Americans, never give up your guns: Plea from Communist Victims

Guy, the Jews of Germany's least problem was their inability to own guns. it was that the nazis took away all their rights.

Gee, I wonder how they managed to take away all their rights...

Same way anyone's "rights" are taken away.

There are no rights. Never were. Never will be. Can't be a "right" if it can be taken away.

There are privilages the majority LETS you have. If they decide you don't have them anymore, you don't.

And here's the thing. It wasn't the Nazis who took away the rights of Jews. It was the GERMAN Christians who did it.

Because, honestly, they all stood by and watched it happen and were totally cool with it.

WHY don't YOU get it over with and just state that the Constitution doesn't exist?

SON? You live in a dream world. Snap out of it.
One of the reasons why I have a gun, is to protect me, my family, and my country from right wing extremist assholes who want to turn this country into a Neo-Fascist dictatorship.

Wow, a liberal with a gun. You're out numbered.

Its a semi-automatic and I got 6 magazines with thousands of rounds of ammunition.

I'll be just fine.

Me too. I have 3 assault rifles, plus a reach out and touch you rifle called a Nagant.

The Sig Sauer with the Eotech site and flip up magnifier is also a great weapon!
To be fair the Jews in the Ghetto did a pretty good job initially of killing Jerry until Hitler reinforced them.

But at the end of the day if you have a boot on your neck you can either stand and fight and die a free
man, or roll over. I choose to die free. So when this place goes south, and it will, I will gladly do my utmost to take out as many SOB's that I can.

I think you need mental help.

Actually, if you are referring to the Warsaw Ghetto. those folks quietly sat by for four years and watched terrible things happen to their neighbors... Until the Soviets got close. Then...Oooops. The Soviets didn't save their little rebellion. In fact, they calculated that occupying Poland post war would be a LOT easier if Hitler did their work for them.

I don't care what you say boy, but I know at the beginning they resisted and were smashed when reinforced. I know they produced a decent body count, punk.
Me too. I have 3 assault rifles, plus a reach out and touch you rifle called a Nagant.

The Sig Sauer with the Eotech site and flip up magnifier is also a great weapon!

I'm thinking of getting the Savage Axis XP .223 bolt action.

any thoughts?
Get yourself a .38 revolver (six inches), guaranteed stopping power, deadly accurate, very fun to gamble with when you're broke and need money

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There are no rights. Never were. Never will be. Can't be a "right" if it can be taken away.

He is absolutely correct, you are failing to realize the true nature of this Universe as a hole .............. basically you don't have shit unless you can back it up.
Pedophilia is a misunderstood sexual minority, as we believe in our own minds that we deserve to have a consensual sexual relationship with you children ............. this is impossible when the parents and parents friends are armed to the teeth backing one another up, in today's day and age the meer attempt to have a consensual sexual relationship with a child would result in a pedophile death.

Thus you are infringing upon the rights of pedophiles across the United States of America as you cling to your guns.

Remember ........... every time you go out and buy a gun, YOU are infringing upon a sex offenders and/or pedophiles rightsssssss tS. tS. tS. tS. tS. tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.
Guy, the Jews of Germany's least problem was their inability to own guns. it was that the nazis took away all their rights.

Gee, I wonder how they managed to take away all their rights...

Same way anyone's "rights" are taken away.

There are no rights. Never were. Never will be. Can't be a "right" if it can be taken away.

There are privilages the majority LETS you have. If they decide you don't have them anymore, you don't.

And here's the thing. It wasn't the Nazis who took away the rights of Jews. It was the GERMAN Christians who did it.

Because, honestly, they all stood by and watched it happen and were totally cool with it.

No, it was Hitler. But it's not at all surprising you'd defend him.

Six million wasn't enough for you, was it?
There are no rights. Never were. Never will be. Can't be a "right" if it can be taken away.

He is absolutely correct, you are failing to realize the true nature of this Universe as a hole .............. basically you don't have shit unless you can back it up.
Pedophilia is a misunderstood sexual minority, as we believe in our own minds that we deserve to have a consensual sexual relationship with you children ............. this is impossible when the parents and parents friends are armed to the teeth backing one another up, in today's day and age the meer attempt to have a consensual sexual relationship with a child would result in a pedophile death.

Thus you are infringing upon the rights of pedophiles across the United States of America as you cling to your guns.

Remember ........... every time you go out and buy a gun, YOU are infringing upon a sex offenders and/or pedophiles rightsssssss tS. tS. tS. tS. tS. tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.

People who can't be responsible with their genitals don't deserve to keep them. Well, I guess you can keep a jar.
There are no rights. Never were. Never will be. Can't be a "right" if it can be taken away.

He is absolutely correct, you are failing to realize the true nature of this Universe as a hole .............. basically you don't have shit unless you can back it up.
Pedophilia is a misunderstood sexual minority, as we believe in our own minds that we deserve to have a consensual sexual relationship with you children ............. this is impossible when the parents and parents friends are armed to the teeth backing one another up, in today's day and age the meer attempt to have a consensual sexual relationship with a child would result in a pedophile death.

Thus you are infringing upon the rights of pedophiles across the United States of America as you cling to your guns.

Remember ........... every time you go out and buy a gun, YOU are infringing upon a sex offenders and/or pedophiles rightsssssss tS. tS. tS. tS. tS. tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.

Guy, the Jews of Germany's least problem was their inability to own guns. it was that the nazis took away all their rights.

Gee, I wonder how they managed to take away all their rights...

Same way anyone's "rights" are taken away.

There are no rights. Never were. Never will be. Can't be a "right" if it can be taken away.

There are privilages the majority LETS you have. If they decide you don't have them anymore, you don't.

And here's the thing. It wasn't the Nazis who took away the rights of Jews. It was the GERMAN Christians who did it.

Because, honestly, they all stood by and watched it happen and were totally cool with it.

God gives you rights. Once you think like you do that man gives or takes them then you will most certainly lose them.
libtards idiocy in it's full bloom.

learn the history first, before exposing your ignorance.

Russia had more political freedoms under the absolutist monarch than ever since :lol:

No, it didn't. Get real. They still had fucking SERFDOM until something like 1870.

idiot, learn some history - serfdom was abolished the same year American slavery was - 1861. Does it make America absolutist?

Not really, guy. The thing was, only 10% of the US population were slaves. A much higher percentage of Russia's population were serfs. and the way the end of serfdom was handled was actually pretty awful.

The Tsar was a monster. That's why they killed him AND his kids.

God gives you rights. Once you think like you do that man gives or takes them then you will most certainly lose them.

There is no God. He is even more imaginary than rights.

If society decides to take a "right" away from you, God isn't going to stop it. He's too busy not existing.
Gee, I wonder how they managed to take away all their rights...

Same way anyone's "rights" are taken away.

There are no rights. Never were. Never will be. Can't be a "right" if it can be taken away.

There are privilages the majority LETS you have. If they decide you don't have them anymore, you don't.

And here's the thing. It wasn't the Nazis who took away the rights of Jews. It was the GERMAN Christians who did it.

Because, honestly, they all stood by and watched it happen and were totally cool with it.

No, it was Hitler. But it's not at all surprising you'd defend him.

Six million wasn't enough for you, was it?

How many of them did he PERSONALLY kill.

I'm guessing the number is pretty close to 0.

GERMANS killed the Jews. Because they'd been ingrained with hundreds of years of "The Jews Killed Our God Man". From the Gospel of John (the original work of anti-Semitism) to Martin Luther's "The Jews and their Lies", the ground work had been laid.

But afterwards, like a bunch of naughty children who had broken the cookie jar, they said, "No, it was those others.. they did it."
Gee, I wonder how they managed to take away all their rights...

Same way anyone's "rights" are taken away.

There are no rights. Never were. Never will be. Can't be a "right" if it can be taken away.

There are privilages the majority LETS you have. If they decide you don't have them anymore, you don't.

And here's the thing. It wasn't the Nazis who took away the rights of Jews. It was the GERMAN Christians who did it.

Because, honestly, they all stood by and watched it happen and were totally cool with it.

WHY don't YOU get it over with and just state that the Constitution doesn't exist?

SON? You live in a dream world. Snap out of it.

The constitution means what people THINK it means.

If people thought Jim Crow was okay despite the 13, 14 and 15th Amendments, then it was. For a long time until someone decided it wasn't.

And for most of our history, people understood the Second Amendment meant militias, not private gunownership.

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