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Americans Plan On 'Organized Rebellion' Against Democrat Tyrants Demanding 'Cancellation' of Thanksgiving

One way around it also, is have a funeral for your turkey.

View attachment 417851
You do realize the mortality rate for COVID-19, with the exception of the elderly and those with serious auto-immune deficiency health problems, is equal to or less than the annual flu, right?

But the mainstream news says Cases,cases and more cases.:laughing0301:
The infection rate is not nearly as important as the hospitalization and mortality rates. Then you have repeated reports of how to keep the fear-mongering going everything from heart attacks to car accident deaths are being counted as 'COVID' deaths. :p
Chicom democrats made a major score classifying overdose deaths as chinese virus deaths.

Your drunk early today tipsy. The drunken psychosis is definitely getting worse. A stint in rehab might be in order. Did your right wing authoritarian bosses tell you to post that drivel?

This is the Trump virus. This is the virus Donald Trump unleashed on the USA with his stupidity, his arrogance, and his craven cowardice. The virus didn't kill this many people in nations who elected real leaders, instead of a failed businessman/con artist.
Ah yes.

First I will insult the one I am debating.

Next, I will use a catch phrase like "Trump Virus"

After that I will insult the topic of the debate

Next, I will recite stats that have no actual backing....but sound good for my position

Finally,...I will, gain, insult the topic if the debate

And now, I can declare myself the winner of the debate

You should write a book on debating.
She can't help it....the Trump virus ate all her brain up!

CNN and MSNBC did.

But of course, she will say "Huh? I dont know who Rachel Maddow is"...its just a coincidence that I regurgitate her every word."
Democrats welcome rioting in the streets but not family gatherings at Thanksgiving

maybe its a tad too religious and reminds people of the Founding Fathers too much

which conservatives thrive on and liberals hate

Leftists want to break up the family --- many, many of their promotions are efforts to do that. Leaving individuals separate and alone, dependent on the Government. Breaking up Thanksgiving and Christmas is an unmissable opportunity to undermine the family, for Progs.
I was talking to my stepmom yesterday. Big Italian family--the pared down count is 20. You can't wear a mask while eating, which commences immediately, with munchies in the living room and making sneak attacks into the kitchen under the cover of offering 'help' while filching a bit of this and that. And sucking on your cocktail or beer. If anyone brings a mask, it's going to be hanging off their ear the whole time.

These fools' 'suggestions' for a safe Thanksgiving are apparently from people who have never been at a Thanksgiving dinner, except maybe in a restaurant somewhere. After months of being restricted from seeing family, people are going to gather for their annual afternoon of gorging and muttering over if there are enough french fried onions on the green bean casserole. Maybe in areas where hospitals are filling and community spread is rampant, people will shelve Thanksgiving, but I think most people will quietly go about their traditional holiday, possibly a little smaller than usual.

Masks are worthless unless you get medical grade, but have fun with the games
I was talking to my stepmom yesterday. Big Italian family--the pared down count is 20. You can't wear a mask while eating, which commences immediately, with munchies in the living room and making sneak attacks into the kitchen under the cover of offering 'help' while filching a bit of this and that. And sucking on your cocktail or beer. If anyone brings a mask, it's going to be hanging off their ear the whole time.

These fools' 'suggestions' for a safe Thanksgiving are apparently from people who have never been at a Thanksgiving dinner, except maybe in a restaurant somewhere. After months of being restricted from seeing family, people are going to gather for their annual afternoon of gorging and muttering over if there are enough french fried onions on the green bean casserole. Maybe in areas where hospitals are filling and community spread is rampant, people will shelve Thanksgiving, but I think most people will quietly go about their traditional holiday, possibly a little smaller than usual.

Masks are worthless unless you get medical grade, but have fun with the games
I'm not going to participate this year. Too risky for me. I'm just observing what most folks I've talked to plan on doing. On Thanksgiving Day, give me a holler. I'll be here.
I was talking to my stepmom yesterday. Big Italian family--the pared down count is 20. You can't wear a mask while eating, which commences immediately, with munchies in the living room and making sneak attacks into the kitchen under the cover of offering 'help' while filching a bit of this and that. And sucking on your cocktail or beer. If anyone brings a mask, it's going to be hanging off their ear the whole time.

These fools' 'suggestions' for a safe Thanksgiving are apparently from people who have never been at a Thanksgiving dinner, except maybe in a restaurant somewhere. After months of being restricted from seeing family, people are going to gather for their annual afternoon of gorging and muttering over if there are enough french fried onions on the green bean casserole. Maybe in areas where hospitals are filling and community spread is rampant, people will shelve Thanksgiving, but I think most people will quietly go about their traditional holiday, possibly a little smaller than usual.

Masks are worthless unless you get medical grade, but have fun with the games
I'm not going to participate this year. Too risky for me. I'm just observing what most folks I've talked to plan on doing. On Thanksgiving Day, give me a holler. I'll be here.
And what is it "most folks" plan on doing???
Survey: 38% Of Americans Planning A Big Thanksgiving Despite COVID-19

"Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, 38 percent are planning a holiday dinner with 10 or more people — and 27 percent don’t plan on practicing social distancing during their celebration, according to the national survey by the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

The survey also found that 33 percent percent of respondents said they aren’t likely to ask their guests to wear masks, and 20 percent would not turn away guests who have virus symptoms."

Some Americans still refuse to be 'assimilated' or surrender their freedom...

Title is wrong. Should read:
Idiots Plan Superspreader Events in Move Akin to Biting Off Own Nose to Spite Face
Maybe we on the right should do everything we can to spread the virus. Seems mask wearing people get the virus at much higher rates.
You already are. You are complicit in the murders of well over 230,000 people.

Which mostly happened in States where the one calling the shots was a Democrat governor.

So you admit that it was murder. So what should happen to the governors who did that, Creep?
Well that's a lie.

Actually you're the liar. You're lying again. It's all you do, lie, lie and lie some more.

The States with the most deaths were NY, Connecticut, New Jersey and Massachusetts. All Deep Blue States where Democrats were in charge of the Covid response.

So you said Convid deaths were murder. So what should we do with these Democrats who murdered them? Should they be up on Federal murder charges?
Nope. Sorry for your luck.

Yep. Sorry for your government education.

Those Blue States have the highest covid death rates. You said covid deaths are murder. So what should happen to the Democrats who murdered all those people? Federal murder charges?

Several states are looking at pursuing "negligent homicide" charges against Donald Trump and others in his Administration.

See how your bullshit backfires on you every single time, little Kaz?

Your own article said they are NOT looking at negligent homicide, useless Canadian leftist. Read much? LOL
That is a trial....I hope it's correct all the way through. But we don't know what lifestyle factors will influence vaccines much less long term side effects.

and virus’s have been known to mutate

so just like other common diseases a few people will always be affected severely

but I think its safe for libs to come out of hiding now and go back to work

A few people?

A "few people"...1600 dead YESTERDAY

In fact this thing is killing what amounts to two 9/11s every three days

Its bizarre that people are not taking this seriously and will happily and deliberately endanger their family members. I can sort of "get" not caring about the random strangers at the Publix or Ralphs. But this is your family!!!

I'm really speechless about it.

Watching from the outside, what is most distressing is the level to which reasonable public health measures are being politicized. From the promotion of hydroxychloroquine, to mask wearing, to the idiocy that you have more cases because you test more, the fact that I'm even posting such bullshit shows how far the USA has fallen.

Literally everything that Trump touched during his presidency, is in much worse shape at the end of his term. The economy, race relations, national security, manufacturing, trade, staffing and resources for the government.

We had a toxic far right Conservative government in Ontario back in the 1990's, and it wasn't nearly as bad or destructive as the Trump Administration, and it took 10 years to undo the damage caused by his administration.

I hope there are no deaths. But data suggests that there will be some. They can be prevented.

Its crazy to think that you'd endanger your family as a form of protest.

Hospital staff in mid-western red states are on TV saying that the families of the people they are treating and who are dying, are STILL denying that the virus is a problem, and they're on the phone demanding to be able to visit their sick relatives, because the virus is NOTHING. They're angry that the hospital won't let them in, or let them be at the bedsides.

I lived in Toronto during SARS. I saw what we did to shut that shit down, and I knew what was coming. More importantly, the Ontario government and the Federal government knew what was coming and they prepared for it. Our Premier is Doug Ford - Mayor Rob Ford's dumber younger brother. Even Dumb Dougie listened to the scientists. It's the only thing Dougie has touched in his Administration that he hasn't completely fucked up, but he followed the Liberal pandemic playbook and got us through this.

I have a very small circle of people I know and trust. I avoided my grandchildren's birthday party at the end of August because there were 20 people there. I have friends and businesses I patronize and masks are mandated in this county. I get my hair done first thing in the morning because the salon is disinfected last thing before they go home.

Keeping yourself safe is mostly a matter of not doing anything stupid, and know who you're interacting with.
The problem is they made a personal decision to "take the chance"...and now they die.

I have heard that this virus can kill me. I have also heard that a drunk drivers on NYE can kill me. I have heard that rock climbing may result in death. I heve heard that riding a bike without a helmet can cause death.

So I make my life decisions based on what I heard and what I can control.

Is there an issue with that?
These are people who put crash helmets on infants in strollers

they fear everything

including keeping score in girls softball games because losing might traumatize their precious snowflakes
Last edited:
Democrats welcome rioting in the streets but not family gatherings at Thanksgiving

maybe its a tad too religious and reminds people of the Founding Fathers too much

which conservatives thrive on and liberals hate

Leftists want to break up the family --- many, many of their promotions are efforts to do that. Leaving individuals separate and alone, dependent on the Government. Breaking up Thanksgiving and Christmas is an unmissable opportunity to undermine the family, for Progs.
Utter bullshit.
I was talking to my stepmom yesterday. Big Italian family--the pared down count is 20. You can't wear a mask while eating, which commences immediately, with munchies in the living room and making sneak attacks into the kitchen under the cover of offering 'help' while filching a bit of this and that. And sucking on your cocktail or beer. If anyone brings a mask, it's going to be hanging off their ear the whole time.

These fools' 'suggestions' for a safe Thanksgiving are apparently from people who have never been at a Thanksgiving dinner, except maybe in a restaurant somewhere. After months of being restricted from seeing family, people are going to gather for their annual afternoon of gorging and muttering over if there are enough french fried onions on the green bean casserole. Maybe in areas where hospitals are filling and community spread is rampant, people will shelve Thanksgiving, but I think most people will quietly go about their traditional holiday, possibly a little smaller than usual.

Masks are worthless unless you get medical grade, but have fun with the games
I'm not going to participate this year. Too risky for me. I'm just observing what most folks I've talked to plan on doing. On Thanksgiving Day, give me a holler. I'll be here.
And what is it "most folks" plan on doing???
Read much? I don't think I understand your question.
I was talking to my stepmom yesterday. Big Italian family--the pared down count is 20. You can't wear a mask while eating, which commences immediately, with munchies in the living room and making sneak attacks into the kitchen under the cover of offering 'help' while filching a bit of this and that. And sucking on your cocktail or beer. If anyone brings a mask, it's going to be hanging off their ear the whole time.

These fools' 'suggestions' for a safe Thanksgiving are apparently from people who have never been at a Thanksgiving dinner, except maybe in a restaurant somewhere. After months of being restricted from seeing family, people are going to gather for their annual afternoon of gorging and muttering over if there are enough french fried onions on the green bean casserole. Maybe in areas where hospitals are filling and community spread is rampant, people will shelve Thanksgiving, but I think most people will quietly go about their traditional holiday, possibly a little smaller than usual.

Masks are worthless unless you get medical grade, but have fun with the games
I'm not going to participate this year. Too risky for me. I'm just observing what most folks I've talked to plan on doing. On Thanksgiving Day, give me a holler. I'll be here.

I'm visiting my mother in her retirement home here in Florida, but we're having a small gathering.

The thing with most of the leftists on the board is they aren't taking into consideration what the elderly person wants themselves.

My mother is worried about it obviously, but not seeing family at all is miserable for her. No easy answers.

They all assume though it's up to them and the elder person has no say
I was talking to my stepmom yesterday. Big Italian family--the pared down count is 20. You can't wear a mask while eating, which commences immediately, with munchies in the living room and making sneak attacks into the kitchen under the cover of offering 'help' while filching a bit of this and that. And sucking on your cocktail or beer. If anyone brings a mask, it's going to be hanging off their ear the whole time.

These fools' 'suggestions' for a safe Thanksgiving are apparently from people who have never been at a Thanksgiving dinner, except maybe in a restaurant somewhere. After months of being restricted from seeing family, people are going to gather for their annual afternoon of gorging and muttering over if there are enough french fried onions on the green bean casserole. Maybe in areas where hospitals are filling and community spread is rampant, people will shelve Thanksgiving, but I think most people will quietly go about their traditional holiday, possibly a little smaller than usual.

Masks are worthless unless you get medical grade, but have fun with the games
I'm not going to participate this year. Too risky for me. I'm just observing what most folks I've talked to plan on doing. On Thanksgiving Day, give me a holler. I'll be here.
And what is it "most folks" plan on doing???
Read much? I don't think I understand your question.
I read what you said about your family and simply thought that was pandering but could be wrong. I am asking, to your comment, what it is that you said most folks were doing and that you would be doing.
That is a trial....I hope it's correct all the way through. But we don't know what lifestyle factors will influence vaccines much less long term side effects.

and virus’s have been known to mutate

so just like other common diseases a few people will always be affected severely

but I think its safe for libs to come out of hiding now and go back to work

A few people?

A "few people"...1600 dead YESTERDAY

In fact this thing is killing what amounts to two 9/11s every three days

Its bizarre that people are not taking this seriously and will happily and deliberately endanger their family members. I can sort of "get" not caring about the random strangers at the Publix or Ralphs. But this is your family!!!

I'm really speechless about it.

Watching from the outside, what is most distressing is the level to which reasonable public health measures are being politicized. From the promotion of hydroxychloroquine, to mask wearing, to the idiocy that you have more cases because you test more, the fact that I'm even posting such bullshit shows how far the USA has fallen.

Literally everything that Trump touched during his presidency, is in much worse shape at the end of his term. The economy, race relations, national security, manufacturing, trade, staffing and resources for the government.

We had a toxic far right Conservative government in Ontario back in the 1990's, and it wasn't nearly as bad or destructive as the Trump Administration, and it took 10 years to undo the damage caused by his administration.

I hope there are no deaths. But data suggests that there will be some. They can be prevented.

Its crazy to think that you'd endanger your family as a form of protest.

Hospital staff in mid-western red states are on TV saying that the families of the people they are treating and who are dying, are STILL denying that the virus is a problem, and they're on the phone demanding to be able to visit their sick relatives, because the virus is NOTHING. They're angry that the hospital won't let them in, or let them be at the bedsides.

I lived in Toronto during SARS. I saw what we did to shut that shit down, and I knew what was coming. More importantly, the Ontario government and the Federal government knew what was coming and they prepared for it. Our Premier is Doug Ford - Mayor Rob Ford's dumber younger brother. Even Dumb Dougie listened to the scientists. It's the only thing Dougie has touched in his Administration that he hasn't completely fucked up, but he followed the Liberal pandemic playbook and got us through this.

I have a very small circle of people I know and trust. I avoided my grandchildren's birthday party at the end of August because there were 20 people there. I have friends and businesses I patronize and masks are mandated in this county. I get my hair done first thing in the morning because the salon is disinfected last thing before they go home.

Keeping yourself safe is mostly a matter of not doing anything stupid, and know who you're interacting with.
The problem is they made a personal decision to "take the chance"...and now they die.

I have heard that this virus can kill me. I have also heard that a drunk drivers on NYE can kill me. I have heard that rock climbing may result in death. I heve heard that riding a bike without a helmet can cause death.

So I make my life decisions based on what I heard and what I can control.

Is there an issue with that?
These are people who put crash helmets on infants in strollers

they fear everything

in luding keeping score in girls softbsll games because losing might traumatize their precious snowflakes
you know, I can sit in my home 24/7, wear a helmet just in case I trip in the house, take Coldeze daily, never have sexual contact with anyone, never have face to face contact with anyone; only eat what I personally grow, wear a mask and gloves at all times and get a bidet so I dont need to wipe my butt.

If I did, I would be pretty much safe.

But I make personal decisions to enjoy quality of life and prepared for the consequences.

Albeit, the bidet sounds pretty enticing,
A "few people"...1600 dead YESTERDAY
With or without the chinese disease 6000-7000 people will die every day in America

I dont know how many of your covid deaths number are as bogus as biden votes in Georgia and neither do you.

but undoubtedly some are

You talk as if people just suddenly drop dead, that there isn't a cost to the economy of testing, treating and dealing with the millions of sick and dying people. Are you that disassociated from the human costs of the raging pandemic?

When the Affordable Care Act was being debated, Republicans talked about "death panels". If the USA moved to government funded medicine, the government would decide who was worthy of getting precious resources to be "saved" if they got sick. Well congratulations. Thanks to Donald Trump, you now have death panels in all of the hospitals making decisions as to who gets the ventilators and life saving treatments.
That is a trial....I hope it's correct all the way through. But we don't know what lifestyle factors will influence vaccines much less long term side effects.

and virus’s have been known to mutate

so just like other common diseases a few people will always be affected severely

but I think its safe for libs to come out of hiding now and go back to work

A few people?

A "few people"...1600 dead YESTERDAY

In fact this thing is killing what amounts to two 9/11s every three days

Its bizarre that people are not taking this seriously and will happily and deliberately endanger their family members. I can sort of "get" not caring about the random strangers at the Publix or Ralphs. But this is your family!!!

I'm really speechless about it.

Watching from the outside, what is most distressing is the level to which reasonable public health measures are being politicized. From the promotion of hydroxychloroquine, to mask wearing, to the idiocy that you have more cases because you test more, the fact that I'm even posting such bullshit shows how far the USA has fallen.

Literally everything that Trump touched during his presidency, is in much worse shape at the end of his term. The economy, race relations, national security, manufacturing, trade, staffing and resources for the government.

We had a toxic far right Conservative government in Ontario back in the 1990's, and it wasn't nearly as bad or destructive as the Trump Administration, and it took 10 years to undo the damage caused by his administration.

I hope there are no deaths. But data suggests that there will be some. They can be prevented.

Its crazy to think that you'd endanger your family as a form of protest.
It's Natural Selection. Why do you hate science?

"Natural Selection" isn't "science". "Natural selection" is letting nature take its course. The biggest problem with using the pandemic for your "selection" process is that a very large percentage of your population will be left with ongoing "pre-existing conditions", the long term outlook for which is unknown at this time. 20% of those who get sick, get REALLY sick, and they don't recover quickly, cheaply, or completely.

The long term implications of this disease won't be known for a generation, or more. For the young people who are getting sick now, the virus may haunt them for the rest of their lives. You just don't know.
How convenient. Every solution that does NOT include totalitarianism is immediately shot down.

Those who are most at risk should be those who bear the burden of prevention. NOT ME.


I will fight 10,000 battles, die in battle and go to Valhalla before I give in to your totalitarian commie SHIT!!!!
... and 20 percent would not turn away guests who have virus symptoms."
Now that’s the 20% I worry about!
Even my kids would be sent home if they had virus symptoms.
But I’m 71, have asthma and chronic coughs.

Am I a bad father?
Am I a “Democratic Tyrant”?
Come into my house with Covid Symptoms and I just might...
... beat you with a Turkey leg! :auiqs.jpg:
But you aren't allowed to have any turkey this Thanksgiving.
Walmart is giving away free Turkey dinners in my part of the country. Just three pound roasts, but that’s plenty for me & the wife. You think these Turkeys, or the red cranberry sauce, comes from ... Communist China ?
I was talking to my stepmom yesterday. Big Italian family--the pared down count is 20. You can't wear a mask while eating, which commences immediately, with munchies in the living room and making sneak attacks into the kitchen under the cover of offering 'help' while filching a bit of this and that. And sucking on your cocktail or beer. If anyone brings a mask, it's going to be hanging off their ear the whole time.

These fools' 'suggestions' for a safe Thanksgiving are apparently from people who have never been at a Thanksgiving dinner, except maybe in a restaurant somewhere. After months of being restricted from seeing family, people are going to gather for their annual afternoon of gorging and muttering over if there are enough french fried onions on the green bean casserole. Maybe in areas where hospitals are filling and community spread is rampant, people will shelve Thanksgiving, but I think most people will quietly go about their traditional holiday, possibly a little smaller than usual.

Masks are worthless unless you get medical grade, but have fun with the games
I'm not going to participate this year. Too risky for me. I'm just observing what most folks I've talked to plan on doing. On Thanksgiving Day, give me a holler. I'll be here.
And what is it "most folks" plan on doing???
Read much? I don't think I understand your question.
I read what you said about your family and simply thought that was pandering but could be wrong. I am asking, to your comment, what it is that you said most folks were doing and that you would be doing.
Pandering to whom? If it wasn't clear the first time, most of the families I've talked to are proceeding with Thanksgiving plans. Way more than 38%. However, a lot of them will be a bit smaller than usual.

I'm staying home with my cat.
I was talking to my stepmom yesterday. Big Italian family--the pared down count is 20. You can't wear a mask while eating, which commences immediately, with munchies in the living room and making sneak attacks into the kitchen under the cover of offering 'help' while filching a bit of this and that. And sucking on your cocktail or beer. If anyone brings a mask, it's going to be hanging off their ear the whole time.

These fools' 'suggestions' for a safe Thanksgiving are apparently from people who have never been at a Thanksgiving dinner, except maybe in a restaurant somewhere. After months of being restricted from seeing family, people are going to gather for their annual afternoon of gorging and muttering over if there are enough french fried onions on the green bean casserole. Maybe in areas where hospitals are filling and community spread is rampant, people will shelve Thanksgiving, but I think most people will quietly go about their traditional holiday, possibly a little smaller than usual.

Masks are worthless unless you get medical grade, but have fun with the games
I'm not going to participate this year. Too risky for me. I'm just observing what most folks I've talked to plan on doing. On Thanksgiving Day, give me a holler. I'll be here.
And what is it "most folks" plan on doing???
Read much? I don't think I understand your question.
I read what you said about your family and simply thought that was pandering but could be wrong. I am asking, to your comment, what it is that you said most folks were doing and that you would be doing.
Pandering to whom? If it wasn't clear ths first time, most of yhe families I've talked to are proceeding with Thanksgiving plans. Way more than 38%. However, a lot of them will be a bit smaller than usual.
That's all I was asking.....
A "few people"...1600 dead YESTERDAY
With or without the chinese disease 6000-7000 people will die every day in America

I dont know how many of your covid deaths number are as bogus as biden votes in Georgia and neither do you.

but undoubtedly some are

You talk as if people just suddenly drop dead, that there isn't a cost to the economy of testing, treating and dealing with the millions of sick and dying people. Are you that disassociated from the human costs of the raging pandemic?

When the Affordable Care Act was being debated, Republicans talked about "death panels". If the USA moved to government funded medicine, the government would decide who was worthy of getting precious resources to be "saved" if they got sick. Well congratulations. Thanks to Donald Trump, you now have death panels in all of the hospitals making decisions as to who gets the ventilators and life saving treatments.

Who has ventilator shortages again, Mrs. Kravitz?
I was talking to my stepmom yesterday. Big Italian family--the pared down count is 20. You can't wear a mask while eating, which commences immediately, with munchies in the living room and making sneak attacks into the kitchen under the cover of offering 'help' while filching a bit of this and that. And sucking on your cocktail or beer. If anyone brings a mask, it's going to be hanging off their ear the whole time.

These fools' 'suggestions' for a safe Thanksgiving are apparently from people who have never been at a Thanksgiving dinner, except maybe in a restaurant somewhere. After months of being restricted from seeing family, people are going to gather for their annual afternoon of gorging and muttering over if there are enough french fried onions on the green bean casserole. Maybe in areas where hospitals are filling and community spread is rampant, people will shelve Thanksgiving, but I think most people will quietly go about their traditional holiday, possibly a little smaller than usual.

Our Thanksgiving was in October, and it resulted in a surge of infections, which might have been seasonal, or maybe because too many people got too complacent, or because schools opened just a week or so prior to Thanksgiving. We had a pretty normal summer here, without any Fall Fairs, Peach Festivals, Canal Days, or Mudcat Festivals. Public beaches were closed to non-residents. But for the locals, the public beaches were open. People pretty much stayed in their "family clusters - 10 people or less". What socializing that was done was outdoors, with masks, and socially distanced.

I spent a few lovely weekends at the campgrounds with my daughter and her family. Her sister-in-law has a camping spot two lots down from her so those with 4 people at our campsite, and 2 at hers, those 6 people were my family bubble this summer.

But the Fall got a little scary when we had an outbreak amongst the staff at our local hospital. So Christmas here is questionable, if we want to get back to summer levels until the vaccine is widely available. I'm told contract tracing in Toronto is now dodgy because the Health Department is getting overwhelmed.

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