Americans, never give up your guns: Plea from Communist Victims

This shows the complete ignorance.

Western readers, but at one point, Russia was one of the most heavily armed societies on earth. This was, of course, when we were free under the Tsar.

This is damned silly. People weren't "Free" Under the Tsar, who was an absolute monarch.

Of course, Russia's problem was that it had too many weapons, which is why their civil war was so long and so protracted.

So every nation that had a monarch was no liberties? Define an absolute monarch.

Also, you said that Russia had too many weapons, which made the revolution take longer. This means you SYMPATHIZE with the Communists, because if the non-Commies had more guns, they might have STOPPED the Communists.

Just like we're going to stop you parasites.

hows that stopping been working for you losers ?????

Also, aren't you the one that claimed that Jews were encouraged to own firearms under Nazi Germany? I have you on record several times endorsing the Gun Control of Nazi Germany, since it EXCLUDED everyone except Jews.

This means you also hate Jews.

So you love Communists, and you hate Jews.

Got it.

as the nut case even gets worse...
Odumbo might as well see if he can get an EO to confiscate all weapons.

Take the gloves off already

first of all who's odumbo ???? and please point out where any dem/liberal has said they want to take your guns away???? .... although nut cases like you shouldn't have one
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One of the reasons why I have a gun, is to protect me, my family, and my country from right wing extremist assholes who want to turn this country into a Neo-Fascist dictatorship.

Wow, a liberal with a gun. You're out numbered.

Its a semi-automatic and I got 6 magazines with thousands of rounds of ammunition.

I'll be just fine.

I can see it now ... R.C. Christian charging your house to "kill the liberals or dems" as he looks down at his chest, well air condition I would say ... with all kinds of holes in it....

I'll be Laughing my ass off ... another one bites the dust!!! HEY !!! HEY!!! another one does, another one bites the dust .....

To be fair the Jews in the Ghetto did a pretty good job initially of killing Jerry until Hitler reinforced them.

But at the end of the day if you have a boot on your neck you can either stand and fight and die a free
man, or roll over. I choose to die free. So when this place goes south, and it will, I will gladly do my utmost to take out as many SOB's that I can.

I think you need mental help.

Actually, if you are referring to the Warsaw Ghetto. those folks quietly sat by for four years and watched terrible things happen to their neighbors... Until the Soviets got close. Then...Oooops. The Soviets didn't save their little rebellion. In fact, they calculated that occupying Poland post war would be a LOT easier if Hitler did their work for them.

they're repub-lieitards they are all mentally Ill
Gee, I wonder how they managed to take away all their rights...

Same way anyone's "rights" are taken away.

There are no rights. Never were. Never will be. Can't be a "right" if it can be taken away.

There are privilages the majority LETS you have. If they decide you don't have them anymore, you don't.

And here's the thing. It wasn't the Nazis who took away the rights of Jews. It was the GERMAN Christians who did it.

Because, honestly, they all stood by and watched it happen and were totally cool with it.

WHY don't YOU get it over with and just state that the Constitution doesn't exist?

SON? You live in a dream world. Snap out of it.

if anyone is delusional that would be you .... after all you're the paranoid one thinking were out to take your guns away ... where no lib/dems has ever said we want to take your guns away ...
To be fair the Jews in the Ghetto did a pretty good job initially of killing Jerry until Hitler reinforced them.

But at the end of the day if you have a boot on your neck you can either stand and fight and die a free
man, or roll over. I choose to die free. So when this place goes south, and it will, I will gladly do my utmost to take out as many SOB's that I can.

I think you need mental help.

Actually, if you are referring to the Warsaw Ghetto. those folks quietly sat by for four years and watched terrible things happen to their neighbors... Until the Soviets got close. Then...Oooops. The Soviets didn't save their little rebellion. In fact, they calculated that occupying Poland post war would be a LOT easier if Hitler did their work for them.

I don't care what you say boy, but I know at the beginning they resisted and were smashed when reinforced. I know they produced a decent body count, punk.

as the repub-lie-tard loses it ... its funny to watch
No, it didn't. Get real. They still had fucking SERFDOM until something like 1870.

idiot, learn some history - serfdom was abolished the same year American slavery was - 1861. Does it make America absolutist?

Not really, guy. The thing was, only 10% of the US population were slaves. A much higher percentage of Russia's population were serfs. and the way the end of serfdom was handled was actually pretty awful.

The Tsar was a monster. That's why they killed him AND his kids.

The system WAS monsterous.

Nicolas really wanted to reform Russia, but two things stood in his way: 1) he was such a totalitarian that his idea of reform was too slow for the times, and 2) he wasn't much of a leader and he faced enormous opposition from the peerage of russia.

Nobody wants your guns --

Unless you're a felon, a wife beater, a drug addict, or mentally ill.

Are you?

According to Progressives, everyone else is racist, and therefore mentally ill.
no just you repub-lie-tards are .. come on ... admit it ... don't you just want to go on a "N" word hunt ???? then shoot as many "N" words as you can ???? you know you do ... be a real man about it ... man up to us about your wants to us ....
This shows the complete ignorance.

Western readers, but at one point, Russia was one of the most heavily armed societies on earth. This was, of course, when we were free under the Tsar.

This is damned silly. People weren't "Free" Under the Tsar, who was an absolute monarch.

Of course, Russia's problem was that it had too many weapons, which is why their civil war was so long and so protracted.

lol holy fuck I can't believe free people actually think like this. Of course their civil war was longer, the people could at least try to defend themselves from the tyranny, and they still lost.
The same myths, the same spurious comparisons, the same apples to oranges arguments are made so often, one has to wonder does the tooth fairy really place quarters under the pillows of children. The German argument is absurd on its face, see link below. But in order to understand the continuing ridiculous arguments of the insecure gun hugger is sometimes impossible to fathom. An armed society is an uncivilized society in which death is the only result. Need proof. Read the news any day and you see it, and some want more death. So it may interest those who wonder why to check out this book. I haven't read it, but the topic fascinates me. Every day one could find people who believe things that strike most of us as borderline crazy or just plain crazy.

"What don't we know, and why don't we know it? What keeps ignorance alive, or allows it to be used as a political instrument? Agnotology—the study of ignorance—provides a new theoretical perspective to broaden traditional questions about "how we know" to ask: Why don't we know what we don't know?"

'Agnotology: The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance' by Robert Proctor, Londa Schiebinger


"Unfortunately for LaPierre et al., the notion that Hitler confiscated everyone’s guns is mostly bogus. And the ancillary claim that Jews could have stopped the Holocaust with more guns doesn’t make any sense at all if you think about it for more than a minute.

University of Chicago law professor Bernard Harcourt explored this myth in depth in a 2004 article published in the Fordham Law Review. As it turns out, the Weimar Republic, the German government that immediately preceded Hitler’s, actually had tougher gun laws than the Nazi regime. After its defeat in World War I, and agreeing to the harsh surrender terms laid out in the Treaty of Versailles, the German legislature in 1919 passed a law that effectively banned all private firearm possession, leading the government to confiscate guns already in circulation. In 1928, the Reichstag relaxed the regulation a bit, but put in place a strict registration regime that required citizens to acquire separate permits to own guns, sell them or carry them."

The Hitler gun control lie -

Besides, Omer Bartov, a historian at Brown University who studies the Third Reich, notes that the Jews probably wouldn’t have had much success fighting back. “Just imagine the Jews of Germany exercising the right to bear arms and fighting the SA, SS and the Wehrmacht. The [Russian] Red Army lost 7 million men fighting the Wehrmacht, despite its tanks and planes and artillery. The Jews with pistols and shotguns would have done better?” he told Salon."
Same way anyone's "rights" are taken away.

There are no rights. Never were. Never will be. Can't be a "right" if it can be taken away.

There are privilages the majority LETS you have. If they decide you don't have them anymore, you don't.

And here's the thing. It wasn't the Nazis who took away the rights of Jews. It was the GERMAN Christians who did it.

Because, honestly, they all stood by and watched it happen and were totally cool with it.

WHY don't YOU get it over with and just state that the Constitution doesn't exist?

SON? You live in a dream world. Snap out of it.

if anyone is delusional that would be you .... after all you're the paranoid one thinking were out to take your guns away ... where no lib/dems has ever said we want to take your guns away ...

JoeB has said that repeatedly
Nobody wants your guns --

Unless you're a felon, a wife beater, a drug addict, or mentally ill.

Are you?

According to Progressives, everyone else is racist, and therefore mentally ill.
no just you repub-lie-tards are .. come on ... admit it ... don't you just want to go on a "N" word hunt ???? then shoot as many "N" words as you can ???? you know you do ... be a real man about it ... man up to us about your wants to us ....

idiot, learn some history - serfdom was abolished the same year American slavery was - 1861. Does it make America absolutist?

Not really, guy. The thing was, only 10% of the US population were slaves. A much higher percentage of Russia's population were serfs. and the way the end of serfdom was handled was actually pretty awful.

The Tsar was a monster. That's why they killed him AND his kids.

The system WAS monsterous.

Nicolas really wanted to reform Russia, but two things stood in his way: 1) he was such a totalitarian that his idea of reform was too slow for the times, and 2) he wasn't much of a leader and he faced enormous opposition from the peerage of russia.

Nicholas II didn't want to do anything of the sort. He fought tooth and nail against allowing a Duma until after Russia's defeat by Japan in 1905. He foolishing got Russia into WWI, knowing darned well Germany had vast technical superiority. Then he insisted on leading the war effort personally.
This shows the complete ignorance.

Western readers, but at one point, Russia was one of the most heavily armed societies on earth. This was, of course, when we were free under the Tsar.

This is damned silly. People weren't "Free" Under the Tsar, who was an absolute monarch.

Of course, Russia's problem was that it had too many weapons, which is why their civil war was so long and so protracted.

lol holy fuck I can't believe free people actually think like this. Of course their civil war was longer, the people could at least try to defend themselves from the tyranny, and they still lost.

No, their civil war was longer because the Western Powers and Japan tried to take advantage of it.

Also, the "White" forces ran the gammut from Mensheviks (the half of the Communist party that didn't side with the Bolsheviks) to Social Democrats to Monarchists who wanted to restore the Tsar. (Hense, why they had to kill him.)

And despite the Western powers arming the Whites, the Whites STILL lost. Guns didn't make a difference, they just made the post war retaliation a lot worse.
This shows the complete ignorance.

Western readers, but at one point, Russia was one of the most heavily armed societies on earth. This was, of course, when we were free under the Tsar.

This is damned silly. People weren't "Free" Under the Tsar, who was an absolute monarch.

Of course, Russia's problem was that it had too many weapons, which is why their civil war was so long and so protracted.

lol holy fuck I can't believe free people actually think like this. Of course their civil war was longer, the people could at least try to defend themselves from the tyranny, and they still lost.

No, their civil war was longer because the Western Powers and Japan tried to take advantage of it.

Also, the "White" forces ran the gammut from Mensheviks (the half of the Communist party that didn't side with the Bolsheviks) to Social Democrats to Monarchists who wanted to restore the Tsar. (Hense, why they had to kill him.)

And despite the Western powers arming the Whites, the Whites STILL lost. Guns didn't make a difference, they just made the post war retaliation a lot worse.

Well it's either gotta be the guns or the white guy don't it?

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