Americans, never give up your guns: Plea from Communist Victims

I think you misunderstand the usage of the term "White" in this context, but that's okay, I know you are simple.
I think you misunderstand the usage of the term "White" in this context, but that's okay, I know you are simple.
it's easier to say

an anachronistic term referring to a part of the wider region of Ruthenia or Rus' roughly corresponding to the eastern part of present-day Belarus, including the cities of Polotsk, Vitebsk and Mogilev. The name is a translation of Belaya Rus’ (Belarusian and Russian: Белая Русь, literally meaning "White Rus'").Ruthenia is the latinized version of Rus’, a region in Eastern Europe inhabited by Slavs and the cradle of Kievan Rus’, a 9th to 12th-century state that existed in the territories of modern-day Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and Eastern Poland.
In English, the use of the term "White Russia" to refer to all of Belarus is obsolete. Many other languages, however, continue to use a literal translation of "White Russia" to refer to Belarus.
According to Progressives, everyone else is racist, and therefore mentally ill.
no just you repub-lie-tards are .. come on ... admit it ... don't you just want to go on a "N" word hunt ???? then shoot as many "N" words as you can ???? you know you do ... be a real man about it ... man up to us about your wants to us ....

yep, you're the:cuckoo: one who's out to shoot themselves a couple dozen "N"words now man up ... you know you do ...
lol holy fuck I can't believe free people actually think like this. Of course their civil war was longer, the people could at least try to defend themselves from the tyranny, and they still lost.

No, their civil war was longer because the Western Powers and Japan tried to take advantage of it.

Also, the "White" forces ran the gammut from Mensheviks (the half of the Communist party that didn't side with the Bolsheviks) to Social Democrats to Monarchists who wanted to restore the Tsar. (Hense, why they had to kill him.)

And despite the Western powers arming the Whites, the Whites STILL lost. Guns didn't make a difference, they just made the post war retaliation a lot worse.

Well it's either gotta be the guns or the white guy don't it?
must of failed history 101 ... he's not talking about color ... I guess it would be classified as a party ...I could be wrong on that
I think you misunderstand the usage of the term "White" in this context, but that's okay, I know you are simple.
it's easier to say

an anachronistic term referring to a part of the wider region of Ruthenia or Rus' roughly corresponding to the eastern part of present-day Belarus, including the cities of Polotsk, Vitebsk and Mogilev. The name is a translation of Belaya Rus’ (Belarusian and Russian: Белая Русь, literally meaning "White Rus'").Ruthenia is the latinized version of Rus’, a region in Eastern Europe inhabited by Slavs and the cradle of Kievan Rus’, a 9th to 12th-century state that existed in the territories of modern-day Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and Eastern Poland.
In English, the use of the term "White Russia" to refer to all of Belarus is obsolete. Many other languages, however, continue to use a literal translation of "White Russia" to refer to Belarus.

Not exactly...

In this context.

The Whites were the forces that opposed the October Revolution of 1917, and fought a protracted civil war against the "Reds".

It has little to do with Belarus, although Belarus did attempt to become independent during the Civil War and failed.
This debate is futile.

Obama can pass EO's that stop imports so on and so forth. But the day he tries to disarm Americans will be the day of many deaths on both sides of a very important debate

This debate is futile.

Obama can pass EO's that stop imports so on and so forth. But the day he tries to disarm Americans will be the day of many deaths on both sides of a very important debate


yeah i heard the big cheese signed another EO stopping the return of some

Korean war relics

This debate is futile.

Obama can pass EO's that stop imports so on and so forth. But the day he tries to disarm Americans will be the day of many deaths on both sides of a very important debate


Actually, for all your talking shit, most of you will sheepishly hand in your guns...
This debate is futile.

Obama can pass EO's that stop imports so on and so forth. But the day he tries to disarm Americans will be the day of many deaths on both sides of a very important debate


yeah i heard the big cheese signed another EO stopping the return of some

Korean war relics


Actually, is stops the import of Mil Surplus weapons like the M1 Garand, SKS, Mosin Nagant etc. He had to do something for the Brady skanks. Kind of like his Syria charade

This debate is futile.

Obama can pass EO's that stop imports so on and so forth. But the day he tries to disarm Americans will be the day of many deaths on both sides of a very important debate


Actually, for all your talking shit, most of you will sheepishly hand in your guns...

Some will indeed.


Most will. The ones who don't... I'm not that concerned about.
This debate is futile.

Obama can pass EO's that stop imports so on and so forth. But the day he tries to disarm Americans will be the day of many deaths on both sides of a very important debate


yeah i heard the big cheese signed another EO stopping the return of some

Korean war relics


Actually, is stops the import of Mil Surplus weapons like the M1 Garand, SKS, Mosin Nagant etc. He had to do something for the Brady skanks. Kind of like his Syria charade


he is quite the guy


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