Americans shocked to learn the Giuliani had a law license!

Stop talking out of your ass. Not even NY Democrats are happy with what the Left has done to their city. NY was fine under Bloomberg, who ran as an independent who more or less continued stayed in the same track as the policies Guiliani implemented, but the shit hit the fan all over the place once De Blasio took over. That's why New Yorkers are leaving in droves to Florida where sane people are in charge.
Americans are shocked to learn that Giuliani had a law license because Giuliani is so utterly incompetent and corrupt – that anyone so incompetent and corrupt could get a law license is shocking; that anyone so incompetent and corrupt could get a law license must mean there’s something wrong with the licensing process.

That’s why good satire reflects elements of the truth.
Well, I hope all those "fleeing" NYC are enjoying the heat, the humidity, the hurricanes and the collapsing buildings there in MyHammy! :D
Americans are shocked to learn that Giuliani had a law license because Giuliani is so utterly incompetent and corrupt – that anyone so incompetent and corrupt could get a law license is shocking; that anyone so incompetent and corrupt could get a law license must mean there’s something wrong with the licensing process.

That’s why good satire reflects elements of the truth.
I have to defend Rudy Giuliani in his cleanup of the city under his watch

Rudy Giuliani (full name "Rudolph William Louis Giuliani") served as the 107th Mayor of New York City from January 1, 1994 until December 31, 2001.

Plus I have to add a correction. Violent felonies weren't at 184,652 , but had dropped to 162,908 when he left office.

That doesn't change that after Rudy left, crime in NYC under subsequent mayors went down year after year. And were at 95,600 for 2019 and 2020.

Much lower than the 162,900 when Rudy retired.

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—After the state of New York banned Rudy Giuliani from practicing law, Americans expressed utter shock and disbelief that he had a law license.​
“I did not know that he was an actual lawyer,” Carol Foyler, who lives in Bridgeport, Connecticut, said. “I just thought he was some skeezy guy Trump met at a wedding or something.”​
“The fact that Rudy Giuliani had a law license shows that the system for granting law licenses is broken,” Harland Dorrinson, a resident of Toledo, Ohio, said. “There need to be background checks to prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future.”​
Tracy Klugian, a spokesman for the New York State Supreme Court’s appellate division, said that their offices have been deluged with requests for law licenses ever since the Giuliani news broke. “People now think we’ll give a law license to anyone,” he said.​

I'm not shocked to see your OP sounds like a 2nd grader.
Sane people didn't let their city be looted or burned down by Leftwing terrorists, while their "follow the science" Democrat governor shoves Covid infected people into senior nursing homes because he's corrupt, thereby causing thousands of deaths, in essence a death sentence for the elderly. I wonder when Coumo will face trial for genocide, and then they can go after him for his abusive sexual harassment behavior towards his own staff. But no, the Marxist neo Leftist fascists would rather use the powers of the state to go after political opponents. As they did with Trump.

The Democratic Party of today is truly a cancer upon this country and the entire world.
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Rudy did far more for New York and this country than probably the entire Democratic Party put together. The only people that are "suprised" about his having a law license are ignorant brainwashed morons:

Rudolph William Louis Giuliani (/ˌdʒuːliˈɑːni/, Italian: [dʒuˈljaːni]; born May 28, 1944) is an American attorney and politician who served as the 107th Mayor of New York City from 1994 to 2001. He served as United States Associate Attorney General from 1981 to 1983 and United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 1983 to 1989.

Giuliani led the 1980s federal prosecution of New York City mafia bosses as U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. After a failed campaign for Mayor of New York City in the 1989 election, he succeeded in 1993, and was reelected in 1997, holding a platform of toughness on crime. He led New York's controversial "civic cleanup" as its mayor from 1994 to 2001. Mayor Giuliani appointed an outsider, William Bratton, as New York City's new police commissioner. Reforming the police department's administration and policing practices, they applied the broken windows theory, which cites social disorder, like disrepair and vandalism, for attracting loitering addicts, panhandlers, and prostitutes, followed by serious and violent criminals. In particular, Giuliani focused on removing panhandlers and sex clubs from Times Square, promoting a "family values" vibe and a return to the area's earlier focus on business, theater, and the arts. As crime rates fell steeply, well ahead of the national average pace, Giuliani was widely credited, yet later critics cite other contributing factors. In 2000, he ran against First Lady Hillary Clinton for a US Senate seat from New York, but left the race once diagnosed with prostate cancer. For his mayoral leadership after the September 11 attacks in 2001, he was called "America's mayor". He was named Time magazine's Person of the Year for 2001, and was given an honorary knighthood in 2002 by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—After the state of New York banned Rudy Giuliani from practicing law, Americans expressed utter shock and disbelief that he had a law license.​
“I did not know that he was an actual lawyer,” Carol Foyler, who lives in Bridgeport, Connecticut, said. “I just thought he was some skeezy guy Trump met at a wedding or something.”​
“The fact that Rudy Giuliani had a law license shows that the system for granting law licenses is broken,” Harland Dorrinson, a resident of Toledo, Ohio, said. “There need to be background checks to prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future.”​
Tracy Klugian, a spokesman for the New York State Supreme Court’s appellate division, said that their offices have been deluged with requests for law licenses ever since the Giuliani news broke. “People now think we’ll give a law license to anyone,” he said.​

I was more shocked when Bill clinton lost his law license

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