much to these archeologists.

So they settled on a method to decide who got them. The Youngest of the group of archeologists would ask each of them a question, and the first one to get the answer wrong would forfeit his claim to the swords.

So the first one was asked what was the date the Titanic sank, and the reply was swift, 'April 14th 1912.' The young questioner thought that would be a little harder than it turned out so he asked the second claimant, 'How many died in that disaster?' 'Give or take a few dozen due to the variations of expert opinions, at least 1500 people died that day.'

Clearly frustrated at his sinking chance to get one of the precious swords, the questioner made his last question a biut harder, 'OK, so name them all!'.

So no, I am not going to name them all, lol, but I can give you a few examples of the abuse of corporate power.

RCA swindled Philo Farnsworth of his patent rights and profits for inventing the electronic television. They knew his patent was valid and eventually they would lose, but they calculated that the profits they made from selling TVs without paying patent royalties far outwieghed the legal costs of tying it all up in court indefinitely. RCA was able to get away with this grand scale thievery by its crony network in the US Congress. and army of lawyers and lobbyists.

Robert Kearns who invented the intermitent windshield wiper was similarly treated to blatant theft of his invention by Ford and Chrysler. He saw very little of his profits he should have made for his invention, but the corporate legal mercenaries hired by the automobile industry tied the case up in court for decades, just like Farnsworth.

We could also talk about BPs Deepwater disaster that has cost the economy of the Gulf of Mexico hundreds of billions of USD in lost revenues, the loss of one third of the fishing areas down there due to environmental damage, and the BP management that is responsible has never seen the inside of a jail cell despite all that damage to the US Gulf coast. Despite the FACT that the disaster was entirely due to BP refusing to follow legal safety restrictions in their operation not even one went to prison.

We could talk about Union Carbide who caused the biggest industrial catastrophe known to human history in Bhopal, India, in which 500k people were exposed to toxic chemicals, over 25k murderers resulting from that and over 200k children and 3k pregnant women were made into cripples for the rest of their lives. None of the negligent management spent any more time in jail than however long it took to process their bail, if even that much. The Corporate Crony network in the USA got SCOTUS to reject extradition of significant actors in this disaster, too.

We could talk about the tens of thousands of deaths caused by criminal activity in the US by illegal aliens who make up more than 25% of our prison population. We could talk about the 50k+ deaths due to heroin that crosses that open border, or the narcotics trade, or the human trafficking or the sexual merchandising of children that goes on there, the loss of American jobs and property, all so Walmart and its band of Beltway Pirates can exploit cheap black market labor. They have managed to tie up the construction of adequate security measures passed in 1986, 2006 and the efforts to secure the border today. They have even been able to convince half the US population that there really isnt a crisis at all with our border, despite the magnitude of this open border being ten times that of any typical hurricane or flood. They can do this because they literally have about 45,000 lobbyists that work their 'magic' on Congress EVERY DAMNED DAY. This is far more than the number of average citizens that speak to or visit Congresscritters each day, far more. The lobbyists have professional line place holders stand in line for them at the office of our Congressmen, and the public rarely can see their own congressmen unless they manage to set up an appointment first. Good luck with that, lol.

I could go on and on and on on this topic, but yes, corporations kill people, steal their fortunes and worst of all rob from our children before they even have a chance to vote.

Now you sound like a libertarian, so I doubt I have made a dent in that ideologically bound mind you likely have, but thats OK. Your species is in collapse.

It always amazes me how people who hare corporations want to pass laws against both corporations and people. Which means violent force.

Lol, really? When was the last time you had that force applied to you personally? RCA, Union Carbide, BP and Ford dont seem to be bothered by it.

On the other hand corporations only want me to buy their goods and services and they cannot do a damn thing to me if I refuse to do so.

If you truly think that is accurate, then you are sorely misinformed.

They have shifted about half their tax burden they had in 1950, as a percentage of federal intake, onto private citizens. You have to wear a seat belt in your car courtesy of the auto manufacturers who wanted to delay implementing legal requirements to install air bags. And the entire Far left organizations from la Mecha to Black Lives matter to the ACLU are financed by the Ford Foundation as a way of dividing the working class against itself while they loot the whole globe and constrict your legal and civil rights to speak your mind. They have created the most ubiquitous social networking forums and now are endeavoring to purge it of dissenting voices, all people who have done no violence to anyone, while they still keep Antifa on everything everywhere, lol.

But if you keep playing cheerleader for them, I'm certain that your slot for the Hangmans Noose will be bumped down several months, roflmao.
No one is a cheerleader for them.

Attacking your idiotic assertions is not defending them. They need no defending

You cannot answer my question or even provide relevant examples.

You have empty baseless claims without a shred of evidence.

They do nothing to harm anyone and I am free to disdain and ignore them all day long and they are impotent and incapable of doing anything about it

Your thread and post is a massive epic and rather uneducated fail.
So h ave you named all the people on the Titanic yet?

roflmao, I have given many examples of what I am talking about and your warrantless denial of these FACTS achieve nothing other than put you down as a corporate stooge.
You failed to give any examples to support your stupid premise.
A couple of anecdotes does not support your assertion dumbass.

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